blob: 2809dd7c663798568100e9ca69ad4cb98c3c1c7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_backend;
class CodeEmitterNoEvalTask extends CodeEmitterTask {
CodeEmitterNoEvalTask(Compiler compiler,
Namer namer,
bool generateSourceMap)
: super(compiler, namer, generateSourceMap);
bool get getterAndSetterCanBeImplementedByFieldSpec => false;
bool get generateTrivialNsmHandlers => false;
void emitSuper(String superName, ClassBuilder builder) {
if (superName != '') {
builder.addProperty('super', js.string(superName));
void emitRuntimeName(String runtimeName, ClassBuilder builder) {
if (runtimeName != null) {
builder.addProperty(r'$name', js.string(runtimeName));
void emitClosureClassHeader(String mangledName,
String superName,
List<String> fieldNames,
ClassBuilder builder) {
builder.addProperty('', buildConstructor(mangledName, fieldNames));
emitSuper(superName, builder);
bool emitFields(ClassElement classElement,
ClassBuilder builder,
String superName,
{ bool classIsNative: false,
bool emitStatics: false,
bool onlyForRti: false }) {
// Class fields are dynamically generated so they have to be
// emitted using getters and setters instead.
return false;
void emitClassConstructor(ClassElement classElement, ClassBuilder builder) {
// Say we have a class A with fields b, c and d, where c needs a getter and
// d needs both a getter and a setter. Then we produce:
// - a constructor (directly into the given [buffer]):
// function A(b, c, d) { this.b = b, this.c = c, this.d = d; }
// - getters and setters (stored in the [explicitGettersSetters] list):
// get$c : function() { return this.c; }
// get$d : function() { return this.d; }
// set$d : function(x) { this.d = x; }
List<String> fields = <String>[];
visitFields(classElement, false,
(Element member,
String name,
String accessorName,
bool needsGetter,
bool needsSetter,
bool needsCheckedSetter) {
String constructorName = namer.safeName(;
if (classElement.isNative()) {
builder.addProperty('', buildUnusedConstructor(constructorName));
} else {
builder.addProperty('', buildConstructor(constructorName, fields));
List get defineClassFunction {
return [new jsAst.FunctionDeclaration(
new jsAst.VariableDeclaration('defineClass'),['name', 'cls', 'constructor', 'prototype'],
[js(r'constructor.prototype = prototype'),
js(r'constructor.builtin$cls = name'),
List buildProtoSupportCheck() {
// We don't modify the prototypes in CSP mode. Therefore we can have an
// easier prototype-check.
return [js('var $supportsProtoName = !!{}.__proto__')];
jsAst.Expression buildConstructor(String mangledName,
List<String> fieldNames) {
return new jsAst.NamedFunction(
new jsAst.VariableDeclaration(mangledName),,
(name) => js('this.$name = $name')).toList()));
jsAst.Expression buildUnusedConstructor(String mangledName) {
String message = 'Called unused constructor';
return new jsAst.NamedFunction(
new jsAst.VariableDeclaration(mangledName),[], new jsAst.Throw(js.string(message))));
jsAst.FunctionDeclaration get generateAccessorFunction {
String message =
'Internal error: no dynamic generation of accessors allowed.';
return new jsAst.FunctionDeclaration(
new jsAst.VariableDeclaration('generateAccessor'),[], new jsAst.Throw(js.string(message))));
jsAst.Expression buildLazyInitializedGetter(VariableElement element) {
String isolate = namer.CURRENT_ISOLATE;
String name = namer.getName(element);
return[], js.return_(js('$isolate.$name')));
jsAst.Fun get lazyInitializerFunction {
// function(prototype, staticName, fieldName,
// getterName, lazyValue, getter) {
var parameters = <String>['prototype', 'staticName', 'fieldName',
'getterName', 'lazyValue', 'getter'];
return, addLazyInitializerLogic());
jsAst.Fun get finishIsolateConstructorFunction {
// We replace the old Isolate function with a new one that initializes
// all its fields with the initial (and often final) value of all globals.
// We also copy over old values like the prototype, and the
// isolateProperties themselves.
return'oldIsolate', [
js('var isolateProperties = oldIsolate.${namer.isolatePropertiesName}'),
new jsAst.FunctionDeclaration(
new jsAst.VariableDeclaration('Isolate'),[], [
js('var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty'),
js.forIn('staticName', 'isolateProperties',
js.if_(', staticName)',
js('this[staticName] = isolateProperties[staticName]'))),
// Use the newly created object as prototype. In Chrome,
// this creates a hidden class for the object and makes
// sure it is fast to access.
new jsAst.FunctionDeclaration(
new jsAst.VariableDeclaration('ForceEfficientMap'),[], [])),
js('ForceEfficientMap.prototype = this'),
js('new ForceEfficientMap()')])),
js('Isolate.prototype = oldIsolate.prototype'),
js('Isolate.prototype.constructor = Isolate'),
js('Isolate.${namer.isolatePropertiesName} = isolateProperties'),
String get nameOfDispatchPropertyInitializer =>
jsAst.Expression generateDispatchPropertyInitialization() {
String ref(Element topLevelElement) {
return '${namer.CURRENT_ISOLATE}.${namer.getName(topLevelElement)}';
jsAst.Expression makeGetter(int seed) {
List<jsAst.Expression> getters = <jsAst.Expression>[
return js(ref(backend.initializeDispatchPropertyMethod))([['a'], [ js('${ref(backend.getDispatchPropertyMethod)} = a')]),
new jsAst.ArrayInitializer.from(getters),