blob: ee416414a85db764f1fe5fac3088837aa9183971 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#import('../compiler.dart', prefix: 'api');
#import('colors.dart', prefix: 'colors');
const String LIBRARY_ROOT = '../../../..';
const String OUTPUT_LANGUAGE_DART = 'Dart';
typedef void HandleOption(String option);
class OptionHandler {
String pattern;
HandleOption handle;
OptionHandler(this.pattern, this.handle);
* Extract the parameter of an option.
* For example, in ['--out=fisk.js'] and ['-ohest.js'], the parameters
* are ['fisk.js'] and ['hest.js'], respectively.
String extractParameter(String argument) {
// m[0] is the entire match (which will be equal to argument). m[1]
// is something like "-o" or "--out=", and m[2] is the parameter.
Match m = const RegExp('^(-[a-z]|--.+=)(.*)').firstMatch(argument);
if (m === null) helpAndFail('Error: Unknown option "$argument".');
return m[2];
String extractPath(String argument) {
String path = nativeToUriPath(extractParameter(argument));
return path.endsWith("/") ? path : "$path/";
void parseCommandLine(List<OptionHandler> handlers, List<String> argv) {
// TODO(ahe): Use ../../args/args.dart for parsing options instead.
var patterns = <String>[];
for (OptionHandler handler in handlers) {
var pattern = new RegExp('^(${Strings.join(patterns, ")\$|(")})\$');
OUTER: for (String argument in argv) {
Match match = pattern.firstMatch(argument);
assert(match.groupCount() == handlers.length);
for (int i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
if (match[i + 1] !== null) {
continue OUTER;
throw 'Internal error: "$argument" did not match';
void compile(List<String> argv) {
bool isWindows = (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows');
Uri cwd = getCurrentDirectory();
bool throwOnError = false;
bool showWarnings = true;
bool verbose = false;
Uri libraryRoot = cwd;
Uri out = cwd.resolve('out.js');
Uri sourceMapOut = cwd.resolve('');
Uri packageRoot = null;
List<String> options = new List<String>();
bool explicitOut = false;
bool wantHelp = false;
bool enableColors = false;
String outputLanguage = 'JavaScript';
bool stripArgumentSet = false;
passThrough(String argument) => options.add(argument);
setLibraryRoot(String argument) {
libraryRoot = cwd.resolve(extractPath(argument));
setPackageRoot(String argument) {
packageRoot = cwd.resolve(extractPath(argument));
setOutput(String argument) {
explicitOut = true;
out = cwd.resolve(nativeToUriPath(extractParameter(argument)));
sourceMapOut = new Uri.fromString('$');
setOutputType(String argument) {
if (argument == '--output-type=dart') {
outputLanguage = OUTPUT_LANGUAGE_DART;
if (!explicitOut) {
out = cwd.resolve('out.dart');
sourceMapOut = cwd.resolve('');
setStrip(String argument) {
stripArgumentSet = true;
handleShortOptions(String argument) {
var shortOptions = argument.substring(1).splitChars();
for (var shortOption in shortOptions) {
switch (shortOption) {
case 'v':
verbose = true;
case 'h':
case '?':
wantHelp = true;
case 'c':
throw 'Internal error: "$shortOption" did not match';
List<String> arguments = <String>[];
List<OptionHandler> handlers = <OptionHandler>[
new OptionHandler('-[chv?]+', handleShortOptions),
new OptionHandler('--throw-on-error', (_) => throwOnError = true),
new OptionHandler('--suppress-warnings', (_) => showWarnings = false),
new OptionHandler('--output-type=dart|--output-type=js', setOutputType),
new OptionHandler('--verbose', (_) => verbose = true),
new OptionHandler('--library-root=.+', setLibraryRoot),
new OptionHandler('--out=.+|-o.+', setOutput),
new OptionHandler('--allow-mock-compilation', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('--minify', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('--force-strip=.*', setStrip),
// TODO(ahe): Remove the --no-colors option.
new OptionHandler('--disable-diagnostic-colors', (_) => enableColors = false),
new OptionHandler('--enable-diagnostic-colors', (_) => enableColors = true),
new OptionHandler('--enable[_-]checked[_-]mode|--checked',
(_) => passThrough('--enable-checked-mode')),
new OptionHandler(r'--help|/\?|/h', (_) => wantHelp = true),
new OptionHandler(r'--package-root=.+|-p.+', setPackageRoot),
// The following two options must come last.
new OptionHandler('-.*', (String argument) {
helpAndFail('Error: Unknown option "$argument".');
new OptionHandler('.*', (String argument) {
parseCommandLine(handlers, argv);
if (wantHelp) helpAndExit(verbose);
if (outputLanguage != OUTPUT_LANGUAGE_DART && stripArgumentSet) {
helpAndFail('Error: --force-strip may only be used with '
if (arguments.isEmpty()) {
helpAndFail('Error: No Dart file specified.');
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var extra = arguments.getRange(1, arguments.length - 1);
helpAndFail('Error: Extra arguments: ${Strings.join(extra, " ")}');
Map<String, SourceFile> sourceFiles = <String, SourceFile>{};
int dartBytesRead = 0;
Future<String> provider(Uri uri) {
if (uri.scheme != 'file') {
throw new ArgumentError(uri);
String source;
try {
source = readAll(uriPathToNative(uri.path));
} on FileIOException catch (ex) {
throw 'Error: Cannot read "${relativize(cwd, uri, isWindows)}" '
dartBytesRead += source.length;
sourceFiles[uri.toString()] =
new SourceFile(relativize(cwd, uri, isWindows), source);
return new Future.immediate(source);
void info(var message, [api.Diagnostic kind = api.Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO]) {
if (!verbose && kind === api.Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO) return;
if (enableColors) {
print('${"info:")} $message');
} else {
print('info: $message');
bool isAborting = false;
final int FATAL = api.Diagnostic.CRASH.ordinal | api.Diagnostic.ERROR.ordinal;
final int INFO =
api.Diagnostic.INFO.ordinal | api.Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO.ordinal;
void handler(Uri uri, int begin, int end, String message,
api.Diagnostic kind) {
if ( === 'source map') {
// TODO(podivilov): We should find a better way to return source maps from
// emitter. Using diagnostic handler for that purpose is a temporary hack.
writeString(sourceMapOut, message);
if (isAborting) return;
isAborting = kind === api.Diagnostic.CRASH;
bool fatal = (kind.ordinal & FATAL) != 0;
bool isInfo = (kind.ordinal & INFO) != 0;
if (isInfo && uri === null && kind !== api.Diagnostic.INFO) {
info(message, kind);
var color;
if (!enableColors) {
color = (x) => x;
} else if (kind === api.Diagnostic.ERROR) {
color =;
} else if (kind === api.Diagnostic.WARNING) {
color = colors.magenta;
} else if (kind === api.Diagnostic.LINT) {
color = colors.magenta;
} else if (kind === api.Diagnostic.CRASH) {
color =;
} else if (kind === api.Diagnostic.INFO) {
color =;
} else {
throw 'Unknown kind: $kind (${kind.ordinal})';
if (uri === null) {
} else if (fatal || showWarnings) {
SourceFile file = sourceFiles[uri.toString()];
if (file == null) {
throw '$uri: file is null';
print(file.getLocationMessage(color(message), begin, end, true, color));
if (fatal && throwOnError) {
isAborting = true;
throw new AbortLeg(message);
Uri uri = cwd.resolve(arguments[0]);
if (packageRoot === null) {
packageRoot = uri.resolve('./packages/');
info('package root is $packageRoot');
// TODO(ahe): We expect the future to be complete and call value
// directly. In effect, we don't support truly asynchronous API.
String code = api.compile(uri, libraryRoot, packageRoot, provider, handler,
if (code === null) {
fail('Error: Compilation failed.');
String sourceMapFileName =
sourceMapOut.path.substring(sourceMapOut.path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
code = '$code\n//@ sourceMappingURL=${sourceMapFileName}';
writeString(out, code);
int bytesWritten = code.length;
info('compiled $dartBytesRead bytes Dart -> $bytesWritten bytes '
'$outputLanguage in ${relativize(cwd, out, isWindows)}');
if (!explicitOut) {
String input = uriPathToNative(arguments[0]);
String output = relativize(cwd, out, isWindows);
print('Dart file $input compiled to $outputLanguage: $output');
class AbortLeg {
final message;
toString() => 'Aborted due to --throw-on-error: $message';
void writeString(Uri uri, String text) {
if (uri.scheme != 'file') {
fail('Error: Unhandled scheme ${uri.scheme}.');
var file = new File(uriPathToNative(uri.path)).openSync(FileMode.WRITE);
String readAll(String filename) {
var file = (new File(filename)).openSync(FileMode.READ);
var length = file.lengthSync();
var buffer = new List<int>(length);
var bytes = file.readListSync(buffer, 0, length);
return new String.fromCharCodes(new Utf8Decoder(buffer).decodeRest());
void fail(String message) {
void compilerMain(Options options) {
var root = uriPathToNative("/$LIBRARY_ROOT");
List<String> argv = ['--library-root=${options.script}$root'];
void help() {
// This message should be no longer than 20 lines. The default
// terminal size normally 80x24. Two lines are used for the prompts
// before and after running the compiler. Another two lines may be
// used to print an error message.
Usage: dart2js [options] dartfile
Compiles Dart to JavaScript.
Common options:
-o<file> Generate the output into <file>.
-c Insert runtime type checks and enable assertions (checked mode).
-h Display this message (add -v for information about all options).''');
void verboseHelp() {
Usage: dart2js [options] dartfile
Compiles Dart to JavaScript.
Supported options:
-o<file>, --out=<file>
Generate the output into <file>.
-c, --enable-checked-mode, --checked
Insert runtime type checks and enable assertions (checked mode).
-h, /h, /?, --help
Display this message (add -v for information about all options).
-v, --verbose
Display verbose information.
-p<path>, --package-root=<path>
Where to find packages, that is, "package:..." imports.
Generate minified output.
Do not display any warnings.
Add colors to diagnostic messages.
The following options are only used for compiler development and may
be removed in a future version:
Output Dart code instead of JavaScript.
Throw an exception if a compile-time error is detected.
Where to find the Dart platform libraries.
Do not generate a call to main if either of the following
libraries are used: dart:dom, dart:html dart:io.''');
void helpAndExit(bool verbose) {
if (verbose) {
} else {
void helpAndFail(String message) {
void main() {
try {
compilerMain(new Options());
} catch (exception, trace) {
try {
print('Internal error: $exception');
} catch (ignored) {
print('Internal error: error while printing exception');
try {
} finally {
exit(253); // 253 is recognized as a crash by our test scripts.