blob: d9aca9a31bf10ee85569b33c18e9c6704df84da5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'codegen_dart.dart';
import 'meta_model.dart';
Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async {
final args = argParser.parse(arguments);
var help = args[argHelp] as bool;
if (help) {
final script = Platform.script.toFilePath();
// 3x parent = file -> lsp_spec -> tool -> analysis_server.
final packageFolder = File(script).parent.parent.parent.path;
final outFolder = path.join(packageFolder, 'lib', 'lsp_protocol');
// Collect definitions for types in the model and our custom extensions.
final specTypes = await getSpecClasses(args);
final customTypes = getCustomClasses();
// Record both sets of types in dictionaries for faster lookups, but also so
// they can reference each other and we can find the definitions during
// codegen.
// Generate formatted Dart code (as a string) for each set of types.
final specTypesOutput = generateDartForTypes(specTypes);
final customTypesOutput = generateDartForTypes(customTypes);
File(path.join(outFolder, 'protocol_generated.dart')).writeAsStringSync(
generatedFileHeader(2018, importCustom: true) + specTypesOutput);
File(path.join(outFolder, 'protocol_custom_generated.dart'))
.writeAsStringSync(generatedFileHeader(2019) + customTypesOutput);
const argDownload = 'download';
const argHelp = 'help';
final argParser = ArgParser()
..addFlag(argHelp, hide: true)
negatable: false,
abbr: 'd',
'Download the latest version of the LSP spec before generating types');
final String localLicensePath = path.join(
path.dirname(Platform.script.toFilePath()), 'lsp_meta_model.license.txt');
final String localSpecPath = path.join(
path.dirname(Platform.script.toFilePath()), 'lsp_meta_model.json');
final Uri specLicenseUri = Uri.parse(
/// The URI of the version of the LSP meta model to generate from. This should
/// be periodically updated to the latest version.
final Uri specUri = Uri.parse(
Future<void> downloadSpec() async {
final specResp = await http.get(specUri);
final licenseResp = await http.get(specLicenseUri);
assert(specResp.statusCode == 200);
assert(licenseResp.statusCode == 200);
await File(localSpecPath).writeAsString(specResp.body);
await File(localLicensePath).writeAsString(
'This license is for the ${path.basename(localSpecPath)} file.\n\n'
'${path.basename(localLicensePath)} downloaded from: $specLicenseUri\n'
'${path.basename(localSpecPath)} downloaded from: $specUri\n'
String generatedFileHeader(int year, {bool importCustom = false}) => '''
// Copyright (c) $year, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// To regenerate the file, use the script
// "pkg/analysis_server/tool/lsp_spec/generate_all.dart".
import 'dart:core' hide deprecated;
import 'dart:core' as core show deprecated;
import 'dart:convert' show JsonEncoder;
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol${importCustom ? '_custom' : ''}_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/json_parsing.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol/protocol_internal.dart';
const jsonEncoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
List<LspEntity> getCustomClasses() {
/// Helper to create an interface type.
Interface interface(String name, List<Member> fields, {String? baseType}) {
return Interface(
name: name,
baseTypes: [if (baseType != null) TypeReference(baseType)],
members: fields,
/// Helper to create a field.
Field field(
String name, {
String? comment,
required String type,
bool array = false,
bool canBeUndefined = false,
}) {
final fieldType =
array ? ArrayType(TypeReference(type)) : TypeReference(type);
return Field(
name: name,
comment: comment,
type: fieldType,
allowsNull: false,
allowsUndefined: canBeUndefined,
final customTypes = <LspEntity>[
name: 'LSPAny',
baseType: TypeReference.Any,
name: 'LSPObject',
baseType: TypeReference.Any,
// The DocumentFilter more complex in v3.17's meta_model (to allow
// TextDocumentFilters to be guaranteed to have at least one of language,
// pattern, scheme) but we only ever use a single type in the server so
// for compatibility, alias that type to the original TS-spec name.
// TODO(dantup): Improve this after the TS->JSON Spec migration.
name: 'DocumentFilter',
baseType: TypeReference('TextDocumentFilter2'),
// Similarly, the meta_model includes String as an option for
// DocumentSelector which is deprecated and we never previously supported
// (because the TypeScript spec did not include it in the type) so preserve
// that.
// TODO(dantup): Improve this after the TS->JSON Spec migration.
name: 'DocumentSelector',
baseType: ArrayType(TypeReference('TextDocumentFilterWithScheme')),
interface('Message', [
field('jsonrpc', type: 'string'),
field('clientRequestTime', type: 'int', canBeUndefined: true),
field('method', type: 'Method'),
field('params', type: 'LSPAny', canBeUndefined: true),
baseType: 'Message',
name: 'id',
type: UnionType([TypeReference('int'), TypeReference('string')]),
allowsNull: false,
allowsUndefined: false,
baseType: 'IncomingMessage',
baseType: 'IncomingMessage',
name: 'id',
type: UnionType([TypeReference('int'), TypeReference('string')]),
allowsNull: true,
allowsUndefined: false,
field('result', type: 'LSPAny', canBeUndefined: true),
field('error', type: 'ResponseError', canBeUndefined: true),
baseType: 'Message',
field('code', type: 'ErrorCodes'),
field('message', type: 'string'),
// This is Object? normally, but since this class can be serialized
// we will crash if it data is set to something that can't be converted to
// JSON (for ex. Uri) so this forces anyone setting this to convert to a
// String.
type: 'string',
canBeUndefined: true,
'A string that contains additional information about the error. '
'Can be omitted.',
name: 'DocumentUri',
baseType: TypeReference('string'),
interface('DartDiagnosticServer', [field('port', type: 'int')]),
interface('AnalyzerStatusParams', [field('isAnalyzing', type: 'boolean')]),
interface('PublishClosingLabelsParams', [
field('uri', type: 'string'),
field('labels', type: 'ClosingLabel', array: true)
[field('range', type: 'Range'), field('label', type: 'string')]),
interface('Element', [
field('range', type: 'Range', canBeUndefined: true),
field('name', type: 'string'),
field('kind', type: 'string'),
field('parameters', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true),
field('typeParameters', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true),
field('returnType', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true),
[field('uri', type: 'string'), field('outline', type: 'Outline')]),
interface('Outline', [
field('element', type: 'Element'),
field('range', type: 'Range'),
field('codeRange', type: 'Range'),
field('children', type: 'Outline', array: true, canBeUndefined: true)
interface('PublishFlutterOutlineParams', [
field('uri', type: 'string'),
field('outline', type: 'FlutterOutline')
interface('FlutterOutline', [
field('kind', type: 'string'),
field('label', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true),
field('className', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true),
field('variableName', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true),
type: 'FlutterOutlineAttribute', array: true, canBeUndefined: true),
field('dartElement', type: 'Element', canBeUndefined: true),
field('range', type: 'Range'),
field('codeRange', type: 'Range'),
type: 'FlutterOutline', array: true, canBeUndefined: true)
field('name', type: 'string'),
field('label', type: 'string'),
field('valueRange', type: 'Range', canBeUndefined: true),
// Used as a base class for all resolution data classes.
// These fields have short-ish names because they're on the payload
// for all suggestion-set backed completions.
field('file', type: 'string'),
field('offset', type: 'int'),
field('libId', type: 'int'),
field('displayUri', type: 'string'),
field('rOffset', type: 'int'), // replacementOffset
field('iLength', type: 'int'), // insertLength
field('rLength', type: 'int'), // replacementLength
baseType: 'CompletionItemResolutionInfo',
field('packageName', type: 'string'),
baseType: 'CompletionItemResolutionInfo',
// Custom types for experimental SnippetTextEdits
field('insertTextFormat', type: 'InsertTextFormat'),
baseType: 'TextEdit',
// Return type for refactor.validate command.
field('valid', type: 'boolean'),
field('message', type: 'string', canBeUndefined: true),
name: 'TextDocumentEditEdits',
baseType: ArrayType(
return customTypes;
Future<List<LspEntity>> getSpecClasses(ArgResults args) async {
var download = args[argDownload] as bool;
if (download) {
await downloadSpec();
final file = File(localSpecPath);
var model = LspMetaModelReader().readFile(file);
model = LspMetaModelCleaner().cleanModel(model);
return model.types;