blob: 3551fc6d19ab49721678d52faed49ae6688c8368 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
* All numbers in dart are instances of [num].
abstract class num implements Comparable<num> {
/** Addition operator. */
num operator +(num other);
/** Subtraction operator. */
num operator -(num other);
/** Multiplication operator. */
num operator *(num other);
/** Euclidean modulo operator. */
num operator %(num other);
/** Division operator. */
double operator /(num other);
* Truncating division operator.
* If either operand is a [double] then the result of the truncating division
* [:a ~/ b:] is equivalent to [:(a / b).truncate().toInt():].
* If both operands are [int]s then [:a ~/ b:] performs the truncating
* integer division.
int operator ~/(num other);
/** Negate operator. */
num operator -();
/** Return the remainder from dividing this [num] by [other]. */
num remainder(num other);
/** Relational less than operator. */
bool operator <(num other);
/** Relational less than or equal operator. */
bool operator <=(num other);
/** Relational greater than operator. */
bool operator >(num other);
/** Relational greater than or equal operator. */
bool operator >=(num other);
bool get isNaN;
bool get isNegative;
bool get isInfinite;
/** Returns the absolute value of this [num]. */
num abs();
* Returns the integer closest to `this`.
* Rounds away from zero when there is no closest integer:
* [:(3.5).round() == 4:] and [:(-3.5).round() == -4:].
* If `this` is not finite (`NaN` or infinity), throws an [UnsupportedError].
int round();
* Returns the greatest integer no greater than `this`.
* If `this` is not finite (`NaN` or infinity), throws an [UnsupportedError].
int floor();
* Returns the least integer no smaller than `this`.
* If `this` is not finite (`NaN` or infinity), throws an [UnsupportedError].
int ceil();
* Returns the integer obtained by discarding any fractional
* digits from `this`.
* If `this` is not finite (`NaN` or infinity), throws an [UnsupportedError].
int truncate();
* Returns the integer value closest to `this`.
* Rounds away from zero when there is no closest integer:
* [:(3.5).round() == 4:] and [:(-3.5).round() == -4:].
* The result is a double.
double roundToDouble();
* Returns the greatest integer value no greater than `this`.
* The result is a double.
double floorToDouble();
* Returns the least integer value no smaller than `this`.
* The result is a double.
double ceilToDouble();
* Returns the integer obtained by discarding any fractional
* digits from `this`.
* The result is a double.
double truncateToDouble();
* Clamps [this] to be in the range [lowerLimit]-[upperLimit]. The comparison
* is done using [compareTo] and therefore takes [:-0.0:] into account.
* It also implies that [double.NAN] is treated as the maximal double value.
num clamp(num lowerLimit, num upperLimit);
/** Truncates this [num] to an integer and returns the result as an [int]. */
int toInt();
* Return this [num] as a [double].
* If the number is not representable as a [double], an
* approximation is returned. For numerically large integers, the
* approximation may be infinite.
double toDouble();
* Converts [this] to a string representation with [fractionDigits] digits
* after the decimal point.
* The parameter [fractionDigits] must be an integer satisfying:
* [:0 <= fractionDigits <= 20:].
String toStringAsFixed(int fractionDigits);
* Converts [this] to a string in decimal exponential notation with
* [fractionDigits] digits after the decimal point.
* If [fractionDigits] is given then it must be an integer satisfying:
* [:0 <= fractionDigits <= 20:]. Without the parameter the returned string
* uses the shortest number of digits that accurately represent [this].
String toStringAsExponential([int fractionDigits]);
* Converts [this] to a string representation with [precision] significant
* digits.
* The parameter [precision] must be an integer satisfying:
* [:1 <= precision <= 21:].
String toStringAsPrecision(int precision);