blob: d9177436f467f5116a6990e9cf738787c9d2f583 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart' as lsp;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/channel/lsp_channel.dart';
/// A mock [LspServerCommunicationChannel] for testing [LspAnalysisServer].
class MockLspServerChannel implements LspServerCommunicationChannel {
final StreamController<lsp.Message> _clientToServer =
final StreamController<lsp.Message> _serverToClient =
/// Completer that will be signalled when the input stream is closed.
final Completer<void> _closed = Completer();
/// Errors popups sent to the user.
final shownErrors = <lsp.ShowMessageParams>[];
/// Warning popups sent to the user.
final shownWarnings = <lsp.ShowMessageParams>[];
MockLspServerChannel(bool printMessages) {
if (printMessages) {
.listen((message) => print('<== ${jsonEncode(message)}'));
.listen((message) => print('==> ${jsonEncode(message)}'));
// Keep track of any errors/warnings that are sent to the user with
// `window/showMessage`. {
if (message is lsp.NotificationMessage &&
message.method == lsp.Method.window_showMessage) {
var params = message.params;
if (params is lsp.ShowMessageParams) {
if (params.type == lsp.MessageType.Error) {
} else if (params.type == lsp.MessageType.Warning) {
/// Future that will be completed when the input stream is closed.
Future<void> get closed {
return _closed.future;
Stream<lsp.Message> get serverToClient =>;
void close() {
if (!_closed.isCompleted) {
if (!_serverToClient.isClosed) {
if (!_clientToServer.isClosed) {
StreamSubscription<void> listen(void Function(lsp.Message message) onMessage,
{Function? onError, void Function()? onDone}) {
.listen(onMessage, onError: onError, onDone: onDone);
void sendNotification(lsp.NotificationMessage notification) {
// Don't deliver notifications after the connection is closed.
if (_closed.isCompleted) {
notification = _convertJson(notification, lsp.NotificationMessage.fromJson);
void sendNotificationToServer(lsp.NotificationMessage notification) {
// Don't deliver notifications after the connection is closed.
if (_closed.isCompleted) {
notification = _convertJson(notification, lsp.NotificationMessage.fromJson);
void sendRequest(lsp.RequestMessage request) {
// Don't deliver notifications after the connection is closed.
if (_closed.isCompleted) {
request = _convertJson(request, lsp.RequestMessage.fromJson);
/// Send the given [request] to the server and return a future that will
/// complete when a response associated with the [request] has been received.
/// The value of the future will be the received response.
Future<lsp.ResponseMessage> sendRequestToServer(lsp.RequestMessage request) {
// No further requests should be sent after the connection is closed.
if (_closed.isCompleted) {
throw Exception('${request.method} request sent after connection closed');
request = _convertJson(request, lsp.RequestMessage.fromJson);
return waitForResponse(request);
void sendResponse(lsp.ResponseMessage response) {
// Don't deliver responses after the connection is closed.
if (_closed.isCompleted) {
response = _convertJson(response, lsp.ResponseMessage.fromJson);
void sendResponseToServer(lsp.ResponseMessage response) {
// Don't deliver notifications after the connection is closed.
if (_closed.isCompleted) {
response = _convertJson(response, lsp.ResponseMessage.fromJson);
/// Return a future that will complete when a response associated with the
/// given [request] has been received. The value of the future will be the
/// received response. The returned future will throw an exception if a server
/// error is reported before the response has been received.
/// Unlike [sendRequestToServer], this method assumes that the [request] has
/// already been sent to the server.
Future<lsp.ResponseMessage> waitForResponse(
lsp.RequestMessage request) async {
var response = await =>
message is lsp.ResponseMessage && ==;
return response as lsp.ResponseMessage;
/// Round trips the object to JSON and back to ensure it behaves the same as
/// when running over the real STDIO server. Without this, the object passed
/// to the handlers will have concrete types as constructed in tests rather
/// than the maps as they would be (the server expects to do the conversion).
T _convertJson<T>(
lsp.ToJsonable message, T Function(Map<String, dynamic>) constructor) {
return constructor(
jsonDecode(jsonEncode(message.toJson())) as Map<String, Object?>);