blob: f808a0aa99cc3a622a0ff5f76b8b36c9a1bbaa68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--error_on_bad_type --error_on_bad_override
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:developer' as dev;
import 'dart:isolate' as Core;
import 'package:observatory/service_io.dart' as Service;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'service_test_common.dart';
import 'test_helper.dart';
// testee state.
String selfId;
Core.Isolate childIsolate;
String childId;
void spawnEntry(int i) {
Future testeeMain() async {
// Spawn an isolate.
childIsolate = await Core.Isolate.spawn(spawnEntry, 0);
// Assign the id for this isolate and it's child to strings so they can
// be read by the tester.
selfId = dev.Service.getIsolateID(Core.Isolate.current);
childId = dev.Service.getIsolateID(childIsolate);
// tester state:
Service.Isolate initialIsolate;
Service.Isolate localChildIsolate;
var tests = [
(Service.VM vm) async {
// Sanity check.
expect(vm.isolates.length, 1);
initialIsolate = vm.isolates[0];
await hasStoppedAtBreakpoint(initialIsolate);
// Resume.
await initialIsolate.resume();
(Service.VM vm) async {
// Initial isolate has paused at second debugger call.
await hasStoppedAtBreakpoint(initialIsolate);
(Service.VM vm) async {
// Reload the VM.
await vm.reload();
// Grab the child isolate.
localChildIsolate =
vm.isolates.firstWhere((Service.Isolate i) => i != initialIsolate);
expect(localChildIsolate, isNotNull);
// Reload the initial isolate.
await initialIsolate.reload();
// Grab the root library.
Service.Library rootLbirary = await initialIsolate.rootLibrary.load();
// Grab self id.
Service.Instance localSelfId =
await initialIsolate.eval(rootLbirary, 'selfId');
// Check that the id reported from dart:developer matches the id reported
// from the service protocol.
expect(localSelfId.isString, true);
expect(, equals(localSelfId.valueAsString));
// Grab the child isolate's id.
Service.Instance localChildId =
await initialIsolate.eval(rootLbirary, 'childId');
// Check that the id reported from dart:developer matches the id reported
// from the service protocol.
expect(localChildId.isString, true);
expect(, equals(localChildId.valueAsString));
main(args) async => runVMTests(args, tests, testeeConcurrent: testeeMain);