blob: 5d5193f06d59d843bb58ef9f3456de6599abb51e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// Callback API used by flow analysis to query and manipulate the client's
/// representation of variables and types.
abstract interface class FlowAnalysisOperations<Variable extends Object,
Type extends Object> implements FlowAnalysisTypeOperations<Type> {
/// Determines whether the given property can be promoted.
/// [property] will correspond to a `propertyMember` value passed to
/// [FlowAnalysis.promotedPropertyType], [FlowAnalysis.propertyGet], or
/// [FlowAnalysis.pushPropertySubpattern].
/// This method will not be called if field promotion is disabled for the
/// current library.
bool isPropertyPromotable(Object property);
/// Returns the static type of the given [variable].
Type variableType(Variable variable);
/// Returns additional information about why a given property couldn't be
/// promoted. [propertyMember] will correspond to a `propertyMember` value
/// passed to [FlowAnalysis.promotedPropertyType], [FlowAnalysis.propertyGet],
/// or [FlowAnalysis.pushPropertySubpattern].
/// This method is only called if a closure returned by
/// [FlowAnalysis.whyNotPromoted] is invoked, and the expression being queried
/// is a reference to a private property that wasn't promoted; this typically
/// means that an error occurred and the client is attempting to produce a
/// context message to provide additional information about the error (i.e.,
/// that the error happened due to failed promotion).
/// The client should return `null` if [property] was not promotable due to a
/// conflict with a field, getter, or noSuchMethod forwarder elsewhere in the
/// library; if this happens, the closure returned by
/// [FlowAnalysis.whyNotPromoted] will yield an object of type
/// [PropertyNotPromotedForNonInherentReason] containing enough information
/// for the client to be able to generate the appropriate context information.
/// If this method is called when analyzing a library for which field
/// promotion is disabled, and the property in question *would* have been
/// promotable if field promotion had been enabled, the client should return
/// `null`; otherwise it should behave as if field promotion were enabled.
PropertyNonPromotabilityReason? whyPropertyIsNotPromotable(Object property);
/// Callback API used by flow analysis to query and manipulate the client's
/// representation of types.
abstract interface class FlowAnalysisTypeOperations<Type extends Object> {
/// Returns the client's representation of the type `bool`.
Type get boolType;
/// Classifies the given type into one of the three categories defined by
/// the [TypeClassification] enum.
TypeClassification classifyType(Type type);
/// If [type] is an extension type, returns the ultimate representation type.
/// Otherwise returns [type] as is.
Type extensionTypeErasure(Type type);
/// Returns the "remainder" of [from] when [what] has been removed from
/// consideration by an instance check.
Type factor(Type from, Type what);
/// Determines whether the given [type] is equivalent to the `Never` type.
/// A type is equivalent to `Never` if it:
/// (a) is the `Never` type itself.
/// (b) is a type variable that extends `Never`, OR
/// (c) is a type variable that has been promoted to `Never`
bool isNever(Type type);
/// Return `true` if the [leftType] is a subtype of the [rightType].
bool isSubtypeOf(Type leftType, Type rightType);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is a reference to a type parameter.
bool isTypeParameterType(Type type);
/// Returns the non-null promoted version of [type].
/// Note that some types don't have a non-nullable version (e.g.
/// `FutureOr<int?>`), so [type] may be returned even if it is nullable.
Type promoteToNonNull(Type type);
/// Tries to promote to the first type from the second type, and returns the
/// promoted type if it succeeds, otherwise null.
Type? tryPromoteToType(Type to, Type from);
/// Possible reasons why a property may not be promotable.
/// This enum captures the possible non-promotability reasons that are inherent
/// to the property declaration itself. A property may also be non-promotable
/// because field promotion is disabled, or due to a conflict with another
/// declaration; the code that handles those two reasons doesn't use this enum.
/// Some of these reasons are distinguished by [FieldPromotability.addField];
/// others must be distinguished by the client.
enum PropertyNonPromotabilityReason {
/// The property is not promotable because it's not a field (it's either a
/// getter or a tear-off of a method).
/// The property is not promotable because its name is public.
/// The property is not promotable because it's an external field.
/// The property is not promotable because it's a non-final field.
/// Enum representing the different classifications of types that can be
/// returned by [FlowAnalysisTypeOperations.classifyType].
enum TypeClassification {
/// The type is `Null` or an equivalent type (e.g. `Never?`)
/// The type is a potentially nullable type, but not equivalent to `Null`
/// (e.g. `int?`, or a type variable whose bound is potentially nullable)
/// The type is a non-nullable type.