| // Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| namespace dart { |
| |
| // clang-format off |
| // (class-name, function-name, recognized enum, fingerprint). |
| // When adding a new function, add a 0 as the fingerprint and run the build in |
| // debug mode to get the correct fingerprint from the mismatch error. |
| V(::, identical, ObjectIdentical, 0x04168315) \ |
| V(ClassID, getID, ClassIDgetID, 0xdc8b888a) \ |
| V(Object, Object., ObjectConstructor, 0xab6d6cfa) \ |
| V(List, ., ListFactory, 0xbc820cf9) \ |
| V(_List, ., ObjectArrayAllocate, 0xd693eee6) \ |
| V(_List, []=, ObjectArraySetIndexed, 0xd7b48abc) \ |
| V(_GrowableList, []=, GrowableArraySetIndexed, 0xd7b48abc) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getInt8, ByteArrayBaseGetInt8, 0x1623dc34) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getUint8, ByteArrayBaseGetUint8, 0x177ffe2a) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getInt16, ByteArrayBaseGetInt16, 0x2e40964f) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getUint16, ByteArrayBaseGetUint16, 0x2fc1f6b9) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getInt32, ByteArrayBaseGetInt32, 0x19182d0a) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getUint32, ByteArrayBaseGetUint32, 0x195d6e7b) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getInt64, ByteArrayBaseGetInt64, 0xf660bfff) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getUint64, ByteArrayBaseGetUint64, 0x2c5b7959) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getFloat32, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat32, 0xe8f6a107) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getFloat64, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat64, 0xf82a3634) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getFloat32x4, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat32x4, 0xaf2d0ce5) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getInt32x4, ByteArrayBaseGetInt32x4, 0x5573740b) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setInt8, ByteArrayBaseSetInt8, 0xe18943a2) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setUint8, ByteArrayBaseSetUint8, 0xaf59b748) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setInt16, ByteArrayBaseSetInt16, 0xbae64027) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setUint16, ByteArrayBaseSetUint16, 0xce22484f) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setInt32, ByteArrayBaseSetInt32, 0xbddaab40) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setUint32, ByteArrayBaseSetUint32, 0xb966a3b2) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setInt64, ByteArrayBaseSetInt64, 0xc8cd4f7a) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setUint64, ByteArrayBaseSetUint64, 0xda473205) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setFloat32, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat32, 0x2f362de0) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setFloat64, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat64, 0x2359f8d2) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setFloat32x4, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat32x4, 0x38c6295a) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setInt32x4, ByteArrayBaseSetInt32x4, 0x5ce9025b) \ |
| V(ByteData, ., ByteDataFactory, 0x8a8b07a8) \ |
| V(_ByteDataView, get:offsetInBytes, ByteDataViewOffsetInBytes, 0x60cef22c) \ |
| V(_ByteDataView, get:_typedData, ByteDataViewTypedData, 0xb9d15ffa) \ |
| V(_TypedListView, get:offsetInBytes, TypedDataViewOffsetInBytes, 0x60cef22c) \ |
| V(_TypedListView, get:_typedData, TypedDataViewTypedData, 0xb9d15ffa) \ |
| V(_ByteDataView, ._, TypedData_ByteDataView_factory, 0x3187137c) \ |
| V(_Int8ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Int8ArrayView_factory, 0x445611ca) \ |
| V(_Uint8ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Uint8ArrayView_factory, 0x96008895) \ |
| V(_Uint8ClampedArrayView, ._, TypedData_Uint8ClampedArrayView_factory, \ |
| 0x05397869) \ |
| V(_Int16ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Int16ArrayView_factory, 0x490e13db) \ |
| V(_Uint16ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Uint16ArrayView_factory, 0x9ff8c632) \ |
| V(_Int32ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Int32ArrayView_factory, 0xe2e9aa79) \ |
| V(_Uint32ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Uint32ArrayView_factory, 0x8682baa1) \ |
| V(_Int64ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Int64ArrayView_factory, 0x12c74eaf) \ |
| V(_Uint64ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Uint64ArrayView_factory, 0x25c66efd) \ |
| V(_Float32ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Float32ArrayView_factory, 0xdc968c44) \ |
| V(_Float64ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Float64ArrayView_factory, 0xcb765517) \ |
| V(_Float32x4ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Float32x4ArrayView_factory, 0x665eaec0) \ |
| V(_Int32x4ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Int32x4ArrayView_factory, 0x04b05d05) \ |
| V(_Float64x2ArrayView, ._, TypedData_Float64x2ArrayView_factory, 0x42e25ba4) \ |
| V(Int8List, ., TypedData_Int8Array_factory, 0x660dd888) \ |
| V(Uint8List, ., TypedData_Uint8Array_factory, 0xede3f64f) \ |
| V(Uint8ClampedList, ., TypedData_Uint8ClampedArray_factory, 0x28063755) \ |
| V(Int16List, ., TypedData_Int16Array_factory, 0xd0cd98f3) \ |
| V(Uint16List, ., TypedData_Uint16Array_factory, 0x3cb5fb6a) \ |
| V(Int32List, ., TypedData_Int32Array_factory, 0x1b8ff320) \ |
| V(Uint32List, ., TypedData_Uint32Array_factory, 0x2b2f9a8b) \ |
| V(Int64List, ., TypedData_Int64Array_factory, 0xfb71de2f) \ |
| V(Uint64List, ., TypedData_Uint64Array_factory, 0xe3cfcff8) \ |
| V(Float32List, ., TypedData_Float32Array_factory, 0xa39068fe) \ |
| V(Float64List, ., TypedData_Float64Array_factory, 0xa0c64e91) \ |
| V(Float32x4List, ., TypedData_Float32x4Array_factory, 0x0a7d7b88) \ |
| V(Int32x4List, ., TypedData_Int32x4Array_factory, 0x5a17b46e) \ |
| V(Float64x2List, ., TypedData_Float64x2Array_factory, 0xeccaff6a) \ |
| V(::, _toClampedUint8, ConvertIntToClampedUint8, 0x00fc4650) \ |
| V(::, copyRangeFromUint8ListToOneByteString, \ |
| CopyRangeFromUint8ListToOneByteString, 0x0df019c5) \ |
| V(_StringBase, _interpolate, StringBaseInterpolate, 0xfc28bc84) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, toDouble, IntegerToDouble, 0x97728b46) \ |
| V(_Double, _add, DoubleAdd, 0xea666327) \ |
| V(_Double, _sub, DoubleSub, 0x28474c2e) \ |
| V(_Double, _mul, DoubleMul, 0x1f98c76c) \ |
| V(_Double, _div, DoubleDiv, 0x287d3791) \ |
| V(_Double, _modulo, DoubleMod, 0xfdb397ef) \ |
| V(_Double, ceil, DoubleCeilToInt, 0xcef8d7c5) \ |
| V(_Double, ceilToDouble, DoubleCeilToDouble, 0x5f1bced9) \ |
| V(_Double, floor, DoubleFloorToInt, 0x2a323f88) \ |
| V(_Double, floorToDouble, DoubleFloorToDouble, 0x54b4cb48) \ |
| V(_Double, roundToDouble, DoubleRoundToDouble, 0x5649ca00) \ |
| V(_Double, toInt, DoubleToInteger, 0x676f20a9) \ |
| V(_Double, truncateToDouble, DoubleTruncateToDouble, 0x62d48659) \ |
| V(::, min, MathMin, 0x504a28df) \ |
| V(::, max, MathMax, 0xead7161a) \ |
| V(::, _doublePow, MathDoublePow, 0x989f3334) \ |
| V(::, _intPow, MathIntPow, 0x68b6021e) \ |
| V(::, _sin, MathSin, 0x17dacdc4) \ |
| V(::, _cos, MathCos, 0xf4948106) \ |
| V(::, _tan, MathTan, 0xeb1a58f8) \ |
| V(::, _asin, MathAsin, 0x29e4d95f) \ |
| V(::, _acos, MathAcos, 0x200aa49c) \ |
| V(::, _atan, MathAtan, 0x10fa64b3) \ |
| V(::, _atan2, MathAtan2, 0x58d4f514) \ |
| V(::, _sqrt, MathSqrt, 0x03183751) \ |
| V(::, _exp, MathExp, 0x00f50391) \ |
| V(::, _log, MathLog, 0x09ae8823) \ |
| V(Float32x4, _Float32x4FromDoubles, Float32x4FromDoubles, 0x1845792b) \ |
| V(Float32x4, Float32x4.zero, Float32x4Zero, 0xd3b64002) \ |
| V(Float32x4, _Float32x4Splat, Float32x4Splat, 0x13a552c3) \ |
| V(Float32x4, Float32x4.fromInt32x4Bits, Int32x4ToFloat32x4, 0x7ed59542) \ |
| V(Float32x4, Float32x4.fromFloat64x2, Float64x2ToFloat32x4, 0x50be8d8d) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, shuffle, Float32x4Shuffle, 0xa7f1b7eb) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, shuffleMix, Float32x4ShuffleMix, 0x79a0c2cc) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, get:signMask, Float32x4GetSignMask, 0x7c6b11ea) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, equal, Float32x4Equal, 0x445aed76) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, greaterThan, Float32x4GreaterThan, 0x524d7d7f) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, greaterThanOrEqual, Float32x4GreaterThanOrEqual, 0x4e6e61b7) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, lessThan, Float32x4LessThan, 0x4a18711d) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, lessThanOrEqual, Float32x4LessThanOrEqual, 0x46775340) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, notEqual, Float32x4NotEqual, 0x644f3543) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, min, Float32x4Min, 0xe41e9e92) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, max, Float32x4Max, 0xc64e2063) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, scale, Float32x4Scale, 0xa3b74802) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, sqrt, Float32x4Sqrt, 0xe4f6fab2) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, reciprocalSqrt, Float32x4ReciprocalSqrt, 0xddd7f238) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, reciprocal, Float32x4Reciprocal, 0xd4522272) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, unary-, Float32x4Negate, 0xe6abc412) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, abs, Float32x4Abs, 0xeb467e48) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, clamp, Float32x4Clamp, 0x77cd71dd) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, _withX, Float32x4WithX, 0xa3179faf) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, _withY, Float32x4WithY, 0x9bb9b443) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, _withZ, Float32x4WithZ, 0x97d62ea0) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, _withW, Float32x4WithW, 0x9533225b) \ |
| V(Float64x2, _Float64x2FromDoubles, Float64x2FromDoubles, 0xd858e051) \ |
| V(Float64x2, Float64x2.zero, Float64x2Zero, 0x82948918) \ |
| V(Float64x2, _Float64x2Splat, Float64x2Splat, 0x5b136bc4) \ |
| V(Float64x2, Float64x2.fromFloat32x4, Float32x4ToFloat64x2, 0x6ea79c66) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, get:x, Float64x2GetX, 0x3a398530) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, get:y, Float64x2GetY, 0x27cae053) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, unary-, Float64x2Negate, 0x958a0d28) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, abs, Float64x2Abs, 0x9a24c75e) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, sqrt, Float64x2Sqrt, 0x93d543c8) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, get:signMask, Float64x2GetSignMask, 0x7c6b11ea) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, scale, Float64x2Scale, 0x52959118) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, _withX, Float64x2WithX, 0x51f5e8c5) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, _withY, Float64x2WithY, 0x4a97fd59) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, min, Float64x2Min, 0x362edc52) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, max, Float64x2Max, 0x185e5e23) \ |
| V(Int32x4, _Int32x4FromInts, Int32x4FromInts, 0xa900bd30) \ |
| V(Int32x4, _Int32x4FromBools, Int32x4FromBools, 0xf56c8fc8) \ |
| V(Int32x4, Int32x4.fromFloat32x4Bits, Float32x4ToInt32x4, 0x45727561) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, get:flagX, Int32x4GetFlagX, 0xc29f03d8) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, get:flagY, Int32x4GetFlagY, 0xde0f3ab8) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, get:flagZ, Int32x4GetFlagZ, 0xebb8d60b) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, get:flagW, Int32x4GetFlagW, 0xf4d8e84c) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, get:signMask, Int32x4GetSignMask, 0x7c6b11ea) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, shuffle, Int32x4Shuffle, 0x406211d3) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, shuffleMix, Int32x4ShuffleMix, 0x4fe8349c) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, select, Int32x4Select, 0x68ca9fa0) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, _withFlagX, Int32x4WithFlagX, 0xb7df0063) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, _withFlagY, Int32x4WithFlagY, 0xa8cf9ba6) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, _withFlagZ, Int32x4WithFlagZ, 0xa8058854) \ |
| V(_Int32x4, _withFlagW, Int32x4WithFlagW, 0xb333f958) \ |
| V(_HashVMBase, get:_index, LinkedHashBase_getIndex, 0x882671dc) \ |
| V(_HashVMBase, set:_index, LinkedHashBase_setIndex, 0xa2be9418) \ |
| V(_HashVMBase, get:_data, LinkedHashBase_getData, 0x780e14ad) \ |
| V(_HashVMBase, set:_data, LinkedHashBase_setData, 0xb6a5c369) \ |
| V(_HashVMBase, get:_usedData, LinkedHashBase_getUsedData, 0x470893ed) \ |
| V(_HashVMBase, set:_usedData, LinkedHashBase_setUsedData, 0xb3c887a9) \ |
| V(_HashVMBase, get:_hashMask, LinkedHashBase_getHashMask, 0x4f0ec79c) \ |
| V(_HashVMBase, set:_hashMask, LinkedHashBase_setHashMask, 0xbbcebb58) \ |
| V(_HashVMBase, get:_deletedKeys, LinkedHashBase_getDeletedKeys, 0x510dc4a0) \ |
| V(_HashVMBase, set:_deletedKeys, LinkedHashBase_setDeletedKeys, 0xbdcdb85c) \ |
| V(_HashVMImmutableBase, get:_data, ImmutableLinkedHashBase_getData, \ |
| 0x780e14ad) \ |
| V(_HashVMImmutableBase, get:_indexNullable, \ |
| ImmutableLinkedHashBase_getIndex, 0xfd877bfb) \ |
| V(_HashVMImmutableBase, set:_index, \ |
| ImmutableLinkedHashBase_setIndexStoreRelease, 0xa2be9418) \ |
| V(_WeakProperty, get:key, WeakProperty_getKey, 0xde00e462) \ |
| V(_WeakProperty, set:key, WeakProperty_setKey, 0x963a095f) \ |
| V(_WeakProperty, get:value, WeakProperty_getValue, 0xd2f28aae) \ |
| V(_WeakProperty, set:value, WeakProperty_setValue, 0x8b2bafab) \ |
| V(::, _classRangeCheck, ClassRangeCheck, 0x00269620) \ |
| V(::, _abi, FfiAbi, 0x7c4ab775) \ |
| V(::, _asFunctionInternal, FfiAsFunctionInternal, 0x92ae104f) \ |
| V(::, _nativeCallbackFunction, FfiNativeCallbackFunction, 0x3ff5ae9c) \ |
| V(::, _nativeEffect, NativeEffect, 0x61e00b59) \ |
| V(::, _loadAbiSpecificInt, FfiLoadAbiSpecificInt, 0x7807e872) \ |
| V(::, _loadAbiSpecificIntAtIndex, FfiLoadAbiSpecificIntAtIndex, 0x6aa4cab4) \ |
| V(::, _loadInt8, FfiLoadInt8, 0x0f04e397) \ |
| V(::, _loadInt16, FfiLoadInt16, 0xec4434ee) \ |
| V(::, _loadInt32, FfiLoadInt32, 0xee224384) \ |
| V(::, _loadInt64, FfiLoadInt64, 0xdeefc364) \ |
| V(::, _loadUint8, FfiLoadUint8, 0xe14e2092) \ |
| V(::, _loadUint16, FfiLoadUint16, 0x0cd660ab) \ |
| V(::, _loadUint32, FfiLoadUint32, 0xf66e9416) \ |
| V(::, _loadUint64, FfiLoadUint64, 0x0506018d) \ |
| V(::, _loadFloat, FfiLoadFloat, 0xf8d9845d) \ |
| V(::, _loadFloatUnaligned, FfiLoadFloatUnaligned, 0xc8c8dfff) \ |
| V(::, _loadDouble, FfiLoadDouble, 0xf70cc619) \ |
| V(::, _loadDoubleUnaligned, FfiLoadDoubleUnaligned, 0xc99ebd39) \ |
| V(::, _loadPointer, FfiLoadPointer, 0x4e79d0fc) \ |
| V(::, _storeAbiSpecificInt, FfiStoreAbiSpecificInt, 0xc70954c0) \ |
| V(::, _storeAbiSpecificIntAtIndex, FfiStoreAbiSpecificIntAtIndex, 0xc64efe4b)\ |
| V(::, _storeInt8, FfiStoreInt8, 0xdf50b2cd) \ |
| V(::, _storeInt16, FfiStoreInt16, 0xd84df6f3) \ |
| V(::, _storeInt32, FfiStoreInt32, 0xfbe6301e) \ |
| V(::, _storeInt64, FfiStoreInt64, 0xf1d4113b) \ |
| V(::, _storeUint8, FfiStoreUint8, 0x056dd6b7) \ |
| V(::, _storeUint16, FfiStoreUint16, 0xe2fdae9f) \ |
| V(::, _storeUint32, FfiStoreUint32, 0xe5d7ec86) \ |
| V(::, _storeUint64, FfiStoreUint64, 0xe2d935fa) \ |
| V(::, _storeFloat, FfiStoreFloat, 0x6484f07e) \ |
| V(::, _storeFloatUnaligned, FfiStoreFloatUnaligned, 0x600a9203) \ |
| V(::, _storeDouble, FfiStoreDouble, 0x42998c64) \ |
| V(::, _storeDoubleUnaligned, FfiStoreDoubleUnaligned, 0x3dced75b) \ |
| V(::, _storePointer, FfiStorePointer, 0xea6b7751) \ |
| V(::, _fromAddress, FfiFromAddress, 0xfd8cb1cc) \ |
| V(Pointer, get:address, FfiGetAddress, 0x7cde87be) \ |
| V(::, _asExternalTypedDataInt8, FfiAsExternalTypedDataInt8, 0x768a0698) \ |
| V(::, _asExternalTypedDataInt16, FfiAsExternalTypedDataInt16, 0xd09cf9c6) \ |
| V(::, _asExternalTypedDataInt32, FfiAsExternalTypedDataInt32, 0x38248946) \ |
| V(::, _asExternalTypedDataInt64, FfiAsExternalTypedDataInt64, 0xafaa47fb) \ |
| V(::, _asExternalTypedDataUint8, FfiAsExternalTypedDataUint8, 0x35228834) \ |
| V(::, _asExternalTypedDataUint16, FfiAsExternalTypedDataUint16, 0x89a51e3a) \ |
| V(::, _asExternalTypedDataUint32, FfiAsExternalTypedDataUint32, 0xd272dc41) \ |
| V(::, _asExternalTypedDataUint64, FfiAsExternalTypedDataUint64, 0x06be71c5) \ |
| V(::, _asExternalTypedDataFloat, FfiAsExternalTypedDataFloat, 0x6f465e0c) \ |
| V(::, _asExternalTypedDataDouble, FfiAsExternalTypedDataDouble, 0x40cdd9e1) \ |
| V(::, _getNativeField, GetNativeField, 0xa0139b85) \ |
| V(::, reachabilityFence, ReachabilityFence, 0x619235c1) \ |
| V(_Utf8Decoder, _scan, Utf8DecoderScan, 0x1dcaf73d) \ |
| V(_Future, timeout, FutureTimeout, 0x73041520) \ |
| V(Future, wait, FutureWait, 0x495c83cd) \ |
| V(_RootZone, runUnary, RootZoneRunUnary, 0xb607f8bf) \ |
| V(_FutureListener, handleValue, FutureListenerHandleValue, 0x438115a8) \ |
| V(::, has63BitSmis, Has63BitSmis, 0xf61b5ab2) \ |
| |
| // List of intrinsics: |
| // (class-name, function-name, intrinsification method, fingerprint). |
| V(_Smi, get:bitLength, Smi_bitLength, 0x7ab50ceb) \ |
| V(_BigIntImpl, _lsh, Bigint_lsh, 0x5de6ab16) \ |
| V(_BigIntImpl, _rsh, Bigint_rsh, 0xa8090d4f) \ |
| V(_BigIntImpl, _absAdd, Bigint_absAdd, 0xdc2a8a75) \ |
| V(_BigIntImpl, _absSub, Bigint_absSub, 0x23653a4f) \ |
| V(_BigIntImpl, _mulAdd, Bigint_mulAdd, 0x08fc5919) \ |
| V(_BigIntImpl, _sqrAdd, Bigint_sqrAdd, 0xd1b6bf41) \ |
| V(_BigIntImpl, _estimateQuotientDigit, Bigint_estimateQuotientDigit, \ |
| 0x3b2a5ba4) \ |
| V(_BigIntMontgomeryReduction, _mulMod, Montgomery_mulMod, 0xc1c66bf4) \ |
| V(_Double, >, Double_greaterThan, 0x9872cc67) \ |
| V(_Double, >=, Double_greaterEqualThan, 0xfecba6b3) \ |
| V(_Double, <, Double_lessThan, 0xf07a87d4) \ |
| V(_Double, <=, Double_lessEqualThan, 0xb6764495) \ |
| V(_Double, ==, Double_equal, 0xa91c918f) \ |
| V(_Double, +, Double_add, 0xc54725bf) \ |
| V(_Double, -, Double_sub, 0xb8343210) \ |
| V(_Double, *, Double_mul, 0xf9bb3c0d) \ |
| V(_Double, /, Double_div, 0xefe9ca49) \ |
| V(_Double, get:hashCode, Double_hashCode, 0x75e0d093) \ |
| V(_Double, get:_identityHashCode, Double_identityHash, 0x47a56551) \ |
| V(_Double, get:isNaN, Double_getIsNaN, 0xd4890713) \ |
| V(_Double, get:isInfinite, Double_getIsInfinite, 0xc4facbd2) \ |
| V(_Double, get:isNegative, Double_getIsNegative, 0xd4715091) \ |
| V(_Double, _mulFromInteger, Double_mulFromInteger, 0x0a50d2cf) \ |
| V(_Double, .fromInteger, DoubleFromInteger, 0x7d0fd999) \ |
| V(_GrowableList, ._withData, GrowableArray_Allocate, 0xa32d060b) \ |
| V(_RegExp, _ExecuteMatch, RegExp_ExecuteMatch, 0x9911d549) \ |
| V(_RegExp, _ExecuteMatchSticky, RegExp_ExecuteMatchSticky, 0x91dd880f) \ |
| V(Object, ==, ObjectEquals, 0x46587030) \ |
| V(Object, get:runtimeType, ObjectRuntimeType, 0x0381c851) \ |
| V(Object, _haveSameRuntimeType, ObjectHaveSameRuntimeType, 0xce4e6295) \ |
| V(_StringBase, get:hashCode, String_getHashCode, 0x75e0d454) \ |
| V(_StringBase, get:_identityHashCode, String_identityHash, 0x47a56912) \ |
| V(_StringBase, get:isEmpty, StringBaseIsEmpty, 0xfecd3cf3) \ |
| V(_StringBase, _substringMatches, StringBaseSubstringMatches, 0x87094a2a) \ |
| V(_StringBase, [], StringBaseCharAt, 0xd06fc6bf) \ |
| V(_OneByteString, get:hashCode, OneByteString_getHashCode, 0x75e0d454) \ |
| V(_OneByteString, _substringUncheckedNative, \ |
| OneByteString_substringUnchecked, 0x9b18195e) \ |
| V(_OneByteString, ==, OneByteString_equality, 0xb50039a8) \ |
| V(_TwoByteString, ==, TwoByteString_equality, 0xb50039a8) \ |
| V(_Type, get:hashCode, Type_getHashCode, 0x75e0d454) \ |
| V(_Type, ==, Type_equality, 0x465868ae) \ |
| V(_FunctionType, get:hashCode, FunctionType_getHashCode, 0x75e0d454) \ |
| V(_FunctionType, ==, FunctionType_equality, 0x465868ae) \ |
| V(::, _getHash, Object_getHash, 0xc60ff758) \ |
| |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, >, Integer_greaterThan, 0xf741693b) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, ==, Integer_equal, 0xa8aba26a) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, _equalToInteger, Integer_equalToInteger, \ |
| 0x710f18c2) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, <, Integer_lessThan, 0xf07a87d4) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, <=, Integer_lessEqualThan, 0xb6764495) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, >=, Integer_greaterEqualThan, 0xfecba6b3) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, <<, Integer_shl, 0x2d855b02) \ |
| |
| V(_Random, _nextState, Random_nextState, 0x7207677d) \ |
| |
| V(_Int8List, [], Int8ArrayGetIndexed, 0x35f3fab6) \ |
| V(_Int8List, []=, Int8ArraySetIndexed, 0x6e4fdaa7) \ |
| V(_Uint8List, [], Uint8ArrayGetIndexed, 0x9b6c7e76) \ |
| V(_Uint8List, []=, Uint8ArraySetIndexed, 0xbadee66b) \ |
| V(_ExternalUint8Array, [], ExternalUint8ArrayGetIndexed, 0x9b6c7e76) \ |
| V(_ExternalUint8Array, []=, ExternalUint8ArraySetIndexed, 0xbadee66b) \ |
| V(_Uint8ClampedList, [], Uint8ClampedArrayGetIndexed, 0x9b6c7e76) \ |
| V(_Uint8ClampedList, []=, Uint8ClampedArraySetIndexed, 0xb0de9c0b) \ |
| V(_ExternalUint8ClampedArray, [], ExternalUint8ClampedArrayGetIndexed, \ |
| 0x9b6c7e76) \ |
| V(_ExternalUint8ClampedArray, []=, ExternalUint8ClampedArraySetIndexed, \ |
| 0xb0de9c0b) \ |
| V(_Int16List, [], Int16ArrayGetIndexed, 0x15f25a16) \ |
| V(_Int16List, []=, Int16ArraySetIndexed, 0xfecf9e32) \ |
| V(_Uint16List, [], Uint16ArrayGetIndexed, 0xf9cb3616) \ |
| V(_Uint16List, []=, Uint16ArraySetIndexed, 0xe71245a9) \ |
| V(_Int32List, [], Int32ArrayGetIndexed, 0x178fffb5) \ |
| V(_Int32List, []=, Int32ArraySetIndexed, 0xdd041ad1) \ |
| V(_Uint32List, [], Uint32ArrayGetIndexed, 0x66e26555) \ |
| V(_Uint32List, []=, Uint32ArraySetIndexed, 0xc8a78f51) \ |
| V(_Int64List, [], Int64ArrayGetIndexed, 0x505859f5) \ |
| V(_Int64List, []=, Int64ArraySetIndexed, 0x5a2e23b7) \ |
| V(_Uint64List, [], Uint64ArrayGetIndexed, 0x8d1cbf75) \ |
| V(_Uint64List, []=, Uint64ArraySetIndexed, 0x258f94ef) \ |
| V(_Float64List, [], Float64ArrayGetIndexed, 0x6d778ebc) \ |
| V(_Float64List, []=, Float64ArraySetIndexed, 0xed47a595) \ |
| V(_Float32List, [], Float32ArrayGetIndexed, 0x43758fdc) \ |
| V(_Float32List, []=, Float32ArraySetIndexed, 0x489602c3) \ |
| V(_Float32x4List, [], Float32x4ArrayGetIndexed, 0xed5d8d35) \ |
| V(_Float32x4List, []=, Float32x4ArraySetIndexed, 0x0b093d30) \ |
| V(_Int32x4List, [], Int32x4ArrayGetIndexed, 0x834607ad) \ |
| V(_Int32x4List, []=, Int32x4ArraySetIndexed, 0x17a2cbc0) \ |
| V(_Float64x2List, [], Float64x2ArrayGetIndexed, 0xea0577df) \ |
| V(_Float64x2List, []=, Float64x2ArraySetIndexed, 0x8af8aa58) \ |
| V(_TypedListBase, get:length, TypedListBaseLength, 0x5850f06b) \ |
| V(_ByteDataView, get:length, ByteDataViewLength, 0x5850f06b) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, get:x, Float32x4ShuffleX, 0x3a398530) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, get:y, Float32x4ShuffleY, 0x27cae053) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, get:z, Float32x4ShuffleZ, 0x5d964be9) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, get:w, Float32x4ShuffleW, 0x3fd6906b) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, *, Float32x4Mul, 0xe5507c87) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, /, Float32x4Div, 0xc09f2f62) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, -, Float32x4Sub, 0xdd326c4a) \ |
| V(_Float32x4, +, Float32x4Add, 0xb7f9a1d9) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, *, Float64x2Mul, 0x3760b686) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, /, Float64x2Div, 0x12af6d22) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, -, Float64x2Sub, 0x2f42a649) \ |
| V(_Float64x2, +, Float64x2Add, 0x0a09dbd8) \ |
| |
| V(_List, get:length, ObjectArrayLength, 0x5850f06b) \ |
| V(_List, [], ObjectArrayGetIndexed, 0x57b029cf) \ |
| V(_List, _setIndexed, ObjectArraySetIndexedUnchecked, 0x02f293ae) \ |
| V(_ImmutableList, get:length, ImmutableArrayLength, 0x5850f06b) \ |
| V(_ImmutableList, [], ImmutableArrayGetIndexed, 0x57b029cf) \ |
| V(_GrowableList, get:length, GrowableArrayLength, 0x5850f06b) \ |
| V(_GrowableList, get:_capacity, GrowableArrayCapacity, 0x7d9f9bf2) \ |
| V(_GrowableList, _setData, GrowableArraySetData, 0xbdda401b) \ |
| V(_GrowableList, _setLength, GrowableArraySetLength, 0xcc1bf9b6) \ |
| V(_GrowableList, [], GrowableArrayGetIndexed, 0x57b029cf) \ |
| V(_GrowableList, _setIndexed, GrowableArraySetIndexedUnchecked, 0xfb40ee4f) \ |
| V(_StringBase, get:length, StringBaseLength, 0x5850f06b) \ |
| V(_OneByteString, codeUnitAt, OneByteStringCodeUnitAt, 0x17f90910) \ |
| V(_TwoByteString, codeUnitAt, TwoByteStringCodeUnitAt, 0x17f90910) \ |
| V(_ExternalOneByteString, codeUnitAt, ExternalOneByteStringCodeUnitAt, \ |
| 0x17f90910) \ |
| V(_ExternalTwoByteString, codeUnitAt, ExternalTwoByteStringCodeUnitAt, \ |
| 0x17f90910) \ |
| V(_Smi, ~, Smi_bitNegate, 0x8254f8dc) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, +, Integer_add, 0x8c775aac) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, -, Integer_sub, 0x8080699d) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, *, Integer_mul, 0x63efbe3a) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, %, Integer_mod, 0x93a8d914) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, ~/, Integer_truncDivide, 0x4c5b2b80) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, unary-, Integer_negate, 0xaec000b3) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, &, Integer_bitAnd, 0x42b3d650) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, |, Integer_bitOr, 0x465e5008) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, ^, Integer_bitXor, 0x8f4f190f) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, >>, Integer_sar, 0x4a3615a7) \ |
| V(_IntegerImplementation, >>>, Integer_shr, 0x2bac5209) \ |
| V(_Double, unary-, DoubleFlipSignBit, 0x3d39082b) \ |
| |
| |
| V(::, _getDefaultTag, UserTag_defaultTag, 0x6c19c8a5) \ |
| V(::, _getCurrentTag, Profiler_getCurrentTag, 0x70ead08e) \ |
| V(::, _isDartStreamEnabled, Timeline_isDartStreamEnabled, 0xc97aafb3) \ |
| |
| V(::, allocateOneByteString, AllocateOneByteString, 0x9e774214) \ |
| V(::, allocateTwoByteString, AllocateTwoByteString, 0xa63c7db1) \ |
| V(::, writeIntoOneByteString, WriteIntoOneByteString, 0xd8729161) \ |
| V(::, writeIntoTwoByteString, WriteIntoTwoByteString, 0xcfc7982a) \ |
| |
| |
| #define ALL_INTRINSICS_LIST(V) \ |
| |
| #define RECOGNIZED_LIST(V) \ |
| |
| // A list of core functions that internally dispatch based on received id. |
| V(_StringBase, [], StringBaseCharAt, 0xd06fc6bf) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getInt8, ByteArrayBaseGetInt8, 0x1623dc34) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getUint8, ByteArrayBaseGetUint8, 0x177ffe2a) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getInt16, ByteArrayBaseGetInt16, 0x2e40964f) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getUint16, ByteArrayBaseGetUint16, 0x2fc1f6b9) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getInt32, ByteArrayBaseGetInt32, 0x19182d0a) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getUint32, ByteArrayBaseGetUint32, 0x195d6e7b) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getInt64, ByteArrayBaseGetInt64, 0xf660bfff) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getUint64, ByteArrayBaseGetUint64, 0x2c5b7959) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getFloat32, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat32, 0xe8f6a107) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getFloat64, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat64, 0xf82a3634) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getFloat32x4, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat32x4, 0xaf2d0ce5) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _getInt32x4, ByteArrayBaseGetInt32x4, 0x5573740b) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setInt8, ByteArrayBaseSetInt8, 0xe18943a2) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setUint8, ByteArrayBaseSetInt8, 0xaf59b748) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setInt16, ByteArrayBaseSetInt16, 0xbae64027) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setUint16, ByteArrayBaseSetInt16, 0xce22484f) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setInt32, ByteArrayBaseSetInt32, 0xbddaab40) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setUint32, ByteArrayBaseSetUint32, 0xb966a3b2) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setInt64, ByteArrayBaseSetInt64, 0xc8cd4f7a) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setUint64, ByteArrayBaseSetUint64, 0xda473205) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setFloat32, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat32, 0x2f362de0) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setFloat64, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat64, 0x2359f8d2) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setFloat32x4, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat32x4, 0x38c6295a) \ |
| V(_TypedList, _setInt32x4, ByteArrayBaseSetInt32x4, 0x5ce9025b) \ |
| V(Object, get:runtimeType, ObjectRuntimeType, 0x0381c851) |
| |
| // List of recognized list factories: |
| // (factory-name-symbol, class-name-string, constructor-name-string, |
| // result-cid, fingerprint). |
| V(_ListFactory, _List, ., kArrayCid, 0xd693eee6) \ |
| V(_ListFilledFactory, _List, .filled, kArrayCid, 0x7f29060d) \ |
| V(_ListGenerateFactory, _List, .generate, kArrayCid, 0x95feb438) \ |
| V(_GrowableListFactory, _GrowableList, ., kGrowableObjectArrayCid, \ |
| 0xc1b55e71) \ |
| V(_GrowableListFilledFactory, _GrowableList, .filled, \ |
| kGrowableObjectArrayCid, 0x37d0dc65) \ |
| V(_GrowableListGenerateFactory, _GrowableList, .generate, \ |
| kGrowableObjectArrayCid, 0x52f61890) \ |
| V(_GrowableListWithData, _GrowableList, ._withData, kGrowableObjectArrayCid, \ |
| 0xa32d060b) \ |
| V(_Int8ArrayFactory, Int8List, ., kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid, 0x660dd888) \ |
| V(_Uint8ArrayFactory, Uint8List, ., kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid, 0xede3f64f) \ |
| V(_Uint8ClampedArrayFactory, Uint8ClampedList, ., \ |
| kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid, 0x28063755) \ |
| V(_Int16ArrayFactory, Int16List, ., kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid, 0xd0cd98f3) \ |
| V(_Uint16ArrayFactory, Uint16List, ., kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid, 0x3cb5fb6a) \ |
| V(_Int32ArrayFactory, Int32List, ., kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid, 0x1b8ff320) \ |
| V(_Uint32ArrayFactory, Uint32List, ., kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid, 0x2b2f9a8b) \ |
| V(_Int64ArrayFactory, Int64List, ., kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid, 0xfb71de2f) \ |
| V(_Uint64ArrayFactory, Uint64List, ., kTypedDataUint64ArrayCid, 0xe3cfcff8) \ |
| V(_Float64ArrayFactory, Float64List, ., kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid, \ |
| 0xa0c64e91) \ |
| V(_Float32ArrayFactory, Float32List, ., kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid, \ |
| 0xa39068fe) \ |
| V(_Float32x4ArrayFactory, Float32x4List, ., kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid, \ |
| 0x0a7d7b88) |
| |
| // clang-format on |
| |
| } // namespace dart |
| |