blob: 06197ee8080e898ae88210ea5f52bb4c12ee65e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.mirrors;
abstract class ObjectMirrorMixin implements ObjectMirror {
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol fieldName) {
throw new UnsupportedError('ObjectMirror.getField unsupported.');
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol fieldName, Object value) {
throw new UnsupportedError('ObjectMirror.setField unsupported.');
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName,
List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('ObjectMirror.invoke unsupported.');
abstract class InstanceMirrorMixin implements InstanceMirror {
bool get hasReflectee => false;
get reflectee {
throw new UnsupportedError('InstanceMirror.reflectee unsupported.');
Function operator [](Symbol name) {
throw new UnsupportedError('InstanceMirror.operator [] unsupported.');
delegate(Invocation invocation) {
throw new UnsupportedError('InstanceMirror.delegate unsupported');
InstanceMirror _convertConstantToInstanceMirror(
Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem, Constant constant) {
if (constant is BoolConstant) {
return new Dart2JsBoolConstantMirror(mirrorSystem, constant);
} else if (constant is NumConstant) {
return new Dart2JsNumConstantMirror(mirrorSystem, constant);
} else if (constant is StringConstant) {
return new Dart2JsStringConstantMirror(mirrorSystem, constant);
} else if (constant is ListConstant) {
return new Dart2JsListConstantMirror(mirrorSystem, constant);
} else if (constant is MapConstant) {
return new Dart2JsMapConstantMirror(mirrorSystem, constant);
} else if (constant is TypeConstant) {
return new Dart2JsTypeConstantMirror(mirrorSystem, constant);
} else if (constant is FunctionConstant) {
return new Dart2JsConstantMirror(mirrorSystem, constant);
} else if (constant is NullConstant) {
return new Dart2JsNullConstantMirror(mirrorSystem, constant);
} else if (constant is ConstructedConstant) {
return new Dart2JsConstructedConstantMirror(mirrorSystem, constant);
mirrorSystem.compiler.internalError("Unexpected constant $constant");
return null;
// Mirrors on constant values used for metadata.
class Dart2JsConstantMirror extends Object
with ObjectMirrorMixin, InstanceMirrorMixin
implements InstanceMirror {
final Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem;
final Constant _constant;
Dart2JsConstantMirror(this.mirrorSystem, this._constant);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Improve the quality of this method.
String toString() => '$_constant';
ClassMirror get type {
return mirrorSystem._getTypeDeclarationMirror(
int get hashCode => 13 * _constant.hashCode;
bool operator ==(var other) {
if (other is! Dart2JsConstantMirror) return false;
return _constant == other._constant;
class Dart2JsNullConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror {
Dart2JsNullConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem,
NullConstant constant)
: super(mirrorSystem, constant);
NullConstant get _constant => super._constant;
bool get hasReflectee => true;
get reflectee => null;
class Dart2JsBoolConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror {
Dart2JsBoolConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem,
BoolConstant constant)
: super(mirrorSystem, constant);
Dart2JsBoolConstantMirror.fromBool(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem,
bool value)
: super(mirrorSystem, value ? new TrueConstant() : new FalseConstant());
BoolConstant get _constant => super._constant;
bool get hasReflectee => true;
get reflectee => _constant is TrueConstant;
class Dart2JsStringConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror {
Dart2JsStringConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem,
StringConstant constant)
: super(mirrorSystem, constant);
Dart2JsStringConstantMirror.fromString(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem,
String text)
: super(mirrorSystem, new StringConstant(new DartString.literal(text)));
StringConstant get _constant => super._constant;
bool get hasReflectee => true;
get reflectee => _constant.value.slowToString();
class Dart2JsNumConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror {
Dart2JsNumConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem,
NumConstant constant)
: super(mirrorSystem, constant);
NumConstant get _constant => super._constant;
bool get hasReflectee => true;
get reflectee => _constant.value;
class Dart2JsListConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror
implements ListInstanceMirror {
Dart2JsListConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem,
ListConstant constant)
: super(mirrorSystem, constant);
ListConstant get _constant => super._constant;
int get length => _constant.length;
InstanceMirror getElement(int index) {
if (index < 0) throw new RangeError('Negative index');
if (index >= _constant.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of bounds');
return _convertConstantToInstanceMirror(mirrorSystem,
class Dart2JsMapConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror
implements MapInstanceMirror {
List<String> _listCache;
Dart2JsMapConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem,
MapConstant constant)
: super(mirrorSystem, constant);
MapConstant get _constant => super._constant;
List<String> get _list {
if (_listCache == null) {
_listCache = new List<String>(_constant.keys.entries.length);
int index = 0;
for (StringConstant keyConstant in _constant.keys.entries) {
_listCache[index] = keyConstant.value.slowToString();
_listCache = new UnmodifiableListView<String>(_listCache);
return _listCache;
int get length => _constant.length;
Iterable<String> get keys {
return _list;
InstanceMirror getValue(String key) {
int index = _list.indexOf(key);
if (index == -1) return null;
return _convertConstantToInstanceMirror(mirrorSystem,
class Dart2JsTypeConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror
implements TypeInstanceMirror {
Dart2JsTypeConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem,
TypeConstant constant)
: super(mirrorSystem, constant);
TypeConstant get _constant => super._constant;
TypeMirror get representedType =>
class Dart2JsConstructedConstantMirror extends Dart2JsConstantMirror {
Map<String,Constant> _fieldMapCache;
Dart2JsConstructedConstantMirror(Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem,
ConstructedConstant constant)
: super(mirrorSystem, constant);
ConstructedConstant get _constant => super._constant;
Map<String,Constant> get _fieldMap {
if (_fieldMapCache == null) {
_fieldMapCache = new Map<String,Constant>();
if (identical(_constant.type.element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS)) {
var index = 0;
ClassElement element = _constant.type.element;
element.forEachInstanceField((_, Element field) {
String fieldName =;
_fieldMapCache.putIfAbsent(fieldName, () => _constant.fields[index]);
}, includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: true);
return _fieldMapCache;
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol fieldName) {
Constant fieldConstant = _fieldMap[MirrorSystem.getName(fieldName)];
if (fieldConstant != null) {
return _convertConstantToInstanceMirror(mirrorSystem, fieldConstant);
return super.getField(fieldName);
class Dart2JsCommentInstanceMirror extends Object
with ObjectMirrorMixin, InstanceMirrorMixin
implements CommentInstanceMirror {
final Dart2JsMirrorSystem mirrorSystem;
final String text;
String _trimmedText;
Dart2JsCommentInstanceMirror(this.mirrorSystem, this.text);
ClassMirror get type {
return mirrorSystem._getTypeDeclarationMirror(
bool get isDocComment => text.startsWith('/**') || text.startsWith('///');
String get trimmedText {
if (_trimmedText == null) {
_trimmedText = stripComment(text);
return _trimmedText;
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol fieldName) {
if (fieldName == #isDocComment) {
return new Dart2JsBoolConstantMirror.fromBool(mirrorSystem, isDocComment);
} else if (fieldName == #text) {
return new Dart2JsStringConstantMirror.fromString(mirrorSystem, text);
} else if (fieldName == #trimmedText) {
return new Dart2JsStringConstantMirror.fromString(mirrorSystem,
return super.getField(fieldName);