blob: ec519474b91b7ca01905fa6c20bf807a91b114a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// Dart test program to check that we can resolve unqualified identifiers
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class B {
B(x, y) : b = y { }
var b;
get_b() {
// Resolving unqualified instance method.
return really_really_get_it();
really_really_get_it() {
return 5;
class UnqualNameTest {
static eleven() {
return 11;
static testMain() {
var o = new B(3, 5);
Expect.equals(11, eleven()); // Unqualified static method call.
Expect.equals(5, o.get_b());
// Check whether we handle variable initializers correctly.
var a = 1, x, b = a + 3;
Expect.equals(5, a + b);
main() {