blob: 25cf65874b9ef1782b0bebdb659eb069cd0e2747 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test non-external factories and static methods of JS interop classes.
library js_interop_non_external_test;
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart'; // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'js_interop_non_external_lib.dart';
external dynamic eval(String code);
class JSClass {
external JSClass.cons();
factory JSClass() {
field = 'unnamed';
return JSClass.cons();
factory JSClass.named() {
field = 'named';
return JSClass.cons();
factory JSClass.redirecting() = JSClass;
static String field = '';
static String get getSet {
return field;
static set getSet(String val) {
field = val;
static String method() => field;
static T genericMethod<T extends num>(T t) {
// Do a simple test using T.
return t;
class StaticInterop {
external factory StaticInterop();
factory StaticInterop.named() {
field = 'named';
return StaticInterop();
static String field = '';
static String method() => field;
class Anonymous {
external factory Anonymous();
factory Anonymous.named() {
field = 'named';
return Anonymous();
static String field = '';
static String method() => field;
void testLocal() {
// Test field is initialized and modified.
expect(JSClass.field, '');
JSClass.field = 'modified';
expect(JSClass.field, 'modified');
// Test factories and side-effects to make sure body is executed. Test their
// tear-offs too.
expect(JSClass.field, 'unnamed');
expect(JSClass.field, 'named');
expect(JSClass.field, 'unnamed');
expect(JSClass.field, 'unnamed');
expect(JSClass.field, 'named');
expect(JSClass.field, 'unnamed');
// Test getter and setter.
expect(JSClass.getSet, JSClass.field);
JSClass.getSet = 'set';
expect(JSClass.field, 'set');
// Test methods and their tear-offs.
expect(JSClass.method(), JSClass.field);
expect(JSClass.genericMethod(0), 0);
expect((JSClass.method)(), JSClass.field);
expect((JSClass.genericMethod)(0), 0);
// Briefly check that other interop classes work too.
expect(StaticInterop.field, '');
StaticInterop.field = 'modified';
expect(StaticInterop.field, 'modified');
expect(StaticInterop.field, 'named');
expect(StaticInterop.method(), StaticInterop.field);
expect(Anonymous.field, '');
Anonymous.field = 'modified';
expect(Anonymous.field, 'modified');
expect(Anonymous.field, 'named');
expect(Anonymous.method(), Anonymous.field);
// Run the same tests as `testLocal`, but with a class in a different library,
// and with class type args.
void testNonLocal() {
expect(OtherJSClass.field, '');
OtherJSClass.field = 'modified';
expect(OtherJSClass.field, 'modified');
expect(OtherJSClass.field, 'unnamed');
expect(OtherJSClass.field, 'named');
expect(OtherJSClass.field, 'unnamed');
expect(OtherJSClass.field, 'unnamed');
expect(OtherJSClass.field, 'named');
expect(OtherJSClass.field, 'unnamed');
expect(OtherJSClass.getSet, OtherJSClass.field);
OtherJSClass.getSet = 'set';
expect(OtherJSClass.field, 'set');
expect(OtherJSClass.method(), OtherJSClass.field);
expect(OtherJSClass.genericMethod(0), 0);
expect((OtherJSClass.method)(), OtherJSClass.field);
expect((OtherJSClass.genericMethod)(0), 0);
void main() {
function JSClass(arg) {}