blob: 2911531ffd09fa13b4b7f9eeb56659767f478d28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/testing/package_root.dart' as package_root;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import '../../generated/parser_fasta_test.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class AbstractRecoveryTest extends FastaParserTestCase {
* Given the path to the file containing the declaration of the fasta Parser,
* return a set containing the names of all the messages and templates that
* are referenced (presumably because they are being generated) within that
* file.
Set<String> getGeneratedNames(String parserPath) {
String content = new io.File(parserPath).readAsStringSync();
CompilationUnit unit = parseCompilationUnit(content);
expect(unit, isNotNull);
GeneratedCodesVisitor visitor = new GeneratedCodesVisitor();
return visitor.generatedNames;
* Given the path to the file 'message.yaml', return a list of the top-level
* keys defined in that file that define an 'analyzerCode'.
List<String> getMappedCodes(String messagesPath) {
String content = new io.File(messagesPath).readAsStringSync();
YamlDocument document = loadYamlDocument(content);
expect(document, isNotNull);
Set<String> codes = new Set<String>();
YamlNode contents = document.contents;
if (contents is YamlMap) {
for (String name in contents.keys) {
Object value = contents[name];
if (value is YamlMap) {
if (value['analyzerCode'] != null) {
return codes.toList();
* Given the path to the file 'message.yaml', return a list of the analyzer
* codes defined in that file.
List<String> getReferencedCodes(String messagesPath) {
String content = new io.File(messagesPath).readAsStringSync();
YamlDocument document = loadYamlDocument(content);
expect(document, isNotNull);
Set<String> codes = new Set<String>();
YamlNode contents = document.contents;
if (contents is YamlMap) {
for (String name in contents.keys) {
Object value = contents[name];
if (value is YamlMap) {
String code = value['analyzerCode']?.toString();
if (code != null) {
return codes.toList();
* Given the path to the file containing the declaration of the AstBuilder,
* return a list of the analyzer codes that are translated by the builder.
List<String> getTranslatedCodes(String astBuilderPath) {
String content = new io.File(astBuilderPath).readAsStringSync();
CompilationUnit unit = parseCompilationUnit(content);
ClassDeclaration astBuilder = unit.declarations[0];
expect(astBuilder, isNotNull);
MethodDeclaration method = astBuilder.members.firstWhere(
(x) => x is MethodDeclaration && == 'reportMessage',
orElse: () => null);
expect(method, isNotNull);
SwitchStatement statement = (method.body as BlockFunctionBody)
.firstWhere((x) => x is SwitchStatement, orElse: () => null);
expect(statement, isNotNull);
List<String> codes = <String>[];
for (SwitchMember member in statement.members) {
if (member is SwitchCase) {
codes.add((member.expression as StringLiteral).stringValue);
return codes;
test_mappedMessageCoverage() {
String frontEndPath = path.join(package_root.packageRoot, 'front_end');
String parserPath =
path.join(frontEndPath, 'lib', 'src', 'fasta', 'parser', 'parser.dart');
Set<String> generatedNames = getGeneratedNames(parserPath);
String messagesPath = path.join(frontEndPath, 'messages.yaml');
List<String> mappedCodes = getMappedCodes(messagesPath);
if (generatedNames.isEmpty) {
List<String> sortedNames = generatedNames.toList()..sort();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln('Generated parser errors without analyzer codes:');
for (String name in sortedNames) {
buffer.write(' ');
test_translatedMessageCoverage() {
String analyzerPath = path.join(package_root.packageRoot, 'analyzer');
String astBuilderPath =
path.join(analyzerPath, 'lib', 'src', 'fasta', 'error_converter.dart');
List<String> translatedCodes = getTranslatedCodes(astBuilderPath);
String messagesPath =
path.join(path.dirname(analyzerPath), 'front_end', 'messages.yaml');
List<String> referencedCodes = getReferencedCodes(messagesPath);
List<String> untranslated = <String>[];
for (String referencedCode in referencedCodes) {
if (!translatedCodes.contains(referencedCode)) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (untranslated.isNotEmpty) {
.writeln('Analyzer codes used in messages.yaml but not translated:');
for (String code in untranslated) {
buffer.write(' ');
'Add a case for these codes to FastaErrorReporter.reportError.');
List<String> unreferenced = <String>[];
for (String translatedCode in translatedCodes) {
if (!referencedCodes.contains(translatedCode)) {
if (untranslated.isNotEmpty) {
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) {
'Analyzer codes that are translated but not used in messages.yaml:');
for (String code in unreferenced) {
buffer.write(' ');
buffer.write('Remove the cases for these codes from '
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) {
* A visitor that gathers the names of all the message codes that are generated
* in the visited AST. This assumes that the codes are accessed via the prefix
* 'fasta'.
class GeneratedCodesVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
* The names of the message codes that are generated in the visited AST.
Set<String> generatedNames = new Set<String>();
visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
if ( == 'fasta') {
String name =;
if (name.startsWith('message')) {
name = name.substring(7);
} else if (name.startsWith('template')) {
name = name.substring(8);
} else {