blob: 485362e6c1f2d2ffe7e1d58562e787037bbefbc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../common/names.dart';
class IrAnnotationData {
Map<ir.Class, String> _nativeClassNames = {};
Map<ir.Library, String> _jsInteropLibraryNames = {};
Map<ir.Class, String> _jsInteropClassNames = {};
Set<ir.Class> _anonymousJsInteropClasses = {};
Map<ir.Member, String> _jsInteropMemberNames = {};
String getNativeClassName(ir.Class node) => _nativeClassNames[node];
String getJsInteropLibraryName(ir.Library node) =>
String getJsInteropClassName(ir.Class node) => _jsInteropClassNames[node];
bool isAnonymousJsInteropClass(ir.Class node) =>
String getJsInteropMemberName(ir.Member node) => _jsInteropMemberNames[node];
IrAnnotationData processAnnotations(ir.Component component) {
IrAnnotationData data = new IrAnnotationData();
void processMember(ir.Member member) {
for (ir.Expression annotation in member.annotations) {
if (annotation is ir.ConstantExpression) {
ir.Constant constant = annotation.constant;
String jsName = _getJsInteropName(constant);
if (jsName != null) {
data._jsInteropMemberNames[member] = jsName;
for (ir.Library library in component.libraries) {
for (ir.Expression annotation in library.annotations) {
if (annotation is ir.ConstantExpression) {
ir.Constant constant = annotation.constant;
String jsName = _getJsInteropName(constant);
if (jsName != null) {
data._jsInteropLibraryNames[library] = jsName;
for (ir.Class cls in library.classes) {
for (ir.Expression annotation in cls.annotations) {
if (annotation is ir.ConstantExpression) {
ir.Constant constant = annotation.constant;
String nativeClassName = _getNativeClassName(constant);
if (nativeClassName != null) {
data._nativeClassNames[cls] = nativeClassName;
String jsName = _getJsInteropName(constant);
if (jsName != null) {
data._jsInteropClassNames[cls] = jsName;
bool isAnonymousJsInteropClass = _isAnonymousJsInterop(constant);
if (isAnonymousJsInteropClass) {
for (ir.Member member in cls.members) {
for (ir.Member member in library.members) {
return data;
String _getNativeClassName(ir.Constant constant) {
if (constant is ir.InstanceConstant) {
if ( == 'Native' &&
constant.classNode.enclosingLibrary.importUri == Uris.dart__js_helper) {
if (constant.fieldValues.length == 1) {
ir.Constant fieldValue = constant.fieldValues.values.single;
String name;
if (fieldValue is ir.StringConstant) {
name = fieldValue.value;
if (name != null) {
return name;
return null;
String _getJsInteropName(ir.Constant constant) {
if (constant is ir.InstanceConstant) {
if ( == 'JS' &&
constant.classNode.enclosingLibrary.importUri == Uris.package_js) {
if (constant.fieldValues.length == 1) {
ir.Constant fieldValue = constant.fieldValues.values.single;
String name;
if (fieldValue is ir.NullConstant) {
name = '';
} else if (fieldValue is ir.StringConstant) {
name = fieldValue.value;
if (name != null) {
return name;
return null;
bool _isAnonymousJsInterop(ir.Constant constant) {
if (constant is ir.InstanceConstant) {
return == '_Anonymous' &&
constant.classNode.enclosingLibrary.importUri == Uris.package_js;
return false;