blob: a7b833c43364c93238962b4b786197bcf5d53334 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/types.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/kernel/element_map_impl.dart';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'type_test_helper.dart';
const List<FunctionTypeData> existentialTypeData = const <FunctionTypeData>[
// TODO(johnniwinther): Test generic bounds when #31531 is fixed.
const FunctionTypeData('void', 'F1', '<T>(T t)'),
const FunctionTypeData('void', 'F2', '<S>(S s)'),
const FunctionTypeData('void', 'F3', '<U, V>(U u, V v)'),
const FunctionTypeData('void', 'F4', '<U, V>(V v, U u)'),
const FunctionTypeData('void', 'F5', '<W extends num>(W w)'),
const FunctionTypeData('void', 'F6', '<X extends int>(X x)'),
main() {
DartTypeConverter.enableFunctionTypeVariables = true;
asyncTest(() async {
var env = await TypeEnvironment
.create(createTypedefs(existentialTypeData, additionalData: """
class C1 {}
class C2 {}
"""), compileMode: CompileMode.kernel);
testToString(FunctionType type, String expectedToString) {
Expect.equals(expectedToString, type.toString());
testBounds(FunctionType type, List<DartType> expectedBounds) {
Expect.equals(expectedBounds.length, type.typeVariables.length,
"Unexpected type variable count in $type.");
for (int i = 0; i < expectedBounds.length; i++) {
Expect.equals(expectedBounds[i], type.typeVariables[i].bound,
"Unexpected ${i}th bound in $type.");
testInstantiate(FunctionType type, List<DartType> instantiation,
String expectedToString) {
DartType result = type.instantiate(instantiation);
Expect.equals(expectedToString, result.toString(),
"Unexpected instantiation of $type with $instantiation: $result");
testRelations(DartType a, DartType b, bool areEqual, bool isSubtype) {
a == b,
"Expected `$a` and `$b` to be ${areEqual ? 'equal' : 'non-equal'}, "
"but they are not.");
env.isSubtype(a, b),
"Expected `$a` ${isSubtype ? '' : 'not '}to be a subtype of `$b`, "
"but it is${isSubtype ? ' not' : ''}.");
InterfaceType Object_ = env['Object'];
InterfaceType num_ = env['num'];
InterfaceType int_ = env['int'];
InterfaceType C1 = instantiate(env.getClass('C1'), []);
InterfaceType C2 = instantiate(env.getClass('C2'), []);
FunctionType F1 = env.getFieldType('F1');
FunctionType F2 = env.getFieldType('F2');
FunctionType F3 = env.getFieldType('F3');
FunctionType F4 = env.getFieldType('F4');
FunctionType F5 = env.getFieldType('F5');
FunctionType F6 = env.getFieldType('F6');
testToString(F1, 'void Function<#A>(#A)');
testToString(F2, 'void Function<#A>(#A)');
testToString(F3, 'void Function<#A,#B>(#A,#B)');
testToString(F4, 'void Function<#A,#B>(#B,#A)');
testToString(F5, 'void Function<#A extends num>(#A)');
testToString(F6, 'void Function<#A extends int>(#A)');
testBounds(F1, [Object_]);
testBounds(F2, [Object_]);
testBounds(F3, [Object_, Object_]);
testBounds(F4, [Object_, Object_]);
testBounds(F5, [num_]);
testBounds(F6, [int_]);
testInstantiate(F1, [C1], 'void Function(C1)');
testInstantiate(F2, [C2], 'void Function(C2)');
testInstantiate(F3, [C1, C2], 'void Function(C1,C2)');
testInstantiate(F4, [C1, C2], 'void Function(C2,C1)');
testInstantiate(F5, [num_], 'void Function(num)');
testInstantiate(F6, [int_], 'void Function(int)');
testRelations(F1, F1, true, true);
testRelations(F1, F2, true, true);
testRelations(F1, F3, false, false);
testRelations(F1, F4, false, false);
testRelations(F1, F5, false, false);
testRelations(F1, F6, false, false);
testRelations(F2, F1, true, true);
testRelations(F2, F2, true, true);
testRelations(F2, F3, false, false);
testRelations(F2, F4, false, false);
testRelations(F2, F5, false, false);
testRelations(F2, F6, false, false);
testRelations(F3, F1, false, false);
testRelations(F3, F2, false, false);
testRelations(F3, F3, true, true);
testRelations(F3, F4, false, false);
testRelations(F3, F5, false, false);
testRelations(F3, F6, false, false);
testRelations(F4, F1, false, false);
testRelations(F4, F2, false, false);
testRelations(F4, F3, false, false);
testRelations(F4, F4, true, true);
testRelations(F4, F5, false, false);
testRelations(F4, F6, false, false);
testRelations(F5, F1, false, false);
testRelations(F5, F2, false, false);
testRelations(F5, F3, false, false);
testRelations(F5, F4, false, false);
testRelations(F5, F5, true, true);
testRelations(F5, F6, false, false);
testRelations(F6, F1, false, false);
testRelations(F6, F2, false, false);
testRelations(F6, F3, false, false);
testRelations(F6, F4, false, false);
testRelations(F6, F5, false, false);
testRelations(F6, F6, true, true);
testRelations(F1.typeVariables.first, F1.typeVariables.first, true, true);
testRelations(F1.typeVariables.first, F2.typeVariables.first, false, false);