blob: 322759b9294b2e8b8ac42c44b37e45461da9143b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
/// Decodes a YAML object (obtained from `pkg/front_end/messages.yaml`) into a
/// map from error name to [ErrorCodeInfo].
Map<String, ErrorCodeInfo> decodeCfeMessagesYaml(Map<Object?, Object?> yaml) {
var result = <String, ErrorCodeInfo>{};
for (var entry in yaml.entries) {
result[entry.key as String] =
ErrorCodeInfo.fromYaml(entry.value as Map<Object?, Object?>);
return result;
/// In-memory representation of error code information obtained from a
/// `messages.yaml` file.
class ErrorCodeInfo {
/// Pattern used by the front end to identify placeholders in error message
/// strings. TODO(paulberry): share this regexp (and the code for interpreting
/// it) between the CFE and analyzer.
static final RegExp _placeholderPattern =
/// For error code information obtained from the CFE, the set of analyzer
/// error codes that corresponds to this error code, if any.
final List<String> analyzerCode;
/// `true` if diagnostics with this code have documentation for them that has
/// been published.
final bool hasPublishedDocs;
/// For error code information obtained from the CFE, the index of the error
/// in the analyzer's `fastaAnalyzerErrorCodes` table.
final int? index;
/// The template for the error message.
final String template;
/// If the error code has an associated tip/correction message, the template
/// for it.
final String? tip;
{this.analyzerCode = const [],
this.hasPublishedDocs = false,
required this.template,
/// Decodes an [ErrorCodeInfo] object from its YAML representation.
ErrorCodeInfo.fromYaml(Map<Object?, Object?> yaml)
: this(
analyzerCode: _decodeAnalyzerCode(yaml['analyzerCode']),
hasPublishedDocs: yaml['hasPublishedDocs'] as bool? ?? false,
index: yaml['index'] as int?,
template: yaml['template'] as String,
tip: yaml['tip'] as String?);
/// Generates a dart declaration for this error code, suitable for inclusion
/// in the error class [className]. [errorCode] is the name of the error code
/// to be generated.
String toAnalyzerCode(String className, String errorCode) {
var out = StringBuffer();
final placeholderToIndexMap = _computePlaceholderToIndexMap();
out.writeln(json.encode(_convertTemplate(placeholderToIndexMap, template)));
final tip = this.tip;
if (tip is String) {
out.write(',correction: ');
out.writeln(json.encode(_convertTemplate(placeholderToIndexMap, tip)));
if (hasPublishedDocs) {
return out.toString();
/// Given a messages.yaml entry, come up with a mapping from placeholder
/// patterns in its message and tip strings to their corresponding indices.
Map<String, int> _computePlaceholderToIndexMap() {
var mapping = <String, int>{};
for (var value in [template, tip]) {
if (value is! String) continue;
for (Match match in _placeholderPattern.allMatches(value)) {
// CFE supports a bunch of formatting options that we don't; make sure
// none of those are used.
if ( != '#${}') {
throw 'Template string ${json.encode(value)} contains unsupported '
'placeholder pattern ${json.encode(}';
mapping[!] ??= mapping.length;
return mapping;
/// Convert a CFE template string (which uses placeholders like `#string`) to
/// an analyzer template string (which uses placeholders like `{0}`).
static String _convertTemplate(
Map<String, int> placeholderToIndexMap, String entry) {
return entry.replaceAllMapped(_placeholderPattern,
(match) => '{${placeholderToIndexMap[!]}}');
static List<String> _decodeAnalyzerCode(Object? value) {
if (value == null) {
return const [];
} else if (value is String) {
return [value];
} else if (value is List) {
return [for (var s in value) s as String];
} else {
throw 'Unrecognized analyzer code: $value';