blob: 63fee220dd810ac9bb0c171b31672794e1efd124 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.diagnostics.code_location;
import '../util/uri_extras.dart' as uri_extras show relativize;
/// [CodeLocation] divides uris into different classes.
/// These are used to group uris from user code, platform libraries and
/// packages.
abstract class CodeLocation {
/// Returns `true` if [uri] is in this code location.
bool inSameLocation(Uri uri);
/// Returns the uri of this location relative to [baseUri].
String relativize(Uri baseUri);
factory CodeLocation(Uri uri) {
if (uri.scheme == 'package') {
int slashPos = uri.path.indexOf('/');
if (slashPos != -1) {
String packageName = uri.path.substring(0, slashPos);
return new PackageLocation(packageName);
} else {
return new UriLocation(uri);
} else {
return new SchemeLocation(uri);
/// A code location defined by the scheme of the uri.
/// Used for non-package uris, such as 'dart', 'file', and 'http'.
class SchemeLocation implements CodeLocation {
final Uri uri;
bool inSameLocation(Uri uri) {
return this.uri.scheme == uri.scheme;
String relativize(Uri baseUri) {
return uri_extras.relativize(baseUri, uri, false);
/// A code location defined by the package name.
/// Used for package uris, separated by their `package names`, that is, the
/// 'foo' of 'package:foo/bar.dart'.
class PackageLocation implements CodeLocation {
final String packageName;
bool inSameLocation(Uri uri) {
return uri.scheme == 'package' && uri.path.startsWith('$packageName/');
String relativize(Uri baseUri) => 'package:$packageName';
/// A code location defined by the whole uri.
/// Used for package uris with no package name. For instance 'package:foo.dart'.
class UriLocation implements CodeLocation {
final Uri uri;
bool inSameLocation(Uri uri) => this.uri == uri;
String relativize(Uri baseUri) {
return uri_extras.relativize(baseUri, uri, false);
/// A code location that contains any uri.
class AnyLocation implements CodeLocation {
const AnyLocation();
bool inSameLocation(Uri uri) => true;
String relativize(Uri baseUri) => '$baseUri';