blob: 8db9d2a368dc28c78c6a3fe1d2dc6ba851f92caf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Patch file for dart:collection classes.
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS;
import 'dart:_js_helper'
import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol;
const int _mask30 = 0x3fffffff; // Low 30 bits.
class HashMap<K, V> {
factory HashMap(
{bool equals(K key1, K key2)?,
int hashCode(K key)?,
bool isValidKey(potentialKey)?}) {
if (isValidKey == null) {
if (hashCode == null) {
if (equals == null) {
return new _HashMap<K, V>();
hashCode = _defaultHashCode;
} else {
if (identical(identityHashCode, hashCode) &&
identical(identical, equals)) {
return new _IdentityHashMap<K, V>();
if (equals == null) {
equals = _defaultEquals;
} else {
if (hashCode == null) {
hashCode = _defaultHashCode;
if (equals == null) {
equals = _defaultEquals;
return new _CustomHashMap<K, V>(equals, hashCode, isValidKey);
factory HashMap.identity() = _IdentityHashMap<K, V>;
class _HashMap<K, V> extends MapBase<K, V> implements HashMap<K, V> {
int _length = 0;
// The hash map contents are divided into three parts: one part for
// string keys, one for numeric keys, and one for the rest. String
// and numeric keys map directly to their values, but the rest of
// the entries are stored in bucket lists of the form:
// [key-0, value-0, key-1, value-1, ...]
// where all keys in the same bucket share the same hash code.
var _strings;
var _nums;
var _rest;
// When iterating over the hash map, it is very convenient to have a
// list of all the keys. We cache that on the instance and clear the
// the cache whenever the key set changes. This is also used to
// guard against concurrent modifications.
List? _keys;
int get length => _length;
bool get isEmpty => _length == 0;
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
Iterable<K> get keys {
return new _HashMapKeyIterable<K>(this);
Iterable<V> get values {
return new MappedIterable<K, V>(keys, (each) => this[each] as V);
bool containsKey(Object? key) {
if (_isStringKey(key)) {
var strings = _strings;
return (strings == null) ? false : _hasTableEntry(strings, key);
} else if (_isNumericKey(key)) {
var nums = _nums;
return (nums == null) ? false : _hasTableEntry(nums, key);
} else {
return _containsKey(key);
bool _containsKey(Object? key) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) return false;
var bucket = _getBucket(rest, key);
return _findBucketIndex(bucket, key) >= 0;
bool containsValue(Object? value) {
return _computeKeys().any((each) => this[each] == value);
void addAll(Map<K, V> other) {
other.forEach((K key, V value) {
this[key] = value;
V? operator [](Object? key) {
if (_isStringKey(key)) {
var strings = _strings;
return JS('', '#', strings == null ? null : _getTableEntry(strings, key));
} else if (_isNumericKey(key)) {
var nums = _nums;
return JS('', '#', nums == null ? null : _getTableEntry(nums, key));
} else {
return _get(key);
V? _get(Object? key) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) return null;
var bucket = _getBucket(rest, key);
int index = _findBucketIndex(bucket, key);
return (index < 0) ? null : JS('', '#[#]', bucket, index + 1);
void operator []=(K key, V value) {
if (_isStringKey(key)) {
var strings = _strings;
if (strings == null) _strings = strings = _newHashTable();
_addHashTableEntry(strings, key, value);
} else if (_isNumericKey(key)) {
var nums = _nums;
if (nums == null) _nums = nums = _newHashTable();
_addHashTableEntry(nums, key, value);
} else {
_set(key, value);
void _set(K key, V value) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) _rest = rest = _newHashTable();
var hash = _computeHashCode(key);
var bucket = JS('var', '#[#]', rest, hash);
if (bucket == null) {
_setTableEntry(rest, hash, JS('var', '[#, #]', key, value));
_keys = null;
} else {
int index = _findBucketIndex(bucket, key);
if (index >= 0) {
JS('void', '#[#] = #', bucket, index + 1, value);
} else {
JS('void', '#.push(#, #)', bucket, key, value);
_keys = null;
V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) {
if (containsKey(key)) return this[key] as V;
V value = ifAbsent();
this[key] = value;
return value;
V? remove(Object? key) {
if (_isStringKey(key)) {
return _removeHashTableEntry(_strings, key);
} else if (_isNumericKey(key)) {
return _removeHashTableEntry(_nums, key);
} else {
return _remove(key);
V? _remove(Object? key) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) return null;
var hash = _computeHashCode(key);
var bucket = JS('var', '#[#]', rest, hash);
int index = _findBucketIndex(bucket, key);
if (index < 0) return null;
_keys = null;
// Use splice to remove the two [key, value] elements at the index and
// return the value.
V result = JS('', '#.splice(#, 2)[1]', bucket, index);
if (0 == JS('int', '#.length', bucket)) {
_deleteTableEntry(rest, hash);
return result;
void clear() {
if (_length > 0) {
_strings = _nums = _rest = _keys = null;
_length = 0;
void forEach(void action(K key, V value)) {
List keys = _computeKeys();
for (int i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
var key = JS('var', '#[#]', keys, i);
action(key, this[key] as V);
if (JS('bool', '# !== #', keys, _keys)) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this);
List _computeKeys() {
var result = _keys;
if (result != null) return result;
result = List.filled(_length, null);
int index = 0;
// Add all string keys to the list.
var strings = _strings;
if (strings != null) {
var names = JS('var', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(#)', strings);
int entries = JS('int', '#.length', names);
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
String key = JS('String', '#[#]', names, i);
JS('void', '#[#] = #', result, index, key);
// Add all numeric keys to the list.
var nums = _nums;
if (nums != null) {
var names = JS('var', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(#)', nums);
int entries = JS('int', '#.length', names);
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
// Object.getOwnPropertyNames returns a list of strings, so we
// have to convert the keys back to numbers (+).
num key = JS('num', '+#[#]', names, i);
JS('void', '#[#] = #', result, index, key);
// Add all the remaining keys to the list.
var rest = _rest;
if (rest != null) {
var names = JS('var', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(#)', rest);
int entries = JS('int', '#.length', names);
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
var key = JS('String', '#[#]', names, i);
var bucket = JS('var', '#[#]', rest, key);
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
var key = JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i);
JS('void', '#[#] = #', result, index, key);
assert(index == _length);
_keys = result;
return result;
void _addHashTableEntry(var table, K key, V value) {
if (!_hasTableEntry(table, key)) {
_keys = null;
_setTableEntry(table, key, value);
V? _removeHashTableEntry(var table, Object? key) {
if (table != null && _hasTableEntry(table, key)) {
V value = _getTableEntry(table, key);
_deleteTableEntry(table, key);
_keys = null;
return value;
} else {
return null;
static bool _isStringKey(var key) {
return key is String && key != '__proto__';
static bool _isNumericKey(var key) {
// Only treat unsigned 30-bit integers as numeric keys. This way,
// we avoid converting them to strings when we use them as keys in
// the JavaScript hash table object.
return key is num && JS('bool', '(# & #) === #', key, _mask30, key);
int _computeHashCode(var key) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic keys like '__proto__'. Another option
// would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a number.
return JS('int', '# & #', key.hashCode, _mask30);
static bool _hasTableEntry(var table, var key) {
var entry = JS('var', '#[#]', table, key);
// We take care to only store non-null entries in the table, so we
// can check if the table has an entry for the given key with a
// simple null check.
return entry != null;
static _getTableEntry(var table, var key) {
var entry = JS('var', '#[#]', table, key);
// We store the table itself as the entry to signal that it really
// is a null value, so we have to map back to null here.
return JS('bool', '# === #', entry, table) ? null : entry;
static void _setTableEntry(var table, var key, var value) {
// We only store non-null entries in the table, so we have to
// change null values to refer to the table itself. Such values
// will be recognized and mapped back to null on access.
if (value == null) {
// Do not update [value] with [table], otherwise our
// optimizations could be confused by this opaque object being
// now used for more things than storing and fetching from it.
JS('void', '#[#] = #', table, key, table);
} else {
JS('void', '#[#] = #', table, key, value);
static void _deleteTableEntry(var table, var key) {
JS('void', 'delete #[#]', table, key);
List? _getBucket(var table, var key) {
var hash = _computeHashCode(key);
return JS('var', '#[#]', table, hash);
int _findBucketIndex(var bucket, var key) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
if (JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i) == key) return i;
return -1;
static _newHashTable() {
// Create a new JavaScript object to be used as a hash table. Use
// Object.create to avoid the properties on Object.prototype
// showing up as entries.
var table = JS('var', 'Object.create(null)');
// Attempt to force the hash table into 'dictionary' mode by
// adding a property to it and deleting it again.
var temporaryKey = '<non-identifier-key>';
_setTableEntry(table, temporaryKey, table);
_deleteTableEntry(table, temporaryKey);
return table;
class _IdentityHashMap<K, V> extends _HashMap<K, V> {
int _computeHashCode(var key) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic keys like '__proto__'. Another option
// would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a number.
return JS('int', '# & #', identityHashCode(key), _mask30);
int _findBucketIndex(var bucket, var key) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
if (identical(JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i), key)) return i;
return -1;
class _CustomHashMap<K, V> extends _HashMap<K, V> {
final _Equality<K> _equals;
final _Hasher<K> _hashCode;
final _Predicate _validKey;
_CustomHashMap(this._equals, this._hashCode, bool validKey(potentialKey)?)
: _validKey = (validKey != null) ? validKey : ((v) => v is K);
V? operator [](Object? key) {
if (!_validKey(key)) return null;
return super._get(key);
void operator []=(K key, V value) {
super._set(key, value);
bool containsKey(Object? key) {
if (!_validKey(key)) return false;
return super._containsKey(key);
V? remove(Object? key) {
if (!_validKey(key)) return null;
return super._remove(key);
int _computeHashCode(var key) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic keys like '__proto__'. Another option
// would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a number.
return JS('int', '# & #', _hashCode(key), _mask30);
int _findBucketIndex(var bucket, var key) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
if (_equals(JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i), key)) return i;
return -1;
class _HashMapKeyIterable<E> extends EfficientLengthIterable<E> {
final _HashMap _map;
int get length => _map._length;
bool get isEmpty => _map._length == 0;
Iterator<E> get iterator {
return new _HashMapKeyIterator<E>(_map, _map._computeKeys());
bool contains(Object? element) {
return _map.containsKey(element);
void forEach(void f(E element)) {
List keys = _map._computeKeys();
for (int i = 0, length = JS('int', '#.length', keys); i < length; i++) {
f(JS('var', '#[#]', keys, i));
if (JS('bool', '# !== #', keys, _map._keys)) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationError(_map);
class _HashMapKeyIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
final _HashMap _map;
final List _keys;
int _offset = 0;
E? _current;
_HashMapKeyIterator(this._map, this._keys);
E get current => _current as E;
bool moveNext() {
var keys = _keys;
int offset = _offset;
if (JS('bool', '# !== #', keys, _map._keys)) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationError(_map);
} else if (offset >= JS('int', '#.length', keys)) {
_current = null;
return false;
} else {
_current = JS('var', '#[#]', keys, offset);
// TODO(kasperl): For now, we have to tell the type inferrer to
// treat the result of doing offset + 1 as an int. Otherwise, we
// get unnecessary bailout code.
_offset = JS('int', '#', offset + 1);
return true;
class LinkedHashMap<K, V> {
factory LinkedHashMap(
{bool equals(K key1, K key2)?,
int hashCode(K key)?,
bool isValidKey(potentialKey)?}) {
if (isValidKey == null) {
if (hashCode == null) {
if (equals == null) {
return new JsLinkedHashMap<K, V>();
hashCode = _defaultHashCode;
} else {
if (identical(identityHashCode, hashCode) &&
identical(identical, equals)) {
return new _LinkedIdentityHashMap<K, V>();
if (equals == null) {
equals = _defaultEquals;
} else {
if (hashCode == null) {
hashCode = _defaultHashCode;
if (equals == null) {
equals = _defaultEquals;
return new _LinkedCustomHashMap<K, V>(equals, hashCode, isValidKey);
factory LinkedHashMap.identity() = _LinkedIdentityHashMap<K, V>;
// Private factory constructor called by generated code for map literals.
factory LinkedHashMap._literal(List keyValuePairs) {
return fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, new JsLinkedHashMap<K, V>());
// Private factory constructor called by generated code for map literals.
factory LinkedHashMap._empty() {
return new JsLinkedHashMap<K, V>();
// Private factory static function called by generated code for map literals.
// This version is for map literals without type parameters.
static _makeEmpty() => new JsLinkedHashMap();
// Private factory static function called by generated code for map literals.
// This version is for map literals without type parameters.
static _makeLiteral(keyValuePairs) =>
fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, new JsLinkedHashMap());
class _LinkedIdentityHashMap<K, V> extends JsLinkedHashMap<K, V> {
int internalComputeHashCode(var key) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic keys like '__proto__'. Another option
// would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a number.
return JS('int', '# & #', identityHashCode(key), _mask30);
int internalFindBucketIndex(var bucket, var key) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
LinkedHashMapCell cell = JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i);
if (identical(cell.hashMapCellKey, key)) return i;
return -1;
// TODO(floitsch): use ES6 maps when available.
class _LinkedCustomHashMap<K, V> extends JsLinkedHashMap<K, V> {
final _Equality<K> _equals;
final _Hasher<K> _hashCode;
final _Predicate _validKey;
this._equals, this._hashCode, bool validKey(potentialKey)?)
: _validKey = (validKey != null) ? validKey : ((v) => v is K);
V? operator [](Object? key) {
if (!_validKey(key)) return null;
return super.internalGet(key);
void operator []=(K key, V value) {
super.internalSet(key, value);
bool containsKey(Object? key) {
if (!_validKey(key)) return false;
return super.internalContainsKey(key);
V? remove(Object? key) {
if (!_validKey(key)) return null;
return super.internalRemove(key);
int internalComputeHashCode(var key) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic keys like '__proto__'. Another option
// would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a number.
return JS('int', '# & #', _hashCode(key), _mask30);
int internalFindBucketIndex(var bucket, var key) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
LinkedHashMapCell cell = JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i);
if (_equals(cell.hashMapCellKey, key)) return i;
return -1;
class HashSet<E> {
factory HashSet(
{bool equals(E e1, E e2)?,
int hashCode(E e)?,
bool isValidKey(potentialKey)?}) {
if (isValidKey == null) {
if (hashCode == null) {
if (equals == null) {
return new _HashSet<E>();
hashCode = _defaultHashCode;
} else {
if (identical(identityHashCode, hashCode) &&
identical(identical, equals)) {
return new _IdentityHashSet<E>();
if (equals == null) {
equals = _defaultEquals;
} else {
if (hashCode == null) {
hashCode = _defaultHashCode;
if (equals == null) {
equals = _defaultEquals;
return new _CustomHashSet<E>(equals, hashCode, isValidKey);
factory HashSet.identity() = _IdentityHashSet<E>;
class _HashSet<E> extends _SetBase<E> implements HashSet<E> {
int _length = 0;
// The hash set contents are divided into three parts: one part for
// string elements, one for numeric elements, and one for the
// rest. String and numeric elements map directly to a sentinel
// value, but the rest of the entries are stored in bucket lists of
// the form:
// [element-0, element-1, element-2, ...]
// where all elements in the same bucket share the same hash code.
var _strings;
var _nums;
var _rest;
// When iterating over the hash set, it is very convenient to have a
// list of all the elements. We cache that on the instance and clear
// the cache whenever the set changes. This is also used to
// guard against concurrent modifications.
List? _elements;
Set<E> _newSet() => new _HashSet<E>();
Set<R> _newSimilarSet<R>() => new _HashSet<R>();
// Iterable.
Iterator<E> get iterator {
return new _HashSetIterator<E>(this, _computeElements());
int get length => _length;
bool get isEmpty => _length == 0;
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
bool contains(Object? object) {
if (_isStringElement(object)) {
var strings = _strings;
return (strings == null) ? false : _hasTableEntry(strings, object);
} else if (_isNumericElement(object)) {
var nums = _nums;
return (nums == null) ? false : _hasTableEntry(nums, object);
} else {
return _contains(object);
bool _contains(Object? object) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) return false;
var bucket = _getBucket(rest, object);
return _findBucketIndex(bucket, object) >= 0;
E? lookup(Object? object) {
if (_isStringElement(object) || _isNumericElement(object)) {
return this.contains(object) ? object as E : null;
return _lookup(object);
E? _lookup(Object? object) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) return null;
var bucket = _getBucket(rest, object);
var index = _findBucketIndex(bucket, object);
if (index < 0) return null;
return JS('', '#[#]', bucket, index);
// Collection.
bool add(E element) {
if (_isStringElement(element)) {
var strings = _strings;
if (strings == null) _strings = strings = _newHashTable();
return _addHashTableEntry(strings, element);
} else if (_isNumericElement(element)) {
var nums = _nums;
if (nums == null) _nums = nums = _newHashTable();
return _addHashTableEntry(nums, element);
} else {
return _add(element);
bool _add(E element) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) _rest = rest = _newHashTable();
var hash = _computeHashCode(element);
var bucket = JS('var', '#[#]', rest, hash);
if (bucket == null) {
_setTableEntry(rest, hash, JS('var', '[#]', element));
} else {
int index = _findBucketIndex(bucket, element);
if (index >= 0) return false;
JS('void', '#.push(#)', bucket, element);
_elements = null;
return true;
void addAll(Iterable<E> objects) {
for (E each in objects) {
bool remove(Object? object) {
if (_isStringElement(object)) {
return _removeHashTableEntry(_strings, object);
} else if (_isNumericElement(object)) {
return _removeHashTableEntry(_nums, object);
} else {
return _remove(object);
bool _remove(Object? object) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) return false;
var hash = _computeHashCode(object);
var bucket = JS('var', '#[#]', rest, hash);
int index = _findBucketIndex(bucket, object);
if (index < 0) return false;
// TODO(kasperl): Consider getting rid of the bucket list when
// the length reaches zero.
_elements = null;
// TODO(kasperl): It would probably be faster to move the element to the end
// and reduce the length of the bucket list.
JS('void', '#.splice(#, 1)', bucket, index);
if (0 == JS('int', '#.length', bucket)) {
_deleteTableEntry(rest, hash);
return true;
void clear() {
if (_length > 0) {
_strings = _nums = _rest = _elements = null;
_length = 0;
List _computeElements() {
var result = _elements;
if (result != null) return result;
result = List.filled(_length, null);
int index = 0;
// Add all string elements to the list.
var strings = _strings;
if (strings != null) {
var names = JS('var', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(#)', strings);
int entries = JS('int', '#.length', names);
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
String element = JS('String', '#[#]', names, i);
JS('void', '#[#] = #', result, index, element);
// Add all numeric elements to the list.
var nums = _nums;
if (nums != null) {
var names = JS('var', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(#)', nums);
int entries = JS('int', '#.length', names);
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
// Object.getOwnPropertyNames returns a list of strings, so we
// have to convert the elements back to numbers (+).
num element = JS('num', '+#[#]', names, i);
JS('void', '#[#] = #', result, index, element);
// Add all the remaining elements to the list.
var rest = _rest;
if (rest != null) {
var names = JS('var', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(#)', rest);
int entries = JS('int', '#.length', names);
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
var entry = JS('String', '#[#]', names, i);
var bucket = JS('var', '#[#]', rest, entry);
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
JS('void', '#[#] = #[#]', result, index, bucket, i);
assert(index == _length);
_elements = result;
return result;
bool _addHashTableEntry(var table, E element) {
if (_hasTableEntry(table, element)) return false;
_setTableEntry(table, element, 0);
_elements = null;
return true;
bool _removeHashTableEntry(var table, Object? element) {
if (table != null && _hasTableEntry(table, element)) {
_deleteTableEntry(table, element);
_elements = null;
return true;
} else {
return false;
static bool _isStringElement(var element) {
return element is String && element != '__proto__';
static bool _isNumericElement(var element) {
// Only treat unsigned 30-bit integers as numeric elements. This
// way, we avoid converting them to strings when we use them as
// keys in the JavaScript hash table object.
return element is num &&
JS('bool', '(# & #) === #', element, _mask30, element);
int _computeHashCode(var element) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic elements like '__proto__'. Another
// option would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a
// number.
return JS('int', '# & #', element.hashCode, _mask30);
static bool _hasTableEntry(var table, var key) {
var entry = JS('var', '#[#]', table, key);
// We take care to only store non-null entries in the table, so we
// can check if the table has an entry for the given key with a
// simple null check.
return entry != null;
static void _setTableEntry(var table, var key, var value) {
assert(value != null);
JS('void', '#[#] = #', table, key, value);
static void _deleteTableEntry(var table, var key) {
JS('void', 'delete #[#]', table, key);
List? _getBucket(var table, var element) {
var hash = _computeHashCode(element);
return JS('var', '#[#]', table, hash);
int _findBucketIndex(var bucket, var element) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i) == element) return i;
return -1;
static _newHashTable() {
// Create a new JavaScript object to be used as a hash table. Use
// Object.create to avoid the properties on Object.prototype
// showing up as entries.
var table = JS('var', 'Object.create(null)');
// Attempt to force the hash table into 'dictionary' mode by
// adding a property to it and deleting it again.
var temporaryKey = '<non-identifier-key>';
_setTableEntry(table, temporaryKey, table);
_deleteTableEntry(table, temporaryKey);
return table;
class _IdentityHashSet<E> extends _HashSet<E> {
Set<E> _newSet() => new _IdentityHashSet<E>();
Set<R> _newSimilarSet<R>() => new _IdentityHashSet<R>();
int _computeHashCode(var key) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic keys like '__proto__'. Another option
// would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a number.
return JS('int', '# & #', identityHashCode(key), _mask30);
int _findBucketIndex(var bucket, var element) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (identical(JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i), element)) return i;
return -1;
class _CustomHashSet<E> extends _HashSet<E> {
_Equality<E> _equality;
_Hasher<E> _hasher;
_Predicate _validKey;
_CustomHashSet(this._equality, this._hasher, bool validKey(potentialKey)?)
: _validKey = (validKey != null) ? validKey : ((x) => x is E);
Set<E> _newSet() => new _CustomHashSet<E>(_equality, _hasher, _validKey);
Set<R> _newSimilarSet<R>() => new _HashSet<R>();
int _findBucketIndex(var bucket, var element) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (_equality(JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i), element)) return i;
return -1;
int _computeHashCode(var element) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic elements like '__proto__'. Another
// option would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a
// number.
return JS('int', '# & #', _hasher(element), _mask30);
bool add(E object) => super._add(object);
bool contains(Object? object) {
if (!_validKey(object)) return false;
return super._contains(object);
E? lookup(Object? object) {
if (!_validKey(object)) return null;
return super._lookup(object);
bool remove(Object? object) {
if (!_validKey(object)) return false;
return super._remove(object);
// TODO(kasperl): Share this code with _HashMapKeyIterator<E>?
class _HashSetIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
final _HashSet<E> _set;
final List _elements;
int _offset = 0;
E? _current;
_HashSetIterator(this._set, this._elements);
E get current => _current as E;
bool moveNext() {
var elements = _elements;
int offset = _offset;
if (JS('bool', '# !== #', elements, _set._elements)) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationError(_set);
} else if (offset >= JS('int', '#.length', elements)) {
_current = null;
return false;
} else {
_current = JS('var', '#[#]', elements, offset);
// TODO(kasperl): For now, we have to tell the type inferrer to
// treat the result of doing offset + 1 as an int. Otherwise, we
// get unnecessary bailout code.
_offset = JS('int', '#', offset + 1);
return true;
class LinkedHashSet<E> {
factory LinkedHashSet(
{bool equals(E e1, E e2)?,
int hashCode(E e)?,
bool isValidKey(potentialKey)?}) {
if (isValidKey == null) {
if (hashCode == null) {
if (equals == null) {
return new _LinkedHashSet<E>();
hashCode = _defaultHashCode;
} else {
if (identical(identityHashCode, hashCode) &&
identical(identical, equals)) {
return new _LinkedIdentityHashSet<E>();
if (equals == null) {
equals = _defaultEquals;
} else {
if (hashCode == null) {
hashCode = _defaultHashCode;
if (equals == null) {
equals = _defaultEquals;
return new _LinkedCustomHashSet<E>(equals, hashCode, isValidKey);
factory LinkedHashSet.identity() = _LinkedIdentityHashSet<E>;
// Private factory constructor called by generated code for set literals.
factory LinkedHashSet._empty() => new _LinkedHashSet<E>();
// Private factory constructor called by generated code for set literals.
factory LinkedHashSet._literal(List values) =>
fillLiteralSet(values, new _LinkedHashSet<E>());
// Private factory static function called by generated code for set literals.
// This version is for set literals without type parameters.
static _makeEmpty() => new _LinkedHashSet();
// Private factory static function called by generated code for set literals.
// This version is for set literals without type parameters.
static _makeLiteral(List values) =>
fillLiteralSet(values, new _LinkedHashSet());
class _LinkedHashSet<E> extends _SetBase<E> implements LinkedHashSet<E> {
int _length = 0;
// The hash set contents are divided into three parts: one part for
// string elements, one for numeric elements, and one for the
// rest. String and numeric elements map directly to their linked
// cells, but the rest of the entries are stored in bucket lists of
// the form:
// [cell-0, cell-1, ...]
// where all elements in the same bucket share the same hash code.
var _strings;
var _nums;
var _rest;
// The elements are stored in cells that are linked together
// to form a double linked list.
_LinkedHashSetCell? _first;
_LinkedHashSetCell? _last;
// We track the number of modifications done to the element set to
// be able to throw when the set is modified while being iterated
// over.
int _modifications = 0;
Set<E> _newSet() => new _LinkedHashSet<E>();
Set<R> _newSimilarSet<R>() => new _LinkedHashSet<R>();
void _unsupported(String operation) {
throw 'LinkedHashSet: unsupported $operation';
// Iterable.
Iterator<E> get iterator {
return new _LinkedHashSetIterator(this, _modifications);
int get length => _length;
bool get isEmpty => _length == 0;
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
bool contains(Object? object) {
if (_isStringElement(object)) {
var strings = _strings;
if (strings == null) return false;
_LinkedHashSetCell? cell = _getTableEntry(strings, object);
return cell != null;
} else if (_isNumericElement(object)) {
var nums = _nums;
if (nums == null) return false;
_LinkedHashSetCell? cell = _getTableEntry(nums, object);
return cell != null;
} else {
return _contains(object);
bool _contains(Object? object) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) return false;
var bucket = _getBucket(rest, object);
return _findBucketIndex(bucket, object) >= 0;
E? lookup(Object? object) {
if (_isStringElement(object) || _isNumericElement(object)) {
return this.contains(object) ? object as E : null;
} else {
return _lookup(object);
E? _lookup(Object? object) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) return null;
var bucket = _getBucket(rest, object);
var index = _findBucketIndex(bucket, object);
if (index < 0) return null;
return JS<_LinkedHashSetCell>('', '#[#]', bucket, index)._element;
void forEach(void action(E element)) {
_LinkedHashSetCell? cell = _first;
int modifications = _modifications;
while (cell != null) {
if (modifications != _modifications) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this);
cell = cell._next;
E get first {
var first = _first;
if (first == null) throw new StateError("No elements");
return first._element;
E get last {
var last = _last;
if (last == null) throw new StateError("No elements");
return last._element;
// Collection.
bool add(E element) {
if (_isStringElement(element)) {
var strings = _strings;
if (strings == null) _strings = strings = _newHashTable();
return _addHashTableEntry(strings, element);
} else if (_isNumericElement(element)) {
var nums = _nums;
if (nums == null) _nums = nums = _newHashTable();
return _addHashTableEntry(nums, element);
} else {
return _add(element);
bool _add(E element) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) _rest = rest = _newHashTable();
var hash = _computeHashCode(element);
var bucket = JS('var', '#[#]', rest, hash);
if (bucket == null) {
_LinkedHashSetCell cell = _newLinkedCell(element);
_setTableEntry(rest, hash, JS('var', '[#]', cell));
} else {
int index = _findBucketIndex(bucket, element);
if (index >= 0) return false;
_LinkedHashSetCell cell = _newLinkedCell(element);
JS('void', '#.push(#)', bucket, cell);
return true;
bool remove(Object? object) {
if (_isStringElement(object)) {
return _removeHashTableEntry(_strings, object);
} else if (_isNumericElement(object)) {
return _removeHashTableEntry(_nums, object);
} else {
return _remove(object);
bool _remove(Object? object) {
var rest = _rest;
if (rest == null) return false;
var hash = _computeHashCode(object);
var bucket = JS('var', '#[#]', rest, hash);
int index = _findBucketIndex(bucket, object);
if (index < 0) return false;
// Use splice to remove the [cell] element at the index and unlink it.
_LinkedHashSetCell cell = JS('var', '#.splice(#, 1)[0]', bucket, index);
if (0 == JS('int', '#.length', bucket)) {
_deleteTableEntry(rest, hash);
return true;
void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) {
_filterWhere(test, true);
void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) {
_filterWhere(test, false);
void _filterWhere(bool test(E element), bool removeMatching) {
_LinkedHashSetCell? cell = _first;
while (cell != null) {
E element = cell._element;
_LinkedHashSetCell? next = cell._next;
int modifications = _modifications;
bool shouldRemove = (removeMatching == test(element));
if (modifications != _modifications) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationError(this);
if (shouldRemove) remove(element);
cell = next;
void clear() {
if (_length > 0) {
_strings = _nums = _rest = _first = _last = null;
_length = 0;
bool _addHashTableEntry(var table, E element) {
_LinkedHashSetCell? cell = _getTableEntry(table, element);
if (cell != null) return false;
_setTableEntry(table, element, _newLinkedCell(element));
return true;
bool _removeHashTableEntry(var table, Object? element) {
if (table == null) return false;
_LinkedHashSetCell? cell = _getTableEntry(table, element);
if (cell == null) return false;
_deleteTableEntry(table, element);
return true;
void _modified() {
// Value cycles after 2^30 modifications. If you keep hold of an
// iterator for that long, you might miss a modification
// detection, and iteration can go sour. Don't do that.
_modifications = _mask30 & (_modifications + 1);
// Create a new cell and link it in as the last one in the list.
_LinkedHashSetCell _newLinkedCell(E element) {
_LinkedHashSetCell cell = new _LinkedHashSetCell(element);
if (_first == null) {
_first = _last = cell;
} else {
_LinkedHashSetCell last = _last!;
cell._previous = last;
_last = last._next = cell;
return cell;
// Unlink the given cell from the linked list of cells.
void _unlinkCell(_LinkedHashSetCell cell) {
_LinkedHashSetCell? previous = cell._previous;
_LinkedHashSetCell? next = cell._next;
if (previous == null) {
assert(cell == _first);
_first = next;
} else {
previous._next = next;
if (next == null) {
assert(cell == _last);
_last = previous;
} else {
next._previous = previous;
static bool _isStringElement(var element) {
return element is String && element != '__proto__';
static bool _isNumericElement(var element) {
// Only treat unsigned 30-bit integers as numeric elements. This
// way, we avoid converting them to strings when we use them as
// keys in the JavaScript hash table object.
return element is num &&
JS('bool', '(# & #) === #', element, _mask30, element);
int _computeHashCode(var element) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic elements like '__proto__'. Another
// option would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a
// number.
return JS('int', '# & #', element.hashCode, _mask30);
static _getTableEntry(var table, var key) {
return JS('var', '#[#]', table, key);
static void _setTableEntry(var table, var key, var value) {
assert(value != null);
JS('void', '#[#] = #', table, key, value);
static void _deleteTableEntry(var table, var key) {
JS('void', 'delete #[#]', table, key);
List? _getBucket(var table, var element) {
var hash = _computeHashCode(element);
return JS('var', '#[#]', table, hash);
int _findBucketIndex(var bucket, var element) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
_LinkedHashSetCell cell = JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i);
if (cell._element == element) return i;
return -1;
static _newHashTable() {
// Create a new JavaScript object to be used as a hash table. Use
// Object.create to avoid the properties on Object.prototype
// showing up as entries.
var table = JS('var', 'Object.create(null)');
// Attempt to force the hash table into 'dictionary' mode by
// adding a property to it and deleting it again.
var temporaryKey = '<non-identifier-key>';
_setTableEntry(table, temporaryKey, table);
_deleteTableEntry(table, temporaryKey);
return table;
class _LinkedIdentityHashSet<E> extends _LinkedHashSet<E> {
Set<E> _newSet() => new _LinkedIdentityHashSet<E>();
Set<R> _newSimilarSet<R>() => new _LinkedIdentityHashSet<R>();
int _computeHashCode(var key) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic keys like '__proto__'. Another option
// would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a number.
return JS('int', '# & #', identityHashCode(key), _mask30);
int _findBucketIndex(var bucket, var element) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
_LinkedHashSetCell cell = JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i);
if (identical(cell._element, element)) return i;
return -1;
class _LinkedCustomHashSet<E> extends _LinkedHashSet<E> {
_Equality<E> _equality;
_Hasher<E> _hasher;
_Predicate _validKey;
this._equality, this._hasher, bool validKey(potentialKey)?)
: _validKey = (validKey != null) ? validKey : ((x) => x is E);
Set<E> _newSet() =>
new _LinkedCustomHashSet<E>(_equality, _hasher, _validKey);
Set<R> _newSimilarSet<R>() => new _LinkedHashSet<R>();
int _findBucketIndex(var bucket, var element) {
if (bucket == null) return -1;
int length = JS('int', '#.length', bucket);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
_LinkedHashSetCell cell = JS('var', '#[#]', bucket, i);
if (_equality(cell._element, element)) return i;
return -1;
int _computeHashCode(var element) {
// We force the hash codes to be unsigned 30-bit integers to avoid
// issues with problematic elements like '__proto__'. Another
// option would be to throw an exception if the hash code isn't a
// number.
return JS('int', '# & #', _hasher(element), _mask30);
bool add(E element) => super._add(element);
bool contains(Object? object) {
if (!_validKey(object)) return false;
return super._contains(object);
E? lookup(Object? object) {
if (!_validKey(object)) return null;
return super._lookup(object);
bool remove(Object? object) {
if (!_validKey(object)) return false;
return super._remove(object);
bool containsAll(Iterable<Object?> elements) {
for (Object? element in elements) {
if (!_validKey(element) || !this.contains(element)) return false;
return true;
void removeAll(Iterable<Object?> elements) {
for (Object? element in elements) {
if (_validKey(element)) {
class _LinkedHashSetCell {
final _element;
_LinkedHashSetCell? _next;
_LinkedHashSetCell? _previous;
// TODO(kasperl): Share this code with LinkedHashMapKeyIterator<E>?
class _LinkedHashSetIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
final _LinkedHashSet<E> _set;
final int _modifications;
_LinkedHashSetCell? _cell;
E? _current;
_LinkedHashSetIterator(this._set, this._modifications) {
_cell = _set._first;
E get current => _current as E;
bool moveNext() {
var cell = _cell;
if (_modifications != _set._modifications) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationError(_set);
} else if (cell == null) {
_current = null;
return false;
} else {
_current = cell._element;
_cell = cell._next;
return true;