Add a piece of analyzer/CFE shared infractructure for language issue 731.

This algorithm will form a piece of the solution to (improved inference
for fold etc.).  In particular, when performing generic type inference
on an invocation where more than one argument is a closure, it will
determine the order in which type inference should visit the closures
to maximize the chances of producing meaningful assignments of types
to type parameters.

Change-Id: Ifc2202cb713965373981574f276dffbf1b3f48c1
Reviewed-by: Konstantin Shcheglov <>
Commit-Queue: Paul Berry <>
diff --git a/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/deferred_closure_heuristic.dart b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/deferred_closure_heuristic.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5f823a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/lib/src/deferred_closure_heuristic.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/util/dependency_walker.dart';
+/// Data structure tracking the type inference dependencies between closures
+/// passed as invocation parameters.
+/// [planClosureReconciliationStages] is used as part of support for
+/// (improved inference for
+/// fold etc.) to choose the proper order in which to recursively analyze
+/// closures passed as invocation arguments.
+abstract class ClosureDependencies<TypeVariable, Closure> {
+  final List<_ClosureNode<Closure>> _closureNodes = [];
+  /// Construct a [ClosureDependencies] object that's prepared to determine the
+  /// order to resolve [closures] for a generic invocation involving the given
+  /// [typeVariables].
+  ClosureDependencies(
+      Iterable<Closure> closures, Iterable<TypeVariable> typeVariables) {
+    Map<TypeVariable, Set<_ClosureNode<Closure>>> closuresDependingOnTypeVar =
+        {};
+    Map<TypeVariable, Set<_ClosureNode<Closure>>> closuresConstrainingTypeVar =
+        {};
+    for (Closure closure in closures) {
+      _ClosureNode<Closure> closureNode = new _ClosureNode<Closure>(closure);
+      _closureNodes.add(closureNode);
+      for (TypeVariable v in typeVarsFreeInClosureArguments(closure)) {
+        (closuresDependingOnTypeVar[v] ??= {}).add(closureNode);
+      }
+      for (TypeVariable v in typeVarsFreeInClosureReturns(closure)) {
+        (closuresConstrainingTypeVar[v] ??= {}).add(closureNode);
+      }
+    }
+    for (TypeVariable typeVariable in typeVariables) {
+      for (_ClosureNode<Closure> closureNode
+          in closuresDependingOnTypeVar[typeVariable] ?? const {}) {
+        closureNode.dependencies
+            .addAll(closuresConstrainingTypeVar[typeVariable] ?? const {});
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /// Computes the order in which to resolve the closures passed to the
+  /// constructor.
+  ///
+  /// Each entry in the returned list represents the set of closures that should
+  /// be visited during a single stage of resolution; after each stage, the
+  /// assignment of actual types to type variables should be refined.
+  ///
+  /// So, for example, if the closures in question are A, B, and C, and the
+  /// returned list is `[{A, B}, {C}]`, then first closures A and B should be
+  /// resolved, then the assignment of actual types to type variables should be
+  /// refined, and then C should be resolved, and then the final assignment of
+  /// actual types to type variables should be computed.
+  List<Set<Closure>> planClosureReconciliationStages() {
+    _DependencyWalker<Closure> walker = new _DependencyWalker<Closure>();
+    for (_ClosureNode<Closure> closureNode in _closureNodes) {
+      walker.walk(closureNode);
+    }
+    return walker.closureReconciliationStages;
+  }
+  /// If the type of the parameter corresponding to [closure] is a function
+  /// type, the set of type parameters referred to by the parameter types of
+  /// that parameter.  If the type of the parameter is not a function type, an
+  /// empty iterable should be returned.
+  ///
+  /// Should be overridden by the client.
+  Iterable<TypeVariable> typeVarsFreeInClosureArguments(Closure closure);
+  /// If the type of the parameter corresponding to [closure] is a function
+  /// type, the set of type parameters referred to by the return type of that
+  /// parameter.  If the type of the parameter is not a function type, the set
+  /// type parameters referred to by the type of the parameter should be
+  /// returned.
+  ///
+  /// Should be overridden by the client.
+  Iterable<TypeVariable> typeVarsFreeInClosureReturns(Closure closure);
+/// Node type representing a single [Closure] for purposes of walking the
+/// graph of type inference dependencies among closures.
+class _ClosureNode<Closure> extends Node<_ClosureNode<Closure>> {
+  /// The [Closure] being represented by this node.
+  final Closure closure;
+  /// If not `null`, the index of the reconciliation stage to which this closure
+  /// has been assigned.
+  int? stageNum;
+  /// The nodes for the closures depended on by this closure.
+  final List<_ClosureNode<Closure>> dependencies = [];
+  _ClosureNode(this.closure);
+  @override
+  bool get isEvaluated => stageNum != null;
+  @override
+  List<_ClosureNode<Closure>> computeDependencies() => dependencies;
+/// Derived class of [DependencyWalker] capable of walking the graph of type
+/// inference dependencies among closures.
+class _DependencyWalker<Closure>
+    extends DependencyWalker<_ClosureNode<Closure>> {
+  /// The set of closure reconciliation stages accumulated so far.
+  final List<Set<Closure>> closureReconciliationStages = [];
+  @override
+  void evaluate(_ClosureNode v) => evaluateScc([v]);
+  @override
+  void evaluateScc(List<_ClosureNode> nodes) {
+    int stageNum = 0;
+    for (_ClosureNode node in nodes) {
+      for (_ClosureNode dependency in node.dependencies) {
+        int? dependencyStageNum = dependency.stageNum;
+        if (dependencyStageNum != null && dependencyStageNum >= stageNum) {
+          stageNum = dependencyStageNum + 1;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (closureReconciliationStages.length <= stageNum) {
+      closureReconciliationStages.add({});
+      // `stageNum` can't grow by more than 1 each time `evaluateScc` is called,
+      // so adding one stage is sufficient to make sure the list is now long
+      // enough.
+      assert(stageNum < closureReconciliationStages.length);
+    }
+    Set<Closure> stage = closureReconciliationStages[stageNum];
+    for (_ClosureNode node in nodes) {
+      node.stageNum = stageNum;
+      stage.add(node.closure);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/deferred_closure_heuristic_test.dart b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/deferred_closure_heuristic_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab4b8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared/test/deferred_closure_heuristic_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/deferred_closure_heuristic.dart';
+import 'package:test/test.dart';
+main() {
+  test('single', () {
+    // If there is just a single closure and no type variables, it is selected.
+    var f = Closure('f');
+    expect(
+        _TestClosureDeps(typeVars: [], closures: [f])
+            .planClosureReconciliationStages(),
+        [
+          {f}
+        ]);
+  });
+  test('simple dependency', () {
+    // If f depends on g, then g is selected first, and then f.
+    var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T']);
+    var g = Closure('g', retTypes: ['T']);
+    expect(
+        _TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T'], closures: [f, g])
+            .planClosureReconciliationStages(),
+        [
+          {g},
+          {f}
+        ]);
+  });
+  test('long chain', () {
+    // If f depends on g and g depends on h, then we do three separate stages:
+    // h, then g, then f.
+    var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T']);
+    var g = Closure('g', argTypes: ['U'], retTypes: ['T']);
+    var h = Closure('h', retTypes: ['U']);
+    expect(
+        _TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T', 'U'], closures: [f, g, h])
+            .planClosureReconciliationStages(),
+        [
+          {h},
+          {g},
+          {f}
+        ]);
+  });
+  test('unrelated closure', () {
+    // Closures that are independent of all the others are inferred during the
+    // first stage.
+    var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T']);
+    var g = Closure('g', retTypes: ['T']);
+    var h = Closure('h');
+    expect(
+        _TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T', 'U'], closures: [f, g, h])
+            .planClosureReconciliationStages(),
+        [
+          {g, h},
+          {f}
+        ]);
+  });
+  test('independent chains', () {
+    // If f depends on g, and h depends on i, then g and i are selected first,
+    // and then f and h.
+    var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T']);
+    var g = Closure('g', retTypes: ['T']);
+    var h = Closure('h', argTypes: ['U']);
+    var i = Closure('i', retTypes: ['U']);
+    expect(
+        _TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T', 'U'], closures: [f, g, h, i])
+            .planClosureReconciliationStages(),
+        [
+          {g, i},
+          {f, h}
+        ]);
+  });
+  test('diamond', () {
+    // Test a diamond dependency shape: f depends on g and h; g and h both
+    // depend on i.
+    var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T', 'U']);
+    var g = Closure('g', argTypes: ['V'], retTypes: ['T']);
+    var h = Closure('h', argTypes: ['V'], retTypes: ['U']);
+    var i = Closure('i', retTypes: ['V']);
+    expect(
+        _TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T', 'U', 'V'], closures: [f, g, h, i])
+            .planClosureReconciliationStages(),
+        [
+          {i},
+          {g, h},
+          {f}
+        ]);
+  });
+  test('cycle', () {
+    // A dependency cycle is inferred all at once.
+    var f = Closure('f', argTypes: ['T']);
+    var g = Closure('g', argTypes: ['U']);
+    var h = Closure('h', argTypes: ['U'], retTypes: ['T']);
+    var i = Closure('i', argTypes: ['T'], retTypes: ['U']);
+    expect(
+        _TestClosureDeps(typeVars: ['T', 'U'], closures: [f, g, h, i])
+            .planClosureReconciliationStages(),
+        [
+          {h, i},
+          {f, g}
+        ]);
+  });
+class Closure {
+  final String name;
+  final List<String> argTypes;
+  final List<String> retTypes;
+  Closure(, {this.argTypes = const [], this.retTypes = const []});
+  @override
+  String toString() => name;
+class _TestClosureDeps extends ClosureDependencies<String, Closure> {
+  final List<String> typeVars;
+  final List<Closure> closures;
+  _TestClosureDeps({required this.typeVars, required this.closures})
+      : super(closures, typeVars);
+  @override
+  Set<String> typeVarsFreeInClosureArguments(Closure closure) =>
+      closure.argTypes.toSet();
+  @override
+  Set<String> typeVarsFreeInClosureReturns(Closure closure) =>
+      closure.retTypes.toSet();
diff --git a/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_code.txt b/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_code.txt
index 5b21bf7..a85eeaf 100644
--- a/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_code.txt
+++ b/pkg/front_end/test/spell_checking_list_code.txt
@@ -245,6 +245,7 @@
@@ -320,6 +321,7 @@
@@ -1024,6 +1026,7 @@
@@ -1038,6 +1041,7 @@
@@ -1214,6 +1218,7 @@