blob: 48ce5a7e040f9fc0419b4c6ca4c309dd692f2e1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=set-literals,spread-collections
// Test cases where the syntax is ambiguous between maps and sets.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'helper_classes.dart';
void main() {
void testBottomUpInference() {
Map<int, int> map = {};
Set<int> set = Set();
dynamic dyn = map;
Iterable<int> iterable = [];
CustomSet customSet = CustomSet();
CustomMap customMap = CustomMap();
// Note: The commented out cases are the error cases. They are shown here for
// completeness and tested in map_set_ambiguity_error_test.dart.
Expect.type<Map<int, int>>({});
// Expect.type<...>({...dyn});
Expect.type<Map<int, int>>({...customMap});
Expect.type<Map<int, int>>({,});
// Expect.type<...>({, ...set});
Expect.type<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>({, ...dyn});
// Expect.type<...>({, ...iterable});
// Expect.type<...>({, ...customSet});
Expect.type<Map<int, int>>({, ...customMap});
Expect.type<Set<int>>({...set, ...set});
Expect.type<Set<dynamic>>({...set, ...dyn});
Expect.type<Set<int>>({...set, ...iterable});
Expect.type<Set<int>>({...set, ...customSet});
// Expect.type<...>({...set, ...customMap});
// Expect.type<...>({...dyn, ...dyn});
Expect.type<Set<dynamic>>({...dyn, ...iterable});
Expect.type<Set<dynamic>>({...dyn, ...customSet});
Expect.type<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>({...dyn, ...customMap});
Expect.type<Set<int>>({...iterable, ...iterable});
Expect.type<Set<int>>({...iterable, ...customSet});
// Expect.type<...>({...iterable, ...customMap});
Expect.type<Set<int>>({...customSet, ...customSet});
// Expect.type<...>({...customSet, ...customMap});
Expect.type<Map<int, int>>({...customMap, ...customMap});
void testTopDownInference() {
dynamic untypedMap = <int, int>{};
dynamic untypedIterable = <int>[];
Map<int, int> map = {...untypedMap};
Set<int> set = {...untypedIterable};
Iterable<int> iterable = {...untypedIterable};
Expect.type<Map<int, int>>(map);