blob: 03a314a952585c94155a162ce5ba61ed72e87830 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/assist.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/abstract_producer.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/extensions/range_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source_range.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/assist/assist.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_core.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/fixes/fixes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/range_factory.dart';
class ConvertToSuperParameters extends CorrectionProducer {
AssistKind get assistKind => DartAssistKind.CONVERT_TO_SUPER_PARAMETERS;
bool get canBeAppliedInBulk => true;
bool get canBeAppliedToFile => true;
FixKind get fixKind => DartFixKind.CONVERT_TO_SUPER_PARAMETERS;
FixKind? get multiFixKind => DartFixKind.CONVERT_TO_SUPER_PARAMETERS_MULTI;
Future<void> compute(ChangeBuilder builder) async {
if (!libraryElement.featureSet.isEnabled(Feature.super_parameters)) {
// If the library doesn't support super_parameters then the change isn't
// appropriate.
var constructor = _findConstructor();
if (constructor == null) {
// If this isn't a constructor declaration then the change isn't
// appropriate.
var superInvocation = _superInvocation(constructor);
if (superInvocation == null) {
// If there isn't an explicit invocation of a super constructor then the
// change isn't appropriate. Note that this also rules out factory
// constructors because factory constructors can't have initializers.
var superConstructor = superInvocation.staticElement;
if (superConstructor == null) {
// If the super constructor wasn't resolved then we can't apply the
// change.
// Find the arguments that can be converted. Named arguments are added to
// [named]. Positional arguments are added to [positional], but the list is
// set to `null` if a positional argument is found that can't be converted
// because either all of the positional parameters must be converted or none
// of them can be converted.
var referencedParameters = _referencedParameters(constructor);
var parameterMap = _parameterMap(constructor.parameters);
List<_ParameterData>? positional = [];
var named = <_ParameterData>[];
var argumentList = superInvocation.argumentList;
var arguments = argumentList.arguments;
for (var argumentIndex = 0;
argumentIndex < arguments.length;
argumentIndex++) {
var argument = arguments[argumentIndex];
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
var parameter = _parameterFor(parameterMap, argument.expression);
if (parameter != null &&
parameter.isNamed && == &&
!referencedParameters.contains(parameter.element)) {
var data = _dataForParameter(
if (data != null) {
} else if (positional != null) {
var parameter = _parameterFor(parameterMap, argument);
if (parameter == null ||
!parameter.isPositional ||
referencedParameters.contains(parameter.element)) {
positional = null;
} else {
var data = _dataForParameter(
if (data == null) {
positional = null;
} else {
if (positional != null && !_inOrder(positional)) {
positional = null;
// At this point:
// 1. `positional` will be `null` if
// - there is at least one positional argument that can't be converted,
// which implies that there are no positional arguments that can be
// converted, or
// - if the order of the positional parameters doesn't match the order of
// the positional arguments.
// 2. `positional` will be empty if there are no positional arguments at
// all.
// 3. `named` will be empty if there are no named arguments that can be
// converted.
if ((positional == null || positional.isEmpty) && named.isEmpty) {
// There are no parameters that can be converted.
var allParameters = <_ParameterData>[...?positional, ...named];
var argumentsToDelete = => data.argumentIndex).toList();
await builder.addDartFileEdit(file, (builder) {
// Convert the parameters.
for (var parameterData in allParameters) {
var keyword = parameterData.finalKeyword;
var nameOffset =;
void insertSuper() {
if (keyword == null) {
builder.addSimpleInsertion(nameOffset, 'super.');
} else {
var tokenAfterKeyword =!;
if (tokenAfterKeyword.offset == nameOffset) {
range.startStart(keyword, tokenAfterKeyword), 'super.');
} else {
builder.addDeletion(range.startStart(keyword, tokenAfterKeyword));
builder.addSimpleInsertion(nameOffset, 'super.');
var typeToDelete = parameterData.typeToDelete;
if (typeToDelete == null) {
} else {
var primaryRange = typeToDelete.primaryRange;
if (primaryRange == null) {
// This only happens when the type is an inline function type with
// no return type, such as `f(int i)`. Inline function types can't
// have a `final` keyword unless there's an error in the code.
builder.addSimpleInsertion(nameOffset, 'super.');
} else {
if (keyword == null) {
builder.addSimpleReplacement(primaryRange, 'super.');
} else {
var tokenAfterKeyword =!;
if (tokenAfterKeyword.offset == primaryRange.offset) {
keyword.offset, primaryRange.end),
} else {
.addDeletion(range.startStart(keyword, tokenAfterKeyword));
builder.addSimpleReplacement(primaryRange, 'super.');
if (parameterData.nullInitializer) {
builder.addSimpleInsertion(, ' = null');
var parameterRange = typeToDelete.parameterRange;
if (parameterRange != null) {
var defaultValueRange = parameterData.defaultValueRange;
if (defaultValueRange != null) {
// Remove the corresponding arguments.
if (argumentsToDelete.length == arguments.length) {
if (superInvocation.constructorName == null) {
// Delete the whole invocation.
var initializers = constructor.initializers;
SourceRange initializerRange;
if (initializers.length == 1) {
initializerRange =
range.endEnd(constructor.parameters, superInvocation);
} else {
initializerRange = range.nodeInList(initializers, superInvocation);
} else {
// Leave the invocation, but remove all of the arguments, including
// any trailing comma.
argumentList.leftParenthesis, argumentList.rightParenthesis));
} else {
// Remove just the arguments that are no longer needed.
var ranges = range.nodesInList(arguments, argumentsToDelete);
for (var range in ranges) {
/// If the [parameter] can be converted into a super initializing formal
/// parameter then return the data needed to do so.
_ParameterData? _dataForParameter(_Parameter parameter, int argumentIndex,
ParameterElement? superParameter) {
if (superParameter == null) {
return null;
// If the type of the `thisParameter` isn't a subtype of the type of the
// super parameter, then the change isn't appropriate.
var superType = superParameter.type;
var thisType = parameter.element.type;
if (!typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(thisType, superType)) {
return null;
var parameterNode = parameter.parameter;
var identifier = parameterNode.identifier;
if (identifier == null) {
// This condition should never occur, but the test is here to promote the
// type.
return null;
// Return the data.
return _ParameterData(
argumentIndex: argumentIndex,
_defaultValueRange(parameterNode, superParameter, parameter.element),
finalKeyword: _finalKeyword(parameterNode),
name: identifier,
nullInitializer: _nullInitializer(parameterNode, superParameter),
parameterIndex: parameter.index,
typeToDelete: superType == thisType ? _type(parameterNode) : null,
/// Return the range of the default value associated with the [parameter], or
/// `null` if the parameter doesn't have a default value or if the default
/// value is not the same as the default value in the super constructor.
SourceRange? _defaultValueRange(FormalParameter parameter,
ParameterElement superParameter, ParameterElement thisParameter) {
if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
var defaultValue = parameter.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue != null) {
var superDefault = superParameter.computeConstantValue();
var thisDefault = thisParameter.computeConstantValue();
if (superDefault != null && superDefault == thisDefault) {
return range.endEnd(parameter.identifier!, defaultValue);
return null;
/// Return data about the type annotation on the [parameter]. This is the
/// information about the ranges of text that need to be removed in order to
/// remove the type annotation.
Token? _finalKeyword(FormalParameter parameter) {
if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
return _finalKeyword(parameter.parameter);
} else if (parameter is SimpleFormalParameter) {
var keyword = parameter.keyword;
if (keyword?.type == Keyword.FINAL) {
return keyword;
return null;
/// Return the constructor to be converted, or `null` if the cursor is not on
/// the name of a constructor.
ConstructorDeclaration? _findConstructor() {
final node = this.node;
if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ConstructorDeclaration) {
return parent;
} else if (parent is ConstructorName) {
var grandparent = parent.parent;
if (grandparent is ConstructorDeclaration) {
return grandparent;
return null;
/// Return `true` if the given list of [parameterData] is in order by the
/// index of the parameters. The list is known to be in order by the argument
/// positions, so this test is used to ensure that the order won't be changed
/// if the parameters are converted.
bool _inOrder(List<_ParameterData> parameterData) {
var previousIndex = -1;
for (var data in parameterData) {
var index = data.parameterIndex;
if (index < previousIndex) {
return false;
previousIndex = index;
return true;
/// Return [true] if the parameter has no default value
/// and the parameter in the super constructor has a default one
bool _nullInitializer(
FormalParameter parameter, ParameterElement superParameter) {
return parameter is DefaultFormalParameter &&
!parameter.isRequired &&
parameter.defaultValue == null &&
/// Return the parameter corresponding to the [expression], or `null` if the
/// expression isn't a simple reference to one of the normal parameters in the
/// constructor being converted.
_Parameter? _parameterFor(
Map<ParameterElement, _Parameter> parameterMap, Expression expression) {
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
var element = expression.staticElement;
return parameterMap[element];
return null;
/// Return a map from parameter elements to the parameters that define those
/// elements.
Map<ParameterElement, _Parameter> _parameterMap(
FormalParameterList parameterList) {
bool validParameter(FormalParameter parameter) {
if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
parameter = parameter.parameter;
return parameter is SimpleFormalParameter ||
parameter is FunctionTypedFormalParameter;
var map = <ParameterElement, _Parameter>{};
var parameters = parameterList.parameters;
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
var parameter = parameters[i];
if (validParameter(parameter)) {
var element = parameter.declaredElement;
if (element != null) {
map[element] = _Parameter(parameter, element, i);
return map;
/// Return a set containing the elements of all of the parameters that are
/// referenced in the body of the [constructor].
Set<ParameterElement> _referencedParameters(
ConstructorDeclaration constructor) {
var collector = _ReferencedParameterCollector();
return collector.foundParameters;
/// Return the invocation of the super constructor.
SuperConstructorInvocation? _superInvocation(
ConstructorDeclaration constructor) {
var initializers = constructor.initializers;
// Search all of the initializers in case the code is invalid, but start
// from the end because the code will usually be correct.
for (var i = initializers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var initializer = initializers[i];
if (initializer is SuperConstructorInvocation) {
return initializer;
return null;
/// Return data about the type annotation on the [parameter]. This is the
/// information about the ranges of text that need to be removed in order to
/// remove the type annotation.
_TypeData? _type(FormalParameter parameter) {
if (parameter is DefaultFormalParameter) {
return _type(parameter.parameter);
} else if (parameter is SimpleFormalParameter) {
var typeAnnotation = parameter.type;
if (typeAnnotation != null) {
return _TypeData(
range.startStart(typeAnnotation, parameter.identifier!));
} else if (parameter is FunctionTypedFormalParameter) {
var returnType = parameter.returnType;
return _TypeData(
primaryRange: returnType != null
? range.startStart(returnType, parameter.identifier)
: null,
parameterRange: range.node(parameter.parameters));
return null;
/// Information about a single parameter.
class _Parameter {
final FormalParameter parameter;
final ParameterElement element;
final int index;
_Parameter(this.parameter, this.element, this.index);
bool get isNamed => element.isNamed;
bool get isPositional => element.isPositional;
/// Information used to convert a single parameter.
class _ParameterData {
/// The `final` keyword on the parameter, or `null` if there is no `final`
/// keyword.
final Token? finalKeyword;
/// The type annotation that should be deleted from the parameter list, or
/// `null` if there is no type annotation to delete or if the type should not
/// be deleted.
final _TypeData? typeToDelete;
/// The name.
final Identifier name;
/// Whether to add a default initializer with `null` value or not.
final bool nullInitializer;
/// The range of the default value that is to be deleted from the parameter
/// list, or `null` if there is no default value, or the default value isn't
/// to be deleted.
final SourceRange? defaultValueRange;
/// The index of the parameter to be updated.
final int parameterIndex;
/// The index of the argument to be deleted.
final int argumentIndex;
/// Initialize a newly create data object.
{required this.finalKeyword,
required this.typeToDelete,
required this.defaultValueRange,
required this.nullInitializer,
required this.parameterIndex,
required this.argumentIndex});
class _ReferencedParameterCollector extends RecursiveAstVisitor<void> {
final Set<ParameterElement> foundParameters = {};
void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
var element = node.staticElement;
if (element is ParameterElement) {
/// Information about the ranges of text that need to be removed in order to
/// remove a type annotation.
class _TypeData {
SourceRange? primaryRange;
SourceRange? parameterRange;
_TypeData({required this.primaryRange, this.parameterRange});