blob: bba950a825c5d82c536fe2d9c5e3f8fda554cea6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.transform_node;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart';
import 'asset.dart';
import 'asset_id.dart';
import 'asset_node.dart';
import 'asset_set.dart';
import 'declaring_transform.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
import 'lazy_transformer.dart';
import 'log.dart';
import 'phase.dart';
import 'transform.dart';
import 'transformer.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Describes a transform on a set of assets and its relationship to the build
/// dependency graph.
/// Keeps track of whether it's dirty and needs to be run and which assets it
/// depends on.
class TransformNode {
/// The [Phase] that this transform runs in.
final Phase phase;
/// The [Transformer] to apply to this node's inputs.
final Transformer transformer;
/// The node for the primary asset this transform depends on.
final AssetNode primary;
/// A string describing the location of [this] in the transformer graph.
final String _location;
/// The subscription to [primary]'s [AssetNode.onStateChange] stream.
StreamSubscription _primarySubscription;
/// True if an input has been modified since the last time this transform
/// began running.
bool get isDirty => _isDirty;
var _isDirty = true;
/// Whether [transformer] is lazy and this transform has yet to be forced.
bool _isLazy;
/// The subscriptions to each input's [AssetNode.onStateChange] stream.
var _inputSubscriptions = new Map<AssetId, StreamSubscription>();
/// The controllers for the asset nodes emitted by this node.
var _outputControllers = new Map<AssetId, AssetNodeController>();
/// A stream that emits an event whenever this transform becomes dirty and
/// needs to be re-run.
/// This may emit events when the transform was already dirty or while
/// processing transforms. Events are emitted synchronously to ensure that the
/// dirty state is thoroughly propagated as soon as any assets are changed.
Stream get onDirty =>;
final _onDirtyController = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
/// A stream that emits an event whenever this transform logs an entry.
/// This is synchronous because error logs can cause the transform to fail, so
/// we need to ensure that their processing isn't delayed until after the
/// transform or build has finished.
Stream<LogEntry> get onLog =>;
final _onLogController = new StreamController<LogEntry>.broadcast(sync: true);
TransformNode(this.phase, Transformer transformer, this.primary,
: transformer = transformer,
_isLazy = transformer is LazyTransformer {
_primarySubscription = primary.onStateChange.listen((state) {
if (state.isRemoved) {
} else {
/// The [TransformInfo] describing this node.
/// [TransformInfo] is the publicly-visible representation of a transform
/// node.
TransformInfo get info => new TransformInfo(transformer,;
/// Marks this transform as removed.
/// This causes all of the transform's outputs to be marked as removed as
/// well. Normally this will be automatically done internally based on events
/// from the primary input, but it's possible for a transform to no longer be
/// valid even if its primary input still exists.
void remove() {
_isDirty = true;
for (var subscription in _inputSubscriptions.values) {
for (var controller in _outputControllers.values) {
/// If [transformer] is lazy, ensures that its concrete outputs will be
/// generated.
void force() {
// TODO(nweiz): we might want to have a timeout after which, if the
// transform's outputs have gone unused, we switch it back to lazy mode.
if (!_isLazy) return;
_isLazy = false;
/// Marks this transform as dirty.
/// This causes all of the transform's outputs to be marked as dirty as well.
void _dirty() {
_isDirty = true;
for (var controller in _outputControllers.values) {
/// Applies this transform.
/// Returns a set of asset nodes representing the outputs from this transform
/// that weren't emitted last time it was run.
Future<Set<AssetNode>> apply() {
// Clear all the old input subscriptions. If an input is re-used, we'll
// re-subscribe.
for (var subscription in _inputSubscriptions.values) {
_isDirty = false;
return syncFuture(() {
// TODO(nweiz): If [transformer] is a [DeclaringTransformer] but not a
// [LazyTransformer], we can get some mileage out of doing a declarative
// first so we know how to hook up the assets.
if (_isLazy) return _declareLazy();
return _applyImmediate();
}).catchError((error, stackTrace) {
// If the transform became dirty while processing, ignore any errors from
// it.
if (_isDirty) return new Set();
if (error is! MissingInputException) {
error = new TransformerException(info, error, stackTrace);
// Catch all transformer errors and pipe them to the results stream. This
// is so a broken transformer doesn't take down the whole graph.
return new Set();
/// Gets the asset for an input [id].
/// If an input with that ID cannot be found, throws an
/// [AssetNotFoundException].
Future<Asset> getInput(AssetId id) {
return phase.getInput(id).then((node) {
// Throw if the input isn't found. This ensures the transformer's apply
// is exited. We'll then catch this and report it through the proper
// results stream.
if (node == null) throw new MissingInputException(info, id);
// If the asset node is found, wait until its contents are actually
// available before we return them.
return node.whenAvailable((asset) {
() => node.onStateChange.listen((_) => _dirty()));
return asset;
}).catchError((error) {
if (error is! AssetNotFoundException || != id) throw error;
// If the node was removed before it could be loaded, treat it as though
// it never existed and throw a MissingInputException.
throw new MissingInputException(info, id);
/// Applies the transform so that it produces concrete (as opposed to lazy)
/// outputs.
Future<Set<AssetNode>> _applyImmediate() {
var newOutputs = new AssetSet();
var transform = new Transform(this, newOutputs, _log);
return syncFuture(() => transformer.apply(transform)).then((_) {
if (_isDirty) return new Set();
// Any ids that are for a different package are invalid.
var invalidIds = newOutputs
.map((asset) =>
.where((id) => id.package != phase.cascade.package)
for (var id in invalidIds) {
// TODO(nweiz): report this as a warning rather than a failing error.
phase.cascade.reportError(new InvalidOutputException(info, id));
// Remove outputs that used to exist but don't anymore.
for (var id in _outputControllers.keys.toList()) {
if (newOutputs.containsId(id)) continue;
var brandNewOutputs = new Set<AssetNode>();
// Store any new outputs or new contents for existing outputs.
for (var asset in newOutputs) {
var controller = _outputControllers[];
if (controller != null) {
} else {
var controller = new AssetNodeController.available(asset, this);
_outputControllers[] = controller;
return brandNewOutputs;
/// Applies the transform in declarative mode so that it produces lazy
/// outputs.
Future<Set<AssetNode>> _declareLazy() {
var newIds = new Set();
var transform = new DeclaringTransform(this, newIds, _log);
return syncFuture(() {
return (transformer as LazyTransformer).declareOutputs(transform);
}).then((_) {
if (_isDirty) return new Set();
var invalidIds =
newIds.where((id) => id.package != phase.cascade.package).toSet();
for (var id in invalidIds) {
// TODO(nweiz): report this as a warning rather than a failing error.
phase.cascade.reportError(new InvalidOutputException(info, id));
// Remove outputs that used to exist but don't anymore.
for (var id in _outputControllers.keys.toList()) {
if (newIds.contains(id)) continue;
var brandNewOutputs = new Set<AssetNode>();
for (var id in newIds) {
var controller = _outputControllers[id];
if (controller != null) {
} else {
var controller = new AssetNodeController.lazy(id, force, this);
_outputControllers[id] = controller;
return brandNewOutputs;
void _log(AssetId asset, LogLevel level, String message, Span span) {
// If the log isn't already associated with an asset, use the primary.
if (asset == null) asset =;
var entry = new LogEntry(info, asset, level, message, span);
String toString() =>
"transform node in $_location for $transformer on $primary";