blob: ecc63f59be9ae0f91e427c7ad995d994cb107a3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/value.dart';
/// The interface `TypeProvider` defines the behavior of objects that provide
/// access to types defined by the language.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class TypeProvider {
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'bool'.
ClassElement get boolElement;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'bool'.
InterfaceType get boolType;
/// Return the type representing the type 'bottom'.
DartType get bottomType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Deprecated'.
InterfaceType get deprecatedType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'double'.
ClassElement get doubleElement;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'double'.
InterfaceType get doubleType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'dynamic'.
DartType get dynamicType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Function'.
InterfaceType get functionType;
/// Return the type representing 'Future<dynamic>'.
InterfaceType get futureDynamicType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'Future'.
ClassElement get futureElement;
/// Return the type representing 'Future<Null>'.
InterfaceType get futureNullType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'FutureOr'.
ClassElement get futureOrElement;
/// Return the type representing 'FutureOr<Null>'.
InterfaceType get futureOrNullType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'FutureOr'.
@Deprecated('Use futureOrType2() instead.')
InterfaceType get futureOrType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Future'.
@Deprecated('Use futureType2() instead.')
InterfaceType get futureType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'int'.
ClassElement get intElement;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'int'.
InterfaceType get intType;
/// Return the type representing the type 'Iterable<dynamic>'.
InterfaceType get iterableDynamicType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'Iterable'.
ClassElement get iterableElement;
/// Return the type representing the type 'Iterable<Object>'.
InterfaceType get iterableObjectType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Iterable'.
@Deprecated('Use iterableType2() instead.')
InterfaceType get iterableType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'List'.
ClassElement get listElement;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'List'.
@Deprecated('Use listType2() instead.')
InterfaceType get listType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'Map'.
ClassElement get mapElement;
/// Return the type representing 'Map<Object, Object>'.
InterfaceType get mapObjectObjectType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Map'.
@Deprecated('Use mapType2() instead.')
InterfaceType get mapType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Never'.
DartType get neverType;
/// Return a list containing all of the types that cannot be either extended
/// or implemented.
Set<ClassElement> get nonSubtypableClasses;
/// Return a list containing all of the types that cannot be either extended
/// or implemented.
@Deprecated('Use nonSubtypableClasses instead.')
List<InterfaceType> get nonSubtypableTypes;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'null'.
ClassElement get nullElement;
/// Return a [DartObjectImpl] representing the `null` object.
DartObjectImpl get nullObject;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Null'.
InterfaceType get nullType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'num'.
ClassElement get numElement;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'num'.
InterfaceType get numType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Object'.
InterfaceType get objectType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'Set'.
ClassElement get setElement;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Set'.
@Deprecated('Use setType2() instead.')
InterfaceType get setType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'StackTrace'.
InterfaceType get stackTraceType;
/// Return the type representing 'Stream<dynamic>'.
InterfaceType get streamDynamicType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'Stream'.
ClassElement get streamElement;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Stream'.
@Deprecated('Use streamType2() instead.')
InterfaceType get streamType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'String'.
ClassElement get stringElement;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'String'.
InterfaceType get stringType;
/// Return the element representing the built-in class 'Symbol'.
ClassElement get symbolElement;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Symbol'.
InterfaceType get symbolType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type 'Type'.
InterfaceType get typeType;
/// Return the type representing the built-in type `void`.
VoidType get voidType;
/// Return the instantiation of the built-in class 'FutureOr' with the
/// given [valueType]. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
InterfaceType futureOrType2(DartType valueType);
/// Return the instantiation of the built-in class 'Future' with the
/// given [valueType]. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
InterfaceType futureType2(DartType valueType);
/// Return 'true' if [id] is the name of a getter on
/// the Object type.
bool isObjectGetter(String id);
/// Return 'true' if [id] is the name of a method or getter on
/// the Object type.
bool isObjectMember(String id);
/// Return 'true' if [id] is the name of a method on
/// the Object type.
bool isObjectMethod(String id);
/// Return the instantiation of the built-in class 'Iterable' with the
/// given [elementType]. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
InterfaceType iterableType2(DartType elementType);
/// Return the instantiation of the built-in class 'List' with the
/// given [elementType]. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
InterfaceType listType2(DartType elementType);
/// Return the instantiation of the built-in class 'List' with the
/// given [keyType] and [valueType]. The type has the nullability suffix of
/// this provider.
InterfaceType mapType2(DartType keyType, DartType valueType);
/// Return the instantiation of the built-in class 'Set' with the
/// given [elementType]. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
InterfaceType setType2(DartType elementType);
/// Return the instantiation of the built-in class 'Stream' with the
/// given [elementType]. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
InterfaceType streamType2(DartType elementType);