blob: c85fdd78bbaeca6e2c867afb9b4d55cc07d0710c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.package_graph;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'asset.dart';
import 'asset_cascade.dart';
import 'asset_id.dart';
import 'asset_node.dart';
import 'build_result.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
import 'package_provider.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// The collection of [AssetCascade]s for an entire application.
/// This tracks each package's [AssetCascade] and routes asset requests between
/// them.
class PackageGraph {
/// The provider that exposes asset and package information.
final PackageProvider provider;
/// The [AssetCascade] for each package.
final _cascades = <String, AssetCascade>{};
/// The current [BuildResult] for each package's [AssetCascade].
/// The result for a given package will be `null` if that [AssetCascade] is
/// actively building.
final _cascadeResults = <String, BuildResult>{};
/// A stream that emits a [BuildResult] each time the build is completed,
/// whether or not it succeeded.
/// This will emit a result only once every package's [AssetCascade] has
/// finished building.
/// If an unexpected error in barback itself occurs, it will be emitted
/// through this stream's error channel.
Stream<BuildResult> get results =>;
final _resultsController = new StreamController<BuildResult>.broadcast();
/// A stream that emits any errors from the graph or the transformers.
/// This emits errors as they're detected. If an error occurs in one part of
/// the graph, unrelated parts will continue building.
/// This will not emit programming errors from barback itself. Those will be
/// emitted through the [results] stream's error channel.
Stream get errors => _errors;
Stream _errors;
/// Creates a new [PackageGraph] that will transform assets in all packages
/// made available by [provider].
PackageGraph(this.provider) {
for (var package in provider.packages) {
var cascade = new AssetCascade(this, package,
// The initial result for each cascade is "success" since the cascade
// doesn't start building until some source in that graph is updated.
_cascadeResults[package] = new BuildResult.success();
_cascades[package] = cascade;
cascade.results.listen((result) {
_cascadeResults[cascade.package] = result;
// If any cascade hasn't yet finished, the overall build isn't finished
// either.
if (_cascadeResults.values.any((result) => result == null)) return;
// Include all build errors for all cascades. If no cascades have
// errors, the result will automatically be considered a success.
_resultsController.add(new BuildResult(flatten( => result.errors))));
}, onError: _resultsController.addError);
_errors = mergeStreams( => cascade.errors));
/// Gets the asset node identified by [id].
/// If [id] is for a generated or transformed asset, this will wait until it
/// has been created and return it. If the asset cannot be found, returns
/// null.
Future<AssetNode> getAssetNode(AssetId id) {
var cascade = _cascades[id.package];
if (cascade != null) return cascade.getAssetNode(id);
return new Future.value(null);
/// Adds [sources] to the graph's known set of source assets.
/// Begins applying any transforms that can consume any of the sources. If a
/// given source is already known, it is considered modified and all
/// transforms that use it will be re-applied.
void updateSources(Iterable<AssetId> sources) {
groupBy(sources, (id) => id.package).forEach((package, ids) {
var cascade = _cascades[package];
if (cascade == null) throw new ArgumentError("Unknown package $package.");
_cascadeResults[package] = null;
/// Removes [removed] from the graph's known set of source assets.
void removeSources(Iterable<AssetId> sources) {
groupBy(sources, (id) => id.package).forEach((package, ids) {
var cascade = _cascades[package];
if (cascade == null) throw new ArgumentError("Unknown package $package.");
_cascadeResults[package] = null;