blob: 37b45e057f6b3617cd15fd794f569497cc38572c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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import 'package:analysis_server/src/analytics/percentile_calculator.dart';
/// Data about the requests that have been responded to that have the same
/// method.
class RequestData {
/// The name of the requests.
final String method;
/// The percentile calculator for latency times. The _latency time_ is the
/// time from when the client sent the request until the time the server
/// started processing the request.
final PercentileCalculator latencyTimes = PercentileCalculator();
/// The percentile calculator for response times. The _response time_ is the
/// time from when the server started processing the request until the time
/// the response was sent.
final PercentileCalculator responseTimes = PercentileCalculator();
/// A table mapping the names of fields in a request's parameters to the
/// percentile calculators related to the value of the parameter (such as the
/// length of a list).
final Map<String, PercentileCalculator> additionalPercentiles = {};
/// A table mapping the name of a field in a request's parameters and the name
/// of an enum constant to the number of times that the given constant was
/// used as the value of the field.
final Map<String, Map<String, int>> additionalEnumCounts = {};
/// Initialize a newly create data holder for requests with the given
/// [method].
/// Record the occurrence of the enum constant with the given [enumName] for
/// the field with the given [name].
void addEnumValue<E>(String name, String enumName) {
var counts = additionalEnumCounts.putIfAbsent(name, () => {});
counts[enumName] = (counts[enumName] ?? 0) + 1;
/// Record a [value] for the field with the given [name].
void addValue(String name, int value) {