blob: a323f6f64d07ff5cc559ff24da4162b715fb4d9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import 'closure.dart';
import 'scope_visitor.dart';
class ScopeModel {
final ClosureScopeModel closureScopeModel;
final VariableScopeModel variableScopeModel;
final InitializerComplexity initializerComplexity;
ScopeModel(this.closureScopeModel, this.variableScopeModel,
/// Inspect members and mark if those members capture any state that needs to
/// be marked as free variables.
static ScopeModel computeScopeModel(ir.Member node) {
if (node.isAbstract && !node.isExternal) return null;
if (node is ir.Field && !node.isInstanceMember) {
ir.Field field = node;
// Skip top-level/static fields without an initializer.
if (field.initializer == null) return null;
bool hasThisLocal = false;
if (node is ir.Constructor) {
hasThisLocal = true;
} else if (node is ir.Procedure && node.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Factory) {
hasThisLocal = false;
} else if (node.isInstanceMember) {
hasThisLocal = true;
ClosureScopeModel closureScopeModel = new ClosureScopeModel();
ScopeModelBuilder builder =
new ScopeModelBuilder(closureScopeModel, hasThisLocal: hasThisLocal);
InitializerComplexity initializerComplexity =
const InitializerComplexity.lazy();
if (node is ir.Field) {
if (node is ir.Field && node.initializer != null) {
initializerComplexity = node.accept(builder);
} else {
closureScopeModel.scopeInfo = new KernelScopeInfo(true);
} else {
assert(node is ir.Procedure || node is ir.Constructor);
return new ScopeModel(
closureScopeModel, builder.variableScopeModel, initializerComplexity);
abstract class VariableScopeModel {
VariableScope getScopeFor(ir.TreeNode node);
Iterable<ir.VariableDeclaration> get assignedVariables;
bool isEffectivelyFinal(ir.VariableDeclaration node);
class VariableScopeModelImpl implements VariableScopeModel {
Map<ir.TreeNode, VariableScope> _scopeMap = {};
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> _assignedVariables;
VariableScope createScopeFor(ir.TreeNode node) {
return _scopeMap[node] ??= new VariableScopeImpl();
void registerAssignedVariable(ir.VariableDeclaration node) {
_assignedVariables ??= new Set<ir.VariableDeclaration>();
VariableScope getScopeFor(ir.TreeNode node) {
return _scopeMap[node];
Iterable<ir.VariableDeclaration> get assignedVariables =>
_assignedVariables ?? <ir.VariableDeclaration>[];
bool isEffectivelyFinal(ir.VariableDeclaration node) {
return _assignedVariables == null || !_assignedVariables.contains(node);
/// Variable information for a scope.
abstract class VariableScope {
/// Returns the set of [ir.VariableDeclaration]s that have been assigned to in
/// this scope.
Iterable<ir.VariableDeclaration> get assignedVariables;
/// Returns `true` if this scope has a [ir.ContinueSwitchStatement].
bool get hasContinueSwitch;
class VariableScopeImpl implements VariableScope {
List<VariableScope> _subScopes;
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> _assignedVariables;
bool hasContinueSwitch = false;
void addSubScope(VariableScope scope) {
_subScopes ??= <VariableScope>[];
void registerAssignedVariable(ir.VariableDeclaration variable) {
_assignedVariables ??= new Set<ir.VariableDeclaration>();
Iterable<ir.VariableDeclaration> get assignedVariables sync* {
if (_assignedVariables != null) {
yield* _assignedVariables;
if (_subScopes != null) {
for (VariableScope subScope in _subScopes) {
yield* subScope.assignedVariables;
abstract class VariableCollectorMixin {
VariableScopeImpl currentVariableScope;
VariableScopeModelImpl variableScopeModel = new VariableScopeModelImpl();
void visitInVariableScope(ir.TreeNode root, void f()) {
VariableScopeImpl oldScope = currentVariableScope;
currentVariableScope = variableScopeModel.createScopeFor(root);
currentVariableScope = oldScope;
void registerAssignedVariable(ir.VariableDeclaration node) {
void registerContinueSwitch() {
currentVariableScope?.hasContinueSwitch = true;