blob: 11643d6b6213fe0a34a0a2ddc8a0c861f951341d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A representation of the contents of an instrumentation log.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// A boolean-valued function of one argument.
typedef Predicate<T> = bool Function(T value);
/// A description of a group of log entries.
class EntryGroup {
/// A list of all of the instances of this class.
static final List<EntryGroup> groups = <EntryGroup>[
'nonTask', 'Non-task', (LogEntry entry) => entry is! TaskEntry),
(LogEntry entry) =>
entry is ErrorEntry ||
entry is ExceptionEntry ||
(entry is NotificationEntry && entry.isServerError)),
EntryGroup._('malformed', 'Malformed',
(LogEntry entry) => entry is MalformedLogEntry),
EntryGroup._('all', 'All', (LogEntry entry) => true),
/// The unique id of the group.
final String id;
/// The human-readable name of the group.
final String name;
/// The filter used to determine which entries belong to the group. The filter
/// should return `true` for members and `false` for non-members.
final Predicate<LogEntry> filter;
/// Initialize a newly created entry group with the given state.
EntryGroup._(,, this.filter);
/// Given a list of [entries], return all of the entries in the list that are
/// members of this group.
List<LogEntry> computeMembers(List<LogEntry> entries) {
return entries.where(filter).toList();
/// Return the entry group with the given [id], or `null` if there is no group
/// with the given id.
static EntryGroup? withId(String id) {
for (var group in groups) {
if ( == id) {
return group;
return null;
/// A range of log entries, represented by the index of the first and last
/// entries in the range.
class EntryRange {
/// The index of the first entry in the range.
int firstIndex;
/// The index of the first entry in the range.
int lastIndex;
/// Initialize a newly created range to represent the entries between the
/// [firstIndex] and the [lastIndex], inclusive.
EntryRange(this.firstIndex, this.lastIndex);
/// A log entry representing an Err entry.
class ErrorEntry extends GenericEntry {
/// Initialize a newly created log entry.
int index, int timeStamp, String entryKind, List<String> components)
: super(index, timeStamp, entryKind, components);
/// A log entry representing an Ex entry.
class ExceptionEntry extends GenericEntry {
/// Initialize a newly created log entry.
int index, int timeStamp, String entryKind, List<String> components)
: super(index, timeStamp, entryKind, components);
/// A representation of a generic log entry.
class GenericEntry extends LogEntry {
/// The kind of the log entry.
String entryKind;
/// The components in the entry that follow the time stamp and entry kind.
List<String> components;
/// Initialize a newly created generic log entry to have the given
/// [timeStamp], [entryKind] and list of [components]
GenericEntry(int index, int timeStamp, this.entryKind, this.components)
: super(index, timeStamp);
String get kind => entryKind;
void _appendDetails(StringBuffer buffer) {
for (var component in components) {
/// A log entry representing an PluginErr entry.
class GenericPluginEntry extends GenericEntry with PluginEntryMixin {
/// The components describing the plugin associated with this entry.
final List<String> pluginData;
/// Initialize a newly created log entry.
GenericPluginEntry(int index, int timeStamp, String entryKind,
List<String> components, this.pluginData)
: super(index, timeStamp, entryKind, components);
/// A representation of an instrumentation log.
class InstrumentationLog {
/// The paths of the log files containing the entries.
List<String> logFilePaths;
/// The entries in the instrumentation log.
late List<LogEntry> logEntries;
/// A table mapping the entry groups that have been computed to the list of
/// entries in that group.
Map<EntryGroup, List<LogEntry>> entryGroups = <EntryGroup, List<LogEntry>>{};
/// A table mapping entries that are paired with another entry to the entry
/// with which they are paired.
final Map<LogEntry, LogEntry> _pairedEntries = <LogEntry, LogEntry>{};
/// A table mapping the id's of requests to the entry representing the
/// request.
final Map<String, RequestEntry> _requestMap = <String, RequestEntry>{};
/// A table mapping the id's of plugin requests to the entry representing the
/// request.
final Map<String, PluginRequestEntry> _pluginRequestMap =
<String, PluginRequestEntry>{};
/// A table mapping the id's of responses to the entry representing the
/// response.
final Map<String, ResponseEntry> _responseMap = <String, ResponseEntry>{};
/// A table mapping the id's of plugin responses to the entry representing the
/// response.
final Map<String, PluginResponseEntry> _pluginResponseMap =
<String, PluginResponseEntry>{};
/// A table mapping the ids of completion events to the events with those ids.
final Map<String, List<NotificationEntry>> _completionMap =
<String, List<NotificationEntry>>{};
/// The ranges of entries that are between analysis start and analysis end
/// notifications.
late List<EntryRange> analysisRanges;
/// Initialize a newly created instrumentation log by parsing each of the
/// lines in the [logContent] into a separate entry. The log contents should
/// be the contents of the files whose paths are in the given list of
/// [logFilePaths].
InstrumentationLog(this.logFilePaths, List<String> logContent) {
/// Return a list of the completion events associated with the given [id].
List<NotificationEntry>? completionEventsWithId(String id) =>
/// Return the log entries that are contained in the given [group].
List<LogEntry>? entriesInGroup(EntryGroup group) =>
entryGroups.putIfAbsent(group, () => group.computeMembers(logEntries));
/// Return the entry that is paired with the given [entry], or `null` if there
/// is no entry paired with it.
LogEntry? pairedEntry(LogEntry entry) => _pairedEntries[entry];
/// Return the response that corresponds to the given plugin request.
PluginRequestEntry? pluginRequestFor(PluginResponseEntry entry) =>
/// Return the response that corresponds to the given request.
PluginResponseEntry? pluginResponseFor(PluginRequestEntry entry) =>
/// Return the response that corresponds to the given request.
RequestEntry? requestFor(ResponseEntry entry) => _requestMap[];
/// Return the response that corresponds to the given request.
ResponseEntry? responseFor(RequestEntry entry) => _responseMap[];
/// Return a list containing all of the task entries between the start of
/// analysis notification at the given [startIndex] and the matching end of
/// analysis notification (or the end of the log if the log does not contain a
/// corresponding end notification.
List<TaskEntry> taskEntriesFor(int startIndex) {
var taskEntries = <TaskEntry>[];
var startEntry = logEntries[startIndex] as NotificationEntry;
var endEntry = pairedEntry(startEntry);
var lastIndex = endEntry == null ? logEntries.length : endEntry.index;
for (var i = startEntry.index + 1; i < lastIndex; i++) {
var entry = logEntries[i];
if (entry is TaskEntry) {
return taskEntries;
/// Return `true` if the given [logContent] appears to be from session data.
bool _isSessionData(List<String> logContent) {
if (logContent.length < 2) {
return false;
var firstLine = logContent[0];
return firstLine.startsWith('-----') && logContent[1].startsWith('~') ||
/// Merge any multi-line entries into a single line so that every element in
/// the given [logContent] is a single entry.
void _mergeEntries(List<String> logContent) {
bool isStartOfEntry(String line) {
return line.startsWith(LogEntry.entryRegExp);
String merge(String line, List<String> extraLines) {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
for (var extraLine in extraLines) {
return buffer.toString();
var extraLines = <String>[];
for (var i = logContent.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var line = logContent[i];
if (isStartOfEntry(line)) {
if (extraLines.isNotEmpty) {
logContent[i] = merge(line, extraLines);
} else {
extraLines.insert(0, line);
if (extraLines.isNotEmpty) {
var count = math.min(extraLines.length, 10);
var buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln('${extraLines.length} non-entry lines before any entry');
buffer.writeln('First $count lines:');
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
throw StateError(buffer.toString());
/// Parse the given [logContent] into a list of log entries.
void _parseLogContent(List<String> logContent) {
if (_isSessionData(logContent)) {
if (logContent[0].startsWith('-----')) {
var lastIndex = logContent.length - 1;
if (logContent[lastIndex].startsWith('extraction complete')) {
} else {
logEntries = <LogEntry>[];
analysisRanges = <EntryRange>[];
NotificationEntry? analysisStartEntry;
var analysisStartIndex = -1;
NotificationEntry? pubStartEntry;
for (var line in logContent) {
var entry = LogEntry.from(logEntries.length, line);
if (entry != null) {
if (entry is RequestEntry) {
_requestMap[] = entry;
} else if (entry is ResponseEntry) {
_responseMap[] = entry;
var request = _requestMap[]!;
_pairedEntries[entry] = request;
_pairedEntries[request] = entry;
} else if (entry is NotificationEntry) {
if (entry.isServerStatus) {
var analysisStatus = entry.param('analysis');
if (analysisStatus is Map) {
if (analysisStatus['isAnalyzing'] as bool) {
if (analysisStartEntry != null) {
'Analysis started without being terminated.');
analysisStartEntry = entry;
analysisStartIndex = logEntries.length - 1;
} else {
if (analysisStartEntry == null) {
'Analysis terminated without being started.');
} else {
var analysisEnd = logEntries.length - 1;
.add(EntryRange(analysisStartIndex, analysisEnd));
_pairedEntries[entry] = analysisStartEntry;
_pairedEntries[analysisStartEntry] = entry;
analysisStartEntry = null;
analysisStartIndex = -1;
var pubStatus = entry.param('pub');
if (pubStatus is Map) {
if (pubStatus['isListingPackageDirs'] as bool) {
if (pubStartEntry != null) {
'Pub started without previous being terminated.');
pubStartEntry = entry;
} else {
if (pubStartEntry == null) {
entry.recordProblem('Pub terminated without being started.');
} else {
_pairedEntries[entry] = pubStartEntry;
_pairedEntries[pubStartEntry] = entry;
pubStartEntry = null;
} else if (entry.event == 'completion.results') {
var id = entry.param('id');
if (id is String) {
.putIfAbsent(id, () => <NotificationEntry>[])
} else if (entry is PluginRequestEntry) {
_pluginRequestMap[] = entry;
} else if (entry is PluginResponseEntry) {
_pluginResponseMap[] = entry;
var request = _pluginRequestMap[]!;
_pairedEntries[entry] = request;
_pairedEntries[request] = entry;
if (analysisStartEntry != null) {
.recordProblem('Analysis started without being terminated.');
if (pubStartEntry != null) {
.recordProblem('Pub started without previous being terminated.');
/// A log entry that has a single JSON encoded component following the time
/// stamp and entry kind.
abstract class JsonBasedEntry extends LogEntry {
/// The HTML string used to indent text when formatting the JSON [data].
static const String singleIndent = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
/// The decoded form of the JSON encoded component.
final Map data;
/// Initialize a newly created log entry to have the given [timeStamp] and
/// [data].
JsonBasedEntry(int index, int timeStamp, : super(index, timeStamp);
void _appendDetails(StringBuffer buffer) {
_format(buffer, '', data);
/// Encode any character in the given [string] that would prevent source code
/// from being displayed correctly: end of line markers and spaces.
String _encodeSourceCode(String string) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This method isn't working completely. Some source
// code produces an error of
// "log?start=3175:261 Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"
// in the sample log I was using.
var buffer = StringBuffer();
var length = string.length;
var index = 0;
while (index < length) {
var char = string.codeUnitAt(index);
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Handle tabs and other special characters.
if (char == '\r'.codeUnitAt(0)) {
if (index < length && string.codeUnitAt(index) == '\n'.codeUnitAt(0)) {
} else if (char == '\n'.codeUnitAt(0)) {
} else if (char == ' '.codeUnitAt(0)) {
// Encode all spaces in order to accurately reproduce the original
// source code when displaying it.
} else {
return buffer.toString();
/// Write an HTML representation the given JSON [object] to the given
/// [buffer], using the given [indent] to make the output more readable.
void _format(StringBuffer buffer, String indent, Object object) {
if (object is String) {
} else if (object is int || object is bool) {
} else if (object is Map) {
object.forEach((key, value) {
var newIndent = indent + singleIndent;
_format(buffer, newIndent, key as Object);
buffer.write(' : ');
_format(buffer, newIndent, value as Object);
} else if (object is List) {
for (var element in object) {
var newIndent = indent + singleIndent;
_format(buffer, newIndent, element as Object);
/// A log entry representing a communication between the server and a plugin.
abstract class JsonBasedPluginEntry extends JsonBasedEntry
with PluginEntryMixin {
/// The components describing the plugin associated with this entry.
final List<String> pluginData;
/// Initialize a newly created entry to have the given [timeStamp] and
/// [notificationData] and to be associated with the plugin with the given
/// [pluginData].
int index, int timeStamp, Map notificationData, this.pluginData)
: super(index, timeStamp, notificationData);
/// A single entry in an instrumentation log.
abstract class LogEntry {
/// The character used to separate fields within an entry.
static final int fieldSeparator = ':'.codeUnitAt(0);
/// A regular expression that will match the beginning of a valid log entry.
static final RegExp entryRegExp = RegExp('[0-9]+\\:');
/// A table mapping kinds to the names of those kinds.
static final Map<String, String> kindMap = {
'Err': 'Error',
'Ex': 'Exception',
'Log': 'Log message',
'Mal': 'Malformed entry',
'Noti': 'Notification',
'Read': 'Read file',
'Req': 'Request',
'Res': 'Response',
'Perf': 'Performance data',
'SPResult': 'Subprocess result',
'SPStart': 'Subprocess start',
'Task': 'Task',
'Ver': 'Version information',
'Watch': 'Watch event',
/// The index of this entry in the log file.
final int index;
/// The time at which the entry occurred.
final int timeStamp;
/// A list containing the descriptions of problems that were found while
/// processing the log file, or `null` if no problems were found.
List<String>? _problems;
/// Initialize a newly created log entry with the given [timeStamp].
LogEntry(this.index, this.timeStamp);
/// Return `true` if any problems were found while processing the log file.
bool get hasProblems => _problems != null;
/// Return the value of the component used to indicate the kind of the entry.
/// This is the abbreviation recorded in the entry.
String get kind;
/// Return a human-readable representation of the kind of this entry.
String get kindName => kindMap[kind] ?? kind;
/// Return a list containing the descriptions of problems that were found
/// while processing the log file, or `null` if no problems were found.
List<String>? get problems => _problems;
/// Return a date that is equivalent to the [timeStamp].
DateTime get toTime => DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timeStamp);
/// Return an HTML representation of the details of the entry.
String details() {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
return buffer.toString();
/// Record that the given [problem] was found while processing the log file.
void recordProblem(String problem) {
var problems = _problems ??= <String>[];
/// Append details related to this entry to the given [buffer].
void _appendDetails(StringBuffer buffer) {
var problems = _problems;
if (problems != null) {
for (var problem in problems) {
buffer.write('<p><span class="error">$problem</span></p>');
/// Create a log entry from the given encoded form of the [entry].
static LogEntry? from(int index, String entry) {
if (entry.isEmpty) {
return null;
try {
var components = _parseComponents(entry);
int timeStamp;
var component = components[0];
if (component.startsWith('~')) {
component = component.substring(1);
timeStamp = int.parse(component);
var entryKind = components[1];
if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_ERROR) {
return ErrorEntry(index, timeStamp, entryKind, components.sublist(2));
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_EXCEPTION) {
return ExceptionEntry(
index, timeStamp, entryKind, components.sublist(2));
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_LOG_ENTRY) {
// Fall through
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_NOTIFICATION) {
var requestData = json.decode(components[2]) as Map<Object?, Object?>;
return NotificationEntry(index, timeStamp, requestData);
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_PLUGIN_ERROR) {
return PluginErrorEntry(index, timeStamp, entryKind,
components.sublist(2, 4), components.sublist(4));
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_PLUGIN_EXCEPTION) {
return PluginExceptionEntry(index, timeStamp, entryKind,
components.sublist(2, 5), components.sublist(5));
} else if (entryKind ==
InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_PLUGIN_NOTIFICATION) {
var requestData = json.decode(components[2]) as Map<Object?, Object?>;
return PluginNotificationEntry(
index, timeStamp, requestData, components.sublist(3));
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_PLUGIN_REQUEST) {
var requestData = json.decode(components[2]) as Map<Object?, Object?>;
return PluginRequestEntry(
index, timeStamp, requestData, components.sublist(3));
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_PLUGIN_RESPONSE) {
var responseData = json.decode(components[2]) as Map<Object?, Object?>;
return PluginResponseEntry(
index, timeStamp, responseData, components.sublist(3));
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_PLUGIN_TIMEOUT) {
return PluginErrorEntry(index, timeStamp, entryKind,
components.sublist(2, 3), components.sublist(3));
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_REQUEST) {
var requestData = json.decode(components[2]) as Map<Object?, Object?>;
return RequestEntry(index, timeStamp, requestData);
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_RESPONSE) {
var responseData = json.decode(components[2]) as Map<Object?, Object?>;
return ResponseEntry(index, timeStamp, responseData);
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_VERSION) {
// Fall through
} else if (entryKind == InstrumentationLogAdapter.TAG_WATCH_EVENT) {
// Fall through
return GenericEntry(index, timeStamp, entryKind, components.sublist(2));
} catch (exception) {
LogEntry logEntry = MalformedLogEntry(index, entry);
return logEntry;
/// Parse the given encoded form of the [entry] into a list of components. The
/// first component is always the time stamp for when the entry was generated.
/// The second component is always the kind of the entry. The remaining
/// components depend on the kind of the entry. Return the components that
/// were parsed.
static List<String> _parseComponents(String entry) {
var components = <String>[];
var component = StringBuffer();
var length = entry.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var char = entry.codeUnitAt(i);
if (char == fieldSeparator) {
if (entry.codeUnitAt(i + 1) == fieldSeparator) {
} else {
} else {
return components;
/// A representation of a malformed log entry.
class MalformedLogEntry extends LogEntry {
final String entry;
MalformedLogEntry(int index, this.entry) : super(index, -1);
String get kind => 'Mal';
void _appendDetails(StringBuffer buffer) {
/// A log entry representing a notification that was sent from the server to the
/// client.
class NotificationEntry extends JsonBasedEntry {
/// Initialize a newly created response to have the given [timeStamp] and
/// [notificationData].
NotificationEntry(int index, int timeStamp, Map notificationData)
: super(index, timeStamp, notificationData);
/// Return the event field of the request.
String get event => data['event'] as String;
/// Return `true` if this is a server error notification.
bool get isServerError => event == 'server.error';
/// Return `true` if this is a server status notification.
bool get isServerStatus => event == 'server.status';
String get kind => 'Noti';
/// Return the value of the parameter with the given [parameterName], or
/// `null` if there is no such parameter.
Object? param(String parameterName) {
var parameters = data['params'];
if (parameters is Map) {
return parameters[parameterName];
return null;
/// A log entry representing a communication between the server and a plugin.
mixin PluginEntryMixin {
/// The components describing the plugin associated with this entry.
List<String> get pluginData;
/// The id of the plugin associated with this entry.
String get pluginId => pluginData[0];
/// The name of the plugin associated with this entry.
String get pluginName => pluginData[1];
/// The version of the plugin associated with this entry.
String get pluginVersion => pluginData[2];
/// Return a shortened version of the plugin id.
String get shortPluginId {
var index = pluginId.lastIndexOf(path.separator);
if (index > 0) {
return pluginId.substring(index + 1);
return pluginId;
/// A log entry representing an PluginErr entry.
class PluginErrorEntry extends GenericPluginEntry {
/// Initialize a newly created log entry.
PluginErrorEntry(int index, int timeStamp, String entryKind,
List<String> components, List<String> pluginData)
: super(index, timeStamp, entryKind, components, pluginData);
/// A log entry representing an PluginEx entry.
class PluginExceptionEntry extends GenericPluginEntry {
/// Initialize a newly created log entry.
PluginExceptionEntry(int index, int timeStamp, String entryKind,
List<String> components, List<String> pluginData)
: super(index, timeStamp, entryKind, components, pluginData);
/// A log entry representing a notification that was sent from a plugin to the
/// server.
class PluginNotificationEntry extends JsonBasedPluginEntry {
/// Initialize a newly created notification to have the given [timeStamp] and
/// [notificationData].
int index, int timeStamp, Map notificationData, List<String> pluginData)
: super(index, timeStamp, notificationData, pluginData);
/// Return the event field of the notification.
String get event => data['event'] as String;
String get kind => 'PluginNoti';
/// Return the value of the parameter with the given [parameterName], or
/// `null` if there is no such parameter.
dynamic param(String parameterName) {
var parameters = data['params'];
if (parameters is Map) {
return parameters[parameterName];
return null;
/// A log entry representing a request that was sent from the server to a
/// plugin.
class PluginRequestEntry extends JsonBasedPluginEntry {
/// Initialize a newly created response to have the given [timeStamp] and
/// [requestData].
int index, int timeStamp, Map requestData, List<String> pluginData)
: super(index, timeStamp, requestData, pluginData);
/// Return the id field of the request.
String get id => data['id'] as String;
String get kind => 'PluginReq';
/// Return the method field of the request.
String get method => data['method'] as String;
/// Return the value of the parameter with the given [parameterName], or
/// `null` if there is no such parameter.
dynamic param(String parameterName) {
var parameters = data['params'];
if (parameters is Map) {
return parameters[parameterName];
return null;
/// A log entry representing a response that was sent from a plugin to the
/// server.
class PluginResponseEntry extends JsonBasedPluginEntry {
/// Initialize a newly created response to have the given [timeStamp] and
/// [responseData].
int index, int timeStamp, Map responseData, List<String> pluginData)
: super(index, timeStamp, responseData, pluginData);
/// Return the id field of the response.
String get id => data['id'] as String;
String get kind => 'PluginRes';
/// Return the value of the result with the given [resultName], or `null` if
/// there is no such result.
dynamic result(String resultName) {
var results = data['result'];
if (results is Map) {
return results[resultName];
return null;
/// A log entry representing a request that was sent from the client to the
/// server.
class RequestEntry extends JsonBasedEntry {
/// Initialize a newly created response to have the given [timeStamp] and
/// [requestData].
RequestEntry(int index, int timeStamp, Map requestData)
: super(index, timeStamp, requestData);
/// Return the clientRequestTime field of the request.
int get clientRequestTime => data['clientRequestTime'] as int;
/// Return the id field of the request.
String get id => data['id'] as String;
String get kind => 'Req';
/// Return the method field of the request.
String get method => data['method'] as String;
/// Return the value of the parameter with the given [parameterName], or
/// `null` if there is no such parameter.
dynamic param(String parameterName) {
var parameters = data['params'];
if (parameters is Map) {
return parameters[parameterName];
return null;
/// A log entry representing a response that was sent from the server to the
/// client.
class ResponseEntry extends JsonBasedEntry {
/// Initialize a newly created response to have the given [timeStamp] and
/// [responseData].
ResponseEntry(int index, int timeStamp, Map responseData)
: super(index, timeStamp, responseData);
/// Return the id field of the response.
String get id => data['id'] as String;
String get kind => 'Res';
/// Return the value of the result with the given [resultName], or `null` if
/// there is no such result.
dynamic result(String resultName) {
var results = data['result'];
if (results is Map) {
return results[resultName];
return null;
class TaskEntry extends LogEntry {
/// The path to the directory at the root of the context in which analysis was
/// being performed.
final String context;
/// A description of the task that was performed.
final String description;
/// The name of the class implementing the task.
String? _taskName;
/// The description of the target of the task.
String? _target;
/// Initialize a newly created entry with the given [index] and [timeStamp] to
/// represent the execution of an analysis task in the given [context] that is
/// described by the given [description].
TaskEntry(int index, int timeStamp, this.context, this.description)
: super(index, timeStamp);
String get kind => 'Task';
/// Return the description of the target of the task.
String get target {
if (_target == null) {
return _target!;
/// Return the name of the class implementing the task.
String get taskName {
if (_taskName == null) {
return _taskName!;
void _appendDetails(StringBuffer buffer) {
buffer.write('<span class="label">Context:</span> ');
buffer.write('<br><span class="label">Description: </span> ');
/// Split the description to get the task name and target description.
void _splitDescription() {
var index = description.indexOf(' ');
if (index < 0) {
_taskName = '';
} else {
_taskName = description.substring(0, index);
index = description.lastIndexOf(' ');
var target = description.substring(index + 1);
var slash = context.lastIndexOf('/');
if (slash < 0) {
slash = context.lastIndexOf('\\');
if (slash >= 0) {
var prefix = context.substring(0, slash);
target = target.replaceAll(prefix, '...');
_target = target;