blob: e28a5b6dd5ba76d02ecf69aa933232c975b15938 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
* Search support for an [AnalysisDriver].
class Search {
final AnalysisDriver _driver;
* Returns references to the element at the given [offset] in the file with
* the given [path].
Future<List<SearchResult>> references(String path, int offset) async {
// Search only in added files.
if (!_driver.addedFiles.contains(path)) {
return const <SearchResult>[];
AnalysisResult analysisResult = await _driver.getResult(path);
CompilationUnit unit = analysisResult.unit;
// Prepare the node.
AstNode node = new NodeLocator(offset).searchWithin(unit);
if (node == null) {
return const <SearchResult>[];
// Prepare the element.
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(node);
if (element == null) {
return const <SearchResult>[];
ElementKind kind = element.kind;
if (kind == ElementKind.LABEL || kind == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE) {
Block block = node.getAncestor((n) => n is Block);
return _searchReferences_Local(element, unit.element, block);
// TODO(scheglov) support other kinds
return [];
Future<List<SearchResult>> _searchReferences_Local(
Element element,
CompilationUnitElement enclosingUnitElement,
AstNode enclosingNode) async {
_LocalReferencesVisitor visitor =
new _LocalReferencesVisitor(element, enclosingUnitElement);
return visitor.matches;
* A single search result.
class SearchResult {
* The element that is used at this result.
final Element element;
* The deep most element that contains this result.
final Element enclosingElement;
* The kind of the [element] usage.
final SearchResultKind kind;
* The offset relative to the beginning of the containing file.
final int offset;
* The length of the usage in the containing file context.
final int length;
* Is `true` if a field or a method is using with a qualifier.
final bool isResolved;
* Is `true` if the result is a resolved reference to [element].
final bool isQualified;
SearchResult._(this.element, this.enclosingElement, this.kind, this.offset,
this.length, this.isResolved, this.isQualified);
String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write(", offset=");
buffer.write(", length=");
buffer.write(", isResolved=");
buffer.write(", isQualified=");
buffer.write(", enclosingElement=");
return buffer.toString();
* The kind of reference in a [SearchResult].
* A visitor that finds the deep-most [Element] that contains the [offset].
class _ContainingElementFinder extends GeneralizingElementVisitor {
final int offset;
Element containingElement;
visitElement(Element element) {
if (element is ElementImpl) {
if (element.codeOffset != null &&
element.codeOffset <= offset &&
offset <= element.codeOffset + element.codeLength) {
containingElement = element;
* Visitor that adds [SearchResult]s for local elements of a block, method,
* class or a library - labels, local functions, local variables and parameters,
* type parameters, import prefixes.
class _LocalReferencesVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
final List<SearchResult> matches = <SearchResult>[];
final Element element;
final CompilationUnitElement enclosingUnitElement;
_LocalReferencesVisitor(this.element, this.enclosingUnitElement);
visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (node.inDeclarationContext()) {
if (node.staticElement == element) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
SearchResultKind kind = SearchResultKind.REFERENCE;
if (element is FunctionElement) {
if (parent is MethodInvocation && parent.methodName == node) {
kind = SearchResultKind.INVOCATION;
} else if (element is VariableElement) {
bool isGet = node.inGetterContext();
bool isSet = node.inSetterContext();
if (isGet && isSet) {
kind = SearchResultKind.READ_WRITE;
} else if (isGet) {
if (parent is MethodInvocation && parent.methodName == node) {
kind = SearchResultKind.INVOCATION;
} else {
kind = SearchResultKind.READ;
} else if (isSet) {
kind = SearchResultKind.WRITE;
_addMatch(node, kind);
void _addMatch(AstNode node, SearchResultKind kind) {
bool isQualified = node.parent is Label;
var finder = new _ContainingElementFinder(node.offset);
matches.add(new SearchResult._(element, finder.containingElement, kind,
node.offset, node.length, true, isQualified));