blob: 853beb3d8ecf6c53cb3d210996178490a5ac1da0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.resolution.registry;
import '../common/resolution.dart' show ResolutionImpact;
import '../constants/expressions.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart' show ClassEntity;
import '../universe/feature.dart';
import '../universe/world_impact.dart' show WorldImpact, WorldImpactBuilderImpl;
import '../util/enumset.dart' show EnumSet;
import '../util/util.dart' show Setlet;
class ResolutionWorldImpactBuilder extends WorldImpactBuilderImpl
implements ResolutionImpact {
final String name;
EnumSet<Feature> _features;
Setlet<MapLiteralUse> _mapLiterals;
Setlet<SetLiteralUse> _setLiterals;
Setlet<ListLiteralUse> _listLiterals;
Setlet<String> _constSymbolNames;
Setlet<ConstantExpression> _constantLiterals;
Setlet<dynamic> _nativeData;
Setlet<ClassEntity> _seenClasses;
Set<RuntimeTypeUse> _runtimeTypeUses;
Set<GenericInstantiation> _genericInstantiations;
bool get isEmpty => false;
void registerMapLiteral(MapLiteralUse mapLiteralUse) {
assert(mapLiteralUse != null);
_mapLiterals ??= new Setlet<MapLiteralUse>();
Iterable<MapLiteralUse> get mapLiterals {
return _mapLiterals != null ? _mapLiterals : const <MapLiteralUse>[];
void registerSetLiteral(SetLiteralUse setLiteralUse) {
assert(setLiteralUse != null);
_setLiterals ??= new Setlet<SetLiteralUse>();
Iterable<SetLiteralUse> get setLiterals =>
_setLiterals ?? const <SetLiteralUse>[];
void registerListLiteral(ListLiteralUse listLiteralUse) {
assert(listLiteralUse != null);
_listLiterals ??= new Setlet<ListLiteralUse>();
Iterable<ListLiteralUse> get listLiterals {
return _listLiterals != null ? _listLiterals : const <ListLiteralUse>[];
void registerRuntimeTypeUse(RuntimeTypeUse runtimeTypeUse) {
assert(runtimeTypeUse != null);
_runtimeTypeUses ??= new Setlet<RuntimeTypeUse>();
Iterable<RuntimeTypeUse> get runtimeTypeUses {
return _runtimeTypeUses != null
? _runtimeTypeUses
: const <RuntimeTypeUse>[];
void registerConstSymbolName(String name) {
_constSymbolNames ??= new Setlet<String>();
Iterable<String> get constSymbolNames {
return _constSymbolNames != null ? _constSymbolNames : const <String>[];
void registerFeature(Feature feature) {
_features ??= new EnumSet<Feature>();
Iterable<Feature> get features {
return _features != null
? _features.iterable(Feature.values)
: const <Feature>[];
void registerConstantLiteral(ConstantExpression constant) {
_constantLiterals ??= new Setlet<ConstantExpression>();
Iterable<ConstantExpression> get constantLiterals {
return _constantLiterals != null
? _constantLiterals
: const <ConstantExpression>[];
void registerNativeData(dynamic nativeData) {
assert(nativeData != null);
_nativeData ??= new Setlet<dynamic>();
Iterable<dynamic> get nativeData {
return _nativeData != null ? _nativeData : const <dynamic>[];
void registerSeenClass(ClassEntity seenClass) {
_seenClasses ??= new Setlet<ClassEntity>();
Iterable<ClassEntity> get seenClasses {
return _seenClasses ?? const <ClassEntity>[];
void registerInstantiation(GenericInstantiation instantiation) {
_genericInstantiations ??= new Set<GenericInstantiation>();
Iterable<GenericInstantiation> get genericInstantiations {
return _genericInstantiations ?? const <GenericInstantiation>[];
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
WorldImpact.printOn(sb, this);
if (_features != null) {
sb.write('\n features:');
for (Feature feature in _features.iterable(Feature.values)) {
sb.write('\n $feature');
if (_mapLiterals != null) {
sb.write('\n map-literals:');
for (MapLiteralUse use in _mapLiterals) {
sb.write('\n $use');
if (_setLiterals != null) {
sb.write('\n set-literals:');
for (SetLiteralUse use in _setLiterals) {
sb.write('\n $use');
if (_listLiterals != null) {
sb.write('\n list-literals:');
for (ListLiteralUse use in _listLiterals) {
sb.write('\n $use');
if (_constantLiterals != null) {
sb.write('\n const-literals:');
for (ConstantExpression constant in _constantLiterals) {
sb.write('\n ${constant.toDartText()}');
if (_constSymbolNames != null) {
sb.write('\n const-symbol-names: $_constSymbolNames');
if (_nativeData != null) {
sb.write('\n native-data:');
for (var data in _nativeData) {
sb.write('\n $data');
if (_genericInstantiations != null) {
sb.write('\n instantiations:');
for (var data in _genericInstantiations) {
sb.write('\n $data');
return sb.toString();