blob: eedc3c721ee467dfee2842cda2013dd31dc7cc4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/index_range.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source_range.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/range_factory.dart';
extension RangeFactoryExtensions on RangeFactory {
/// Return a source range that covers the given [node] in the containing
/// [list]. This includes a leading or trailing comma, as appropriate, and any
/// leading or trailing comments. The [lineInfo] is used to differentiate
/// trailing comments (on the same line as the end of the node) from leading
/// comments (on lines between the start of the node and the preceding comma).
/// Throws an `ArgumentError` if the [node] is not an element of the [list].
SourceRange nodeInListWithComments<T extends AstNode>(
LineInfo lineInfo, NodeList<T> list, T node) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Improve the name and signature of this method and
// make it part of the API of either `RangeFactory` or
// `DartFileEditBuilder`. The implementation currently assumes that the
// list is an argument list, and we might want to generalize that.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Consider adding parameters to allow us to access the
// left and right parentheses in cases where the only element of the list
// is being removed.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Consider adding a `separator` parameter so that we
// can handle things like statements in a block.
if (list.length == 1) {
if (list[0] != node) {
throw ArgumentError('The node must be in the list.');
// If there's only one item in the list, then delete everything including
// any leading or trailing comments, including any trailing comma.
var leadingComment = _leadingComment(lineInfo, node.beginToken);
var trailingComment = _trailingComment(lineInfo, node.endToken, true);
return startEnd(leadingComment, trailingComment);
final index = list.indexOf(node);
if (index < 0) {
throw ArgumentError('The node must be in the list.');
if (index == 0) {
// If this is the first item in the list, then delete everything from the
// leading comment for this item to the leading comment for the next item.
// This will include the comment after this item.
var thisLeadingComment = _leadingComment(lineInfo, node.beginToken);
var nextLeadingComment = _leadingComment(lineInfo, list[1].beginToken);
return startStart(thisLeadingComment, nextLeadingComment);
} else {
// If this isn't the first item in the list, then delete everything from
// the end of the previous item, after the comma and any trailing comment,
// to the end of this item, also after the comma and any trailing comment.
var previousTrailingComment =
_trailingComment(lineInfo, list[index - 1].endToken, false);
var previousHasTrailingComment = previousTrailingComment is CommentToken;
var thisTrailingComment =
_trailingComment(lineInfo, node.endToken, previousHasTrailingComment);
if (!previousHasTrailingComment && thisTrailingComment is CommentToken) {
// But if this item has a trailing comment and the previous didn't, then
// we'd be deleting both commas, which would leave invalid code. We
// can't leave the comment, so instead we leave the preceding comma.
previousTrailingComment =!;
return endEnd(previousTrailingComment, thisTrailingComment);
/// Return a list of the ranges that cover all of the elements in the [list]
/// whose index is in the list of [indexes].
List<SourceRange> nodesInList<T extends AstNode>(
NodeList<T> list, List<int> indexes) {
var ranges = <SourceRange>[];
var indexRanges = IndexRange.contiguousSubRanges(indexes);
if (indexRanges.length == 1) {
var indexRange = indexRanges[0];
if (indexRange.lower == 0 && indexRange.upper == list.length - 1) {
ranges.add(startEnd(list[indexRange.lower], list[indexRange.upper]));
return ranges;
for (var indexRange in indexRanges) {
if (indexRange.lower == 0) {
startStart(list[indexRange.lower], list[indexRange.upper + 1]));
} else {
ranges.add(endEnd(list[indexRange.lower - 1], list[indexRange.upper]));
return ranges;
/// Return a source range that covers the given [node] with any leading and
/// trailing comments.
/// The range begins at the start of any leading comment token (excluding any
/// token considered a trailing comment for the previous node) or the start
/// of the node itself if there are none.
/// The range ends at the end of the trailing comment token or the end of the
/// node itself if there is not one.
SourceRange nodeWithComments(LineInfo lineInfo, AstNode node) {
// If the node is the first thing in the unit, leading comments are treated
// as headers and should never be included in the range.
final isFirstItem = node.beginToken == node.root.beginToken;
var thisLeadingComment = isFirstItem
? node.beginToken
: _leadingComment(lineInfo, node.beginToken);
var thisTrailingComment = _trailingComment(lineInfo, node.endToken, false);
return startEnd(thisLeadingComment, thisTrailingComment);
/// Return the left-most comment immediately before the [token] that is not on
/// the same line as the first non-comment token before the [token]. Return
/// the [token] if there is no such comment.
Token _leadingComment(LineInfo lineInfo, Token token) {
var previous = token.previous;
if (previous == null || previous.type == TokenType.EOF) {
return token.precedingComments ?? token;
var previousLine = lineInfo.getLocation(previous.offset).lineNumber;
Token? comment = token.precedingComments;
while (comment != null) {
var commentLine = lineInfo.getLocation(comment.offset).lineNumber;
if (commentLine != previousLine) {
comment =;
return comment ?? token;
/// Return the comment token immediately following the [token] if it is on the
/// same line as the [token], or the [token] if there is no comment after the
/// [token] or if the comment is on a different line than the [token]. If
/// [returnComma] is `true` and there is a comma after the [token], then the
/// comma will be returned when the [token] would have been.
Token _trailingComment(LineInfo lineInfo, Token token, bool returnComma) {
var lastToken = token;
var nextToken =!;
if (nextToken.type == TokenType.COMMA) {
lastToken = nextToken;
nextToken =!;
var tokenLine = lineInfo.getLocation(lastToken.offset).lineNumber;
Token? comment = nextToken.precedingComments;
if (comment != null &&
lineInfo.getLocation(comment.offset).lineNumber == tokenLine) {
// This doesn't account for the possibility of multiple trailing block
// comments.
return comment;
return returnComma ? lastToken : token;