blob: 1914e12ef13bc09f7eaef58cb0b438948c65a493 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context.dart' show AnalysisContextImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/handle.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/scope.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisContext;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/ast_test_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summary_sdk.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/resolve_relative_uri.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/source.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_shadow_ast.dart' as kernel;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/redirecting_factory_body.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' as kernel;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart' as kernel;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathos;
* Object that can resynthesize analyzer [LibraryElement] from Kernel.
class KernelResynthesizer implements ElementResynthesizer {
final AnalysisContextImpl _analysisContext;
final kernel.TypeEnvironment _types;
final Map<String, kernel.Library> _kernelMap;
final Map<String, bool> _libraryExistMap;
final Map<String, LibraryElementImpl> _libraryMap = {};
* Cache of [Source] objects that have already been converted from URIs.
final Map<String, Source> _sources = <String, Source>{};
/// The type provider for this resynthesizer.
SummaryTypeProvider _typeProvider;
KernelResynthesizer(this._analysisContext, this._types, this._kernelMap,
this._libraryExistMap) {
_analysisContext.typeProvider = _typeProvider;
AnalysisContext get context => _analysisContext;
* Return `true` if strong mode analysis should be used.
bool get strongMode => _analysisContext.analysisOptions.strongMode;
* Return the `Type` type.
DartType get typeType => getLibrary('dart:core').getType('Type').type;
Element getElement(ElementLocation location) {
List<String> components = location.components;
LibraryElementImpl library = getLibrary(components[0]);
if (components.length == 1) {
return library;
CompilationUnitElement unit;
for (var libraryUnit in library.units) {
if (libraryUnit.source.uri.toString() == components[1]) {
unit = libraryUnit;
if (unit == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Unable to find unit: $location');
if (components.length == 2) {
return unit;
ElementImpl element = unit as ElementImpl;
for (int i = 2; i < components.length; i++) {
if (element == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Unable to find element: $location');
element = element.getChild(components[i]);
return element;
* Return the [ElementImpl] that corresponds to the given [name], or `null`
* if the corresponding element cannot be found.
ElementImpl getElementFromCanonicalName(kernel.CanonicalName name) {
if (name == null) return null;
var components = new List<String>(5);
var componentPtr = 0;
for (var namePart = name;
namePart != null && !namePart.isRoot;
namePart = namePart.parent) {
components[componentPtr++] =;
String libraryUri = components[--componentPtr];
String topKindOrClassName = components[--componentPtr];
LibraryElementImpl library = getLibrary(libraryUri);
if (library == null) return null;
String takeElementName() {
String publicNameOrLibraryUri = components[--componentPtr];
if (publicNameOrLibraryUri == libraryUri) {
return components[--componentPtr];
} else {
return publicNameOrLibraryUri;
// Top-level element other than class.
if (topKindOrClassName == '@fields' ||
topKindOrClassName == '@methods' ||
topKindOrClassName == '@getters' ||
topKindOrClassName == '@setters' ||
topKindOrClassName == '@typedefs') {
String elementName = takeElementName();
for (CompilationUnitElement unit in library.units) {
CompilationUnitElementImpl unitImpl = unit;
ElementImpl child = unitImpl.getChild(elementName);
if (child != null) {
return child;
return null;
AbstractClassElementImpl classElement;
for (CompilationUnitElement unit in library.units) {
CompilationUnitElementImpl unitImpl = unit;
classElement = unitImpl.getChild(topKindOrClassName);
if (classElement != null) {
if (classElement == null) return null;
// If no more component, the class is the element.
if (componentPtr == 0) return classElement;
String kind = components[--componentPtr];
String elementName = takeElementName();
if (kind == '@methods') {
return classElement.getMethod(elementName) as ElementImpl;
} else if (kind == '@getters') {
return classElement.getGetter(elementName) as ElementImpl;
} else if (kind == '@setters') {
return classElement.getSetter(elementName) as ElementImpl;
} else if (kind == '@fields') {
return classElement.getField(elementName) as ElementImpl;
} else if (kind == '@constructors' || kind == '@factories') {
if (elementName.isEmpty) {
return classElement.unnamedConstructor as ElementImpl;
return classElement.getNamedConstructor(elementName) as ElementImpl;
} else {
throw new UnimplementedError('Internal error: $kind unexpected.');
* Return the [LibraryElementImpl] for the given [uriStr], or `null` if
* the library is not part of the Kernel libraries bundle.
LibraryElementImpl getLibrary(String uriStr) {
return _libraryMap.putIfAbsent(uriStr, () {
var kernel = _kernelMap[uriStr];
if (kernel == null) return null;
if (_libraryExistMap[uriStr] != true) {
return _newSyntheticLibrary(uriStr);
var libraryContext =
new _KernelLibraryResynthesizerContextImpl(this, kernel);
// Build the library.
LibraryElementImpl libraryElement = libraryContext._buildLibrary(uriStr);
if (libraryElement == null) return null;
// Build the defining unit.
var definingUnit = libraryContext._buildUnit(null).unit;
libraryElement.definingCompilationUnit = definingUnit;
// Build units for parts.
var parts = new List<CompilationUnitElementImpl>(;
for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
var fileUri =[i].fileUri;
var unitContext = libraryContext._buildUnit("$fileUri");
parts[i] = unitContext.unit;
} = parts;
// Create the required `loadLibrary` function.
if (uriStr != 'dart:core' && uriStr != 'dart:async') {
return libraryElement;
DartType getType(ElementImpl context, kernel.DartType kernelType) {
if (kernelType is kernel.DynamicType) return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
if (kernelType is kernel.InvalidType) return UndefinedTypeImpl.instance;
if (kernelType is kernel.BottomType) return BottomTypeImpl.instance;
if (kernelType is kernel.VoidType) return VoidTypeImpl.instance;
if (kernelType is kernel.InterfaceType) {
var name = kernelType.className.canonicalName;
if (!strongMode && == 'FutureOr' && == 'dart:async') {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return _getInterfaceType(context, name, kernelType.typeArguments);
if (kernelType is kernel.TypeParameterType) {
kernel.TypeParameter kTypeParameter = kernelType.parameter;
return _getTypeParameter(context, kTypeParameter).type;
if (kernelType is kernel.FunctionType) {
var typeElement =
new GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl.forKernel(context, kernelType);
return typeElement.type;
// TODO(scheglov) Support other kernel types.
throw new UnimplementedError('For ${kernelType.runtimeType}');
void _buildTypeProvider() {
var coreLibrary = getLibrary('dart:core');
var asyncLibrary = getLibrary('dart:async');
_typeProvider = new SummaryTypeProvider();
// Now, when TypeProvider is ready, we can finalize core/async.
InterfaceType _getInterfaceType(ElementImpl context,
kernel.CanonicalName className, List<kernel.DartType> kernelArguments) {
var libraryName = className.parent;
var libraryElement = getLibrary(;
ClassElement classElement = libraryElement.getType(;
classElement ??= libraryElement.getEnum(;
if (kernelArguments.isEmpty) {
return classElement.type;
return new InterfaceTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(
classElement,, () {
List<DartType> arguments = kernelArguments
.map((kernel.DartType k) => getType(context, k))
.toList(growable: false);
return arguments;
* Get the [Source] object for the given [uri].
Source _getSource(String uri) {
return _sources.putIfAbsent(
uri, () => _analysisContext.sourceFactory.forUri(uri));
/// Return the [TypeParameterElement] for the given [kernelTypeParameter].
TypeParameterElement _getTypeParameter(
ElementImpl context, kernel.TypeParameter kernelTypeParameter) {
String name =;
for (var ctx = context; ctx != null; ctx = ctx.enclosingElement) {
if (ctx is TypeParameterizedElementMixin) {
for (var typeParameter in ctx.typeParameters) {
if ( == name) {
return typeParameter;
throw new StateError('Not found $kernelTypeParameter in $context');
LibraryElementImpl _newSyntheticLibrary(String uriStr) {
Source librarySource = _getSource(uriStr);
if (librarySource == null) return null;
LibraryElementImpl libraryElement =
new LibraryElementImpl(context, '', -1, 0);
libraryElement.isSynthetic = true;
CompilationUnitElementImpl unitElement =
new CompilationUnitElementImpl(librarySource.shortName);
libraryElement.definingCompilationUnit = unitElement;
unitElement.source = librarySource;
unitElement.librarySource = librarySource;
libraryElement.publicNamespace = new Namespace({});
libraryElement.exportNamespace = new Namespace({});
return libraryElement;
* This exception is thrown when we detect that the Kernel has a compilation
* error, so we cannot resynthesize the constant expression.
class _CompilationErrorFound {
const _CompilationErrorFound();
* Builder of [Expression]s from [kernel.Expression]s.
class _ExprBuilder {
final _KernelUnitResynthesizerContextImpl _context;
final ElementImpl _contextElement;
_ExprBuilder(this._context, this._contextElement);
Expression build(kernel.Expression expr) {
try {
return _build(expr);
} on _CompilationErrorFound {
return AstTestFactory.identifier3('#invalidConst');
ConstructorInitializer buildInitializer(kernel.Initializer k) {
if (k is kernel.FieldInitializer) {
Expression value = build(k.value);
ConstructorFieldInitializer initializer = AstTestFactory
.constructorFieldInitializer(false,, value);
initializer.fieldName.staticElement = _getElement(k.fieldReference);
return initializer;
if (k is kernel.AssertInitializer) {
var body = k.statement;
var condition = build(body.condition);
var message = body.message != null ? build(body.message) : null;
return AstTestFactory.assertInitializer(condition, message);
if (k is kernel.RedirectingInitializer) {
ConstructorElementImpl redirect = _getElement(k.targetReference);
var arguments = _toArguments(k.arguments);
RedirectingConstructorInvocation invocation =
invocation.staticElement = redirect;
String name =;
if (name.isNotEmpty) {
invocation.constructorName = AstTestFactory.identifier3(name)
..staticElement = redirect;
return invocation;
if (k is kernel.SuperInitializer) {
ConstructorElementImpl redirect = _getElement(k.targetReference);
var arguments = _toArguments(k.arguments);
SuperConstructorInvocation invocation =
invocation.staticElement = redirect;
String name =;
if (name.isNotEmpty) {
invocation.constructorName = AstTestFactory.identifier3(name)
..staticElement = redirect;
return invocation;
// TODO(scheglov) Support other kernel initializer types.
throw new UnimplementedError('For ${k.runtimeType}');
Expression _build(kernel.Expression expr) {
if (expr is kernel.NullLiteral) {
return AstTestFactory.nullLiteral();
if (expr is kernel.BoolLiteral) {
return AstTestFactory.booleanLiteral(expr.value);
if (expr is kernel.IntLiteral) {
return AstTestFactory.integer(expr.value);
if (expr is kernel.DoubleLiteral) {
return AstTestFactory.doubleLiteral(expr.value);
if (expr is kernel.StringLiteral) {
return AstTestFactory.string2(expr.value);
if (expr is kernel.StringConcatenation) {
List<InterpolationElement> elements = expr.expressions
.toList(growable: false);
return AstTestFactory.string(elements);
if (expr is kernel.SymbolLiteral) {
List<String> components = expr.value.split('.').toList();
return AstTestFactory.symbolLiteral(components);
if (expr is kernel.ListLiteral) {
Keyword keyword = expr.isConst ? Keyword.CONST : null;
var typeArguments = _buildTypeArgumentList([expr.typeArgument]);
var elements =;
return AstTestFactory.listLiteral2(keyword, typeArguments, elements);
if (expr is kernel.MapLiteral) {
Keyword keyword = expr.isConst ? Keyword.CONST : null;
var typeArguments =
_buildTypeArgumentList([expr.keyType, expr.valueType]);
int numberOfEntries = expr.entries.length;
var entries = new List<MapLiteralEntry>(numberOfEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++) {
var entry = expr.entries[i];
Expression key = _build(entry.key);
Expression value = _build(entry.value);
entries[i] = AstTestFactory.mapLiteralEntry2(key, value);
return AstTestFactory.mapLiteral(keyword, typeArguments, entries);
if (expr is kernel.StaticGet) {
return _buildIdentifier(expr.targetReference, isGet: true);
if (expr is kernel.ThisExpression) {
return AstTestFactory.thisExpression();
if (expr is kernel.PropertyGet) {
Expression target = _build(expr.receiver);
kernel.Reference reference = expr.interfaceTargetReference;
SimpleIdentifier identifier = _buildSimpleIdentifier(reference);
return AstTestFactory.propertyAccess(target, identifier);
if (expr is kernel.VariableGet) {
String name =;
Element contextConstructor = _contextElement;
if (contextConstructor is ConstructorElement) {
SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstTestFactory.identifier3(name);
ParameterElement parameter = contextConstructor.parameters.firstWhere(
(parameter) => == name,
orElse: () => null);
identifier.staticElement = parameter;
return identifier;
if (expr is kernel.ConditionalExpression) {
var condition = _build(expr.condition);
var then = _build(expr.then);
var otherwise = _build(expr.otherwise);
return AstTestFactory.conditionalExpression(condition, then, otherwise);
if (expr is kernel.Not) {
kernel.Expression kernelOperand = expr.operand;
var operand = _build(kernelOperand);
return AstTestFactory.prefixExpression(TokenType.BANG, operand);
if (expr is kernel.LogicalExpression) {
var operator = _toBinaryOperatorTokenType(expr.operator);
var left = _build(expr.left);
var right = _build(expr.right);
return AstTestFactory.binaryExpression(left, operator, right);
if (expr is kernel.Let) {
var body = expr.body;
if (body is kernel.ConditionalExpression) {
var condition = body.condition;
var otherwiseExpr = body.otherwise;
if (condition is kernel.MethodInvocation) {
var equalsReceiver = condition.receiver;
if (equalsReceiver is kernel.VariableGet && == '==' &&
condition.arguments.positional.length == 1 &&
condition.arguments.positional[0] is kernel.NullLiteral &&
otherwiseExpr is kernel.VariableGet &&
otherwiseExpr.variable == equalsReceiver.variable) {
var left = _build(expr.variable.initializer);
var right = _build(body.then);
return AstTestFactory.binaryExpression(
left, TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION, right);
if (expr is kernel.MethodInvocation) {
kernel.Member member = expr.interfaceTarget;
if (member is kernel.Procedure) {
if (member.kind == kernel.ProcedureKind.Operator) {
var left = _build(expr.receiver);
String operatorName =;
List<kernel.Expression> args = expr.arguments.positional;
if (args.isEmpty) {
if (operatorName == 'unary-') {
return AstTestFactory.prefixExpression(TokenType.MINUS, left);
if (operatorName == '~') {
return AstTestFactory.prefixExpression(TokenType.TILDE, left);
} else if (args.length == 1) {
var operator = _toBinaryOperatorTokenType(operatorName);
var right = _build(args.single);
return AstTestFactory.binaryExpression(left, operator, right);
if (expr is kernel.StaticInvocation) {
kernel.Procedure target =;
String name =;
List<Expression> arguments = _toArguments(expr.arguments);
MethodInvocation invocation =
AstTestFactory.methodInvocation3(null, name, null, arguments);
invocation.methodName.staticElement = _getElement(target.reference);
return invocation;
if (expr is kernel.ConstructorInvocation) {
var element = _getElement(expr.targetReference);
var kernelType =
var type = _context.getType(_contextElement, kernelType);
TypeName typeName = _buildType(type);
var constructorName = AstTestFactory.constructorName(
typeName, ? : null);
constructorName?.name?.staticElement = element;
var keyword = expr.isConst ? Keyword.CONST : Keyword.NEW;
var arguments = _toArguments(expr.arguments);
return AstTestFactory.instanceCreationExpression(
keyword, constructorName, arguments);
if (expr is kernel.TypeLiteral) {
ElementImpl element;
var kernelType = expr.type;
if (kernelType is kernel.FunctionType) {
element = _getElement(kernelType.typedefReference);
} else {
var type = _context.getType(_contextElement, kernelType);
element = type.element;
var identifier = AstTestFactory.identifier3(;
identifier.staticElement = element;
identifier.staticType = _context.libraryContext.resynthesizer.typeType;
return identifier;
// Invalid annotations are represented as Let.
if (expr is kernel.Let) {
kernel.Let let = expr;
if (_isConstantExpressionErrorThrow(let.variable.initializer) ||
_isConstantExpressionErrorThrow(let.body)) {
throw const _CompilationErrorFound();
// Stop if there is an error.
if (_isConstantExpressionErrorThrow(expr)) {
throw const _CompilationErrorFound();
// TODO(scheglov): complete getExpression
throw new UnimplementedError('kernel: (${expr.runtimeType}) $expr');
Identifier _buildIdentifier(kernel.Reference reference, {bool isGet: false}) {
Element element = _getElement(reference);
if (isGet && element is PropertyInducingElement) {
element = (element as PropertyInducingElement).getter;
SimpleIdentifier property = AstTestFactory.identifier3(element.displayName)
..staticElement = element;
Element enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingElement is ClassElement) {
SimpleIdentifier classRef = AstTestFactory
..staticElement = enclosingElement;
return AstTestFactory.identifier(classRef, property);
} else {
return property;
SimpleIdentifier _buildSimpleIdentifier(kernel.Reference reference) {
if (reference == null) {
throw const _CompilationErrorFound();
String name =;
SimpleIdentifier identifier = AstTestFactory.identifier3(name);
Element element = _getElement(reference);
identifier.staticElement = element;
return identifier;
TypeAnnotation _buildType(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
var name = AstTestFactory.identifier3(
..staticElement = type.element
..staticType = type;
List<TypeAnnotation> arguments = _buildTypeArguments(type.typeArguments);
return AstTestFactory.typeName3(name, arguments)..type = type;
if (type is DynamicTypeImpl || type is TypeParameterType) {
var identifier = AstTestFactory.identifier3(
..staticElement = type.element
..staticType = type;
return AstTestFactory.typeName3(identifier)..type = type;
// TODO(scheglov) Implement for other types.
throw new UnimplementedError('type: (${type.runtimeType}) $type');
TypeArgumentList _buildTypeArgumentList(List<kernel.DartType> kernels) {
int length = kernels.length;
var types = new List<TypeAnnotation>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
DartType type = _context.getType(_contextElement, kernels[i]);
TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation = _buildType(type);
types[i] = typeAnnotation;
return AstTestFactory.typeArgumentList(types);
List<TypeAnnotation> _buildTypeArguments(List<DartType> types) {
if (types.every((t) => t.isDynamic)) return null;
ElementImpl _getElement(kernel.Reference reference) {
return _context.libraryContext.resynthesizer
InterpolationElement _newInterpolationElement(Expression expr) {
if (expr is SimpleStringLiteral) {
return astFactory.interpolationString(expr.literal, expr.value);
} else {
return AstTestFactory.interpolationExpression(expr);
/// Return [Expression]s for the given [kernelArguments].
List<Expression> _toArguments(kernel.Arguments kernelArguments) {
int numPositional = kernelArguments.positional.length;
int numNamed = kernelArguments.named.length;
var arguments = new List<Expression>(numPositional + numNamed);
int i = 0;
for (kernel.Expression k in kernelArguments.positional) {
arguments[i++] = _build(k);
for (kernel.NamedExpression k in kernelArguments.named) {
var value = _build(k.value);
arguments[i++] = AstTestFactory.namedExpression2(, value);
return arguments;
/// Return the [TokenType] for the given operator [name].
TokenType _toBinaryOperatorTokenType(String name) {
if (name == '==') return TokenType.EQ_EQ;
if (name == '&&') return TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND;
if (name == '||') return TokenType.BAR_BAR;
if (name == '^') return TokenType.CARET;
if (name == '&') return TokenType.AMPERSAND;
if (name == '|') return TokenType.BAR;
if (name == '>>') return TokenType.GT_GT;
if (name == '<<') return TokenType.LT_LT;
if (name == '+') return TokenType.PLUS;
if (name == '-') return TokenType.MINUS;
if (name == '*') return TokenType.STAR;
if (name == '/') return TokenType.SLASH;
if (name == '~/') return TokenType.TILDE_SLASH;
if (name == '%') return TokenType.PERCENT;
if (name == '>') return TokenType.GT;
if (name == '<') return TokenType.LT;
if (name == '>=') return TokenType.GT_EQ;
if (name == '<=') return TokenType.LT_EQ;
if (name == 'unary-') return TokenType.MINUS;
throw new ArgumentError(name);
* Return `true` if the given [expr] throws an instance of
* `_ConstantExpressionError` defined in `dart:core`.
static bool _isConstantExpressionErrorThrow(kernel.Expression expr) {
if (expr is kernel.MethodInvocation) {
if ( == '_throw') {
var receiver = expr.receiver;
if (receiver is kernel.ConstructorInvocation) {
kernel.Class targetClass =;
return == '_ConstantExpressionError' &&
targetClass.enclosingLibrary.importUri.toString() == 'dart:core';
return false;
* Implementation of [KernelLibraryResynthesizerContext].
class _KernelLibraryResynthesizerContextImpl
implements KernelLibraryResynthesizerContext {
final KernelResynthesizer resynthesizer;
final kernel.Library library;
* The relative URI of the directory with the [library] file.
* E.g. `sdk/lib/core` for `sdk/lib/core/core.dart`.
String libraryDirectoryUri;
Source librarySource;
LibraryElementImpl libraryElement;
_KernelLibraryResynthesizerContextImpl(this.resynthesizer, this.library) {
libraryDirectoryUri = pathos.url.dirname("${library.fileUri}");
kernel.Library get coreLibrary => resynthesizer._kernelMap['dart:core'];
bool get hasExtUri {
for (var dependency in library.dependencies) {
if (dependency.isImport &&
dependency.targetLibrary.importUri.isScheme('dart-ext')) {
return true;
return false;
Namespace buildExportNamespace() {
Namespace publicNamespace = buildPublicNamespace();
if (library.additionalExports.isEmpty) {
return publicNamespace;
Map<String, Element> definedNames = publicNamespace.definedNames;
for (kernel.Reference additionalExport in library.additionalExports) {
var element = resynthesizer
if (element != null) {
definedNames[] = element;
return new Namespace(definedNames);
Namespace buildPublicNamespace() {
return new NamespaceBuilder()
LibraryElementImpl getLibrary(String uriStr) {
return resynthesizer.getLibrary(uriStr);
LibraryElementImpl _buildLibrary(String uriStr) {
librarySource = resynthesizer._getSource(uriStr);
if (librarySource == null) return null;
return libraryElement =
new LibraryElementImpl.forKernel(resynthesizer._analysisContext, this);
_KernelUnitResynthesizerContextImpl _buildUnit(String fileUri) {
var unitContext = new _KernelUnitResynthesizerContextImpl(
this, fileUri ?? "${library.fileUri}");
var unitElement = new CompilationUnitElementImpl.forKernel(
libraryElement, unitContext, '<no name>');
unitContext.unit = unitElement;
unitElement.librarySource = librarySource;
if (fileUri != null) {
// Compute the URI relative to the library directory.
// E.g. when the library directory URI is `sdk/lib/core`, and the unit
// URI is `sdk/lib/core/bool.dart`, the result is `bool.dart`.
var relativeUri = pathos.url.relative(fileUri, from: libraryDirectoryUri);
// Compute the absolute URI.
// When the absolute library URI is `dart:core`, and the relative
// URI is `bool.dart`, the result is `dart:core/bool.dart`.
Uri absoluteUri =
resolveRelativeUri(librarySource.uri, Uri.parse(relativeUri));
String absoluteUriStr = absoluteUri.toString();
unitElement.source = resynthesizer._getSource(absoluteUriStr);
} else {
unitElement.source = librarySource;
unitContext.unit = unitElement;
return unitContext;
* Implementation of [KernelUnit].
class _KernelUnitImpl implements KernelUnit {
final _KernelUnitResynthesizerContextImpl context;
List<kernel.Expression> _annotations;
List<kernel.Class> _classes;
List<kernel.Field> _fields;
List<kernel.Procedure> _procedures;
List<kernel.Typedef> _typedefs;
List<kernel.Expression> get annotations {
if (_annotations == null) {
for (var part in {
if ("${part.fileUri}" == context.fileUri) {
return _annotations = part.annotations;
return _annotations ?? const <kernel.Expression>[];
List<kernel.Class> get classes =>
_classes ??= context.libraryContext.library.classes
.where((n) => "${n.fileUri}" == context.fileUri)
.toList(growable: false);
List<kernel.Field> get fields =>
_fields ??= context.libraryContext.library.fields
.where((n) => "${n.fileUri}" == context.fileUri)
.toList(growable: false);
List<kernel.Procedure> get procedures =>
_procedures ??= context.libraryContext.library.procedures
.where((n) => "${n.fileUri}" == context.fileUri)
.toList(growable: false);
List<kernel.Typedef> get typedefs =>
_typedefs ??= context.libraryContext.library.typedefs
.where((n) => "${n.fileUri}" == context.fileUri)
.toList(growable: false);
* Implementation of [KernelUnitResynthesizerContext].
class _KernelUnitResynthesizerContextImpl
implements KernelUnitResynthesizerContext {
static final Uri dartInternalUri = Uri.parse('dart:_internal');
final _KernelLibraryResynthesizerContextImpl libraryContext;
final String fileUri;
CompilationUnitElementImpl unit;
_KernelUnitResynthesizerContextImpl(this.libraryContext, this.fileUri);
KernelUnit get kernelUnit => new _KernelUnitImpl(this);
List<ElementAnnotation> buildAnnotations(
List<kernel.Expression> expressions) {
int length = expressions.length;
if (length != 0) {
var annotations = <ElementAnnotation>[];
for (var expression in expressions) {
if (_isSyntheticExternalNameAnnotation(expression)) continue;
var annotation = _buildAnnotation(unit, expression);
return annotations;
} else {
return const <ElementAnnotation>[];
UnitExplicitTopLevelAccessors buildTopLevelAccessors() {
var accessorsData = new UnitExplicitTopLevelAccessors();
var implicitVariables = <String, TopLevelVariableElementImpl>{};
// Build explicit property accessors and implicit fields.
for (var procedure in kernelUnit.procedures) {
bool isGetter = procedure.kind == kernel.ProcedureKind.Getter;
bool isSetter = procedure.kind == kernel.ProcedureKind.Setter;
if (isGetter || isSetter) {
var accessor =
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forKernel(unit, procedure);
// Create or update the implicit variable.
String name = accessor.displayName;
TopLevelVariableElementImpl variable = implicitVariables[name];
if (variable == null) {
variable = new TopLevelVariableElementImpl(name, -1);
implicitVariables[name] = variable;
variable.enclosingElement = unit;
variable.isSynthetic = true;
variable.isFinal = isGetter;
} else {
variable.isFinal = false;
// Attach the accessor to the variable.
accessor.variable = variable;
if (isGetter) {
variable.getter = accessor;
} else {
variable.setter = accessor;
return accessorsData;
UnitExplicitTopLevelVariables buildTopLevelVariables() {
List<kernel.Field> kernelFields = kernelUnit.fields;
int numberOfVariables = kernelFields.length;
var variablesData = new UnitExplicitTopLevelVariables(numberOfVariables);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables; i++) {
kernel.Field field = kernelFields[i];
// Add the explicit variables.
TopLevelVariableElementImpl variable;
if (field.isConst && field.initializer != null) {
variable = new ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl.forKernel(unit, field);
} else {
variable = new TopLevelVariableElementImpl.forKernel(unit, field);
variablesData.variables[i] = variable;
// Add the implicit accessors.
.add(new PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitGetter(variable));
if (!(variable.isConst || variable.isFinal)) {
.add(new PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitSetter(variable));
return variablesData;
ConstructorInitializer getConstructorInitializer(
ConstructorElementImpl constructor, kernel.Initializer k) {
if (k is kernel.FieldInitializer && k.isSynthetic ||
k is kernel.SuperInitializer && k.isSynthetic) {
return null;
return new _ExprBuilder(this, constructor).buildInitializer(k);
Expression getExpression(ElementImpl context, kernel.Expression expression) {
return new _ExprBuilder(this, context).build(expression);
List<List<kernel.VariableDeclaration>> getFunctionTypeParameters(
kernel.FunctionType type) {
int positionalCount = type.positionalParameters.length;
var positionalParameters =
new List<kernel.VariableDeclaration>(positionalCount);
for (int i = 0; i < positionalCount; i++) {
String name = i < type.positionalParameterNames.length
? type.positionalParameterNames[i]
: 'arg_$i';
positionalParameters[i] = new kernel.VariableDeclaration(name,
type: type.positionalParameters[i]);
var namedParameters = type.namedParameters
.map((k) => new kernel.VariableDeclaration(, type: k.type))
.toList(growable: false);
return [positionalParameters, namedParameters];
InterfaceType getInterfaceType(
ElementImpl context, kernel.Supertype kernelType) {
if (kernelType.classNode.isEnum) {
return null;
return libraryContext.resynthesizer._getInterfaceType(
context, kernelType.className.canonicalName, kernelType.typeArguments);
List<InterfaceType> getInterfaceTypes(
ElementImpl context, List<kernel.Supertype> types) {
var interfaceTypes = <InterfaceType>[];
for (kernel.Supertype kernelType in types) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = getInterfaceType(context, kernelType);
if (interfaceType != null) {
return interfaceTypes;
ConstructorElementImpl getRedirectedConstructor(
kernel.Constructor kernelConstructor, kernel.Procedure kernelFactory) {
if (kernelConstructor != null) {
for (var initializer in kernelConstructor.initializers) {
if (initializer is kernel.RedirectingInitializer) {
return libraryContext.resynthesizer.getElementFromCanonicalName(
as ConstructorElementImpl;
if (kernelFactory != null) {
kernel.Statement body = kernelFactory.function.body;
if (body is RedirectingFactoryBody) {
kernel.Member target =;
if (target != null) {
return libraryContext.resynthesizer
as ConstructorElementImpl;
return null;
DartType getType(ElementImpl context, kernel.DartType type) {
return libraryContext.resynthesizer.getType(context, type);
ElementAnnotationImpl _buildAnnotation(
CompilationUnitElementImpl unit, kernel.Expression expression) {
ElementAnnotationImpl elementAnnotation = new ElementAnnotationImpl(unit);
Expression constExpr = getExpression(unit, expression);
if (constExpr is Identifier) {
elementAnnotation.element = constExpr.staticElement;
elementAnnotation.annotationAst = AstTestFactory.annotation(constExpr);
} else if (constExpr is InstanceCreationExpression) {
elementAnnotation.element = constExpr.staticElement;
Identifier typeName =;
SimpleIdentifier constructorName =;
elementAnnotation.annotationAst = AstTestFactory.annotation2(
typeName, constructorName, constExpr.argumentList)
..element = constExpr.staticElement;
} else {
throw new StateError(
'Unexpected annotation type: ${constExpr.runtimeType}');
return elementAnnotation;
/// Fasta converts `native 'name'` clauses to `@ExternalName('name')`
/// annotations. But we don't actually have these annotations in code. So,
/// we need to skip them to avoid mismatch with AST.
static bool _isSyntheticExternalNameAnnotation(kernel.Expression expr) {
if (expr is kernel.ConstructorInvocation) {
kernel.Constructor target =;
return target != null && == 'ExternalName' &&
target.enclosingLibrary.importUri == dartInternalUri;
return false;