blob: 0c708c3c612db08522d2b85612b0fb6ab4b827be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../dart/resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class TodoTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
test_fixme() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
// FIXME: Implement
''', [
error(TodoCode.FIXME, 14, 16, text: 'FIXME: Implement'),
test_hack() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
// HACK: This is a hack
''', [
error(TodoCode.HACK, 14, 20, text: 'HACK: This is a hack'),
test_todo_multiLineComment() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
/* TODO: Implement */
/* TODO: Implement*/
''', [
error(TodoCode.TODO, 14, 15, text: 'TODO: Implement'),
error(TodoCode.TODO, 38, 15, text: 'TODO: Implement'),
test_todo_multiLineCommentWrapped() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
/* TODO(a): Implement something
* that is too long for one line
* This line is not part of the todo
/* TODO: Implement something
* that is too long for one line
* This line is not part of the todo
/* TODO(a): Implement something
* that is too long for one line
* This line is not part of the todo
/* TODO: Implement something
* that is too long for one line
* This line is not part of the todo
''', [
error(TodoCode.TODO, 14, 64,
text: 'TODO(a): Implement something that is too long for one line'),
error(TodoCode.TODO, 129, 61,
text: 'TODO: Implement something that is too long for one line'),
error(TodoCode.TODO, 241, 64,
text: 'TODO(a): Implement something that is too long for one line'),
error(TodoCode.TODO, 362, 61,
text: 'TODO: Implement something that is too long for one line'),
test_todo_singleLineComment() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
// TODO: Implement
''', [
error(TodoCode.TODO, 14, 15, text: 'TODO: Implement'),
test_todo_singleLineCommentDoubleCommented() async {
// Continuations are ignored for code that looks like commented comments
// although the original TODOs are still picked up.
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
// // TODO: Implement something
// // that is too long for one line
// main() {
// // TODO: Implement something
// // this is not a todo
// main() {
// // TODO: Implement something
// main() {
''', [
error(TodoCode.TODO, 20, 67,
text: 'TODO: Implement something that is too long for one line'),
error(TodoCode.TODO, 117, 25, text: 'TODO: Implement something'),
error(TodoCode.TODO, 202, 25, text: 'TODO: Implement something'),
test_todo_singleLineCommentFollowedByDartdoc() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
// TODO: Implement something
/// This is the function documentation
void f() {}
''', [
error(TodoCode.TODO, 3, 25, text: 'TODO: Implement something'),
test_todo_singleLineCommentLessIndentedContinuation() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
// TODO: Implement something
// that is too long for one line
// this is not part of the todo
''', [
error(TodoCode.TODO, 14, 61,
text: 'TODO: Implement something that is too long for one line'),
test_todo_singleLineCommentMoreIndentedContinuation() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
// TODO: Implement something
// that is too long for one line
// this is not part of the todo
''', [
error(TodoCode.TODO, 14, 61,
text: 'TODO: Implement something that is too long for one line'),
test_todo_singleLineCommentNested() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
// TODO: Implement something
// that is too long for one line
// TODO: This is a separate todo that is accidentally indented
''', [
error(TodoCode.TODO, 14, 61,
text: 'TODO: Implement something that is too long for one line'),
error(TodoCode.TODO, 82, 59,
text: 'TODO: This is a separate todo that is accidentally indented'),
test_todo_singleLineCommentWrapped() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
// TODO: Implement something
// that is too long for one line
// this is not part of the todo
// TODO: Implement something
// that is too long for one line
// this is not part of the todo
// TODO: Implement something
// that is too long for one line
// this is not part of the todo
''', [
error(TodoCode.TODO, 14, 61,
text: 'TODO: Implement something that is too long for one line'),
error(TodoCode.TODO, 116, 61,
text: 'TODO: Implement something that is too long for one line'),
error(TodoCode.TODO, 220, 61,
text: 'TODO: Implement something that is too long for one line'),
test_undone() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
main() {
// UNDONE: This was undone
''', [
error(TodoCode.UNDONE, 14, 23, text: 'UNDONE: This was undone'),