blob: caaa088696b75fd5afab7293b399611eea1a9e81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart' as server;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/channel/channel.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/plugin/result_collector.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/plugin/result_converter.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/plugin/result_merger.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_constants.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:path/path.dart';
/// The object used to coordinate the results of notifications from the analysis
/// server and multiple plugins.
abstract class AbstractNotificationManager {
/// The identifier used to identify results from the server.
static const String serverId = 'server';
/// The path context.
final Context pathContext;
/// A list of the paths of files and directories that are included for
/// analysis.
List<String> includedPaths = <String>[];
/// A list of the paths of files and directories that are excluded from
/// analysis.
List<String> excludedPaths = <String>[];
/// The current set of subscriptions to which the client has subscribed.
Map<server.AnalysisService, Set<String>> currentSubscriptions =
<server.AnalysisService, Set<String>>{};
/// The collector being used to collect the analysis errors from the plugins.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Consider the possibility of not passing the predicate
// in to the collector, but instead to the testing in this class.
late ResultCollector<List<AnalysisError>> errors =
ResultCollector<List<AnalysisError>>(serverId, predicate: _isIncluded);
/// The collector being used to collect the folding regions from the plugins.
ResultCollector<List<FoldingRegion>> folding;
/// The collector being used to collect the highlight regions from the
/// plugins.
ResultCollector<List<HighlightRegion>> highlights;
/// The collector being used to collect the navigation parameters from the
/// plugins.
ResultCollector<server.AnalysisNavigationParams> navigation;
/// The collector being used to collect the occurrences from the plugins.
ResultCollector<List<Occurrences>> occurrences;
/// The collector being used to collect the outlines from the plugins.
ResultCollector<List<Outline>> outlines;
/// The object used to convert results.
final ResultConverter converter = ResultConverter();
/// The object used to merge results.
final ResultMerger merger = ResultMerger();
/// Initialize a newly created notification manager.
// errors =
// ResultCollector<List<AnalysisError>>(serverId, predicate: _isIncluded),
folding = ResultCollector<List<FoldingRegion>>(serverId),
highlights = ResultCollector<List<HighlightRegion>>(serverId),
navigation = ResultCollector<server.AnalysisNavigationParams>(serverId),
occurrences = ResultCollector<List<Occurrences>>(serverId),
outlines = ResultCollector<List<Outline>>(serverId);
/// Handle the given [notification] from the plugin with the given [pluginId].
void handlePluginNotification(
String pluginId, plugin.Notification notification) {
var event = notification.event;
switch (event) {
var params = plugin.AnalysisErrorsParams.fromNotification(notification);
recordAnalysisErrors(pluginId, params.file, params.errors);
var params =
recordFoldingRegions(pluginId, params.file, params.regions);
var params =
recordHighlightRegions(pluginId, params.file, params.regions);
var params =
recordNavigationParams(pluginId, params.file,
var params =
recordOccurrences(pluginId, params.file, params.occurrences);
var params =
recordOutlines(pluginId, params.file, params.outline);
/// Record error information from the plugin with the given [pluginId] for the
/// file with the given [filePath].
void recordAnalysisErrors(
String pluginId, String filePath, List<AnalysisError> errorData) {
if (errors.isCollectingFor(filePath)) {
errors.putResults(filePath, pluginId, errorData);
var unmergedErrors = errors.getResults(filePath);
var mergedErrors = merger.mergeAnalysisErrors(unmergedErrors);
sendAnalysisErrors(filePath, mergedErrors);
/// Record folding information from the plugin with the given [pluginId] for
/// the file with the given [filePath].
void recordFoldingRegions(
String pluginId, String filePath, List<FoldingRegion> foldingData) {
if (folding.isCollectingFor(filePath)) {
folding.putResults(filePath, pluginId, foldingData);
var unmergedFolding = folding.getResults(filePath);
var mergedFolding = merger.mergeFoldingRegions(unmergedFolding);
sendFoldingRegions(filePath, mergedFolding);
/// Record highlight information from the plugin with the given [pluginId] for
/// the file with the given [filePath].
void recordHighlightRegions(
String pluginId, String filePath, List<HighlightRegion> highlightData) {
if (highlights.isCollectingFor(filePath)) {
highlights.putResults(filePath, pluginId, highlightData);
var unmergedHighlights = highlights.getResults(filePath);
var mergedHighlights = merger.mergeHighlightRegions(unmergedHighlights);
sendHighlightRegions(filePath, mergedHighlights);
/// Record navigation information from the plugin with the given [pluginId]
/// for the file with the given [filePath].
void recordNavigationParams(String pluginId, String filePath,
server.AnalysisNavigationParams navigationData) {
if (navigation.isCollectingFor(filePath)) {
navigation.putResults(filePath, pluginId, navigationData);
var unmergedNavigations = navigation.getResults(filePath);
var mergedNavigations = merger.mergeNavigation(unmergedNavigations);
if (mergedNavigations != null) {
/// Record occurrences information from the plugin with the given [pluginId]
/// for the file with the given [filePath].
void recordOccurrences(
String pluginId, String filePath, List<Occurrences> occurrencesData) {
if (occurrences.isCollectingFor(filePath)) {
occurrences.putResults(filePath, pluginId, occurrencesData);
var unmergedOccurrences = occurrences.getResults(filePath);
var mergedOccurrences = merger.mergeOccurrences(unmergedOccurrences);
sendOccurrences(filePath, mergedOccurrences);
/// Record outline information from the plugin with the given [pluginId] for
/// the file with the given [filePath].
void recordOutlines(
String pluginId, String filePath, List<Outline> outlineData) {
if (outlines.isCollectingFor(filePath)) {
outlines.putResults(filePath, pluginId, outlineData);
var unmergedOutlines = outlines.getResults(filePath);
var mergedOutlines = merger.mergeOutline(unmergedOutlines);
sendOutlines(filePath, mergedOutlines);
/// Sends errors for a file to the client.
void sendAnalysisErrors(String filePath, List<AnalysisError> mergedErrors);
/// Sends folding regions for a file to the client.
void sendFoldingRegions(String filePath, List<FoldingRegion> mergedFolding);
/// Sends highlight regions for a file to the client.
void sendHighlightRegions(
String filePath, List<HighlightRegion> mergedHighlights);
/// Sends navigation regions for a file to the client.
void sendNavigations(server.AnalysisNavigationParams mergedNavigations);
/// Sends occurrences for a file to the client.
void sendOccurrences(String filePath, List<Occurrences> mergedOccurrences);
/// Sends outlines for a file to the client.
void sendOutlines(String filePath, List<Outline> mergedOutlines);
/// Sends plugin errors to the client.
void sendPluginErrorNotification(plugin.Notification notification);
/// Set the lists of [included] and [excluded] files.
void setAnalysisRoots(List<String> included, List<String> excluded) {
includedPaths = included;
excludedPaths = excluded;
/// Set the current subscriptions to the given set of [newSubscriptions].
void setSubscriptions(
Map<server.AnalysisService, Set<String>> newSubscriptions) {
/// Return the collector associated with the given service, or `null` if the
/// service is not handled by this manager.
ResultCollector? collectorFor(server.AnalysisService service) {
switch (service) {
case server.AnalysisService.FOLDING:
return folding;
case server.AnalysisService.HIGHLIGHTS:
return highlights;
case server.AnalysisService.NAVIGATION:
return navigation;
case server.AnalysisService.OCCURRENCES:
return occurrences;
case server.AnalysisService.OUTLINE:
return outlines;
return null;
Set<server.AnalysisService> services = HashSet<server.AnalysisService>();
for (var service in services) {
var collector = collectorFor(service);
if (collector != null) {
var currentPaths = currentSubscriptions[service];
var newPaths = newSubscriptions[service];
if (currentPaths == null) {
if (newPaths == null) {
// This should not happen.
// All of the [newPaths] need to be added.
for (var filePath in newPaths) {
} else if (newPaths == null) {
// All of the [currentPaths] need to be removed.
for (var filePath in currentPaths) {
} else {
// Compute the difference of the two sets.
for (var filePath in newPaths) {
if (!currentPaths.contains(filePath)) {
for (var filePath in currentPaths) {
if (!newPaths.contains(filePath)) {
currentSubscriptions = newSubscriptions;
/// Return `true` if errors should be collected for the file with the given
/// [path] (because it is being analyzed).
bool _isIncluded(String path) {
bool isIncluded() {
for (var includedPath in includedPaths) {
if (pathContext.isWithin(includedPath, path) ||
pathContext.equals(includedPath, path)) {
return true;
return false;
bool isExcluded() {
for (var excludedPath in excludedPaths) {
if (pathContext.isWithin(excludedPath, path)) {
return true;
return false;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Return false if error notifications are globally
// disabled.
return isIncluded() && !isExcluded();
class NotificationManager extends AbstractNotificationManager {
/// The identifier used to identify results from the server.
static const String serverId = AbstractNotificationManager.serverId;
/// The channel used to send notifications to the client.
final ServerCommunicationChannel channel;
/// Initialize a newly created notification manager.
NotificationManager(, Context pathContext) : super(pathContext);
/// Sends errors for a file to the client.
void sendAnalysisErrors(String filePath, List<AnalysisError> mergedErrors) {
server.AnalysisErrorsParams(filePath, mergedErrors).toNotification());
/// Sends folding regions for a file to the client.
void sendFoldingRegions(String filePath, List<FoldingRegion> mergedFolding) {
server.AnalysisFoldingParams(filePath, mergedFolding).toNotification());
/// Sends highlight regions for a file to the client.
void sendHighlightRegions(
String filePath, List<HighlightRegion> mergedHighlights) {
server.AnalysisHighlightsParams(filePath, mergedHighlights)
/// Sends navigation regions for a file to the client.
void sendNavigations(server.AnalysisNavigationParams mergedNavigations) {
/// Sends occurrences for a file to the client.
void sendOccurrences(String filePath, List<Occurrences> mergedOccurrences) {
server.AnalysisOccurrencesParams(filePath, mergedOccurrences)
/// Sends outlines for a file to the client.
void sendOutlines(String filePath, List<Outline> mergedOutlines) {
filePath, server.FileKind.LIBRARY, mergedOutlines[0])
/// Sends plugin errors to the client.
void sendPluginErrorNotification(plugin.Notification notification) {
var params = plugin.PluginErrorParams.fromNotification(notification);
// TODO(brianwilkerson) There is no indication for the client as to the
// fact that the error came from a plugin, let alone which plugin it
// came from. We should consider whether we really want to send them to
// the client.
params.isFatal, params.message, params.stackTrace)