blob: 1093a6dcf0b9ca872bbb673a2ff7ca57db651e05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Convenience methods wrapped up in a class to pull down the docgen viewer for
/// a viewable website, and start up a server for viewing.
library docgen.viewer;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'generator.dart' as gen;
import 'package_helpers.dart' show rootDirectory;
final String _dartdocViewerString =
path.join(Directory.current.path, 'dartdoc-viewer');
final Directory _dartdocViewerDir = new Directory(_dartdocViewerString);
Directory _topLevelTempDir;
Directory _webDocsDir;
bool _movedViewerCode = false;
void createViewer(bool serve) {
if (serve) {
* dartdoc-viewer currently has the web app code under a 'client' directory
* This is confusing for folks that want to clone and modify the code.
* It also includes a number of python files and other content related to
* app engine hosting that are not needed.
* This logic exists to support the current model and a (future) updated
* dartdoc-viewer repo where the 'client' content exists at the root of the
* project and the other content is removed.
String get _viewerCodePath {
if (_viewerCodePathCache == null) {
var pubspecFileName = 'pubspec.yaml';
var thePath = _dartdocViewerDir.path;
if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(path.join(thePath, pubspecFileName))) {
thePath = path.join(thePath, 'client');
if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(path.join(thePath, pubspecFileName))) {
throw new StateError('Could not find a pubspec file');
_viewerCodePathCache = thePath;
return _viewerCodePathCache;
String _viewerCodePathCache;
/// If our dartdoc-viewer code is already checked out, move it to a temporary
/// directory outside of the package directory, so we don't try to process it
/// for documentation.
void ensureMovedViewerCode() {
// TODO(efortuna): This will need to be modified to run on anyone's package
// outside of the checkout!
if (_dartdocViewerDir.existsSync()) {
_topLevelTempDir = new Directory(rootDirectory).createTempSync();
/// Move the dartdoc-viewer code back into place for "webpage deployment."
void addBackViewerCode() {
if (_movedViewerCode) _dartdocViewerDir.renameSync(_dartdocViewerString);
/// Serve up our generated documentation for viewing in a browser.
void _clone() {
// If the viewer code is already there, then don't clone again.
if (_dartdocViewerDir.existsSync()) {
} else {
var processResult = Process.runSync('git', ['clone', '-b', 'master',
''], runInShell: true);
if (processResult.exitCode == 0) {
/// Move the generated json/yaml docs directory to the dartdoc-viewer
/// directory, to run as a webpage.
var processResult = Process.runSync(gen.pubScript, ['upgrade'],
runInShell: true, workingDirectory: _viewerCodePath);
print('process output: ${processResult.stdout}');
print('process stderr: ${processResult.stderr}');
var dir = new Directory(gen.outputDirectory == null ? 'docs' :
_webDocsDir = new Directory(path.join(_viewerCodePath, 'web', 'docs'));
if (dir.existsSync()) {
// Move the docs folder to dartdoc-viewer/client/web/docs
} else {
print('Error cloning git repository:');
print('process output: ${processResult.stdout}');
print('process stderr: ${processResult.stderr}');
/// Move the generated json/yaml docs directory to the dartdoc-viewer
/// directory, to run as a webpage.
void _moveDirectoryAndServe() {
var processResult = Process.runSync(gen.pubScript, ['upgrade'], runInShell:
true, workingDirectory: path.join(_dartdocViewerDir.path, 'client'));
print('process output: ${processResult.stdout}');
print('process stderr: ${processResult.stderr}');
var dir = new Directory(gen.outputDirectory == null ? 'docs' :
var webDocsDir = new Directory(path.join(_dartdocViewerDir.path, 'client',
'web', 'docs'));
if (dir.existsSync()) {
// Move the docs folder to dartdoc-viewer/client/web/docs
if (webDocsDir.existsSync()) {
// Compile the code to JavaScript so we can run on any browser.
print('Compile app to JavaScript for viewing.');
var processResult = Process.runSync(gen.dartBinary, ['deploy.dart'],
workingDirectory: path.join(_dartdocViewerDir.path, 'client'),
runInShell: true);
print('process output: ${processResult.stdout}');
print('process stderr: ${processResult.stderr}');
void _compile() {
if (_webDocsDir.existsSync()) {
// Compile the code to JavaScript so we can run on any browser.
print('Compile app to JavaScript for viewing.');
var processResult = Process.runSync(gen.dartBinary, ['deploy.dart'],
workingDirectory: _viewerCodePath, runInShell: true);
print('process output: ${processResult.stdout}');
print('process stderr: ${processResult.stderr}');
var outputDir = path.join(_viewerCodePath, 'out', 'web');
print('Docs are available at $outputDir');
/// A simple HTTP server. Implemented here because this is part of the SDK,
/// so it shouldn't have any external dependencies.
void _runServer() {
// Launch a server to serve out of the directory dartdoc-viewer/client/web.
HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V6, 8080).then((HttpServer httpServer)
print('Server launched. Navigate your browser to: '
httpServer.listen((HttpRequest request) {
var response = request.response;
var basePath = path.join(_viewerCodePath, 'out', 'web');
var requestPath = path.join(basePath, request.uri.path.substring(1));
bool found = true;
var file = new File(requestPath);
if (file.existsSync()) {
// Set the correct header type.
if (requestPath.endsWith('.html')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
} else if (requestPath.endsWith('.js')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/javascript');
} else if (requestPath.endsWith('.dart')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/dart');
} else if (requestPath.endsWith('.css')) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/css');
} else {
if (requestPath == basePath) {
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
file = new File(path.join(basePath, 'index.html'));
} else {
print('Path not found: $requestPath');
found = false;
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND;
if (found) {
// Serve up file contents.
file.openRead().pipe(response).catchError((e) {
print('HttpServer: error while closing the response stream $e');
}, onError: (e) {
print('HttpServer: an error occured $e');