blob: 72afccea5870d5dd3b53fab884bc262adad0a03b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
* The annotation `@Deprecated('expires when')` marks a feature as deprecated.
* The annotation `@deprecated` is a shorthand for deprecating until
* an unspecified "next release".
* The intent of the `@Deprecated` annotation is to inform users of a feature
* that they should change their code, even if it is currently still working
* correctly.
* A deprecated feature is scheduled to be removed at a later time, possibly
* specified as the "expires" field of the annotation.
* This means that a deprecated feature should not be used, or code using it
* will break at some point in the future. If there is code using the feature,
* that code should be rewritten to not use the deprecated feature.
* A deprecated feature should document how the same effect can be achieved,
* so the programmer knows how to rewrite the code.
* The `@Deprecated` annotation applies to libraries, top-level declarations
* (variables, getters, setters, functions, classes and typedefs),
* class-level declarations (variables, getters, setters, methods, operators or
* constructors, whether static or not), named optional arguments and
* trailing optional positional parameters.
* Deprecation is transitive:
* - If a library is deprecated, so is every member of it.
* - If a class is deprecated, so is every member of it.
* - If a variable is deprecated, so are its implicit getter and setter.
* A tool that processes Dart source code may report when:
* - the code imports a deprecated library.
* - the code exports a deprecated library, or any deprecated member of
*  a non-deprecated library.
* - the code refers statically to a deprecated declaration.
* - the code dynamically uses a member of an object with a statically known
* type, where the member is deprecated on the static type of the object.
* - the code dynamically calls a method with an argument where the
* corresponding optional parameter is deprecated on the object's static type.
* If the deprecated use is inside a library, class or method which is itself
* deprecated, the tool should not bother the user about it.
* A deprecated feature is expected to use other deprecated features.
class Deprecated {
* A description of when the deprecated feature is expected to be retired.
final String expires;
* Create a deprecation annotation which specifies the expiration of the
* annotated feature.
* The [expires] argument should be readable by programmers, and should state
* when an annotated feature is expected to be removed.
* This can be specified, for example, as a date, as a release number, or
* as relative to some other change (like "when bug 4418 is fixed").
const Deprecated(String expires) : this.expires = expires;
String toString() => "Deprecated feature. Will be removed $expires";
class _Override {
const _Override();
* Marks a feature as [Deprecated] until the next release.
const Deprecated deprecated = const Deprecated("next release");
* The annotation `@override` marks an instance member as overriding a
* superclass member with the same name.
* The annotation applies to instance methods, getters and setters, and to
* instance fields, where it means that the implicit getter and setter of the
* field is marked as overriding, but the field itself is not.
* The intent of the `@override` notation is to catch situations where a
* superclass renames a member, and an independent subclass which used to
* override the member, could silently continue working using the
* superclass implementation.
* The editor, or a similar tool aimed at the programmer, may report if no
* declaration of an annotated member is inherited by the class from either a
* superclass or an interface.
* Use the `@override` annotation judiciously and only for methods where
* the superclass is not under the programmer's control, the superclass is in a
* different library or package, and it is not considered stable.
* In any case, the use of `@override` is optional.
* For example, the annotation is intentionally not used in the Dart platform
* libraries, since they only depend on themselves.
const Object override = const _Override();
class _Proxy {
const _Proxy();
* The annotation `@proxy` marks a class as implementing members dynamically
* through `noSuchMethod`.
* The annotation applies to any class. It is inherited by subclasses from both
* superclass and interfaces.
* If a class is annotated with `@proxy`, or it implements any class that is
* annotated, then the class is considered to implement any member with regard
* to static type analysis.
* As such, it is not a static type warning to access any member of the object
* which is not implemented by the class, or to call a method with a different
* number of parameters than it is declared with.
* The annotation does not change which classes the annotated class implements,
* and does not prevent static warnings for assigning an object to a variable
* with a static type not implemented by the object.
* The suppression of warnings only affect static type warnings about
* member access.
* The runtime type of the object is unaffected.
* It is not considered to implement any special interfaces,
* so assigning it to a typed variable may fail in checked mode,
* and testing it with the `is` operator
* will only return true for types it actually implements or extends.
* Accessing a member which isn't implemented by the class
* will cause the `noSuchMethod` method to be called normally,
* the `@proxy` annotation merely states the intent to handle (some of) those
* `noSuchMethod` calls gracefully.
* A class that marked as `@proxy` should override the `noSuchMethod`
* declared on [Object].
* The intent of the `@proxy` notation is to create objects that implement a
* type (or multiple types) that are not known at compile time. If the types
* are known at compile time, a class can be written that implements these
* types.
const Object proxy = const _Proxy();