blob: a536697d710bec9c99c49636b73b6417267bfa3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformations.insert_covariance_checks;
import '../class_hierarchy.dart';
import '../clone.dart';
import '../core_types.dart';
import '../kernel.dart';
import '../log.dart';
import '../type_algebra.dart';
import '../type_environment.dart';
DartType substituteBounds(DartType type, Map<TypeParameter, DartType> upper,
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> lower) {
return Substitution
.fromUpperAndLowerBounds(upper, lower)
/// Inserts checked entry points for methods in order to enforce type safety
/// in face on covariant subtyping.
/// An 'unsafe parameter' is a parameter whose type mentions a class type
/// parameter T, but is not contravariant in T. For instance, the argument
/// to `List.add` is unsafe, whereas the function parameter to `List.forEach`
/// is safe:
/// class List<T> {
/// ...
/// void add(T x) {...} // unsafe
/// void forEach(void action(T x)) {...} // safe
/// }
/// For every method with unsafe parameters, a checked entry point suffixed
/// with `$cc` is inserted, which casts the unsafe parameters to their expected
/// types and calls the actual implementation:
/// class List<T> {
/// ...
/// void add$cc(Object x) => this.add(x as T);
/// }
/// Calls whose interface target declares unsafe parameters are then rewritten
/// to target the `$cc` entry point instead, unless it can be determined that
/// the type argument is exact. For example:
/// void foo(List<num> numbers) {
/// numbers.add(3.5); // before
/// numbers.add$cc(3.5); // after
/// }
/// Currently, we only deduce that the type arguments are exact when the
/// receiver is `this`.
class InsertCovarianceChecks {
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
ClassHierarchy hierarchy;
TypeEnvironment types;
/// Maps unsafe members to their checked entry point, to be used at call sites
/// where the arguments cannot be guaranteed to satisfy the generic parameter
/// types of the actual target.
final Map<Member, Procedure> unsafeMemberEntryPoint = <Member, Procedure>{};
/// Members that may be invoked through a checked entry point.
/// Note that these members are not necessarily unsafe, because a safe member
/// can override an unsafe member, and thereby be invoked through a checked
/// entry point. This set is not therefore not the same as the set of keys
/// in [unsafeMemberEntryPoint].
final Set<Member> membersWithCheckedEntryPoint = new Set<Member>();
InsertCovarianceChecks(this.coreTypes, this.hierarchy);
void transformProgram(Program program) {
types = new TypeEnvironment(coreTypes, hierarchy);
// We transform every class before their subtypes.
// This ensures that transitive overrides are taken into account.
var unorderedClasses = program.libraries
.map((library) => library.classes)
.expand((classes) => classes);
var ordered = hierarchy.getOrderedClasses(unorderedClasses);
program.accept(new _CallTransformer(this));
void transformClass(Class class_) {
new _ClassTransformer(class_, this).transformClass();
class _ClassTransformer {
final Class host;
final ClassHierarchy hierarchy;
final TypeEnvironment types;
final InsertCovarianceChecks global;
final Map<Field, VariableDeclaration> fieldSetterParameter =
<Field, VariableDeclaration>{};
final Map<VariableDeclaration, List<DartType>> unsafeParameterTypes =
new Map<VariableDeclaration, List<DartType>>();
// The following four maps translate types from the context of a supertype
// into the context of the current class.
// When analyzing an override relation "ownMember <: superMember", the two
// "own" maps translate types from the context of the ownMember, while the
// "super" maps translate types from the context of superMember.
// The "substitution" maps translate type parameters to their exact type,
// while the "upper bound" maps translate type parameters to their erased
// upper bounds.
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> ownSubstitution;
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> ownUpperBounds;
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> superSubstitution;
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> superUpperBounds;
/// Members for which a checked entry point must be created in this current
/// class, indexed by name.
Map<Name, Member> membersNeedingCheckedEntryPoint = <Name, Member>{};
_ClassTransformer(, InsertCovarianceChecks global)
: hierarchy = global.hierarchy,
types = global.types, = global;
/// Mark [parameter] unsafe, with [type] as a potential argument type.
void addUnsafeParameter(
VariableDeclaration parameter, DartType type, Member member) {
unsafeParameterTypes.putIfAbsent(parameter, () => <DartType>[]).add(type);
/// Get a parameter representing the argument to the implicit setter
/// for [field].
VariableDeclaration getFieldSetterParameter(Field field) {
return fieldSetterParameter.putIfAbsent(field, () {
return new VariableDeclaration('${}_', type: field.type);
/// Mark [field] as unsafe, with [type] as a potential argument to its setter.
void addUnsafeField(Field field, DartType type) {
addUnsafeParameter(getFieldSetterParameter(field), type, field);
/// True if [member] can be invoked through a checked entry point.
/// This does not imply that the member has unsafe parameters.
bool hasCheckedEntryPoint(Member member, {bool setter: false}) {
if (!setter && member is Field) {
return false; // Field getters never have checked entry points.
return global.membersWithCheckedEntryPoint.contains(member);
/// Ensures that a checked entry point for [member] will be emitted in the
/// current class.
void requireLocalCheckedEntryPoint(Member member) {
membersNeedingCheckedEntryPoint[] = member;
void transformClass() {
if (host.isMixinApplication) {
// TODO(asgerf): We need a way to support mixin applications with unsafe
// overrides. This version assumes mixins have been resolved by cloning.
// We could generate a subclass of the mixin application containing the
// checked entry points.
throw 'Mixin applications must be resolved before inserting covariance '
// Find parameters with an unsafe reference to a class type parameter.
if (host.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
var upperBounds = getUpperBoundSubstitutionMap(host);
for (var field in host.fields) {
if (field.hasImplicitSetter) {
var rawType = substituteBounds(field.type, upperBounds, {});
if (!identical(rawType, field.type)) {
addUnsafeField(field, rawType);
for (var procedure in host.procedures) {
if (procedure.isStatic) continue;
void handleParameter(VariableDeclaration parameter) {
var rawType = substituteBounds(parameter.type, upperBounds, {});
if (!identical(rawType, parameter.type)) {
addUnsafeParameter(parameter, rawType, procedure);
// Find (possibly inherited) members that override a method that has
// unsafe parameters.
(Member ownMember, Member superMember, bool isSetter) {
if (hasCheckedEntryPoint(superMember, setter: isSetter)) {
if (superMember.enclosingClass.typeParameters.isEmpty) return;
ownSubstitution = getSubstitutionMap(
hierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(host, ownMember.enclosingClass));
ownUpperBounds = getUpperBoundSubstitutionMap(ownMember.enclosingClass);
superSubstitution = getSubstitutionMap(
hierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(host, superMember.enclosingClass));
superUpperBounds =
if (ownMember is Procedure) {
if (superMember is Procedure) {
checkProcedureOverride(ownMember, superMember);
} else if (superMember is Field && isSetter) {
checkSetterFieldOverride(ownMember, superMember);
} else if (isSetter) {
checkFieldOverride(ownMember, superMember);
for (Member member in membersNeedingCheckedEntryPoint.values) {
ownSubstitution = getSubstitutionMap(
hierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(host, member.enclosingClass));
ownSubstitution = ensureMutable(ownSubstitution);
/// Compute an upper bound of the types in [inputTypes].
/// We use this to compute a trustworthy type for a parameter, given a list
/// of types that may actually be passed into the parameter.
DartType getSafeType(List<DartType> inputTypes) {
var safeType = inputTypes[0];
for (int i = 1; i < inputTypes.length; ++i) {
if (inputTypes[i] != safeType) {
// Multiple types are being overridden. Fall back to dynamic.
// There are cases where a better upper bound could be found, but they
// are quite rare.
return const DynamicType();
return safeType;
void fail(String message) {
log.warning('[unsoundness] $message');
void checkFieldOverride(Field field, Member superMember) {
var fieldType =
substituteBounds(field.type, ownUpperBounds, ownSubstitution);
var superType = substituteBounds(
superMember.setterType, superUpperBounds, superSubstitution);
if (!types.isSubtypeOf(superType, fieldType)) {
addUnsafeField(field, superType);
void checkSetterFieldOverride(Procedure ownMember, Field superMember) {
var ownParameter = ownMember.function.positionalParameters[0];
var ownType =
substituteBounds(ownParameter.type, ownUpperBounds, ownSubstitution);
var superType = substituteBounds(
superMember.setterType, superUpperBounds, superSubstitution);
if (!types.isSubtypeOf(superType, ownType)) {
addUnsafeParameter(ownParameter, superType, ownMember);
void checkProcedureOverride(Procedure ownMember, Procedure superMember) {
var ownFunction = ownMember.function;
var superFunction = superMember.function;
// We perform some checks here to avoid crashing, but the frontend is
// responsible for generating IR that does not violate these restrictions.
if (ownFunction.requiredParameterCount >
superFunction.requiredParameterCount) {
fail('$ownMember requires more parameters than $superMember');
if (ownFunction.positionalParameters.length <
superFunction.positionalParameters.length) {
fail('$ownMember allows fewer parameters than $superMember');
if (ownFunction.typeParameters.length !=
superFunction.typeParameters.length) {
fail('$ownMember declares a different number of type parameters '
'than $superMember');
if (superFunction.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
// Ensure these maps are not constant, so we can add bindings for the
// function type parameters.
superSubstitution = ensureMutable(superSubstitution);
superUpperBounds = ensureMutable(superUpperBounds);
for (int i = 0; i < superFunction.typeParameters.length; ++i) {
var ownTypeParameter = ownFunction.typeParameters[i];
var superTypeParameter = superFunction.typeParameters[i];
var type = new TypeParameterType(ownTypeParameter);
superSubstitution[superTypeParameter] = type;
superUpperBounds[superTypeParameter] = type;
void checkParameterPair(
VariableDeclaration ownParameter, VariableDeclaration superParameter) {
var ownType = substitute(ownParameter.type, ownSubstitution);
var superType = substituteBounds(
superParameter.type, superUpperBounds, superSubstitution);
if (!types.isSubtypeOf(superType, ownType)) {
addUnsafeParameter(ownParameter, superType, ownMember);
for (int i = 0; i < superFunction.positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < superFunction.namedParameters.length; ++i) {
var superParameter = superFunction.namedParameters[i];
bool found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < ownFunction.namedParameters.length; ++j) {
var ownParameter = ownFunction.namedParameters[j];
if ( == {
found = true;
checkParameterPair(ownParameter, superParameter);
if (!found) {
fail('$ownMember is missing the named parameter '
'${} from $superMember');
void generateCheckedEntryPoint(Member member) {
// TODO(asgerf): It may be worthwhile to try to reuse a checked entry
// point from the supertype when the same checks are needed and the
// dispatch target is the same.
if (member is Procedure) {
} else {
void generateCheckedProcedure(Procedure procedure) {
var function = procedure.function;
// Clone the function without its body.
var body = function.body;
function.body = null;
var cloner = new CloneVisitor(typeSubstitution: ownSubstitution);
Procedure checkedProcedure = cloner.clone(procedure);
FunctionNode checkedFunction = checkedProcedure.function;
function.body = body;
checkedFunction.asyncMarker = AsyncMarker.Sync;
checkedProcedure.isExternal = false;
Expression getParameter(VariableDeclaration parameter) {
var cloneParameter = cloner.variables[parameter];
var unsafeInputs = unsafeParameterTypes[parameter];
if (unsafeInputs == null) {
return new VariableGet(cloneParameter); // No check needed.
// Change the actual parameter type to the safe type, and cast to the
// type declared on the original parameter.
// Use the cloner to map function type parameters to the cloned
// function type parameters (in case the function is generic).
var targetType = cloneParameter.type;
cloneParameter.type = cloner.visitType(getSafeType(unsafeInputs));
return new AsExpression(new VariableGet(cloneParameter), targetType)
..fileOffset = parameter.fileOffset;
// TODO: Insert checks for type parameter bounds.
var types = checkedFunction.typeParameters
.map((p) => new TypeParameterType(p))
var positional =;
var named = function.namedParameters
.map((p) => new NamedExpression(, getParameter(p)))
.toList(); = covariantCheckedName(;
// Only generate a body if the original method had one.
if (!procedure.isAbstract && !procedure.isInExternalLibrary) {
var call = procedure.isSetter
? new DirectPropertySet(
new ThisExpression(), procedure, positional[0])
: new DirectMethodInvocation(new ThisExpression(), procedure,
new Arguments(positional, named: named, types: types));
var checkedBody = function.returnType is VoidType
? new ExpressionStatement(call)
: new ReturnStatement(call);
checkedFunction.body = checkedBody..parent = checkedFunction;
if (procedure.enclosingClass == host) {
global.unsafeMemberEntryPoint[procedure] = checkedProcedure;
void generateCheckedFieldSetter(Field field) {
var parameter = getFieldSetterParameter(field);
var unsafeTypes = unsafeParameterTypes[parameter];
Expression argument = new VariableGet(parameter);
if (unsafeTypes != null) {
var castType = substitute(field.type, ownSubstitution);
argument = new AsExpression(argument, castType)
..fileOffset = field.fileOffset;
var inputType = substitute(getSafeType(unsafeTypes), ownSubstitution);
parameter.type = inputType;
Statement body = field.isInExternalLibrary
? null
: new ExpressionStatement(
new DirectPropertySet(new ThisExpression(), field, argument));
var setter = new Procedure(
new FunctionNode(body, positionalParameters: [parameter]))
..fileUri = field.fileUri;
if (field.enclosingClass == host) {
global.unsafeMemberEntryPoint[field] = setter;
/// Generates a synthetic name representing the covariant-checked entry point
/// to a method.
static Name covariantCheckedName(Name name) {
return new Name('${}\$cc', name.library);
static Map<TypeParameter, DartType> ensureMutable(
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> map) {
if (map.isEmpty) return <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
return map;
// TODO(asgerf): We should be able to avoid checked calls in a lot more cases:
// - the arguments to every unsafe parameter is null or is omitted
// - allocation site of receiver can easily be seen statically
class _CallTransformer extends RecursiveVisitor {
final InsertCovarianceChecks global;
final TypeEnvironment types;
final Map<Member, Procedure> checkedInterfaceMethod;
_CallTransformer(InsertCovarianceChecks global)
: checkedInterfaceMethod = global.unsafeMemberEntryPoint,
types = global.types, = global;
Member getChecked(Expression receiver, Member member) {
var checked = checkedInterfaceMethod[member];
if (checked == null) return member;
if (!receiverNeedsChecks(receiver)) return member;
return checked;
bool receiverNeedsChecks(Expression node) {
if (node is ThisExpression) return false;
var type = node.getStaticType(types);
if (type is InterfaceType && type.typeArguments.every(isSealedType)) {
return false;
return true;
bool isSealedType(DartType type) {
return type is InterfaceType && types.isSealedClass(type.classNode);
bool isTrustedLibrary(Library node) {
return node.importUri.scheme == 'dart';
visitClass(Class node) {
types.thisType = node.thisType;
visitLibrary(Library node) {
if (!isTrustedLibrary(node)) {
visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
var target = getChecked(node.receiver, node.interfaceTarget);
if (target != null) {
node.interfaceTarget = target; =;
visitPropertySet(PropertySet node) {
var target = getChecked(node.receiver, node.interfaceTarget);
if (target != null) {
node.interfaceTarget = target; =;