blob: 2ce98c3548d3891d4dbc24df2b489b14e98028cb [file] [log] [blame]
main = main::main;
library from "package:js/js.dart" as js {
class JS extends dart.core::Object /*hasConstConstructor*/ {
final field dart.core::String? name;
const constructor •([dart.core::String? name = #C1]) → js::JS
: js::JS::name = name, super dart.core::Object::•()
static method _#new#tearOff([dart.core::String? name = #C1]) → js::JS
return new js::JS::•(name);
class _StaticInterop extends dart.core::Object /*hasConstConstructor*/ {
const constructor •() js::_StaticInterop
: super dart.core::Object::•()
static method _#new#tearOff() → js::_StaticInterop
return new js::_StaticInterop::•();
static const field js::_StaticInterop staticInterop = #C2;
library from "org-dartlang-test:///lib1.dart" as lib1 {
import "org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart";
class Class extends dart.core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() lib1::Class
: super dart.core::Object::•()
method instanceMethod() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject
return sta::StaticJSClass::factory|staticInteropFactoryStub();
get instanceGetter() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject
return new sta::StaticJSClass::•() as dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
set instanceSetter((dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject) void f) void {}
static method staticMethod() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject
return sta::StaticJSClass::factory|staticInteropFactoryStub();
static get staticGetter() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject
return new sta::StaticJSClass::•() as dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
static set staticSetter((dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject) void f) void {}
static method _#new#tearOff() → lib1::Class
return new lib1::Class::•();
static method topLevelMethod() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject
return new sta::StaticJSClass::•() as dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
static get topLevelGetter() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject
return new sta::StaticJSClass::•() as dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
static set topLevelSetter((dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject) void f) void {}
library static_interop from "org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart" as sta {
import "package:js/js.dart";
class StaticJSClass extends dart.core::Object {
external constructor •() sta::StaticJSClass
: super dart.core::Object::•()
static method _#new#tearOff() → dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject
return new sta::StaticJSClass::•() as dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
static factory factory() sta::StaticJSClass {
return new sta::StaticJSClass::•();
static method _#factory#tearOff() → dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject
return sta::StaticJSClass::factory|staticInteropFactoryStub();
static method /*isLegacy*/ factory|staticInteropFactoryStub() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject {
return (new sta::StaticJSClass::•() as dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject) as dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
external static method eval(dart.core::String code) void;
static method setUp() void {
sta::eval("function JSClass() {}");
library from "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart" as main {
// Problems in library:
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:10:29: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// StaticJSClass bar = Class.staticMethod();
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:11:48: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject Function()' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass Function()'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// StaticJSClass Function() barFunction = Class.staticMethod;
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:12:15: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// bar = Class.staticGetter;
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:13:24: Error: A value of type 'void Function(StaticJSClass)' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'void Function(JavaScriptObject)'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// Class.staticSetter = (StaticJSClass s) {};
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:16:25: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// StaticJSClass baz = c.instanceMethod();
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:17:44: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject Function()' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass Function()'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// StaticJSClass Function() bazFunction = c.instanceMethod;
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:18:11: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// baz = c.instanceGetter;
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:19:22: Error: A value of type 'void Function(StaticJSClass)' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'void Function(JavaScriptObject)'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// c.instanceSetter = (StaticJSClass s) {};
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:26:31: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// StaticJSClass baz = super.instanceMethod();
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:27:50: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject Function()' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass Function()'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// StaticJSClass Function() bazFunction = super.instanceMethod;
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:28:17: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// baz = super.instanceGetter;
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:29:28: Error: A value of type 'void Function(StaticJSClass)' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'void Function(JavaScriptObject)'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// super.instanceSetter = (StaticJSClass s) {};
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:5:23: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// StaticJSClass foo = topLevelMethod();
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:6:42: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject Function()' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass Function()'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// StaticJSClass Function() fooFunction = topLevelMethod;
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:7:9: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// foo = topLevelGetter;
// ^
// org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:8:20: Error: A value of type 'void Function(StaticJSClass)' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'void Function(JavaScriptObject)'.
// - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.
// - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.
// topLevelSetter = (StaticJSClass s) {};
// ^
import "org-dartlang-test:///lib1.dart";
import "org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart";
class Subclass extends lib1::Class {
synthetic constructor •() main::Subclass
: super lib1::Class::•()
method method() void {
dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject baz = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:26:31: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n StaticJSClass baz = super.instanceMethod();\n ^" in super.{lib1::Class::instanceMethod}() as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject bazFunction = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:27:50: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject Function()' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass Function()'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n StaticJSClass Function() bazFunction = super.instanceMethod;\n ^" in super.{lib1::Class::instanceMethod} as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} () dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
baz = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:28:17: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n baz = super.instanceGetter;\n ^" in super.{lib1::Class::instanceGetter} as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
super.{lib1::Class::instanceSetter} = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:29:28: Error: A value of type 'void Function(StaticJSClass)' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'void Function(JavaScriptObject)'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n super.instanceSetter = (StaticJSClass s) {};\n ^" in ((dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject s) void {}) as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} (dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject) void;
static method _#new#tearOff() → main::Subclass
return new main::Subclass::•();
static method main() dynamic {
dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject foo = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:5:23: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n StaticJSClass foo = topLevelMethod();\n ^" in lib1::topLevelMethod() as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject fooFunction = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:6:42: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject Function()' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass Function()'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n StaticJSClass Function() fooFunction = topLevelMethod;\n ^" in #C6 as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} () → dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
foo = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:7:9: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n foo = topLevelGetter;\n ^" in lib1::topLevelGetter as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
lib1::topLevelSetter = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:8:20: Error: A value of type 'void Function(StaticJSClass)' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'void Function(JavaScriptObject)'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n topLevelSetter = (StaticJSClass s) {};\n ^" in ((dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject s) void {}) as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} (dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject) void;
dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject bar = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:10:29: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n StaticJSClass bar = Class.staticMethod();\n ^" in lib1::Class::staticMethod() as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject barFunction = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:11:48: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject Function()' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass Function()'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n StaticJSClass Function() barFunction = Class.staticMethod;\n ^" in #C7 as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} () → dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
bar = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:12:15: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n bar = Class.staticGetter;\n ^" in lib1::Class::staticGetter as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
lib1::Class::staticSetter = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:13:24: Error: A value of type 'void Function(StaticJSClass)' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'void Function(JavaScriptObject)'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n Class.staticSetter = (StaticJSClass s) {};\n ^" in ((dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject s) void {}) as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} (dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject) void;
lib1::Class c = new lib1::Class::•();
dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject baz = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:16:25: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n StaticJSClass baz = c.instanceMethod();\n ^" in c.{lib1::Class::instanceMethod}(){() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject} as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject bazFunction = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:17:44: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject Function()' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass Function()'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n StaticJSClass Function() bazFunction = c.instanceMethod;\n ^" in c.{lib1::Class::instanceMethod}{() dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject} as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} () dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
baz = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:18:11: Error: A value of type 'JavaScriptObject' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'StaticJSClass'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n baz = c.instanceGetter;\n ^" in c.{lib1::Class::instanceGetter}{dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject} as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject;
c.{lib1::Class::instanceSetter} = invalid-expression "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart:19:22: Error: A value of type 'void Function(StaticJSClass)' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'void Function(JavaScriptObject)'.\n - 'StaticJSClass' is from 'org-dartlang-test:///lib2.dart'.\n - 'JavaScriptObject' is from 'dart:_interceptors'.\n c.instanceSetter = (StaticJSClass s) {};\n ^" in ((dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject s) void {}) as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} (dart._interceptors::JavaScriptObject) void;
constants {
#C1 = null
#C2 = js::_StaticInterop {}
#C3 = js::JS {name:#C1}
#C4 = "JSClass"
#C5 = js::JS {name:#C4}
#C6 = static-tearoff lib1::topLevelMethod
#C7 = static-tearoff lib1::Class::staticMethod
Constructor coverage from constants:
- JS. (from org-dartlang-test:///js/lib/js.dart:3:9)
- Object. (from org-dartlang-sdk:///lib/core/object.dart)
- _StaticInterop. (from org-dartlang-test:///js/lib/js.dart:6:9)
- Object. (from org-dartlang-sdk:///lib/core/object.dart)