blob: f12212a6bac0845a0465aa5632caec9c1baa0912 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library sourcemap.output_structure;
import 'dart:math' as Math;
import 'html_parts.dart' show CodeLine, JsonStrategy;
// Constants used to identify the subsection of the JavaScript output. These
// are specifically for the unminified full_emitter output.
const String HEAD = ' var dart = [';
const String TAIL = ' }], ';
const String END = ' setupProgram(dart';
final RegExp TOP_LEVEL_VALUE = new RegExp(r'^ (".+?"):');
new RegExp(r'^ ([a-zA-Z0-9_$]+): \[?function');
final RegExp TOP_LEVEL_CLASS = new RegExp(r'^ ([a-zA-Z0-9_$]+): \[?\{');
final RegExp STATICS = new RegExp(r'^ static:');
final RegExp MEMBER_VALUE = new RegExp(r'^ (".+?"):');
new RegExp(r'^ ([a-zA-Z0-9_$]+): \[?function');
final RegExp MEMBER_OBJECT = new RegExp(r'^ ([a-zA-Z0-9_$]+): \[?\{');
new RegExp(r'^ ([a-zA-Z0-9_$]+): \[?function');
/// Subrange of the JavaScript output.
abstract class OutputEntity {
Interval get interval;
Interval get header;
Interval get footer;
bool get canHaveChildren => false;
List<OutputEntity> get children;
CodeSource codeSource;
Interval getChildInterval(Interval childIndex) {
return new Interval(children[childIndex.from].interval.from,
children[ - 1];
OutputEntity getChild(int index) {
return children[index];
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg);
EntityKind get kind;
Map toJson(JsonStrategy strategy);
OutputEntity getEntityForLine(int line);
enum EntityKind {
abstract class OutputVisitor<R, A> {
R visitStructure(OutputStructure entity, A arg);
R visitLibrary(LibraryBlock entity, A arg);
R visitClass(LibraryClass entity, A arg);
R visitTopLevelFunction(TopLevelFunction entity, A arg);
R visitTopLevelValue(TopLevelValue entity, A arg);
R visitMemberObject(MemberObject entity, A arg);
R visitMemberFunction(MemberFunction entity, A arg);
R visitMemberValue(MemberValue entity, A arg);
R visitStatics(Statics entity, A arg);
R visitStaticFunction(StaticFunction entity, A arg);
abstract class BaseOutputVisitor<R, A> extends OutputVisitor<R, A> {
R visitEntity(OutputEntity entity, A arg) => null;
R visitStructure(OutputStructure entity, A arg) => visitEntity(entity, arg);
R visitLibrary(LibraryBlock entity, A arg) => visitEntity(entity, arg);
R visitClass(LibraryClass entity, A arg) => visitEntity(entity, arg);
R visitMember(BasicEntity entity, A arg) => visitEntity(entity, arg);
R visitTopLevelMember(BasicEntity entity, A arg) => visitMember(entity, arg);
R visitTopLevelFunction(TopLevelFunction entity, A arg) {
return visitTopLevelMember(entity, arg);
R visitTopLevelValue(TopLevelValue entity, A arg) {
return visitTopLevelMember(entity, arg);
R visitClassMember(BasicEntity entity, A arg) => visitMember(entity, arg);
R visitMemberObject(MemberObject entity, A arg) {
return visitClassMember(entity, arg);
R visitMemberFunction(MemberFunction entity, A arg) {
return visitClassMember(entity, arg);
R visitMemberValue(MemberValue entity, A arg) {
return visitClassMember(entity, arg);
R visitStatics(Statics entity, A arg) {
return visitClassMember(entity, arg);
R visitStaticFunction(StaticFunction entity, A arg) {
return visitClassMember(entity, arg);
/// The whole JavaScript output.
class OutputStructure extends OutputEntity {
final List<CodeLine> lines;
final int headerEnd;
final int footerStart;
final List<LibraryBlock> children;
OutputStructure(this.lines, this.headerEnd, this.footerStart, this.children);
EntityKind get kind => EntityKind.STRUCTURE;
Interval get interval => new Interval(0, lines.length);
Interval get header => new Interval(0, headerEnd);
Interval get footer => new Interval(footerStart, lines.length);
bool get canHaveChildren => true;
OutputEntity getEntityForLine(int line) {
if (line < headerEnd || line >= footerStart) {
return this;
for (LibraryBlock library in children) {
if (library.interval.contains(line)) {
return library.getEntityForLine(line);
return null;
/// Compute the structure of the JavaScript [lines].
static OutputStructure parse(List<CodeLine> lines) {
int findHeaderStart(List<CodeLine> lines) {
int index = 0;
for (CodeLine line in lines) {
if (line.code.startsWith(HEAD)) {
return index;
return lines.length;
int findHeaderEnd(int start, List<CodeLine> lines) {
int index = start;
for (CodeLine line in lines.skip(start)) {
if (line.code.startsWith(END)) {
return index;
return lines.length;
String readHeader(CodeLine line) {
String code = line.code;
if (code.startsWith(HEAD)) {
return code.substring(HEAD.length);
} else if (code.startsWith(TAIL)) {
return code.substring(TAIL.length);
return null;
List<LibraryBlock> computeHeaderMap(
List<CodeLine> lines, int start, int end) {
List<LibraryBlock> libraryBlocks = <LibraryBlock>[];
LibraryBlock current;
for (int index = start; index < end; index++) {
String header = readHeader(lines[index]);
if (header != null) {
if (current != null) { = index;
libraryBlocks.add(current = new LibraryBlock(header, index));
if (current != null) { = end;
return libraryBlocks;
int headerEnd = findHeaderStart(lines);
int footerStart = findHeaderEnd(headerEnd, lines);
List<LibraryBlock> libraryBlocks =
computeHeaderMap(lines, headerEnd, footerStart);
for (LibraryBlock block in libraryBlocks) {
return new OutputStructure(lines, headerEnd, footerStart, libraryBlocks);
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitStructure(this, arg);
Map toJson(JsonStrategy strategy) {
return {
'lines': => line.toJson(strategy)).toList(),
'headerEnd': headerEnd,
'footerStart': footerStart,
'children': => child.toJson(strategy)).toList(),
static OutputStructure fromJson(Map json, JsonStrategy strategy) {
List<CodeLine> lines =
json['lines'].map((l) => CodeLine.fromJson(l, strategy)).toList();
int headerEnd = json['headerEnd'];
int footerStart = json['footerStart'];
List<LibraryBlock> children = json['children']
.map((j) => AbstractEntity.fromJson(j, strategy))
return new OutputStructure(lines, headerEnd, footerStart, children);
abstract class AbstractEntity extends OutputEntity {
final String name;
final int from;
int to;
AbstractEntity(, this.from);
Interval get interval => new Interval(from, to);
Map toJson(JsonStrategy strategy) {
return {
'kind': kind.index,
'name': name,
'from': from,
'to': to,
'children': => child.toJson(strategy)).toList(),
'codeSource': codeSource != null ? codeSource.toJson() : null,
static AbstractEntity fromJson(Map json, JsonStrategy strategy) {
EntityKind kind = EntityKind.values[json['kind']];
String name = json['name'];
int from = json['from'];
int to = json['to'];
CodeSource codeSource = CodeSource.fromJson(json['codeSource']);
switch (kind) {
case EntityKind.STRUCTURE:
throw new StateError('Unexpected entity kind $kind');
case EntityKind.LIBRARY:
LibraryBlock lib = new LibraryBlock(name, from) = to
..codeSource = codeSource;
.forEach((child) => lib.children.add(fromJson(child, strategy)));
return lib;
case EntityKind.CLASS:
LibraryClass cls = new LibraryClass(name, from) = to
..codeSource = codeSource;
.forEach((child) => cls.children.add(fromJson(child, strategy)));
return cls;
return new TopLevelFunction(name, from) = to
..codeSource = codeSource;
case EntityKind.TOP_LEVEL_VALUE:
return new TopLevelValue(name, from) = to
..codeSource = codeSource;
case EntityKind.MEMBER_FUNCTION:
return new MemberFunction(name, from) = to
..codeSource = codeSource;
case EntityKind.MEMBER_OBJECT:
return new MemberObject(name, from) = to
..codeSource = codeSource;
case EntityKind.MEMBER_VALUE:
return new MemberValue(name, from) = to
..codeSource = codeSource;
case EntityKind.STATICS:
Statics statics = new Statics(from) = to
..codeSource = codeSource;
(child) => statics.children.add(fromJson(child, strategy)));
return statics;
case EntityKind.STATIC_FUNCTION:
return new StaticFunction(name, from) = to
..codeSource = codeSource;
throw "Unhandled: $kind";
/// A block defining the content of a Dart library.
class LibraryBlock extends AbstractEntity {
List<BasicEntity> children = <BasicEntity>[];
int get headerEnd => from + 2;
int get footerStart => to /* - 1*/;
LibraryBlock(String name, int from) : super(name, from);
EntityKind get kind => EntityKind.LIBRARY;
Interval get header => new Interval(from, headerEnd);
Interval get footer => new Interval(footerStart, to);
bool get canHaveChildren => true;
void preprocess(List<CodeLine> lines) {
int index = headerEnd;
BasicEntity current;
while (index < footerStart) {
String line = lines[index].code;
BasicEntity next;
Match matchFunction = TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION.firstMatch(line);
if (matchFunction != null) {
next = new TopLevelFunction(, index);
} else {
Match matchClass = TOP_LEVEL_CLASS.firstMatch(line);
if (matchClass != null) {
next = new LibraryClass(, index);
} else {
Match matchValue = TOP_LEVEL_VALUE.firstMatch(line);
if (matchValue != null) {
next = new TopLevelValue(, index);
if (next != null) {
if (current != null) { = index;
children.add(current = next);
} else if (index == headerEnd) {
throw 'Failed to match first library block line:\n$line';
if (current != null) { = footerStart;
for (BasicEntity entity in children) {
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitLibrary(this, arg);
OutputEntity getEntityForLine(int line) {
if (line < headerEnd || line >= footerStart) {
return this;
for (BasicEntity child in children) {
if (child.interval.contains(line)) {
return child.getEntityForLine(line);
return null;
/// A simple member of a library or class.
abstract class BasicEntity extends AbstractEntity {
BasicEntity(String name, int from) : super(name, from);
Interval get header => new Interval(from, to);
Interval get footer => new Interval(to, to);
List<OutputEntity> get children => const <OutputEntity>[];
void preprocess(List<CodeLine> lines) {}
OutputEntity getEntityForLine(int line) {
if (interval.contains(line)) {
return this;
return null;
class TopLevelFunction extends BasicEntity {
TopLevelFunction(String name, int from) : super(name, from);
EntityKind get kind => EntityKind.TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION;
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitTopLevelFunction(this, arg);
class TopLevelValue extends BasicEntity {
TopLevelValue(String name, int from) : super(name, from);
EntityKind get kind => EntityKind.TOP_LEVEL_VALUE;
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg) {
return visitor.visitTopLevelValue(this, arg);
/// A block defining a Dart class.
class LibraryClass extends BasicEntity {
List<BasicEntity> children = <BasicEntity>[];
int get headerEnd => from + 1;
int get footerStart => to - 1;
LibraryClass(String name, int from) : super(name, from);
EntityKind get kind => EntityKind.CLASS;
Interval get header => new Interval(from, headerEnd);
Interval get footer => new Interval(footerStart, to);
bool get canHaveChildren => true;
void preprocess(List<CodeLine> lines) {
int index = headerEnd;
BasicEntity current;
while (index < footerStart) {
String line = lines[index].code;
BasicEntity next;
Match match = MEMBER_FUNCTION.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
next = new MemberFunction(, index);
} else {
match = STATICS.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
next = new Statics(index);
} else {
match = MEMBER_OBJECT.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
next = new MemberObject(, index);
} else {
match = MEMBER_VALUE.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
next = new MemberValue(, index);
if (next != null) {
if (current != null) { = index;
children.add(current = next);
} else if (index == headerEnd) {
throw 'Failed to match first library block line:\n$line';
if (current != null) { = footerStart;
for (BasicEntity entity in children) {
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitClass(this, arg);
OutputEntity getEntityForLine(int line) {
if (line < headerEnd || line >= footerStart) {
return this;
for (BasicEntity child in children) {
if (child.interval.contains(line)) {
return child.getEntityForLine(line);
return null;
/// A block defining static members of a Dart class.
class Statics extends BasicEntity {
List<BasicEntity> children = <BasicEntity>[];
int get headerEnd => from + 1;
int get footerStart => to - 1;
Statics(int from) : super('statics', from);
EntityKind get kind => EntityKind.STATICS;
Interval get header => new Interval(from, headerEnd);
Interval get footer => new Interval(footerStart, to);
bool get canHaveChildren => true;
void preprocess(List<CodeLine> lines) {
int index = headerEnd;
BasicEntity current;
while (index < footerStart) {
String line = lines[index].code;
BasicEntity next;
Match matchFunction = STATIC_FUNCTION.firstMatch(line);
if (matchFunction != null) {
next = new MemberFunction(, index);
if (next != null) {
if (current != null) { = index;
children.add(current = next);
} else if (index == headerEnd) {
throw 'Failed to match first statics line:\n$line';
if (current != null) { = footerStart;
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitStatics(this, arg);
OutputEntity getEntityForLine(int line) {
if (line < headerEnd || line >= footerStart) {
return this;
for (BasicEntity child in children) {
if (child.interval.contains(line)) {
return child.getEntityForLine(line);
return null;
class MemberFunction extends BasicEntity {
MemberFunction(String name, int from) : super(name, from);
EntityKind get kind => EntityKind.MEMBER_FUNCTION;
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitMemberFunction(this, arg);
class MemberObject extends BasicEntity {
MemberObject(String name, int from) : super(name, from);
EntityKind get kind => EntityKind.MEMBER_OBJECT;
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitMemberObject(this, arg);
class MemberValue extends BasicEntity {
MemberValue(String name, int from) : super(name, from);
EntityKind get kind => EntityKind.MEMBER_VALUE;
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitMemberValue(this, arg);
class StaticFunction extends BasicEntity {
StaticFunction(String name, int from) : super(name, from);
EntityKind get kind => EntityKind.STATIC_FUNCTION;
accept(OutputVisitor visitor, arg) => visitor.visitStaticFunction(this, arg);
class Interval {
final int from;
final int to;
const Interval(this.from,;
int get length => to - from;
bool get isEmpty => from == to;
bool contains(int value) {
return from <= value && value < to;
Interval include(int index) {
return new Interval(Math.min(from, index), Math.max(to, index + 1));
bool inWindow(int index, {int windowSize: 0}) {
return from - windowSize <= index && index < to + windowSize;
String toString() => '[$from,$to[';
enum CodeKind {
class CodeLocation {
final Uri uri;
final String name;
final int offset;
CodeLocation(this.uri,, this.offset) {
assert(uri != null);
String toString() => '$uri:$name:$offset';
Map toJson(JsonStrategy strategy) {
return {
'uri': uri.toString(),
'name': name,
'offset': offset,
static CodeLocation fromJson(Map json, JsonStrategy strategy) {
if (json == null) return null;
return new CodeLocation(
Uri.parse(json['uri']), json['name'], json['offset']);
/// A named entity in source code. This is used to serialize [Element]
/// references without serializing the [Element] itself.
class CodeSource {
final CodeKind kind;
final Uri uri;
final String name;
final int begin;
final int end;
final List<CodeSource> members = <CodeSource>[];
CodeSource(this.kind, this.uri,, this.begin, this.end);
int get hashCode {
return kind.hashCode * 13 +
uri.hashCode * 17 +
name.hashCode * 19 +
begin.hashCode * 23;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! CodeSource) return false;
return kind == other.kind &&
uri == other.uri &&
name == &&
begin == other.begin;
String toString() => '${toJson()}';
Map toJson() {
return {
'kind': kind.index,
'uri': uri.toString(),
'name': name,
'begin': begin,
'end': end,
'members': => c.toJson()).toList(),
static CodeSource fromJson(Map json) {
if (json == null) return null;
CodeSource codeSource = new CodeSource(CodeKind.values[json['kind']],
Uri.parse(json['uri']), json['name'], json['begin'], json['end']);
json['members'].forEach((m) => codeSource.members.add(fromJson(m)));
return codeSource;