blob: 60e888fe9b06ba713886d8ce86ab0e4e4c35c80c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
# [systems]
# Convenience script to generate systems. Do not call from build steps or tests
# - call fremontcutbuilder and dartdomgenerator instead. Do not add 'real'
# functionality here - change the python code instead.
# I find it essential to generate all the systems so I know if I am breaking
# other systems. My habit is to run:
# ./ | tee Q
# I can inspect file Q if needed.
# Re-gen all sdk/lib files
# The following gives a picture of the changes due to 'work'
# git checkout master # select client without changes
# ./
# mv ../generated ../generated0 # save generated files
# git checkout work # select client with changes
# ./
# meld ../generated0 ../generated # compare directories with too
if [[ "$1" != "" ]] ; then
if [[ "$1" =~ ^-- ]]; then
reset && \
vpython3 ./ --systems="$SYSTEMS" --logging=40 --update-dom-metadata --gen-interop "$ARG_OPTION"