blob: 1563abdda558d004f36ac2ba8fe2aed65ce2e58a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.async;
// States shared by single/multi stream implementations.
// Completion state of the stream.
/// Initial and default state where the stream can receive and send events.
const int _STREAM_OPEN = 0;
/// The stream has received a request to complete, but hasn't done so yet.
/// No further events can be added to the stream.
const int _STREAM_CLOSED = 1;
/// The stream has completed and will no longer receive or send events.
/// Also counts as closed. The stream must not be paused when it's completed.
/// Always used in conjunction with [_STREAM_CLOSED].
const int _STREAM_COMPLETE = 2;
/// Bit that alternates between events, and listeners are updated to the
/// current value when they are notified of the event.
const int _STREAM_EVENT_ID = 4;
const int _STREAM_EVENT_ID_SHIFT = 2;
// The activity state of the stream: What is it currently doing.
/// Bit set while firing and clear while not.
const int _STREAM_FIRING = 8;
/// Bit set while calling a pause-state or subscription-state change callback.
const int _STREAM_CALLBACK = 16;
// The pause state of the stream.
/// Bit set when resuming with pending events. Cleared after all pending events
/// have been transmitted. Means that the controller still considers the
/// stream paused, even if the listener doesn't.
const int _STREAM_PENDING_RESUME = 32;
/// The count of times a stream has paused is stored in the
/// state, shifted by this amount.
// States for listeners.
/// The listener is currently not subscribed to its source stream.
/// The listener is actively subscribed to its source stream.
/// The listener is subscribed until it has been notified of the current event.
/// This flag bit is always used in conjuction with [_LISTENER_SUBSCRIBED].
/// Bit that contains the last sent event's "id bit".
const int _LISTENER_EVENT_ID = 4;
/// The count of times a listener has paused is stored in the
/// state, shifted by this amount.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Common base class for single and multi-subscription streams.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
abstract class _StreamImpl<T> extends Stream<T> {
/** Current state of the stream. */
int _state = _STREAM_OPEN;
* List of pending events.
* If events are added to the stream (using [_add], [_addError] or [_done])
* while the stream is paused, or while another event is firing, events will
* stored here.
* Also supports scheduling the events for later execution.
_PendingEvents _pendingEvents;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stream interface.
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T data),
{ void onError(AsyncError error),
void onDone(),
bool unsubscribeOnError }) {
if (_isComplete) {
return new _DoneSubscription(onDone);
if (onData == null) onData = _nullDataHandler;
if (onError == null) onError = _nullErrorHandler;
if (onDone == null) onDone = _nullDoneHandler;
unsubscribeOnError = identical(true, unsubscribeOnError);
_StreamSubscriptionImpl subscription =
_createSubscription(onData, onError, onDone, unsubscribeOnError);
return subscription;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// EventSink interface-like methods for sending events into the stream.
// It's the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the stream is not
// paused when adding events. If the stream is paused, the events will be
// queued, but it's better to not send events at all.
* Send or queue a data event.
void _add(T value) {
if (_isClosed) throw new StateError("Sending on closed stream");
if (!_mayFireState) {
// Not the time to send events.
_addPendingEvent(new _DelayedData<T>(value));
if (_hasPendingEvent) {
_addPendingEvent(new _DelayedData<T>(value));
} else {
* Send or enqueue an error event.
* If a subscription has requested to be unsubscribed on errors,
* it will be unsubscribed after receiving this event.
void _addError(AsyncError error) {
if (_isClosed) throw new StateError("Sending on closed stream");
if (!_mayFireState) {
// Not the time to send events.
_addPendingEvent(new _DelayedError(error));
if (_hasPendingEvent) {
_addPendingEvent(new _DelayedError(error));
} else {
* Send or enqueue a "done" message.
* The "done" message should be sent at most once by a stream, and it
* should be the last message sent.
void _close() {
if (_isClosed) return;
_state |= _STREAM_CLOSED;
if (!_mayFireState) {
// Not the time to send events.
_addPendingEvent(const _DelayedDone());
if (_hasPendingEvent) {
_addPendingEvent(new _DelayedDone());
} else {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal implementation.
// State predicates.
// Lifecycle state.
/** Whether the stream is in the default, open, state for events. */
bool get _isOpen => (_state & (_STREAM_CLOSED | _STREAM_COMPLETE)) == 0;
/** Whether the stream has been closed (a done event requested). */
bool get _isClosed => (_state & _STREAM_CLOSED) != 0;
/** Whether the stream is completed. */
bool get _isComplete => (_state & _STREAM_COMPLETE) != 0;
// Pause state.
/** Whether one or more active subscribers have requested a pause. */
bool get _isPaused => _state >= (1 << _STREAM_PAUSE_COUNT_SHIFT);
/** How many times the stream has been paused. */
int get _pauseCount => _state >> _STREAM_PAUSE_COUNT_SHIFT;
* Whether a controller thinks the stream is paused.
* When this changes, a pause-state change callback is performed.
* It may differ from [_isPaused] if there are pending events
* in the queue when the listeners resume. The controller won't
* be informed until all queued events have been fired.
bool get _isInputPaused => _state >= (_STREAM_PENDING_RESUME);
/** Whether we have a pending resume scheduled. */
bool get _hasPendingResume => (_state & _STREAM_PENDING_RESUME) != 0;
// Action state. If the stream makes a call-out to external code,
// this state tracks it and avoids reentrancy problems.
/** Whether the stream is not currently firing or calling a callback. */
bool get _isInactive => (_state & (_STREAM_CALLBACK | _STREAM_FIRING)) == 0;
/** Whether we are currently executing a state-chance callback. */
bool get _isInCallback => (_state & _STREAM_CALLBACK) != 0;
/** Whether we are currently firing an event. */
bool get _isFiring => (_state & _STREAM_FIRING) != 0;
/** Check whether the pending event queue is non-empty */
bool get _hasPendingEvent =>
_pendingEvents != null && !_pendingEvents.isEmpty;
* The bit representing the current or last event fired.
* This bit matches a bit on listeners that have received the corresponding
* event. It is toggled for each new event being fired.
int get _currentEventIdBit =>
/** Whether there is currently a subscriber on this [Stream]. */
bool get _hasSubscribers;
/** Whether the state bits allow firing. */
bool get _mayFireState {
// The state allows firing unless:
// - it's currently firing
// - it's currently in a callback
// - it's paused
const int mask =
return (_state & mask) == 0;
// State modification.
/** Record an increases in the number of times the listener has paused. */
void _incrementPauseCount(_StreamListener<T> listener) {
/** Record a decrease in the number of times the listener has paused. */
void _decrementPauseCount(_StreamListener<T> listener) {
/** Update the stream's own pause count only. */
void _updatePauseCount(int by) {
int oldState = _state;
// We can't just _state += by << _STREAM_PAUSE_COUNT_SHIFT, since dart2js
// converts the result of the left-shift to a positive number.
if (by >= 0) {
_state = oldState + (by << _STREAM_PAUSE_COUNT_SHIFT);
} else {
_state = oldState - ((-by) << _STREAM_PAUSE_COUNT_SHIFT);
assert(_state >= 0);
assert((_state >> _STREAM_PAUSE_COUNT_SHIFT) ==
(oldState >> _STREAM_PAUSE_COUNT_SHIFT) + by);
void _setClosed() {
_state |= _STREAM_CLOSED;
void _setComplete() {
_state = _state |_STREAM_COMPLETE;
void _startFiring() {
// This sets the _STREAM_FIRING bit and toggles the _STREAM_EVENT_ID
// bit. All current subscribers will now have a _LISTENER_EVENT_ID
// that doesn't match _STREAM_EVENT_ID, and they will receive the
// event being fired.
void _endFiring(bool wasInputPaused) {
_state ^= _STREAM_FIRING;
// Had listeners, or we wouldn't have fired.
_checkCallbacks(true, wasInputPaused);
* Record that a listener wants a pause from events.
* This methods is called from [_StreamListener.pause()].
* Subclasses can override this method, along with [isPaused] and
* [createSubscription], if they want to do a different handling of paused
* subscriptions, e.g., a filtering stream pausing its own source if all its
* subscribers are paused.
void _pause(_StreamListener<T> listener, Future resumeSignal) {
assert(identical(listener._source, this));
if (!listener._isSubscribed) {
throw new StateError("Subscription has been canceled.");
assert(!_isComplete); // There can be no subscribers when complete.
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
bool wasPaused = _isPaused;
if (resumeSignal != null) {
resumeSignal.whenComplete(() { this._resume(listener, true); });
if (!wasPaused && _hasPendingEvent && _pendingEvents.isScheduled) {
if (_isInactive && !wasInputPaused) {
_checkCallbacks(true, false);
if (!_isPaused && _hasPendingEvent) {
/** Stops pausing due to one request from the given listener. */
void _resume(_StreamListener<T> listener, bool fromEvent) {
if (!listener.isPaused) return;
if (!_isPaused) {
if (_hasPendingEvent) {
// Controller's pause state hasn't changed.
// If we can fire events now, fire any pending events right away.
if (_isInactive) {
if (fromEvent) {
} else {
} else if (_isInactive) {
_checkCallbacks(true, true);
if (!_isPaused && _hasPendingEvent) {
if (fromEvent) {
} else {
/** Schedule pending events to be executed. */
void _schedulePendingEvents() {
/** Create a subscription object. Called by [subcribe]. */
_StreamSubscriptionImpl<T> _createSubscription(
void onData(T data),
void onError(AsyncError error),
void onDone(),
bool unsubscribeOnError);
* Adds a listener to this stream.
void _addListener(_StreamSubscriptionImpl subscription);
* Handle a cancel requested from a [_StreamSubscriptionImpl].
* This method is called from [_StreamSubscriptionImpl.cancel].
* If an event is currently firing, the cancel is delayed
* until after the subscribers have received the event.
void _cancel(_StreamSubscriptionImpl subscriber);
* Iterate over all current subscribers and perform an action on each.
* Subscribers added during the iteration will not be visited.
* Subscribers unsubscribed during the iteration will only be removed
* after they have been acted on.
* Any change in the pause state is only reported after all subscribers have
* received the event.
* The [action] must not throw, or the controller will be left in an
* invalid state.
* This method must not be called while [isFiring] is true.
void _forEachSubscriber(void action(_StreamSubscriptionImpl<T> subscription));
* Checks whether the subscription/pause state has changed.
* Calls the appropriate callback if the state has changed from the
* provided one. Repeats calling callbacks as long as the call changes
* the state.
void _checkCallbacks(bool hadSubscribers, bool wasPaused) {
// Will be handled after the current callback.
if (_isInCallback) return;
if (_hasPendingResume && !_hasPendingEvent) {
while (true) {
bool hasSubscribers = _hasSubscribers;
bool isPaused = _isInputPaused;
if (hadSubscribers != hasSubscribers) {
} else if (isPaused != wasPaused) {
} else {
wasPaused = isPaused;
hadSubscribers = hasSubscribers;
* Called when the first subscriber requests a pause or the last a resume.
* Read [isPaused] to see the new state.
void _onPauseStateChange() {}
* Called when the first listener subscribes or the last unsubscribes.
* Read [hasSubscribers] to see what the new state is.
void _onSubscriptionStateChange() {}
* Add a pending event at the end of the pending event queue.
* Schedules events if currently not paused and inside a callback.
void _addPendingEvent(_DelayedEvent event) {
if (_pendingEvents == null) _pendingEvents = new _StreamImplEvents();
_StreamImplEvents events = _pendingEvents;
if (_isPaused || _isFiring) return;
if (_isInCallback) {
/** Fire any pending events until the pending event queue is empty. */
void _handlePendingEvents() {
if (!_hasPendingEvent) return;
_PendingEvents events = _pendingEvents;
do {
if (_isPaused) return;
if (events.isScheduled) events.cancelSchedule();
} while (!events.isEmpty);
* Send a data event directly to each subscriber.
_sendData(T value) {
if (!_hasSubscribers) return;
_forEachSubscriber((subscriber) {
try {
} on AsyncError catch (e) {
} catch (e, s) {
new AsyncError(e, s).throwDelayed();
* Sends an error event directly to each subscriber.
void _sendError(AsyncError error) {
if (!_hasSubscribers) return;
_forEachSubscriber((subscriber) {
try {
} on AsyncError catch (e) {
} catch (e, s) {
new AsyncError.withCause(e, s, error).throwDelayed();
* Sends the "done" message directly to each subscriber.
* This automatically stops further subscription and
* unsubscribes all subscribers.
void _sendDone() {
if (!_hasSubscribers) return;
_forEachSubscriber((subscriber) {
try {
} on AsyncError catch (e) {
} catch (e, s) {
new AsyncError(e, s).throwDelayed();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default implementation of a stream with a single subscriber.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default implementation of stream capable of sending events to one subscriber.
* Any class needing to implement [Stream] can either directly extend this
* class, or extend [Stream] and delegate the subscribe method to an instance
* of this class.
* The only public methods are those of [Stream], so instances of
* [_SingleStreamImpl] can be returned directly as a [Stream] without exposing
* internal functionality.
* The [StreamController] is a public facing version of this class, with
* some methods made public.
* The user interface of [_SingleStreamImpl] are the following methods:
* * [_add]: Add a data event to the stream.
* * [_addError]: Add an error event to the stream.
* * [_close]: Request to close the stream.
* * [_onSubscriberStateChange]: Called when receiving the first subscriber or
* when losing the last subscriber.
* * [_onPauseStateChange]: Called when entering or leaving paused mode.
* * [_hasSubscribers]: Test whether there are currently any subscribers.
* * [_isInputPaused]: Test whether the stream is currently paused.
* The user should not add new events while the stream is paused, but if it
* happens anyway, the stream will enqueue the events just as when new events
* arrive while still firing an old event.
class _SingleStreamImpl<T> extends _StreamImpl<T> {
_StreamListener _subscriber = null;
/** Whether there is currently a subscriber on this [Stream]. */
bool get _hasSubscribers => _subscriber != null;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal implementation.
_SingleStreamImpl() {
// Start out paused.
* Create the new subscription object.
_StreamSubscriptionImpl<T> _createSubscription(
void onData(T data),
void onError(AsyncError error),
void onDone(),
bool unsubscribeOnError) {
return new _StreamSubscriptionImpl<T>(
this, onData, onError, onDone, unsubscribeOnError);
void _addListener(_StreamListener subscription) {
if (_hasSubscribers) {
throw new StateError("Stream already has subscriber.");
assert(_pauseCount == 1);
_subscriber = subscription;
if (_isInactive) {
_checkCallbacks(false, true);
if (!_isPaused && _hasPendingEvent) {
* Handle a cancel requested from a [_StreamSubscriptionImpl].
* This method is called from [_StreamSubscriptionImpl.cancel].
void _cancel(_StreamListener subscriber) {
assert(identical(subscriber._source, this));
// We allow unsubscribing the currently firing subscription during
// the event firing, because it is indistinguishable from delaying it since
// that event has already received the event.
if (!identical(_subscriber, subscriber)) {
// You may unsubscribe more than once, only the first one counts.
_subscriber = null;
// Unsubscribing a paused subscription also cancels its pauses.
int resumeCount = subscriber._setUnsubscribed();
// Keep being paused while there is no subscriber and the stream is not
// complete.
_updatePauseCount(_isComplete ? -resumeCount : -resumeCount + 1);
if (_isInactive) {
_checkCallbacks(true, resumeCount > 0);
if (!_isPaused && _hasPendingEvent) {
void _forEachSubscriber(
void action(_StreamListener<T> subscription)) {
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
_StreamListener subscription = _subscriber;
assert(subscription != null);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default implementation of a stream with subscribers.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default implementation of stream capable of sending events to subscribers.
* Any class needing to implement [Stream] can either directly extend this
* class, or extend [Stream] and delegate the subscribe method to an instance
* of this class.
* The only public methods are those of [Stream], so instances of
* [_MultiStreamImpl] can be returned directly as a [Stream] without exposing
* internal functionality.
* The [StreamController] is a public facing version of this class, with
* some methods made public.
* The user interface of [_MultiStreamImpl] are the following methods:
* * [_add]: Add a data event to the stream.
* * [_addError]: Add an error event to the stream.
* * [_close]: Request to close the stream.
* * [_onSubscriptionStateChange]: Called when receiving the first subscriber or
* when losing the last subscriber.
* * [_onPauseStateChange]: Called when entering or leaving paused mode.
* * [_hasSubscribers]: Test whether there are currently any subscribers.
* * [_isPaused]: Test whether the stream is currently paused.
* The user should not add new events while the stream is paused, but if it
* happens anyway, the stream will enqueue the events just as when new events
* arrive while still firing an old event.
class _MultiStreamImpl<T> extends _StreamImpl<T>
implements _InternalLinkList {
// Link list implementation (mixin when possible).
_InternalLink _nextLink;
_InternalLink _previousLink;
_MultiStreamImpl() {
_nextLink = _previousLink = this;
bool get isBroadcast => true;
Stream<T> asBroadcastStream() => this;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions that can be overridden in subclasses.
/** Whether there are currently any subscribers on this [Stream]. */
bool get _hasSubscribers => !_InternalLinkList.isEmpty(this);
* Create the new subscription object.
_StreamListener<T> _createSubscription(
void onData(T data),
void onError(AsyncError error),
void onDone(),
bool unsubscribeOnError) {
return new _StreamSubscriptionImpl<T>(
this, onData, onError, onDone, unsubscribeOnError);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal implementation.
* Iterate over all current subscribers and perform an action on each.
* The set of subscribers cannot be modified during this iteration.
* All attempts to add or unsubscribe subscribers will be delayed until
* after the iteration is complete.
* The [action] must not throw, or the controller will be left in an
* invalid state.
* This method must not be called while [isFiring] is true.
void _forEachSubscriber(
void action(_StreamListener<T> subscription)) {
if (!_hasSubscribers) return;
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
_InternalLink cursor = this._nextLink;
while (!identical(cursor, this)) {
_StreamListener<T> current = cursor;
if (current._needsEvent(_currentEventIdBit)) {
// Marks as having received the event.
cursor = current._nextLink;
if (current._isPendingUnsubscribe) {
void _addListener(_StreamListener listener) {
bool hadSubscribers = _hasSubscribers;
_InternalLinkList.add(this, listener);
if (!hadSubscribers && _isInactive) {
_checkCallbacks(false, false);
if (!_isPaused && _hasPendingEvent) {
* Handle a cancel requested from a [_StreamListener].
* This method is called from [_StreamListener.cancel].
* If an event is currently firing, the cancel is delayed
* until after the subscribers have received the event.
void _cancel(_StreamListener listener) {
assert(identical(listener._source, this));
if (_InternalLink.isUnlinked(listener)) {
// You may unsubscribe more than once, only the first one counts.
if (_isFiring) {
if (listener._needsEvent(_currentEventIdBit)) {
} else {
// The listener has been notified of the event (or don't need to,
// if it's still pending subscription) so it's safe to remove it.
// Pause and subscription state changes are reported when we end
// firing.
} else {
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
if (_isInactive) {
_checkCallbacks(true, wasInputPaused);
if (!_isPaused && _hasPendingEvent) {
* Removes a listener from this stream and cancels its pauses.
* This is a low-level action that doesn't call [_onSubscriptionStateChange].
* or [_callOnPauseStateChange].
void _removeListener(_StreamListener listener) {
int pauseCount = listener._setUnsubscribed();
if (pauseCount > 0) {
if (!_isPaused && _hasPendingEvent) {
/** Stream that generates its own events. */
class _GeneratedSingleStreamImpl<T> extends _SingleStreamImpl<T> {
* Initializes the stream to have only the events provided by [events].
* A [_PendingEvents] implementation provides events that are handled
* by calling [_PendingEvents.handleNext] with the [_StreamImpl].
_GeneratedSingleStreamImpl(_PendingEvents events) {
_pendingEvents = events;
_setClosed(); // Closed for input since all events are already pending.
void _add(T value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot inject events into generated stream");
void _addError(AsyncError value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot inject events into generated stream");
void _close() {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot inject events into generated stream");
/** Pending events object that gets its events from an [Iterable]. */
class _IterablePendingEvents<T> extends _PendingEvents {
final Iterator<T> _iterator;
* Whether there are no more events to be sent.
* This starts out as [:false:] since there is always at least
* a 'done' event to be sent.
bool _isDone = false;
_IterablePendingEvents(Iterable<T> data) : _iterator = data.iterator;
bool get isEmpty => _isDone;
void handleNext(_StreamImpl<T> stream) {
if (_isDone) throw new StateError("No events pending.");
try {
_isDone = !_iterator.moveNext();
if (!_isDone) {
} else {
} catch (e, s) {
stream._sendError(new AsyncError(e, s));
_isDone = true;
* The subscription class that the [StreamController] uses.
* The [_StreamImpl.createSubscription] method should
* create an object of this type, or another subclass of [_StreamListener].
* A subclass of [_StreamImpl] can specify which subclass
* of [_StreamSubscriptionImpl] it uses by overriding
* [_StreamImpl.createSubscription].
* The subscription is in one of three states:
* * Subscribed.
* * Paused-and-subscribed.
* * Unsubscribed.
* Unsubscribing also resumes any pauses started by the subscription.
class _StreamSubscriptionImpl<T> extends _StreamListener<T>
implements StreamSubscription<T> {
final bool _unsubscribeOnError;
// TODO(ahe): Restore type when feature is implemented in dart2js
// checked mode.
var /* _DataHandler<T> */ _onData;
_ErrorHandler _onError;
_DoneHandler _onDone;
_StreamSubscriptionImpl(_StreamImpl source,
this._unsubscribeOnError) : super(source);
void onData(void handleData(T event)) {
if (handleData == null) handleData = _nullDataHandler;
_onData = handleData;
void onError(void handleError(AsyncError error)) {
if (handleError == null) handleError = _nullErrorHandler;
_onError = handleError;
void onDone(void handleDone()) {
if (handleDone == null) handleDone = _nullDoneHandler;
_onDone = handleDone;
void _sendData(T data) {
void _sendError(AsyncError error) {
if (_unsubscribeOnError) _source._cancel(this);
void _sendDone() {
void cancel() {
void pause([Future resumeSignal]) {
_source._pause(this, resumeSignal);
void resume() {
if (!isPaused) {
throw new StateError("Resuming unpaused subscription");
_source._resume(this, false);
// Internal helpers.
// Types of the different handlers on a stream. Types used to type fields.
typedef void _DataHandler<T>(T value);
typedef void _ErrorHandler(AsyncError error);
typedef void _DoneHandler();
/** Default data handler, does nothing. */
void _nullDataHandler(var value) {}
/** Default error handler, reports the error to the global handler. */
void _nullErrorHandler(AsyncError error) {
/** Default done handler, does nothing. */
void _nullDoneHandler() {}
/** A delayed event on a stream implementation. */
abstract class _DelayedEvent {
/** Added as a linked list on the [StreamController]. */
_DelayedEvent next;
/** Execute the delayed event on the [StreamController]. */
void perform(_StreamImpl stream);
/** A delayed data event. */
class _DelayedData<T> extends _DelayedEvent{
T value;
void perform(_StreamImpl<T> stream) {
/** A delayed error event. */
class _DelayedError extends _DelayedEvent {
AsyncError error;
void perform(_StreamImpl stream) {
/** A delayed done event. */
class _DelayedDone implements _DelayedEvent {
const _DelayedDone();
void perform(_StreamImpl stream) {
_DelayedEvent get next => null;
void set next(_DelayedEvent _) {
throw new StateError("No events after a done.");
* Simple internal doubly-linked list implementation.
* In an internal linked list, the links are in the data objects themselves,
* instead of in a separate object. That means each element can be in at most
* one list at a time.
* All links are always members of an element cycle. At creation it's a
* singleton cycle.
abstract class _InternalLink {
_InternalLink _nextLink;
_InternalLink _previousLink;
_InternalLink() {
this._previousLink = this._nextLink = this;
/* Removes a link from any list it may be part of, and links it to itself. */
static void unlink(_InternalLink element) {
_InternalLink next = element._nextLink;
_InternalLink previous = element._previousLink;
next._previousLink = previous;
previous._nextLink = next;
element._nextLink = element._previousLink = element;
/** Check whether an element is unattached to other elements. */
static bool isUnlinked(_InternalLink element) {
return identical(element, element._nextLink);
* Marker interface for "list" links.
* An "InternalLinkList" is an abstraction on top of a link cycle, where the
* "list" object itself is not considered an element (it's just a header link
* created to avoid edge cases).
* An element is considered part of a list if it is in the list's cycle.
* There should never be more than one "list" object in a cycle.
abstract class _InternalLinkList extends _InternalLink {
* Adds an element to a list, just before the header link.
* This effectively adds it at the end of the list.
static void add(_InternalLinkList list, _InternalLink element) {
if (!_InternalLink.isUnlinked(element)) _InternalLink.unlink(element);
_InternalLink listEnd = list._previousLink;
listEnd._nextLink = element;
list._previousLink = element;
element._previousLink = listEnd;
element._nextLink = list;
/** Removes an element from its list. */
static void remove(_InternalLink element) {
/** Check whether a list contains no elements, only the header link. */
static bool isEmpty(_InternalLinkList list) => _InternalLink.isUnlinked(list);
/** Moves all elements from the list [other] to [list]. */
static void addAll(_InternalLinkList list, _InternalLinkList other) {
if (isEmpty(other)) return;
_InternalLink listLast = list._previousLink;
_InternalLink otherNext = other._nextLink;
listLast._nextLink = otherNext;
otherNext._previousLink = listLast;
_InternalLink otherLast = other._previousLink;
list._previousLink = otherLast;
otherLast._nextLink = list;
// Clean up [other].
other._nextLink = other._previousLink = other;
/** Abstract type for an internal interface for sending events. */
abstract class _EventOutputSink<T> {
_sendData(T data);
_sendError(AsyncError error);
abstract class _StreamListener<T> extends _InternalLink
implements _EventOutputSink<T> {
final _StreamImpl _source;
bool get isPaused => _state >= (1 << _LISTENER_PAUSE_COUNT_SHIFT);
bool get _isPendingUnsubscribe =>
bool get _isSubscribed => (_state & _LISTENER_SUBSCRIBED) != 0;
* Whether the listener still needs to receive the currently firing event.
* The currently firing event is identified by a single bit, which alternates
* between events. The [_state] contains the previously sent event's bit in
* the [_LISTENER_EVENT_ID] bit. If the two don't match, this listener
* still need the current event.
bool _needsEvent(int currentEventIdBit) {
int lastEventIdBit =
return lastEventIdBit != currentEventIdBit;
/// If a subscriber's "firing bit" doesn't match the stream's firing bit,
/// we are currently firing an event and the subscriber still need to receive
/// the event.
void _toggleEventReceived() {
void _setSubscribed(int eventIdBit) {
assert(eventIdBit == 0 || eventIdBit == 1);
void _setPendingUnsubscribe(int currentEventIdBit) {
// Sets the pending unsubscribe, and ensures that the listener
// won't get the current event.
_state ^= (1 ^ currentEventIdBit) << _LISTENER_EVENT_ID_SHIFT;
* Marks the listener as unsubscibed.
* Returns the number of unresumed pauses for the listener.
int _setUnsubscribed() {
int timesPaused = _state >> _LISTENER_PAUSE_COUNT_SHIFT;
return timesPaused;
void _incrementPauseCount() {
void _decrementPauseCount() {
_sendData(T data);
_sendError(AsyncError error);
/** Superclass for provider of pending events. */
abstract class _PendingEvents {
* Timer set when pending events are scheduled for execution.
* When scheduling pending events for execution in a later cycle, the timer
* is stored here. If pending events are executed earlier than that, e.g.,
* due to a second event in the current cycle, the timer is canceled again.
Timer scheduleTimer = null;
bool get isEmpty;
bool get isScheduled => scheduleTimer != null;
void schedule(_StreamImpl stream) {
if (isScheduled) return;
scheduleTimer = new Timer(Duration.ZERO, () {
scheduleTimer = null;
void cancelSchedule() {
scheduleTimer = null;
void handleNext(_StreamImpl stream);
/** Class holding pending events for a [_StreamImpl]. */
class _StreamImplEvents extends _PendingEvents {
/// Single linked list of [_DelayedEvent] objects.
_DelayedEvent firstPendingEvent = null;
/// Last element in the list of pending events. New events are added after it.
_DelayedEvent lastPendingEvent = null;
bool get isEmpty => lastPendingEvent == null;
bool get isScheduled => scheduleTimer != null;
void add(_DelayedEvent event) {
if (lastPendingEvent == null) {
firstPendingEvent = lastPendingEvent = event;
} else {
lastPendingEvent = = event;
void handleNext(_StreamImpl stream) {
_DelayedEvent event = firstPendingEvent;
firstPendingEvent =;
if (firstPendingEvent == null) {
lastPendingEvent = null;
class _DoneSubscription<T> implements StreamSubscription<T> {
_DoneHandler _handler;
Timer _timer;
int _pauseCount = 0;
_DoneSubscription(this._handler) {
void _delayDone() {
assert(_timer == null && _pauseCount == 0);
_timer = new Timer(Duration.ZERO, () {
if (_handler != null) _handler();
bool get _isComplete => _timer == null && _pauseCount == 0;
void onData(void handleAction(T value)) {}
void onError(void handleError(AsyncError error)) {}
void onDone(void handleDone()) {
_handler = handleDone;
void pause([Future signal]) {
if (_isComplete) {
throw new StateError("Subscription has been canceled.");
if (_timer != null) {
_timer = null;
if (signal != null) signal.whenComplete(resume);
void resume() {
if (_isComplete) {
throw new StateError("Subscription has been canceled.");
if (_pauseCount == 0) return;
if (_pauseCount == 0) {
bool get isPaused => _pauseCount > 0;
void cancel() {
if (_isComplete) {
throw new StateError("Subscription has been canceled.");
if (_timer != null) {
_timer = null;
_pauseCount = 0;
class _SingleStreamMultiplexer<T> extends _MultiStreamImpl<T> {
final Stream<T> _source;
StreamSubscription<T> _subscription;
void _callOnPauseStateChange() {
if (_isPaused) {
if (_subscription != null) {
} else {
if (_subscription != null) {
* Subscribe or unsubscribe on [_source] depending on whether
* [_stream] has subscribers.
void _onSubscriptionStateChange() {
if (_hasSubscribers) {
assert(_subscription == null);
_subscription = _source.listen(this._add,
onError: this._addError,
onDone: this._close);
} else {
// TODO(lrn): Check why this can happen.
if (_subscription == null) return;
_subscription = null;