blob: 61de8d7d2162da9477d8eab03725c0234a26aae6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--error_on_bad_type --error_on_bad_override
import 'dart:developer';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate' show ReceivePort;
import 'package:observatory/models.dart' as M;
import 'package:observatory/service_io.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'service_test_common.dart';
import 'test_helper.dart';
var receivePort;
void testMain() {
receivePort = new ReceivePort();
var tests = [
(Isolate isolate) async {
await isolate.resume();
// Wait for the isolate to become idle. We detect this by querying
// the stack until it becomes empty.
var frameCount;
do {
var stack = await isolate.getStack();
frameCount = stack['frames'].length;
print('Frames: $frameCount');
sleep(const Duration(milliseconds: 10));
} while (frameCount > 0);
print('Isolate is idle.');
await isolate.reload();
expect(isolate.pauseEvent is M.ResumeEvent, isTrue);
// Make sure that the isolate receives an interrupt even when it is
// idle. (
var interruptFuture = hasPausedFor(isolate, ServiceEvent.kPauseInterrupted);
await isolate.pause();
await interruptFuture;
main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests,
testeeConcurrent: testMain,
verbose_vm: true,
extraArgs: ['--trace-service', '--trace-service-verbose']);