blob: 1d9c2dd327a33e193a2d764c764cf6597eda03be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library domain.execution;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:core' hide Resource;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
* Instances of the class [ExecutionDomainHandler] implement a [RequestHandler]
* that handles requests in the `execution` domain.
class ExecutionDomainHandler implements RequestHandler {
* The analysis server that is using this handler to process requests.
final AnalysisServer server;
* The next execution context identifier to be returned.
int nextContextId = 0;
* A table mapping execution context id's to the root of the context.
Map<String, String> contextMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
* The subscription to the 'onAnalysisComplete' events,
* used to send notifications when
StreamSubscription onFileAnalyzed;
* Initialize a newly created handler to handle requests for the given [server].
* Implement the `execution.createContext` request.
Response createContext(Request request) {
String file =
new ExecutionCreateContextParams.fromRequest(request).contextRoot;
String contextId = (nextContextId++).toString();
contextMap[contextId] = file;
return new ExecutionCreateContextResult(contextId).toResponse(;
* Implement the `execution.deleteContext` request.
Response deleteContext(Request request) {
String contextId = new ExecutionDeleteContextParams.fromRequest(request).id;
return new ExecutionDeleteContextResult().toResponse(;
Response handleRequest(Request request) {
try {
String requestName = request.method;
if (requestName == EXECUTION_CREATE_CONTEXT) {
return createContext(request);
} else if (requestName == EXECUTION_DELETE_CONTEXT) {
return deleteContext(request);
} else if (requestName == EXECUTION_MAP_URI) {
return mapUri(request);
} else if (requestName == EXECUTION_SET_SUBSCRIPTIONS) {
return setSubscriptions(request);
} on RequestFailure catch (exception) {
return exception.response;
return null;
* Implement the 'execution.mapUri' request.
Response mapUri(Request request) {
ExecutionMapUriParams params =
new ExecutionMapUriParams.fromRequest(request);
String contextId =;
String path = contextMap[contextId];
if (path == null) {
return new Response.invalidParameter(request, 'id',
'There is no execution context with an id of $contextId');
AnalysisContext context = server.getContainingContext(path);
if (context == null) {
return new Response.invalidExecutionContext(request, contextId);
String file = params.file;
String uri = params.uri;
if (file != null) {
if (uri != null) {
return new Response.invalidParameter(request, 'file',
'Either file or uri must be provided, but not both');
Resource resource = server.resourceProvider.getResource(file);
if (!resource.exists) {
return new Response.invalidParameter(request, 'file', 'Must exist');
} else if (resource is! File) {
return new Response.invalidParameter(
request, 'file', 'Must not refer to a directory');
ContextSourcePair contextSource = server.getContextSourcePair(file);
Source source = contextSource.source;
uri = context.sourceFactory.restoreUri(source).toString();
return new ExecutionMapUriResult(uri: uri).toResponse(;
} else if (uri != null) {
Source source = context.sourceFactory.forUri(uri);
if (source == null) {
return new Response.invalidParameter(request, 'uri', 'Invalid URI');
file = source.fullName;
return new ExecutionMapUriResult(file: file).toResponse(;
return new Response.invalidParameter(
request, 'file', 'Either file or uri must be provided');
* Implement the 'execution.setSubscriptions' request.
Response setSubscriptions(Request request) {
List<ExecutionService> subscriptions =
new ExecutionSetSubscriptionsParams.fromRequest(request).subscriptions;
if (subscriptions.contains(ExecutionService.LAUNCH_DATA)) {
if (onFileAnalyzed == null) {
onFileAnalyzed = server.onFileAnalyzed.listen(_fileAnalyzed);
} else {
if (onFileAnalyzed != null) {
onFileAnalyzed = null;
return new ExecutionSetSubscriptionsResult().toResponse(;
void _fileAnalyzed(ChangeNotice notice) {
ServerPerformanceStatistics.executionNotifications.makeCurrentWhile(() {
Source source = notice.source;
String filePath = source.fullName;
// check files
bool isDartFile = notice.resolvedDartUnit != null;
bool isHtmlFile = notice.resolvedHtmlUnit != null;
if (!isDartFile && !isHtmlFile) {
// prepare context
AnalysisContext context = server.getContainingContext(filePath);
if (context == null) {
// analyze the file
if (isDartFile) {
ExecutableKind kind = ExecutableKind.NOT_EXECUTABLE;
if (context.isClientLibrary(source)) {
kind = ExecutableKind.CLIENT;
if (context.isServerLibrary(source)) {
kind = ExecutableKind.EITHER;
} else if (context.isServerLibrary(source)) {
kind = ExecutableKind.SERVER;
new ExecutionLaunchDataParams(filePath, kind: kind)
} else if (isHtmlFile) {
List<Source> libraries = context.getLibrariesReferencedFromHtml(source);
server.sendNotification(new ExecutionLaunchDataParams(filePath,
referencedFiles: _getFullNames(libraries)).toNotification());
* Return `true` if the given [filePath] represents a file that is in an
* analysis root.
bool _isInAnalysisRoot(String filePath) =>
void _reportCurrentFileStatus() {
for (AnalysisContext context in server.getAnalysisContexts()) {
List<Source> librarySources = context.librarySources;
List<Source> clientSources = context.launchableClientLibrarySources;
List<Source> serverSources = context.launchableServerLibrarySources;
for (Source source in clientSources) {
if (serverSources.remove(source)) {
_sendKindNotification(source.fullName, ExecutableKind.EITHER);
} else {
_sendKindNotification(source.fullName, ExecutableKind.CLIENT);
for (Source source in serverSources) {
_sendKindNotification(source.fullName, ExecutableKind.SERVER);
for (Source source in librarySources) {
_sendKindNotification(source.fullName, ExecutableKind.NOT_EXECUTABLE);
for (Source source in context.htmlSources) {
String filePath = source.fullName;
if (_isInAnalysisRoot(filePath)) {
List<Source> libraries =
server.sendNotification(new ExecutionLaunchDataParams(filePath,
referencedFiles: _getFullNames(libraries)).toNotification());
* Send a notification indicating the [kind] of the file with the given
* [filePath], but only if the file is in an analysis root.
void _sendKindNotification(String filePath, ExecutableKind kind) {
if (_isInAnalysisRoot(filePath)) {
new ExecutionLaunchDataParams(filePath, kind: kind).toNotification());
static List<String> _getFullNames(List<Source> sources) {
return source) => source.fullName).toList();