blob: bda0ac385c7695c1e83eee88bb86ad2ffcff7469 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library _interceptors;
import 'dart:_js_embedded_names'
import 'dart:collection' hide LinkedList, LinkedListEntry;
import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol;
import "dart:_internal" as _symbol_dev show Symbol;
import 'dart:_js_helper'
import 'dart:_foreign_helper'
import 'dart:_rti' show getRuntimeType;
import 'dart:math' show Random, ln2;
part 'js_array.dart';
part 'js_number.dart';
part 'js_string.dart';
getDispatchProperty(object) {
return JS(
'', '#[#]', object, JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('String', DISPATCH_PROPERTY_NAME));
setDispatchProperty(object, value) {
// Avoid inlining this method because inlining gives us multiple allocation
// points for records which is bad because it leads to polymorphic access.
makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, extension, indexability) {
// Dispatch records are stored in the prototype chain, and in some cases, on
// instances.
// The record layout and field usage is designed to minimize the number of
// operations on the common paths.
// [interceptor] is the interceptor - a holder of methods for the object,
// i.e. the prototype of the interceptor class.
// [proto] is usually the prototype, used to check that the dispatch record
// matches the object and is not the dispatch record of a superclass. Other
// values:
// - `false` for leaf classes that need no check.
// - `true` for Dart classes where the object is its own interceptor (unused)
// - a function used to continue matching.
// [extension] is used for irregular cases.
// [indexability] is used to cache whether or not the object
// implements JavaScriptIndexingBehavior.
// proto interceptor extension action
// ----- ----------- --------- ------
// false I use interceptor I
// true - use object
// P I if object's prototype is P, use I
// F - P if object's prototype is P, call F
return JS('', '{i: #, p: #, e: #, x: #}', interceptor, proto, extension,
dispatchRecordInterceptor(record) => JS('', '#.i', record);
dispatchRecordProto(record) => JS('', '#.p', record);
dispatchRecordExtension(record) => JS('', '#.e', record);
bool? dispatchRecordIndexability(record) => JS('bool|Null', '#.x', record);
/// Returns the interceptor for a native class instance. Used by
/// [getInterceptor].
getNativeInterceptor(object) {
var record = getDispatchProperty(object);
if (record == null) {
if (initNativeDispatchFlag == null) {
record = getDispatchProperty(object);
if (record != null) {
var proto = dispatchRecordProto(record);
if (false == proto) return dispatchRecordInterceptor(record);
if (true == proto) return object;
var objectProto = JS('', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#)', object);
if (JS('bool', '# === #', proto, objectProto)) {
return dispatchRecordInterceptor(record);
var extension = dispatchRecordExtension(record);
if (JS('bool', '# === #', extension, objectProto)) {
// TODO(sra): The discriminator returns a tag. The tag is an uncached or
// instance-cached tag, defaulting to instance-cached if caching
// unspecified.
var discriminatedTag = JS('', '(#)(#, #)', proto, object, record);
throw new UnimplementedError('Return interceptor for $discriminatedTag');
// Check for cached UnknownJavaScriptObject. This avoids doing the slow
// dispatch-record based lookup for repeated js-interop classes.
var constructor = JS('', '#.constructor', object);
var interceptor = lookupInterceptorByConstructor(constructor);
if (interceptor != null) return interceptor;
// This takes care of dispatch-record based caching, but not constructor based
// caching of [UnknownJavaScriptObject]s.
interceptor = lookupAndCacheInterceptor(object);
if (interceptor != null) return interceptor;
// JavaScript Objects created via object literals and `Object.create(null)`
// are 'plain' Objects. This test could be simplified and the dispatch path
// be faster if Object.prototype was pre-patched with a non-leaf dispatch
// record.
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # == "function"', object)) {
interceptor = JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(JavaScriptFunction);
// TODO(sra): Investigate caching on `Function`. It might be impossible if
// some HTML embedded objects on some browsers are (still) JS functions.
return interceptor;
var proto = JS('', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#)', object);
if (JS('bool', '# == null', proto)) {
// Nowhere to cache output.
return JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(PlainJavaScriptObject);
interceptor = JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(UnknownJavaScriptObject);
if (JS('bool', '# === Object.prototype', proto)) {
interceptor = JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(PlainJavaScriptObject);
// TODO(sra): Investigate caching on 'Object'. It might be impossible if
// some native class is plain Object (e.g. like Firefox's ImageData).
return interceptor;
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # == "function"', constructor)) {
cacheInterceptorOnConstructor(constructor, interceptor);
return interceptor;
return JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(UnknownJavaScriptObject);
// A JS String or Symbol.
return _JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG ??= getIsolateAffinityTag(r'_$dart_js');
lookupInterceptorByConstructor(constructor) {
return constructor == null
? null
: JS('', '#[#]', constructor, JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG);
void cacheInterceptorOnConstructor(constructor, interceptor) {
defineProperty(constructor, JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG, interceptor);
var constructorToInterceptor =
JS('', 'typeof(self.WeakMap) == "undefined" ? new Map() : new WeakMap()');
XlookupInterceptorByConstructor(constructor) {
return JS('', '#.get(#)', constructorToInterceptor, constructor);
void XcacheInterceptorOnConstructor(constructor, interceptor) {
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', constructorToInterceptor, constructor, interceptor);
/// Data structure used to map a [Type] to the [Interceptor] and constructors
/// for that type. It is JavaScript array of 3N entries of adjacent slots
/// containing a [Type], followed by an [Interceptor] class for the type,
/// followed by a JavaScript object map for the constructors.
/// The value of this variable is set by the compiler and contains only types
/// that are user extensions of native classes where the type occurs as a
/// constant in the program.
/// The compiler, in CustomElementsAnalysis, assumes that [typeToInterceptorMap]
/// is accessed only by code that also calls [findIndexForWebComponentType]. If
/// this assumption is invalidated, the compiler will have to be updated.
get typeToInterceptorMap {
int? findIndexForNativeSubclassType(Type? type) {
if (JS('bool', '# == null', typeToInterceptorMap)) return null;
List map = JS('JSFixedArray', '#', typeToInterceptorMap);
for (int i = 0; i + 1 < map.length; i += 3) {
if (type == map[i]) {
return i;
return null;
findInterceptorConstructorForType(Type? type) {
var index = findIndexForNativeSubclassType(type);
if (index == null) return null;
List map = JS('JSFixedArray', '#', typeToInterceptorMap);
return map[index + 1];
/// Returns a JavaScript function that runs the constructor on its argument, or
/// `null` if there is no such constructor.
/// The returned function takes one argument, the web component object.
findConstructorForNativeSubclassType(Type? type, String name) {
var index = findIndexForNativeSubclassType(type);
if (index == null) return null;
List map = JS('JSFixedArray', '#', typeToInterceptorMap);
var constructorMap = map[index + 2];
var constructorFn = JS('', '#[#]', constructorMap, name);
return constructorFn;
findInterceptorForType(Type? type) {
var constructor = findInterceptorConstructorForType(type);
if (constructor == null) return null;
return JS('', '#.prototype', constructor);
/// The base interceptor class.
/// The code `` is compiled to `getInterceptor(r).foo$1(r, a)`. The
/// value returned by [getInterceptor] holds the methods separately from the
/// state of the instance. The compiler converts the methods on an interceptor
/// to take the Dart `this` argument as an explicit `receiver` argument. The
/// JavaScript `this` parameter is bound to the interceptor.
/// In order to have uniform call sites, if a method is defined on an
/// interceptor, methods of that name on plain unintercepted classes also use
/// the interceptor calling convention. The plain classes are
/// _self-interceptors_, and for them, `getInterceptor(r)` returns `r`. Methods
/// on plain unintercepted classes have a redundant `receiver` argument and, to
/// enable some optimizations, must ignore `receiver` in favour of `this`.
/// In the case of mixins, a method may be placed on both an intercepted class
/// and an unintercepted class. In this case, the method must use the
/// `receiver` parameter.
/// There are various optimizations of the general call pattern.
/// When the interceptor can be statically determined, it can be used directly:
///$1(r, a)
/// If there are only a few classes, [getInterceptor] can be specialized with a
/// more efficient dispatch:
/// getInterceptor$specialized(r).foo$1(r, a)
/// If it can be determined that the receiver is an unintercepted class, it can
/// be called directly:
///$1(r, a)
/// If, further, it is known that the call site cannot call a foo that is
/// mixed-in to a native class, then it is known that the explicit receiver is
/// ignored, and space-saving dummy value can be passed instead:
///$1(0, a)
/// This class defines implementations of *all* methods on [Object] so no
/// interceptor inherits an implementation from [Object]. This enables the
/// implementations on Object to ignore the explicit receiver argument, which
/// allows dummy receiver optimization.
abstract class Interceptor {
const Interceptor();
bool operator ==(other) => identical(this, other);
int get hashCode => Primitives.objectHashCode(this);
String toString() => Primitives.objectToHumanReadableString(this);
// [Interceptor.noSuchMethod] is identical to [Object.noSuchMethod]. However,
// each copy is compiled differently. The presence of the method on an
// Interceptor class forces [noSuchMethod] to use interceptor calling
// convention. In the [Interceptor] version, `this` is the explicit receiver
// argument. In the [Object] version, as Object is not an intercepted class,
// `this` is the JavaScript receiver, and the explicit receiver is ignored.
// The noSuchMethod stubs for selectors that use the interceptor calling
// convention do not know the calling convention and forward `this` and
// `receiver` to one of these noSuchMethod implementations which selects the
// correct Dart receiver.
// We don't allow [noSuchMethod] on intercepted classes (that would force all
// calls to use interceptor calling convention). If we did allow it, the
// interceptor context would select the correct `this`.
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw new NoSuchMethodError(this, invocation.memberName,
invocation.positionalArguments, invocation.namedArguments);
Type get runtimeType => getRuntimeType(this);
/// The interceptor class for [bool].
class JSBool extends Interceptor implements bool {
const JSBool();
// Note: if you change this, also change the function [S].
String toString() => JS('String', r'String(#)', this);
bool operator &(bool other) => JS('bool', "# && #", checkBool(other), this);
bool operator |(bool other) => JS('bool', "# || #", checkBool(other), this);
bool operator ^(bool other) => !identical(this, checkBool(other));
// The values here are SMIs, co-prime and differ about half of the bit
// positions, including the low bit, so they are different mod 2^k.
int get hashCode => this ? (2 * 3 * 23 * 3761) : (269 * 811);
Type get runtimeType => bool;
/// The interceptor class for [Null].
/// This class defines implementations for *all* methods on [Object] since
/// the methods on Object assume the receiver is non-null. This means that
/// JSNull will always be in the interceptor set for methods defined on Object.
class JSNull extends Interceptor implements Null {
const JSNull();
bool operator ==(other) => identical(null, other);
// Note: if you change this, also change the function [S].
String toString() => 'null';
int get hashCode => 0;
// The spec guarantees that `null` is the singleton instance of the `Null`
// class. In the mirrors library we also have to patch the `type` getter to
// special case `null`.
Type get runtimeType => Null;
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
/// The supertype for JSString and JSArray. Used by the backend as to
/// have a type mask that contains the objects that we can use the
/// native JS [] operator and length on.
abstract class JSIndexable<E> {
int get length;
E operator [](int index);
/// The supertype for JSMutableArray and
/// JavaScriptIndexingBehavior. Used by the backend to have a type mask
/// that contains the objects we can use the JS []= operator on.
abstract class JSMutableIndexable<E> extends JSIndexable<E> {
operator []=(int index, E value);
/// The interface implemented by JavaScript objects.
/// These are methods in addition to the regular Dart Object methods like
/// [Object.hashCode]. This is the type that should be exported by a JavaScript
/// interop library.
abstract class JSObject {}
/// Superclass of all interop objects and native types defined in the web
/// libraries.
/// This is the class static interop classes erase to and the class interop
/// extension types should use as the on-type.
class JavaScriptObject extends Interceptor {
const JavaScriptObject();
/// Interceptor base class for JavaScript objects not recognized as some more
/// specific native type.
/// Note that this used to be `JavaScriptObject`.
class LegacyJavaScriptObject extends JavaScriptObject implements JSObject {
const LegacyJavaScriptObject();
// It would be impolite to stash a property on the object.
int get hashCode => 0;
Type get runtimeType => JSObject;
/// Returns the result of the JavaScript objects `toString` method.
String toString() => JS('String', 'String(#)', this);
/// Interceptor for plain JavaScript objects created as JavaScript object
/// literals or `new Object()`.
class PlainJavaScriptObject extends LegacyJavaScriptObject {
const PlainJavaScriptObject();
/// Interceptor for unclassified JavaScript objects, typically objects with a
/// non-trivial prototype chain.
/// This class also serves as a fallback for unknown JavaScript exceptions.
class UnknownJavaScriptObject extends LegacyJavaScriptObject {
const UnknownJavaScriptObject();
/// Interceptor for JavaScript function objects and Dart functions that have
/// been converted to JavaScript functions.
/// These interceptor methods are not always used as the JavaScript function
/// object has also been mangled to support Dart function calling conventions.
class JavaScriptFunction extends LegacyJavaScriptObject implements Function {
const JavaScriptFunction();
String toString() {
var dartClosure = JS('', '#.#', this, DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME);
if (dartClosure == null) return super.toString();
return 'JavaScript function for ${dartClosure.toString()}';