blob: fc6a0bfff0ab5f1edd5b80cab03e108bf5d2a02f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:smith/configuration.dart';
import 'package:smith/smith.dart';
import 'compiler_configuration.dart';
import 'feature.dart';
import 'path.dart';
import 'repository.dart';
import 'runtime_configuration.dart';
import 'testing_servers.dart';
export 'package:smith/smith.dart';
/// All of the contextual information to determine how a test suite should be
/// run.
/// Includes the compiler used to compile the code, the runtime the result is
/// executed on, etc.
class TestConfiguration {
{required this.configuration,
this.progress = Progress.compact,
this.selectors = const {}, = false,
this.testList = const [],
this.repeat = 1,
this.batch = false,
this.copyCoreDumps = false,
this.rr = false,
this.isVerbose = false,
this.listTests = false,
this.listStatusFiles = false,
this.cleanExit = false,
this.silentFailures = false,
this.printTiming = false,
this.printReport = false,
this.reportFailures = false,
this.reportInJson = false,
this.resetBrowser = false,
this.writeDebugLog = false,
this.writeResults = false,
this.writeLogs = false,
this.taskCount = 1,
this.shardCount = 1,
this.shard = 1,
this.testServerPort = 0,
this.testServerCrossOriginPort = 0,
this.testDriverErrorPort = 0,
this.localIP = '',
this.keepGeneratedFiles = false,
this.sharedOptions = const [],
String? packages,
required this.outputDirectory,
required this.reproducingArguments,
this.fastTestsOnly = false,
this.printPassingStdout = false})
: packages = packages ??
final Map<String, RegExp?> selectors;
final Progress progress;
// The test configuration read from the -n option and the test matrix
// or else computed from the test options.
final Configuration configuration;
// Boolean flags.
final bool batch;
final bool build;
final bool copyCoreDumps;
final bool rr;
final bool fastTestsOnly;
final bool isVerbose;
final bool listTests;
final bool listStatusFiles;
final bool cleanExit;
final bool silentFailures;
final bool printTiming;
final bool printReport;
final bool reportFailures;
final bool reportInJson;
final bool resetBrowser;
final bool writeDebugLog;
final bool writeResults;
final bool writeLogs;
final bool printPassingStdout;
Architecture get architecture => configuration.architecture;
Compiler get compiler => configuration.compiler;
Mode get mode => configuration.mode;
Runtime get runtime => configuration.runtime;
System get system => configuration.system;
NnbdMode get nnbdMode => configuration.nnbdMode;
Sanitizer get sanitizer => configuration.sanitizer;
// Boolean getters
bool get hotReload => configuration.useHotReload;
bool get hotReloadRollback => configuration.useHotReloadRollback;
bool get isChecked => configuration.isChecked;
bool get isHostChecked => configuration.isHostChecked;
bool get isCsp => configuration.isCsp;
bool get isMinified => configuration.isMinified;
bool get useAnalyzerCfe => configuration.useAnalyzerCfe;
bool get useAnalyzerFastaParser => configuration.useAnalyzerFastaParser;
bool get useElf => configuration.useElf;
bool get useSdk => configuration.useSdk;
bool get enableAsserts => configuration.enableAsserts;
bool get useQemu => configuration.useQemu;
// Various file paths.
final String? drtPath;
final String? chromePath;
final String? safariPath;
final String? firefoxPath;
final String? dartPath;
final String? dartPrecompiledPath;
final String? genSnapshotPath;
final List<String>? testList;
final int taskCount;
final int shardCount;
final int shard;
final int repeat;
final String? stepName;
final int testServerPort;
final int testServerCrossOriginPort;
final int testDriverErrorPort;
final String localIP;
final bool keepGeneratedFiles;
/// Extra dart2js options passed to the testing script.
List<String> get dart2jsOptions => configuration.dart2jsOptions;
/// Extra gen_kernel options passed to the testing script.
List<String> get genKernelOptions => configuration.genKernelOptions;
/// Extra VM options passed to the testing script.
List<String> get vmOptions => configuration.vmOptions;
/// The names of the experiments to enable while running tests.
/// A test may *require* an experiment to always be enabled by containing a
/// comment like:
/// // SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=extension-methods
/// Enabling an experiment here in the configuration allows running the same
/// test both with an experiment on and off.
List<String> get experiments => configuration.experiments;
/// Extra general options passed to the testing script.
final List<String> sharedOptions;
final String packages;
final String? serviceResponseSizesDirectory;
final String outputDirectory;
final String? suiteDirectory;
String get babel => configuration.babel;
String get builderTag => configuration.builderTag;
final List<String> reproducingArguments;
TestingServers? _servers;
TestingServers get servers {
return _servers ?? (throw StateError("Servers have not been started yet."));
/// Returns true if this configuration uses the new front end (fasta)
/// as the first stage of compilation.
bool get usesFasta {
var fastaCompilers = const [
return fastaCompilers.contains(compiler);
/// The base directory named for this configuration, like:
/// ReleaseX64
String? _configurationDirectory;
String get configurationDirectory {
// Lazy initialize and cache since it requires hitting the file system.
return _configurationDirectory ??= _calculateDirectory();
/// The build directory path for this configuration, like:
/// build/ReleaseX64
String get buildDirectory => system.outputDirectory + configurationDirectory;
int? _timeout;
// TODO(whesse): Put non-default timeouts explicitly in configs, not this.
/// Calculates a default timeout based on the compiler and runtime used,
/// and the mode, architecture, etc.
int get timeout {
if (_timeout == null) {
if (configuration.timeout > 0) {
_timeout = configuration.timeout;
} else {
var isReload = hotReload || hotReloadRollback;
var compilerMulitiplier = compilerConfiguration.timeoutMultiplier;
var runtimeMultiplier = runtimeConfiguration.timeoutMultiplier(
mode: mode,
isChecked: isChecked,
isReload: isReload,
arch: architecture);
_timeout = 60 * compilerMulitiplier * runtimeMultiplier;
return _timeout!;
List<String> get standardOptions {
if (compiler != Compiler.dart2js) {
return const ["--ignore-unrecognized-flags"];
var args = ['--test-mode'];
if (isMinified) args.add("--minify");
if (isCsp) args.add("--csp");
if (enableAsserts) args.add("--enable-asserts");
return args;
late final String? windowsSdkPath = () {
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
throw StateError(
"Should not use windowsSdkPath when not running on Windows.");
// When running tests on Windows, use cdb from depot_tools to dump
// stack traces of tests timing out.
try {
var path = Path("build/win_toolchain.json").toNativePath();
var text = File(path).readAsStringSync();
return jsonDecode(text)['win_sdk'] as String;
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors here. If win_sdk is not found, stack trace dumping
// for timeouts won't work.
/// Gets the local file path to the browser executable for this configuration.
late final String browserLocation = () {
// If the user has explicitly configured a browser path, use it.
String? location;
switch (runtime) {
location = chromePath;
case Runtime.firefox:
location = firefoxPath;
if (location != null) return location;
const locations = {
Runtime.firefox: { 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe',
System.linux: '/usr/bin/firefox',
System.mac: '/Applications/'
}, {
'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe',
'/Applications/Google Chrome',
System.linux: '/usr/bin/google-chrome'
Runtime.ie9: { 'C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe'
Runtime.ie10: { 'C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe'
Runtime.ie11: { 'C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe'
location = locations[runtime]![System.find(Platform.operatingSystem)];
if (location == null) {
throw "${} is not supported on ${Platform.operatingSystem}";
return location;
RuntimeConfiguration? _runtimeConfiguration;
RuntimeConfiguration get runtimeConfiguration =>
_runtimeConfiguration ??= RuntimeConfiguration(this);
CompilerConfiguration? _compilerConfiguration;
CompilerConfiguration get compilerConfiguration =>
_compilerConfiguration ??= CompilerConfiguration(this);
/// The set of [Feature]s supported by this configuration.
late final Set<Feature> supportedFeatures = compiler == Compiler.dart2analyzer
// The analyzer should parse all tests.
? {...Feature.all}
: {
// TODO(rnystrom): Define more features for things like "dart:io", separate
// int/double representation, etc.
if (NnbdMode.legacy == configuration.nnbdMode)
if (NnbdMode.weak == configuration.nnbdMode) Feature.nnbdWeak,
if (NnbdMode.strong == configuration.nnbdMode) Feature.nnbdStrong,
/// Determines if this configuration has a compatible compiler and runtime
/// and other valid fields.
/// Prints a warning if the configuration isn't valid. Returns whether or not
/// it is.
bool validate() {
var isValid = true;
var validRuntimes = compiler.supportedRuntimes;
if (!validRuntimes.contains(runtime)) {
print("Warning: combination of compiler '${}' and "
"runtime '${}' is invalid. Skipping this combination.");
isValid = false;
if (runtime.isIE &&
Platform.operatingSystem != 'windows' &&
!listStatusFiles &&
!listTests) {
print("Warning: cannot run Internet Explorer on non-Windows operating"
" system.");
isValid = false;
if (architecture == Architecture.ia32 && compiler == Compiler.dartkp) {
print("Warning: IA32 does not support AOT mode.");
isValid = false;
if (system == &&
!(architecture == Architecture.ia32 ||
architecture == Architecture.x64 ||
architecture == Architecture.arm ||
architecture == Architecture.arm_x64 ||
architecture == Architecture.arm64 ||
architecture == Architecture.arm64c)) {
print("Warning: Android only supports the following "
"architectures: ia32/x64/arm/arm64/arm64c/arm_x64.");
isValid = false;
if (shard < 1 || shard > shardCount) {
print("Error: shard index is $shard out of $shardCount shards");
isValid = false;
return isValid;
/// Starts global HTTP servers that serve the entire dart repo.
/// The HTTP server is available on `window.location.port`, and a second
/// server for cross-domain tests can be found by calling
/// `getCrossOriginPortNumber()`.
Future startServers() {
_servers = TestingServers(buildDirectory, isCsp, runtime, null, packages);
var future = servers.startServers(localIP,
port: testServerPort, crossOriginPort: testServerCrossOriginPort);
if (isVerbose) {
future = future.then((_) {
print('Started HttpServers: ${servers.commandLine}');
return future;
void stopServers() {
/// Returns the correct configuration directory (the last component of the
/// output directory path) for regular dart checkouts.
/// We allow our code to have been cross compiled, i.e., that there is an X
/// in front of the arch. We don't allow both a cross compiled and a normal
/// version to be present (except if you specifically pass in the
/// build-directory).
String _calculateDirectory() {
// Capitalize the mode name.
var result =, 1).toUpperCase() +;
if (system == result += "Android";
if (system == System.fuchsia) result += "Fuchsia";
if (sanitizer != Sanitizer.none) {
result +=;
var arch =;
var normal = '$result$arch';
var cross = '${result}X$arch';
var outDir = system.outputDirectory;
var normalDir = Directory(Path('$outDir$normal').toNativePath());
var crossDir = Directory(Path('$outDir$cross').toNativePath());
if (normalDir.existsSync() && crossDir.existsSync()) {
throw "You can't have both $normalDir and $crossDir. We don't know which"
" binary to use.";
return crossDir.existsSync() ? cross : normal;
class Progress {
static const compact = Progress._('compact');
static const color = Progress._('color');
static const line = Progress._('line');
static const verbose = Progress._('verbose');
static const silent = Progress._('silent');
static const status = Progress._('status');
static const buildbot = Progress._('buildbot');
static final List<String> names = _all.keys.toList();
static final _all = Map<String, Progress>.fromIterable(
[compact, color, line, verbose, silent, status, buildbot],
key: (progress) => (progress as Progress).name);
static Progress find(String name) {
var progress = _all[name];
if (progress != null) return progress;
throw ArgumentError('Unknown progress type "$name".');
final String name;
const Progress._(;
String toString() => "Progress($name)";