blob: 7ecf8ac985d5c0b833bb9df73365db95f67582ed [file] [log] [blame]
//#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* testrunner is a program to run Dart unit tests. Unlike $DART/tools/test.dart,
* this program is intended for 3rd parties to be able to run unit tests in
* a batched fashion. As such, it adds some features and removes others. Some
* of the removed features are:
* - No support for test.status files. The assumption is that tests are
* expected to pass. Status file support will be added in the future.
* - A restricted set of runtimes. The assumption here is that the Dart
* libraries deal with platform dependencies, and so the primary
* SKUs that a user of this app would be concerned with would be
* Dart-native versus compiled, and client (browser) vs server. To
* support these, three runtimes are allowed: 'drt-dart' and 'drt-js' (for
* client native and client-compiled, respectively), and 'vm'
* (for server-side native).
* - No sharding of test processes.
* On the other hand, a number of features have been added:
* - The ability to filter tests by group or name.
* - The ability to run tests in isolates.
* - The ability to customize the format of the test result messages.
* - The ability to list the tests available.
* By default, testrunner will run all tests in the current directory.
* With a -R option, it will recurse into subdirectories.
* Directories can also be specified on the command line; if
* any are specified they will override the use of the current directory.
* All files that match the `--test-file-pattern` will be included; by default
* this is files with names that end in _test.dart.
* Options can be specified on the command line, via a configuration
* file (`--config`) or via a test.config file in the test directory,
* in decreasing order of priority.
* The three runtimes are:
* vm - run native Dart in the VM; i.e. using $DARTSDK/dart-sdk/bin/dart.
* TODO(antonm): fix the option name.
* drt-dart - run native Dart in content shell, the headless version of
* Dartium, which is located in $DARTSDK/chromium/content_shell, if
* you installed the SDK that is bundled with the editor, or available
* from
* otherwise.
* TODO(antonm): fix the option name.
* drt-js - run Dart compiled to Javascript in content shell.
* testrunner supports simple DOM render tests. These can use expected values
* for the render output from content shell, either are textual DOM
* descriptions (`--layout-tests`) or pixel renderings (`--pixel-tests`).
* When running layout tests, testrunner will see if there is a file with
* a .png or a .txt extension in a directory with the same name as the
* test file (without extension) and with the test name as the file name.
* For example, if there is a test file foo_test.dart with tests 'test1'
* and 'test2', it will look for foo_test/test1.txt and foo_test/test2.txt
* for text render layout files. If these exist it will do additional checks
* of the rendered layout; if not, the test will fail.
* Layout file (re)generation can be done using `--regenerate`. This will
* create or update the layout files (and implicitly pass the tests).
* The wrapping and execution of test files is handled by test_pipeline.dart,
* which is run in an isolate. The `--pipeline` argument can be used to
* specify a different script for running a test file pipeline, allowing
* customization of the pipeline.
* Wrapper files are created for tests in the tmp directory, which can be
* overridden with --tempdir. These files are not removed after the tests
* are complete, primarily to reduce the amount of times pub must be
* executed. You can use --clean-files to force file cleanup. The temp
* directories will have pubspec.yaml files auto-generated unless the
* original test file directories have such files; in that case the existing
* files will be copied. Whenever a new pubspec file is copied or
* created pub will be run (but not otherwise - so if you want to do
* the equivelent of pub update you should use --clean-files and the rerun
* the tests).
* TODO(gram): if the user has a pubspec.yaml file, we should inspect the
* pubspec.lock file and give useful errors:
* - if the lock file doesn't exit, then run pub install
* - if it exists and it doesn't have the required packages (unittest or
* browser), ask the user to add them and run pub install again.
library testrunner;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
part 'options.dart';
part 'utils.dart';
/** The set of [PipelineRunner]s to execute. */
List _tasks;
/** The maximum number of pipelines that can run concurrently. */
int _maxTasks;
/** The number of pipelines currently running. */
int _numTasks;
/** The index of the next pipeline runner to execute. */
int _nextTask;
/** The sink to use for high-value messages, like test results. */
IOSink _outSink;
/** The sink to use for low-value messages, like verbose output. */
IOSink _logSink;
* The last temp test directory we accessed; we use this to know if we
* need to check the pub configuration.
String _testDir;
* The user can specify output streams on the command line, using 'none',
* 'stdout', 'stderr', or a file path; [getSink] will take such a name
* and return an appropriate [IOSink].
IOSink getSink(String name) {
if (name == null || name == 'none') {
return null;
if (name == 'stdout') {
return stdout;
if (name == 'stderr') {
return stderr;
var f = new File(name);
return f.openWrite();
* Given a [List] of [testFiles], either print the list or create
* and execute pipelines for the files.
void processTests(Map config, List testFiles) {
_outSink = getSink(config['out']);
_logSink = getSink(config['log']);
if (config['list-files']) {
if (_outSink != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < testFiles.length; i++) {
} else {
_maxTasks = min(config['tasks'], testFiles.length);
_numTasks = 0;
_nextTask = 0;
spawnTasks(config, testFiles);
* Create or update a pubspec for the target test directory. We use the
* source directory pubspec if available; otherwise we create a minimal one.
* We return a Future if we are running pub install, or null otherwise.
Future doPubConfig(Path sourcePath, String sourceDir,
Path targetPath, String targetDir,
String pub, String runtime) {
// Make sure the target directory exists.
var d = new Directory(targetDir);
if (!d.existsSync()) {
d.createSync(recursive: true);
// If the source has no pubspec, but the dest does, leave
// things as they are. If neither do, create one in dest.
var sourcePubSpecName = new Path(sourceDir).append("pubspec.yaml").
var targetPubSpecName = new Path(targetDir).append("pubspec.yaml").
var sourcePubSpec = new File(sourcePubSpecName);
var targetPubSpec = new File(targetPubSpecName);
if (!sourcePubSpec.existsSync()) {
if (targetPubSpec.existsSync()) {
return null;
} else {
// Create one.
if (runtime == 'vm') {
"name: testrunner\ndependencies:\n unittest: any\n");
} else {
"name: testrunner\ndependencies:\n unittest: any\n browser: any\n");
} else {
if (targetPubSpec.existsSync()) {
// If there is a source one, and it is older than the target,
// leave the target as is.
if (sourcePubSpec.lastModifiedSync().millisecondsSinceEpoch <
targetPubSpec.lastModifiedSync().millisecondsSinceEpoch) {
return null;
// Source exists and is newer than target or there is no target;
// copy the source to the target. If there is a pubspec.lock file,
// copy that too.
var s = sourcePubSpec.readAsStringSync();
var sourcePubLock = new File(sourcePubSpecName.replaceAll(".yaml", ".lock"));
if (sourcePubLock.existsSync()) {
var targetPubLock =
new File(targetPubSpecName.replaceAll(".yaml", ".lock"));
s = sourcePubLock.readAsStringSync();
// A new target pubspec was created so run pub install.
return _processHelper(pub, [ 'install' ], workingDir: targetDir);
/** Execute as many tasks as possible up to the maxTasks limit. */
void spawnTasks(Map config, List testFiles) {
var verbose = config['verbose'];
// If we were running in the VM and the immediate flag was set, we have
// already printed the important messages (i.e. prefixed with ###),
// so we should skip them now.
var skipNonVerbose = config['immediate'] && config['runtime'] == 'vm';
while (_numTasks < _maxTasks && _nextTask < testFiles.length) {
var testfile = testFiles[_nextTask++];
config['testfile'] = testfile;
ReceivePort port = new ReceivePort();
port.receive((msg, _) {
List stdout = msg[0];
List stderr = msg[1];
List log = msg[2];
int exitCode = msg[3];
writelog(stdout, _outSink, _logSink, verbose, skipNonVerbose);
writelog(stderr, _outSink, _logSink, true, skipNonVerbose);
writelog(log, _outSink, _logSink, verbose, skipNonVerbose);
if (exitCode == 0 || !config['stop-on-failure']) {
spawnTasks(config, testFiles);
if (_numTasks == 0) {
// No outstanding tasks; we're all done.
// We could later print a summary report here.
SendPort s = spawnUri(config['pipeline']);
// Get the names of the source and target test files and containing
// directories.
var testPath = new Path(testfile);
var sourcePath = testPath.directoryPath;
var sourceDir = sourcePath.toNativePath();
var targetPath = new Path(config["tempdir"]);
var normalizedTarget = testPath.directoryPath.toNativePath()
.replaceAll(Platform.pathSeparator, '_')
.replaceAll(':', '_');
targetPath = targetPath.append("${normalizedTarget}_${config['runtime']}");
var targetDir = targetPath.toNativePath();
config['targetDir'] = targetDir;
// If this is a new target dir, we need to redo the pub check.
var f = null;
if (targetDir != _testDir) {
f = doPubConfig(sourcePath, sourceDir, targetPath, targetDir,
config['pub'], config['runtime']);
_testDir = targetDir;
if (f == null) {
s.send(config, port.toSendPort());
} else {
f.then((_) {
s.send(config, port.toSendPort());
break; // Don't do any more until pub is done.
* Our tests are configured so that critical messages have a '###' prefix.
* [writelog] takes the output from a pipeline execution and writes it to
* our output sinks. It will strip the '###' if necessary on critical
* messages; other messages will only be written if verbose output was
* specified.
void writelog(List messages, IOSink out, IOSink log,
bool includeVerbose, bool skipNonVerbose) {
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
var msg = messages[i];
if (msg.startsWith('###')) {
if (!skipNonVerbose && out != null) {
} else if (msg.startsWith('CONSOLE MESSAGE:')) {
if (!skipNonVerbose && out != null) {
int idx = msg.indexOf('###');
if (idx > 0) {
out.write(msg.substring(idx + 3));
} else if (includeVerbose && log != null) {
normalizeFilter(List filter) {
// We want the filter to be a quoted string or list of quoted
// strings.
for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) {
var f = filter[i];
if (f[0] != "'" && f[0] != '"') {
filter[i] = "'$f'"; // TODO(gram): Quote embedded quotes.
return filter;
void sanitizeConfig(Map config, ArgParser parser) {
config['layout'] = config['layout-text'] || config['layout-pixel'];
config['verbose'] = (config['log'] != 'none' && !config['list-groups']);
config['timeout'] = int.parse(config['timeout']);
config['tasks'] = int.parse(config['tasks']);
var dartsdk = config['dartsdk'];
var pathSep = Platform.pathSeparator;
if (dartsdk == null) {
var opt = new Options();
var runner = opt.executable;
var idx = runner.indexOf('dart-sdk');
if (idx < 0) {
print("Please use --dartsdk option or run using the dart executable "
"from the Dart SDK");
dartsdk = runner.substring(0, idx);
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'macos') {
config['dart2js'] =
config['dart'] = '$dartsdk${pathSep}dart-sdk${pathSep}bin${pathSep}dart';
config['pub'] = '$dartsdk${pathSep}dart-sdk${pathSep}bin${pathSep}pub';
config['drt'] =
'$dartsdk/chromium/Content Shell';
} else if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'linux') {
config['dart2js'] =
config['dart'] = '$dartsdk${pathSep}dart-sdk${pathSep}bin${pathSep}dart';
config['pub'] = '$dartsdk${pathSep}dart-sdk${pathSep}bin${pathSep}pub';
config['drt'] = '$dartsdk${pathSep}chromium${pathSep}content_shell';
} else {
config['dart2js'] =
config['dart'] = '$dartsdk${pathSep}dart-sdk${pathSep}bin${pathSep}dart.exe';
config['pub'] = '$dartsdk${pathSep}dart-sdk${pathSep}bin${pathSep}pub.bat';
config['drt'] = '$dartsdk${pathSep}chromium${pathSep}content_shell.exe';
for (var prog in [ 'drt', 'dart', 'pub', 'dart2js' ]) {
config[prog] = makePathAbsolute(config[prog]);
config['runnerDir'] = runnerDirectory;
config['include'] = normalizeFilter(config['include']);
config['exclude'] = normalizeFilter(config['exclude']);
main() {
var optionsParser = getOptionParser();
var options = loadConfiguration(optionsParser);
if (isSane(options)) {
if (options['list-options']) {
printOptions(optionsParser, options, false, stdout);
} else if (options['list-all-options']) {
printOptions(optionsParser, options, true, stdout);
} else {
var config = new Map();
for (var option in options.options) {
config[option] = options[option];
var rest = [];
// Process the remmaining command line args. If they look like
// options then split them up and add them to the map; they may be for
// custom pipelines.
for (var other in {
var idx;
if (other.startsWith('--') && (idx = other.indexOf('=')) > 0) {
var optName = other.substring(2, idx);
var optValue = other.substring(idx+1);
config[optName] = optValue;
} else {
sanitizeConfig(config, optionsParser);
// Build the list of tests and then execute them.
List dirs = rest;
if (dirs.length == 0) {
dirs.add('.'); // Use current working directory as default.
var f = buildFileList(dirs,
new RegExp(config['test-file-pattern']), config['recurse']);
if (config['sort']) f.sort();
processTests(config, f);