blob: 533639ea7c5bd9f7da10e1d020a01a665ff6f3bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
/// The result of performing some kind of analysis on a single file. Every
/// result that implements this interface will also implement a sub-interface.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class AnalysisResult {
/// Return the session used to compute this result.
AnalysisSession get session;
/// An analysis result that includes the errors computed during analysis.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class AnalysisResultWithErrors implements FileResult {
/// The analysis errors that were computed during analysis.
List<AnalysisError> get errors;
/// The type of [InvalidResult] returned when the given URI cannot be resolved.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class CannotResolveUriResult
SomeResolvedLibraryResult {}
/// The declaration of an [Element].
abstract class ElementDeclarationResult {
/// The [Element] that this object describes.
Element get element;
/// The node that declares the [element]. Depending on whether it is returned
/// from [ResolvedLibraryResult] or [ParsedLibraryResult] it might be resolved
/// or just parsed.
AstNode get node;
/// If this declaration is returned from [ParsedLibraryResult], the parsed
/// unit that contains the [node]. Otherwise `null`.
ParsedUnitResult? get parsedUnit;
/// If this declaration is returned from [ResolvedLibraryResult], the
/// resolved unit that contains the [node]. Otherwise `null`.
ResolvedUnitResult? get resolvedUnit;
/// The result of computing all of the errors contained in a single file, both
/// syntactic and semantic.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class ErrorsResult
implements SomeErrorsResult, AnalysisResultWithErrors {}
/// The result of computing some cheap information for a single file, when full
/// parsed file is not required, so [ParsedUnitResult] is not necessary.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class FileResult implements SomeFileResult, AnalysisResult {
/// Whether the file is a library augmentation.
/// When `true`, [isLibrary] and [isPart] are `false`.
bool get isAugmentation;
/// Whether the file is a library.
/// When `true`, [isAugmentation] and [isPart] are `false`.
bool get isLibrary;
/// Whether the file is a part.
/// When `true`, [isAugmentation] and [isLibrary] are `false`.
bool get isPart;
/// Information about lines in the content.
LineInfo get lineInfo;
/// The absolute and normalized path of the file that was analyzed.
String get path;
/// The absolute URI of the file that was analyzed.
Uri get uri;
/// The type of [InvalidResult] returned when the given file path is invalid,
/// for example is not absolute and normalized.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class InvalidPathResult
SomeUnitElementResult {}
/// The base class for any invalid result.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class InvalidResult {}
/// The result of building the element model for a library.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class LibraryElementResult implements SomeLibraryElementResult {
/// The element of the library.
LibraryElement get element;
/// The type of [InvalidResult] returned when the given element was not
/// created by the requested session.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class NotElementOfThisSessionResult
SomeResolvedLibraryResult {}
/// The type of [InvalidResult] returned when the given file is not a library,
/// but an augmentation of a library.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class NotLibraryButAugmentationResult
SomeResolvedLibraryResult {}
/// The type of [InvalidResult] returned when the given file is not a library,
/// but a part of a library.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class NotLibraryButPartResult
SomeResolvedLibraryResult {}
/// The type of [InvalidResult] returned when the given file path does not
/// represent the corresponding URI.
/// This usually happens in Blaze workspaces, when a URI is resolved to
/// a generated file, but there is also a writable file to which this URI
/// would be resolved, if there were no generated file.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class NotPathOfUriResult
SomeUnitElementResult {}
/// The result of building parsed AST(s) for the whole library.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class ParsedLibraryResult
implements SomeParsedLibraryResult, AnalysisResult {
/// The parsed units of the library.
List<ParsedUnitResult> get units;
/// Return the declaration of the [element], or `null` if the [element]
/// is synthetic. Throw [ArgumentError] if the [element] is not defined in
/// this library.
ElementDeclarationResult? getElementDeclaration(Element element);
/// The result of parsing of a single file. The errors returned include only
/// those discovered during scanning and parsing.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class ParsedUnitResult
implements SomeParsedUnitResult, AnalysisResultWithErrors {
/// The content of the file that was scanned and parsed.
String get content;
/// The parsed, unresolved compilation unit for the [content].
CompilationUnit get unit;
/// The result of parsing of a single file. The errors returned include only
/// those discovered during scanning and parsing.
/// Similar to [ParsedUnitResult], but does not allow access to an analysis
/// session.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class ParseStringResult {
/// The content of the file that was scanned and parsed.
String get content;
/// The analysis errors that were computed during analysis.
List<AnalysisError> get errors;
/// Information about lines in the content.
LineInfo get lineInfo;
/// The parsed, unresolved compilation unit for the [content].
CompilationUnit get unit;
/// The result of building resolved AST(s) for the whole library.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class ResolvedLibraryResult
implements SomeResolvedLibraryResult, AnalysisResult {
/// The element representing this library.
LibraryElement get element;
/// The type provider used when resolving the library.
TypeProvider get typeProvider;
/// The resolved units of the library.
List<ResolvedUnitResult> get units;
/// Return the declaration of the [element], or `null` if the [element]
/// is synthetic. Throw [ArgumentError] if the [element] is not defined in
/// this library.
ElementDeclarationResult? getElementDeclaration(Element element);
/// The result of building a resolved AST for a single file. The errors returned
/// include both syntactic and semantic errors.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class ResolvedUnitResult
implements SomeResolvedUnitResult, AnalysisResultWithErrors {
/// The content of the file that was scanned, parsed and resolved.
String get content;
/// Return `true` if the file exists.
bool get exists;
/// The element representing the library containing the compilation [unit].
LibraryElement get libraryElement;
/// The type provider used when resolving the compilation [unit].
TypeProvider get typeProvider;
/// The type system used when resolving the compilation [unit].
TypeSystem get typeSystem;
/// The fully resolved compilation unit for the [content].
CompilationUnit get unit;
/// The result of computing all of the errors contained in a single file, both
/// syntactic and semantic.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
/// There are existing implementations of this class.
/// [ErrorsResult] represents a valid result.
abstract class SomeErrorsResult {}
/// The result of computing some cheap information for a single file, when full
/// parsed file is not required, so [ParsedUnitResult] is not necessary.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
/// There are existing implementations of this class.
/// [FileResult] represents a valid result.
abstract class SomeFileResult {}
/// The result of building the element model for a library.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
/// There are existing implementations of this class.
/// [LibraryElementResult] represents a valid result.
abstract class SomeLibraryElementResult {}
/// The result of building parsed AST(s) for the whole library.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
/// There are existing implementations of this class.
/// [ParsedLibraryResult] represents a valid result.
abstract class SomeParsedLibraryResult {}
/// The result of parsing of a single file. The errors returned include only
/// those discovered during scanning and parsing.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
/// There are existing implementations of this class.
/// [ParsedUnitResult] represents a valid result.
abstract class SomeParsedUnitResult {}
/// The result of building resolved AST(s) for the whole library.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
/// There are existing implementations of this class.
/// [ResolvedLibraryResult] represents a valid result.
abstract class SomeResolvedLibraryResult {}
/// The result of building a resolved AST for a single file. The errors returned
/// include both syntactic and semantic errors.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
/// There are existing implementations of this class.
/// [ResolvedUnitResult] represents a valid result.
abstract class SomeResolvedUnitResult {}
/// The result of building the element model for a single file.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
/// There are existing implementations of this class.
/// [UnitElementResult] represents a valid result.
abstract class SomeUnitElementResult {}
/// The result of building the element model for a single file.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
/// TODO(scheglov) Stop implementing [FileResult].
abstract class UnitElementResult implements SomeUnitElementResult, FileResult {
/// The element of the file.
CompilationUnitElement get element;
/// The type of [InvalidResult] returned when something is wrong, but we
/// don't know what exactly. Usually this result should not happen.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class UnspecifiedInvalidResult
SomeParsedLibraryResult {}
/// The type of [InvalidResult] returned when the given URI corresponds to
/// a library that is served from an external summary bundle.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class UriOfExternalLibraryResult
SomeResolvedLibraryResult {}