blob: 14d7803e995c1e0434fa1b9acaf90598f1c1d6b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'sdk_constraint_verifier_support.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class SdkVersionSinceTest extends SdkConstraintVerifierTest {
List<MockSdkLibrary> additionalMockSdkLibraries = [];
test_class_constructor_formalParameter_optionalNamed() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
void A({@Since('2.15') int? foo});
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
A(foo: 0);
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 35, 3),
test_class_constructor_formalParameter_optionalPositional() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
void A([@Since('2.15') int? foo]);
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 35, 2),
test_class_constructor_named_instanceCreation() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A<T> {
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 40, 5),
test_class_constructor_named_tearOff() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A<T> {
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 40, 5),
test_class_constructor_unnamed_instanceCreation() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A<T> {
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 33, 1),
test_class_field_read() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
int foo = 0;
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 40, 3),
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 49, 3),
test_class_field_readWrite() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
int foo = 0;
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {
(a).foo += 0; += 0;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 40, 3),
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 54, 3),
test_class_field_write() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
int foo = 0;
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {
(a).foo = 0; = 0;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 40, 3),
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 53, 3),
test_class_getter() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
int get foo => 0;
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 40, 3),
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 49, 3),
test_class_getterSetter_readWrite_both() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
int get foo => 0;
set foo(int _) {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) { += 0;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 38, 3),
test_class_getterSetter_readWrite_getter() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
int get foo => 0;
set foo(int _) {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) { += 0;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 38, 3),
test_class_getterSetter_readWrite_setter() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
int get foo => 0;
set foo(int _) {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) { += 0;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 38, 3),
test_class_indexRead() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
int operator[](int index) => 0;
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 37, 1),
test_class_indexWrite() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
operator[]=(int index, int value) {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {
a[0] = 0;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 37, 1),
test_class_instanceCreation_prefixed() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A<T> {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo' as foo;
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 44, 1),
test_class_instanceCreation_unprefixed() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A<T> {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 33, 1),
test_class_method_call_functionExpressionInvocation() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
void call() {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 37, 2),
test_class_method_formalParameter_optionalNamed() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
void foo(
int a, {
int? bar,
}) {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
foo(0, bar: 1);
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 40, 3),
test_class_method_formalParameter_optionalPositional() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
void foo(
int a, [
int? bar,
]) {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
foo(0, 42);
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 40, 2),
test_class_method_methodInvocation() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
void foo() {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 38, 3),
test_class_method_methodTearOff_prefixedIdentifier() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
void foo() {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 38, 3),
var node = findNode.prefixed('.foo');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
prefix: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A
period: .
identifier: SimpleIdentifier
token: foo
staticElement: dart:foo::<fragment>::@class::A::@method::foo
staticType: void Function()
staticElement: dart:foo::<fragment>::@class::A::@method::foo
staticType: void Function()
test_class_method_methodTearOff_propertyAccess() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
void foo() {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 40, 3),
var node = findNode.propertyAccess('.foo');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
target: ParenthesizedExpression
leftParenthesis: (
expression: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A
rightParenthesis: )
staticType: A
operator: .
propertyName: SimpleIdentifier
token: foo
staticElement: dart:foo::<fragment>::@class::A::@method::foo
staticType: void Function()
staticType: void Function()
test_class_setter() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {
set foo(int _) {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {
(a).foo = 0; = 0;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 40, 3),
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 53, 3),
test_class_typeAnnotation_prefixed() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A<T> {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo' as foo;
void f(foo.A<int> a) {}
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 38, 1),
test_class_typeAnnotation_unprefixed() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A<T> {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A<int> a) {}
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 27, 1),
test_constraints_exact_equal() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {}
await verifyVersion('2.15.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {}
test_constraints_exact_greater() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {}
await verifyVersion('2.16.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {}
test_constraints_exact_less() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {}
await verifyVersion('2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {}
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 27, 1),
test_constraints_greater_equal() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {}
await verifyVersion('>2.15.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {}
test_constraints_greaterOrEq_equal() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.15.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {}
test_constraints_greaterOrEq_equal_preRelease() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.15.0-pre', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {}
test_constraints_greaterOrEq_greater() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.16.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {}
test_constraints_greaterOrEq_less() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
class A {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(A a) {}
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 27, 1),
test_enum_constant() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
enum E {
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 35, 2),
test_enum_index_onConcreteEnum() async {
await verifyVersion('>=2.12.0', '''
enum E { v }
void f(E e) {
test_enum_index_onDartCoreEnum() async {
await verifyVersion('>=2.12.0', '''
void f(Enum e) {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 7, 4),
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 21, 5),
test_enum_index_onDartCoreEnum_fromOtherLibrary() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
Enum get myEnum => throw 0;
await verifyVersion('>=2.12.0', '''
import 'a.dart';
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 38, 5),
test_enum_typeAnnotation() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
enum E {
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(E a) {}
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 27, 1),
test_extension_getter() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
extension E on int {
int get foo => 0;
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 35, 3),
test_extension_itself_extensionOverride_methodInvocation() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
extension E on int {
void foo() {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 38, 3),
test_extension_itself_methodInvocation() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
extension E on int {
void foo() {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 35, 3),
test_extension_method_methodInvocation() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
extension E on int {
void foo() {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 35, 3),
test_extension_setter() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
extension E on int {
set foo(int _) {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() { = 1;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 35, 3),
test_functionTypeAlias() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
typedef void X(int _);
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(X a) {}
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 27, 1),
test_genericTypeAlias() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
typedef X = List<int>;
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(X a) {}
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 27, 1),
test_mixin_typeAnnotation() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
mixin M<T> {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f(M<int> a) {}
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 27, 1),
test_topLevelFunction_prefixed() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
void bar() {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo' as foo;
void f() {;
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 44, 3),
test_topLevelFunction_unprefixed() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
void foo() {}
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 33, 3),
test_topLevelVariable_prefixed() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
const v = 0;
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo' as foo;
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 44, 1),
test_topLevelVariable_unprefixed() async {
import 'dart:_internal';
const v = 0;
await verifyVersion('>=2.14.0', '''
import 'dart:foo';
void f() {
''', expectedErrors: [
error(WarningCode.SDK_VERSION_SINCE, 33, 1),
void _addDartFooLibrary(String content) {
MockSdkLibrary('foo', [
MockSdkLibraryUnit('foo/foo.dart', content),