blob: c6d445dc9defc703c8f3315b5f203ee3f6e5cb35 [file] [log] [blame]
Require Import String List Coq.FSets.FMapList Coq.Structures.OrderedTypeEx.
Module Import F := FMapList.Make(Nat_as_OT).
Inductive named_node_data : Set :=
| Named_Node :
nat (* reference *)
-> named_node_data
with named_node : Set :=
| NN_Library : library -> named_node
| NN_Class : class -> named_node
| NN_Member : member -> named_node
with reference : Set :=
| Reference :
named_node (* node *)
-> reference
with library : Set :=
| Library :
-> string (* name *)
-> library_dependency_list (* dependencies *)
-> reference_list (* additionalExports *)
-> class_list (* classes *)
-> procedure_list (* procedures *)
-> field_list (* fields *)
-> library
with library_dependency : Set :=
| Library_Dependency :
nat (* importedLibraryReference *)
-> string (* name *)
-> combinator_list (* combinators *)
-> library_dependency
with combinator : Set :=
| Combinator :
bool (* isShow *)
-> list string (* names *)
-> combinator
with class : Set :=
| Class :
-> string (* name *)
-> bool (* isAbstract *)
-> type_parameter_list (* typeParameters *)
-> supertype_option (* supertype *)
-> supertype_option (* mixedInType *)
-> supertype_list (* implementedTypes *)
-> field_list (* fields *)
-> constructor_list (* constructors *)
-> procedure_list (* procedures *)
-> interface_type (* _rawType *)
-> interface_type (* _thisType *)
-> interface_type (* _bottomType *)
-> class
with member_data : Set :=
| Member :
-> name (* name *)
-> member_data
with member : Set :=
| M_Field : field -> member
| M_Constructor : constructor -> member
| M_Procedure : procedure -> member
with field : Set :=
| Field :
-> named_node_data
-> dart_type (* type *)
-> expression_option (* initializer *)
-> field
with constructor : Set :=
| Constructor :
-> named_node_data
-> function_node (* function *)
-> initializer_list (* initializers *)
-> constructor
with procedure : Set :=
| Procedure :
-> named_node_data
-> procedure_kind (* kind *)
-> function_node (* function *)
-> procedure
with procedure_kind : Set := Method | Getter | Setter | Operator | Factory
with initializer : Set :=
| I_Field_Initializer : field_initializer -> initializer
| I_Super_Initializer : super_initializer -> initializer
| I_Redirecting_Initializer : redirecting_initializer -> initializer
| I_Local_Initializer : local_initializer -> initializer
with field_initializer : Set :=
| Field_Initializer :
nat (* fieldReference *)
-> expression (* value *)
-> field_initializer
with super_initializer : Set :=
| Super_Initializer :
nat (* targetReference *)
-> arguments (* arguments *)
-> super_initializer
with redirecting_initializer : Set :=
| Redirecting_Initializer :
nat (* targetReference *)
-> arguments (* arguments *)
-> redirecting_initializer
with local_initializer : Set :=
| Local_Initializer :
nat (* variable *)
-> local_initializer
with function_node : Set :=
| Function_Node :
async_marker (* asyncMarker *)
-> type_parameter_list (* typeParameters *)
-> nat (* requiredParameterCount *)
-> variable_declaration_list (* positionalParameters *)
-> variable_declaration_list (* namedParameters *)
-> dart_type (* returnType *)
-> statement (* body *)
-> function_node
with async_marker : Set := Sync | Sync_Star | Async | Async_Star | Sync_Yielding
with expression : Set :=
| E_Variable_Get : variable_get -> expression
| E_Variable_Set : variable_set -> expression
| E_Property_Get : property_get -> expression
| E_Property_Set : property_set -> expression
| E_Direct_Property_Get : direct_property_get -> expression
| E_Direct_Property_Set : direct_property_set -> expression
| E_Super_Property_Get : super_property_get -> expression
| E_Super_Property_Set : super_property_set -> expression
| E_Static_Get : static_get -> expression
| E_Static_Set : static_set -> expression
| E_Invocation_Expression : invocation_expression -> expression
| E_Not : not -> expression
| E_Logical_Expression : logical_expression -> expression
| E_Conditional_Expression : conditional_expression -> expression
| E_Is_Expression : is_expression -> expression
| E_As_Expression : as_expression -> expression
| E_Basic_Literal : basic_literal -> expression
| E_Type_Literal : type_literal -> expression
| E_This_Expression : this_expression -> expression
| E_Rethrow : rethrow -> expression
| E_Throw : throw -> expression
| E_Function_Expression : function_expression -> expression
| E_Let : dart_let -> expression
| E_Vector_Creation : vector_creation -> expression
| E_Vector_Get : vector_get -> expression
| E_Vector_Set : vector_set -> expression
| E_Vector_Copy : vector_copy -> expression
| E_Closure_Creation : closure_creation -> expression
with variable_get : Set :=
| Variable_Get :
nat (* variable *)
-> dart_type_option (* promotedType *)
-> variable_get
with variable_set : Set :=
| Variable_Set :
nat (* variable *)
-> expression (* value *)
-> variable_set
with property_get : Set :=
| Property_Get :
expression (* receiver *)
-> name (* name *)
-> property_get
with property_set : Set :=
| Property_Set :
expression (* receiver *)
-> name (* name *)
-> expression (* value *)
-> property_set
with direct_property_get : Set :=
| Direct_Property_Get :
expression (* receiver *)
-> nat (* targetReference *)
-> direct_property_get
with direct_property_set : Set :=
| Direct_Property_Set :
expression (* receiver *)
-> nat (* targetReference *)
-> expression (* value *)
-> direct_property_set
with direct_method_invocation : Set :=
| Direct_Method_Invocation :
expression (* receiver *)
-> nat (* targetReference *)
-> arguments (* arguments *)
-> direct_method_invocation
with super_property_get : Set :=
| Super_Property_Get :
name (* name *)
-> super_property_get
with super_property_set : Set :=
| Super_Property_Set :
name (* name *)
-> expression (* value *)
-> super_property_set
with static_get : Set :=
| Static_Get :
nat (* targetReference *)
-> static_get
with static_set : Set :=
| Static_Set :
nat (* targetReference *)
-> expression (* value *)
-> static_set
with arguments : Set :=
| Arguments :
dart_type_list (* types *)
-> expression_list (* positional *)
-> named_expression_list (* named *)
-> arguments
with named_expression : Set :=
| Named_Expression :
string (* name *)
-> expression (* value *)
-> named_expression
with invocation_expression : Set :=
| IE_Direct_Method_Invocation : direct_method_invocation -> invocation_expression
| IE_Method_Invocation : method_invocation -> invocation_expression
| IE_Super_Method_Invocation : super_method_invocation -> invocation_expression
| IE_Static_Invocation : static_invocation -> invocation_expression
| IE_Constructor_Invocation : constructor_invocation -> invocation_expression
with method_invocation : Set :=
| Method_Invocation :
expression (* receiver *)
-> name (* name *)
-> arguments (* arguments *)
-> method_invocation
with super_method_invocation : Set :=
| Super_Method_Invocation :
name (* name *)
-> arguments (* arguments *)
-> super_method_invocation
with static_invocation : Set :=
| Static_Invocation :
nat (* targetReference *)
-> arguments (* arguments *)
-> bool (* isConst *)
-> static_invocation
with constructor_invocation : Set :=
| Constructor_Invocation :
nat (* targetReference *)
-> arguments (* arguments *)
-> bool (* isConst *)
-> constructor_invocation
with not : Set :=
| Not :
expression (* operand *)
-> not
with logical_expression : Set :=
| Logical_Expression :
expression (* left *)
-> string (* operator *)
-> expression (* right *)
-> logical_expression
with conditional_expression : Set :=
| Conditional_Expression :
expression (* condition *)
-> expression (* then *)
-> expression (* otherwise *)
-> dart_type (* staticType *)
-> conditional_expression
with is_expression : Set :=
| Is_Expression :
expression (* operand *)
-> dart_type (* type *)
-> is_expression
with as_expression : Set :=
| As_Expression :
expression (* operand *)
-> dart_type (* type *)
-> as_expression
with basic_literal : Set :=
| BL_Bool_Literal : bool_literal -> basic_literal
| BL_Null_Literal : null_literal -> basic_literal
with bool_literal : Set :=
| Bool_Literal :
bool (* value *)
-> bool_literal
with null_literal : Set :=
| Null_Literal :
with type_literal : Set :=
| Type_Literal :
dart_type (* type *)
-> type_literal
with this_expression : Set :=
| This_Expression :
with rethrow : Set :=
| Rethrow :
with throw : Set :=
| Throw :
expression (* expression *)
-> throw
with function_expression : Set :=
| Function_Expression :
function_node (* function *)
-> function_expression
with dart_let : Set :=
| Let :
nat (* variable *)
-> expression (* body *)
-> dart_let
with vector_creation : Set :=
| Vector_Creation :
nat (* length *)
-> vector_creation
with vector_get : Set :=
| Vector_Get :
expression (* vectorExpression *)
-> nat (* index *)
-> vector_get
with vector_set : Set :=
| Vector_Set :
expression (* vectorExpression *)
-> nat (* index *)
-> expression (* value *)
-> vector_set
with vector_copy : Set :=
| Vector_Copy :
expression (* vectorExpression *)
-> vector_copy
with closure_creation : Set :=
| Closure_Creation :
nat (* topLevelFunctionReference *)
-> expression (* contextVector *)
-> function_type (* functionType *)
-> dart_type_list (* typeArguments *)
-> closure_creation
with statement : Set :=
| S_Expression_Statement : expression_statement -> statement
| S_Block : block -> statement
| S_Empty_Statement : empty_statement -> statement
| S_Labeled_Statement : labeled_statement -> statement
| S_Break_Statement : break_statement -> statement
| S_While_Statement : while_statement -> statement
| S_Do_Statement : do_statement -> statement
| S_For_Statement : for_statement -> statement
| S_If_Statement : if_statement -> statement
| S_Return_Statement : return_statement -> statement
| S_Try_Catch : try_catch -> statement
| S_Try_Finally : try_finally -> statement
| S_Variable_Declaration : variable_declaration -> statement
| S_Function_Declaration : function_declaration -> statement
with expression_statement : Set :=
| Expression_Statement :
expression (* expression *)
-> expression_statement
with block : Set :=
| Block :
statement_list (* statements *)
-> block
with empty_statement : Set :=
| Empty_Statement :
with labeled_statement : Set :=
| Labeled_Statement :
statement (* body *)
-> labeled_statement
with break_statement : Set :=
| Break_Statement :
nat (* target *)
-> break_statement
with while_statement : Set :=
| While_Statement :
expression (* condition *)
-> statement (* body *)
-> while_statement
with do_statement : Set :=
| Do_Statement :
statement (* body *)
-> expression (* condition *)
-> do_statement
with for_statement : Set :=
| For_Statement :
variable_declaration_list (* variables *)
-> expression (* condition *)
-> expression_list (* updates *)
-> statement (* body *)
-> for_statement
with if_statement : Set :=
| If_Statement :
expression (* condition *)
-> statement (* then *)
-> statement (* otherwise *)
-> if_statement
with return_statement : Set :=
| Return_Statement :
expression (* expression *)
-> return_statement
with try_catch : Set :=
| Try_Catch :
statement (* body *)
-> catch_list (* catches *)
-> try_catch
with catch : Set :=
| Catch :
dart_type (* guard *)
-> nat (* exception *)
-> statement (* body *)
-> catch
with try_finally : Set :=
| Try_Finally :
statement (* body *)
-> statement (* finalizer *)
-> try_finally
with variable_declaration : Set :=
| Variable_Declaration :
string (* name *)
-> dart_type (* type *)
-> expression_option (* initializer *)
-> variable_declaration
with function_declaration : Set :=
| Function_Declaration :
nat (* variable *)
-> function_node (* function *)
-> function_declaration
with name_data : Set :=
| Name :
string (* name *)
-> name_data
with name : Set :=
| N__Private_Name : _private_name -> name
| N__Public_Name : _public_name -> name
with _private_name : Set :=
| _Private_Name :
-> nat (* libraryName *)
-> _private_name
with _public_name : Set :=
| _Public_Name :
-> _public_name
with dart_type : Set :=
| DT_Dynamic_Type : dynamic_type -> dart_type
| DT_Void_Type : void_type -> dart_type
| DT_Bottom_Type : bottom_type -> dart_type
| DT_Interface_Type : interface_type -> dart_type
| DT_Vector_Type : vector_type -> dart_type
| DT_Function_Type : function_type -> dart_type
| DT_Type_Parameter_Type : type_parameter_type -> dart_type
with dynamic_type : Set :=
| Dynamic_Type :
with void_type : Set :=
| Void_Type :
with bottom_type : Set :=
| Bottom_Type :
with interface_type : Set :=
| Interface_Type :
nat (* className *)
-> dart_type_list (* typeArguments *)
-> interface_type
with vector_type : Set :=
| Vector_Type :
with function_type : Set :=
| Function_Type :
type_parameter_list (* typeParameters *)
-> dart_type_list (* positionalParameters *)
-> named_type_list (* namedParameters *)
-> dart_type (* returnType *)
-> function_type
with named_type : Set :=
| Named_Type :
string (* name *)
-> dart_type (* type *)
-> named_type
with type_parameter_type : Set :=
| Type_Parameter_Type :
nat (* parameter *)
-> dart_type_option (* promotedBound *)
-> type_parameter_type
with type_parameter : Set :=
| Type_Parameter :
string (* name *)
-> dart_type (* bound *)
-> type_parameter
with supertype : Set :=
| Supertype :
nat (* className *)
-> dart_type_list (* typeArguments *)
-> supertype
with program : Set :=
| Program :
library_list (* libraries *)
-> nat (* mainMethodName *)
-> program
with reference_list : Set :=
| reference_nil : reference_list
| reference_cons : nat -> reference_list -> reference_list
with library_list : Set :=
| library_nil : library_list
| library_cons : library -> library_list -> library_list
with library_dependency_list : Set :=
| library_dependency_nil : library_dependency_list
| library_dependency_cons : library_dependency -> library_dependency_list -> library_dependency_list
with combinator_list : Set :=
| combinator_nil : combinator_list
| combinator_cons : combinator -> combinator_list -> combinator_list
with class_list : Set :=
| class_nil : class_list
| class_cons : class -> class_list -> class_list
with field_list : Set :=
| field_nil : field_list
| field_cons : field -> field_list -> field_list
with constructor_list : Set :=
| constructor_nil : constructor_list
| constructor_cons : constructor -> constructor_list -> constructor_list
with procedure_list : Set :=
| procedure_nil : procedure_list
| procedure_cons : procedure -> procedure_list -> procedure_list
with procedure_kind_list : Set :=
| procedure_kind_nil : procedure_kind_list
| procedure_kind_cons : procedure_kind -> procedure_kind_list -> procedure_kind_list
with initializer_list : Set :=
| initializer_nil : initializer_list
| initializer_cons : initializer -> initializer_list -> initializer_list
with async_marker_list : Set :=
| async_marker_nil : async_marker_list
| async_marker_cons : async_marker -> async_marker_list -> async_marker_list
with expression_list : Set :=
| expression_nil : expression_list
| expression_cons : expression -> expression_list -> expression_list
with expression_option : Set :=
| expression_none : expression_option
| expression_some : expression -> expression_option
with named_expression_list : Set :=
| named_expression_nil : named_expression_list
| named_expression_cons : named_expression -> named_expression_list -> named_expression_list
with statement_list : Set :=
| statement_nil : statement_list
| statement_cons : statement -> statement_list -> statement_list
with catch_list : Set :=
| catch_nil : catch_list
| catch_cons : catch -> catch_list -> catch_list
with variable_declaration_list : Set :=
| variable_declaration_nil : variable_declaration_list
| variable_declaration_cons : nat -> variable_declaration_list -> variable_declaration_list
with dart_type_list : Set :=
| dart_type_nil : dart_type_list
| dart_type_cons : dart_type -> dart_type_list -> dart_type_list
with dart_type_option : Set :=
| dart_type_none : dart_type_option
| dart_type_some : dart_type -> dart_type_option
with named_type_list : Set :=
| named_type_nil : named_type_list
| named_type_cons : named_type -> named_type_list -> named_type_list
with type_parameter_list : Set :=
| type_parameter_nil : type_parameter_list
| type_parameter_cons : nat -> type_parameter_list -> type_parameter_list
with supertype_list : Set :=
| supertype_nil : supertype_list
| supertype_cons : supertype -> supertype_list -> supertype_list
with supertype_option : Set :=
| supertype_none : supertype_option
| supertype_some : supertype -> supertype_option
Record ast_store : Type := Ast_Store {
r_refs : F.t reference;
ls_refs : F.t labeled_statement;
vd_refs : F.t variable_declaration;
tp_refs : F.t type_parameter;
Fixpoint named_node_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : named_node) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| NN_Library ST => library_validity ast ST
| NN_Class ST => class_validity ast ST
| NN_Member ST => member_validity ast ST
with named_node_data_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : named_node_data) {struct T}: Prop :=
match T with
| Named_Node f0 =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast)
with reference_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : reference) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Reference f0 =>
named_node_validity ast f0
with library_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : library) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Library f0 _ f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 =>
named_node_data_validity ast f0 /\
library_dependency_list_validity ast f1 /\
reference_list_validity ast f2 /\
class_list_validity ast f3 /\
procedure_list_validity ast f4 /\
field_list_validity ast f5
with library_dependency_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : library_dependency) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Library_Dependency f0 _ f1 =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast) /\
combinator_list_validity ast f1
with combinator_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : combinator) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Combinator _ _ =>
with class_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : class) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Class f0 _ _ f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 =>
named_node_data_validity ast f0 /\
type_parameter_list_validity ast f1 /\
supertype_option_validity ast f2 /\
supertype_option_validity ast f3 /\
supertype_list_validity ast f4 /\
field_list_validity ast f5 /\
constructor_list_validity ast f6 /\
procedure_list_validity ast f7 /\
interface_type_validity ast f8 /\
interface_type_validity ast f9 /\
interface_type_validity ast f10
with member_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : member) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| M_Field ST => field_validity ast ST
| M_Constructor ST => constructor_validity ast ST
| M_Procedure ST => procedure_validity ast ST
with member_data_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : member_data) {struct T}: Prop :=
match T with
| Member f0 f1 =>
named_node_data_validity ast f0 /\
name_validity ast f1
with field_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : field) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Field f0 f1 f2 f3 =>
member_data_validity ast f0 /\
named_node_data_validity ast f1 /\
dart_type_validity ast f2 /\
expression_option_validity ast f3
with constructor_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : constructor) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Constructor f0 f1 f2 f3 =>
member_data_validity ast f0 /\
named_node_data_validity ast f1 /\
function_node_validity ast f2 /\
initializer_list_validity ast f3
with procedure_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : procedure) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Procedure f0 f1 f2 f3 =>
member_data_validity ast f0 /\
named_node_data_validity ast f1 /\
procedure_kind_validity ast f2 /\
function_node_validity ast f3
with procedure_kind_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : procedure_kind) {struct T} : Prop := True
with initializer_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : initializer) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| I_Field_Initializer ST => field_initializer_validity ast ST
| I_Super_Initializer ST => super_initializer_validity ast ST
| I_Redirecting_Initializer ST => redirecting_initializer_validity ast ST
| I_Local_Initializer ST => local_initializer_validity ast ST
with field_initializer_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : field_initializer) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Field_Initializer f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast) /\
expression_validity ast f1
with super_initializer_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : super_initializer) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Super_Initializer f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast) /\
arguments_validity ast f1
with redirecting_initializer_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : redirecting_initializer) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Redirecting_Initializer f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast) /\
arguments_validity ast f1
with local_initializer_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : local_initializer) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Local_Initializer f0 =>
F.In f0 (vd_refs ast)
with function_node_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : function_node) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Function_Node f0 f1 _ f2 f3 f4 f5 =>
async_marker_validity ast f0 /\
type_parameter_list_validity ast f1 /\
variable_declaration_list_validity ast f2 /\
variable_declaration_list_validity ast f3 /\
dart_type_validity ast f4 /\
statement_validity ast f5
with async_marker_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : async_marker) {struct T} : Prop := True
with expression_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : expression) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| E_Variable_Get ST => variable_get_validity ast ST
| E_Variable_Set ST => variable_set_validity ast ST
| E_Property_Get ST => property_get_validity ast ST
| E_Property_Set ST => property_set_validity ast ST
| E_Direct_Property_Get ST => direct_property_get_validity ast ST
| E_Direct_Property_Set ST => direct_property_set_validity ast ST
| E_Super_Property_Get ST => super_property_get_validity ast ST
| E_Super_Property_Set ST => super_property_set_validity ast ST
| E_Static_Get ST => static_get_validity ast ST
| E_Static_Set ST => static_set_validity ast ST
| E_Invocation_Expression ST => invocation_expression_validity ast ST
| E_Not ST => not_validity ast ST
| E_Logical_Expression ST => logical_expression_validity ast ST
| E_Conditional_Expression ST => conditional_expression_validity ast ST
| E_Is_Expression ST => is_expression_validity ast ST
| E_As_Expression ST => as_expression_validity ast ST
| E_Basic_Literal ST => basic_literal_validity ast ST
| E_Type_Literal ST => type_literal_validity ast ST
| E_This_Expression ST => this_expression_validity ast ST
| E_Rethrow ST => rethrow_validity ast ST
| E_Throw ST => throw_validity ast ST
| E_Function_Expression ST => function_expression_validity ast ST
| E_Let ST => dart_let_validity ast ST
| E_Vector_Creation ST => vector_creation_validity ast ST
| E_Vector_Get ST => vector_get_validity ast ST
| E_Vector_Set ST => vector_set_validity ast ST
| E_Vector_Copy ST => vector_copy_validity ast ST
| E_Closure_Creation ST => closure_creation_validity ast ST
with variable_get_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : variable_get) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Variable_Get f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (vd_refs ast) /\
dart_type_option_validity ast f1
with variable_set_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : variable_set) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Variable_Set f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (vd_refs ast) /\
expression_validity ast f1
with property_get_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : property_get) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Property_Get f0 f1 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
name_validity ast f1
with property_set_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : property_set) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Property_Set f0 f1 f2 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
name_validity ast f1 /\
expression_validity ast f2
with direct_property_get_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : direct_property_get) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Direct_Property_Get f0 f1 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
F.In f1 (r_refs ast)
with direct_property_set_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : direct_property_set) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Direct_Property_Set f0 f1 f2 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
F.In f1 (r_refs ast) /\
expression_validity ast f2
with direct_method_invocation_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : direct_method_invocation) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Direct_Method_Invocation f0 f1 f2 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
F.In f1 (r_refs ast) /\
arguments_validity ast f2
with super_property_get_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : super_property_get) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Super_Property_Get f0 =>
name_validity ast f0
with super_property_set_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : super_property_set) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Super_Property_Set f0 f1 =>
name_validity ast f0 /\
expression_validity ast f1
with static_get_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : static_get) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Static_Get f0 =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast)
with static_set_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : static_set) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Static_Set f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast) /\
expression_validity ast f1
with arguments_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : arguments) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Arguments f0 f1 f2 =>
dart_type_list_validity ast f0 /\
expression_list_validity ast f1 /\
named_expression_list_validity ast f2
with named_expression_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : named_expression) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Named_Expression _ f0 =>
expression_validity ast f0
with invocation_expression_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : invocation_expression) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| IE_Direct_Method_Invocation ST => direct_method_invocation_validity ast ST
| IE_Method_Invocation ST => method_invocation_validity ast ST
| IE_Super_Method_Invocation ST => super_method_invocation_validity ast ST
| IE_Static_Invocation ST => static_invocation_validity ast ST
| IE_Constructor_Invocation ST => constructor_invocation_validity ast ST
with method_invocation_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : method_invocation) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Method_Invocation f0 f1 f2 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
name_validity ast f1 /\
arguments_validity ast f2
with super_method_invocation_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : super_method_invocation) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Super_Method_Invocation f0 f1 =>
name_validity ast f0 /\
arguments_validity ast f1
with static_invocation_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : static_invocation) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Static_Invocation f0 f1 _ =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast) /\
arguments_validity ast f1
with constructor_invocation_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : constructor_invocation) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Constructor_Invocation f0 f1 _ =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast) /\
arguments_validity ast f1
with not_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : not) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Not f0 =>
expression_validity ast f0
with logical_expression_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : logical_expression) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Logical_Expression f0 _ f1 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
expression_validity ast f1
with conditional_expression_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : conditional_expression) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Conditional_Expression f0 f1 f2 f3 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
expression_validity ast f1 /\
expression_validity ast f2 /\
dart_type_validity ast f3
with is_expression_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : is_expression) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Is_Expression f0 f1 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
dart_type_validity ast f1
with as_expression_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : as_expression) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| As_Expression f0 f1 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
dart_type_validity ast f1
with basic_literal_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : basic_literal) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| BL_Bool_Literal ST => bool_literal_validity ast ST
| BL_Null_Literal ST => null_literal_validity ast ST
with bool_literal_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : bool_literal) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Bool_Literal _ =>
with null_literal_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : null_literal) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Null_Literal =>
with type_literal_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : type_literal) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Type_Literal f0 =>
dart_type_validity ast f0
with this_expression_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : this_expression) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| This_Expression =>
with rethrow_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : rethrow) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Rethrow =>
with throw_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : throw) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Throw f0 =>
expression_validity ast f0
with function_expression_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : function_expression) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Function_Expression f0 =>
function_node_validity ast f0
with dart_let_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : dart_let) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Let f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (vd_refs ast) /\
expression_validity ast f1
with vector_creation_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : vector_creation) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Vector_Creation _ =>
with vector_get_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : vector_get) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Vector_Get f0 _ =>
expression_validity ast f0
with vector_set_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : vector_set) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Vector_Set f0 _ f1 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
expression_validity ast f1
with vector_copy_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : vector_copy) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Vector_Copy f0 =>
expression_validity ast f0
with closure_creation_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : closure_creation) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Closure_Creation f0 f1 f2 f3 =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast) /\
expression_validity ast f1 /\
function_type_validity ast f2 /\
dart_type_list_validity ast f3
with statement_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : statement) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| S_Expression_Statement ST => expression_statement_validity ast ST
| S_Block ST => block_validity ast ST
| S_Empty_Statement ST => empty_statement_validity ast ST
| S_Labeled_Statement ST => labeled_statement_validity ast ST
| S_Break_Statement ST => break_statement_validity ast ST
| S_While_Statement ST => while_statement_validity ast ST
| S_Do_Statement ST => do_statement_validity ast ST
| S_For_Statement ST => for_statement_validity ast ST
| S_If_Statement ST => if_statement_validity ast ST
| S_Return_Statement ST => return_statement_validity ast ST
| S_Try_Catch ST => try_catch_validity ast ST
| S_Try_Finally ST => try_finally_validity ast ST
| S_Variable_Declaration ST => variable_declaration_validity ast ST
| S_Function_Declaration ST => function_declaration_validity ast ST
with expression_statement_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : expression_statement) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Expression_Statement f0 =>
expression_validity ast f0
with block_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : block) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Block f0 =>
statement_list_validity ast f0
with empty_statement_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : empty_statement) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Empty_Statement =>
with labeled_statement_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : labeled_statement) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Labeled_Statement f0 =>
statement_validity ast f0
with break_statement_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : break_statement) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Break_Statement f0 =>
F.In f0 (ls_refs ast)
with while_statement_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : while_statement) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| While_Statement f0 f1 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
statement_validity ast f1
with do_statement_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : do_statement) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Do_Statement f0 f1 =>
statement_validity ast f0 /\
expression_validity ast f1
with for_statement_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : for_statement) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| For_Statement f0 f1 f2 f3 =>
variable_declaration_list_validity ast f0 /\
expression_validity ast f1 /\
expression_list_validity ast f2 /\
statement_validity ast f3
with if_statement_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : if_statement) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| If_Statement f0 f1 f2 =>
expression_validity ast f0 /\
statement_validity ast f1 /\
statement_validity ast f2
with return_statement_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : return_statement) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Return_Statement f0 =>
expression_validity ast f0
with try_catch_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : try_catch) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Try_Catch f0 f1 =>
statement_validity ast f0 /\
catch_list_validity ast f1
with catch_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : catch) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Catch f0 f1 f2 =>
dart_type_validity ast f0 /\
F.In f1 (vd_refs ast) /\
statement_validity ast f2
with try_finally_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : try_finally) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Try_Finally f0 f1 =>
statement_validity ast f0 /\
statement_validity ast f1
with variable_declaration_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : variable_declaration) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Variable_Declaration _ f0 f1 =>
dart_type_validity ast f0 /\
expression_option_validity ast f1
with function_declaration_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : function_declaration) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Function_Declaration f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (vd_refs ast) /\
function_node_validity ast f1
with name_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : name) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| N__Private_Name ST => _private_name_validity ast ST
| N__Public_Name ST => _public_name_validity ast ST
with name_data_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : name_data) {struct T}: Prop :=
match T with
| Name _ =>
with _private_name_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : _private_name) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| _Private_Name f0 f1 =>
name_data_validity ast f0 /\
F.In f1 (r_refs ast)
with _public_name_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : _public_name) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| _Public_Name f0 =>
name_data_validity ast f0
with dart_type_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : dart_type) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| DT_Dynamic_Type ST => dynamic_type_validity ast ST
| DT_Void_Type ST => void_type_validity ast ST
| DT_Bottom_Type ST => bottom_type_validity ast ST
| DT_Interface_Type ST => interface_type_validity ast ST
| DT_Vector_Type ST => vector_type_validity ast ST
| DT_Function_Type ST => function_type_validity ast ST
| DT_Type_Parameter_Type ST => type_parameter_type_validity ast ST
with dynamic_type_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : dynamic_type) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Dynamic_Type =>
with void_type_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : void_type) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Void_Type =>
with bottom_type_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : bottom_type) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Bottom_Type =>
with interface_type_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : interface_type) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Interface_Type f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast) /\
dart_type_list_validity ast f1
with vector_type_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : vector_type) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Vector_Type =>
with function_type_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : function_type) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Function_Type f0 f1 f2 f3 =>
type_parameter_list_validity ast f0 /\
dart_type_list_validity ast f1 /\
named_type_list_validity ast f2 /\
dart_type_validity ast f3
with named_type_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : named_type) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Named_Type _ f0 =>
dart_type_validity ast f0
with type_parameter_type_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : type_parameter_type) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Type_Parameter_Type f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (tp_refs ast) /\
dart_type_option_validity ast f1
with type_parameter_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : type_parameter) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Type_Parameter _ f0 =>
dart_type_validity ast f0
with supertype_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : supertype) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Supertype f0 f1 =>
F.In f0 (r_refs ast) /\
dart_type_list_validity ast f1
with program_validity (ast : ast_store) (T : program) {struct T} : Prop :=
match T with
| Program f0 f1 =>
library_list_validity ast f0 /\
F.In f1 (r_refs ast)
with reference_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : reference_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| reference_nil => True
| reference_cons X XS => F.In X (r_refs ast) /\ reference_list_validity ast XS
with library_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : library_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| library_nil => True
| library_cons X XS => library_validity ast X /\ library_list_validity ast XS
with library_dependency_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : library_dependency_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| library_dependency_nil => True
| library_dependency_cons X XS => library_dependency_validity ast X /\ library_dependency_list_validity ast XS
with combinator_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : combinator_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| combinator_nil => True
| combinator_cons X XS => combinator_validity ast X /\ combinator_list_validity ast XS
with class_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : class_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| class_nil => True
| class_cons X XS => class_validity ast X /\ class_list_validity ast XS
with field_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : field_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| field_nil => True
| field_cons X XS => field_validity ast X /\ field_list_validity ast XS
with constructor_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : constructor_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| constructor_nil => True
| constructor_cons X XS => constructor_validity ast X /\ constructor_list_validity ast XS
with procedure_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : procedure_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| procedure_nil => True
| procedure_cons X XS => procedure_validity ast X /\ procedure_list_validity ast XS
with procedure_kind_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : procedure_kind_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| procedure_kind_nil => True
| procedure_kind_cons X XS => procedure_kind_validity ast X /\ procedure_kind_list_validity ast XS
with initializer_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : initializer_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| initializer_nil => True
| initializer_cons X XS => initializer_validity ast X /\ initializer_list_validity ast XS
with async_marker_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : async_marker_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| async_marker_nil => True
| async_marker_cons X XS => async_marker_validity ast X /\ async_marker_list_validity ast XS
with expression_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : expression_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| expression_nil => True
| expression_cons X XS => expression_validity ast X /\ expression_list_validity ast XS
with expression_option_validity (ast : ast_store) (O : expression_option) {struct O} : Prop :=
match O with
| expression_none => True
| expression_some X => expression_validity ast X
with named_expression_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : named_expression_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| named_expression_nil => True
| named_expression_cons X XS => named_expression_validity ast X /\ named_expression_list_validity ast XS
with statement_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : statement_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| statement_nil => True
| statement_cons X XS => statement_validity ast X /\ statement_list_validity ast XS
with catch_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : catch_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| catch_nil => True
| catch_cons X XS => catch_validity ast X /\ catch_list_validity ast XS
with variable_declaration_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : variable_declaration_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| variable_declaration_nil => True
| variable_declaration_cons X XS => F.In X (vd_refs ast) /\ variable_declaration_list_validity ast XS
with dart_type_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : dart_type_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| dart_type_nil => True
| dart_type_cons X XS => dart_type_validity ast X /\ dart_type_list_validity ast XS
with dart_type_option_validity (ast : ast_store) (O : dart_type_option) {struct O} : Prop :=
match O with
| dart_type_none => True
| dart_type_some X => dart_type_validity ast X
with named_type_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : named_type_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| named_type_nil => True
| named_type_cons X XS => named_type_validity ast X /\ named_type_list_validity ast XS
with type_parameter_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : type_parameter_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| type_parameter_nil => True
| type_parameter_cons X XS => F.In X (tp_refs ast) /\ type_parameter_list_validity ast XS
with supertype_list_validity (ast : ast_store) (L : supertype_list) {struct L} : Prop :=
match L with
| supertype_nil => True
| supertype_cons X XS => supertype_validity ast X /\ supertype_list_validity ast XS
with supertype_option_validity (ast : ast_store) (O : supertype_option) {struct O} : Prop :=
match O with
| supertype_none => True
| supertype_some X => supertype_validity ast X
Definition ast_store_validity (ast : ast_store) : Prop :=
forall (n : nat), forall (X : reference), F.MapsTo n X (r_refs ast) -> reference_validity ast X /\
forall (n : nat), forall (X : labeled_statement), F.MapsTo n X (ls_refs ast) -> labeled_statement_validity ast X /\
forall (n : nat), forall (X : variable_declaration), F.MapsTo n X (vd_refs ast) -> variable_declaration_validity ast X /\
forall (n : nat), forall (X : type_parameter), F.MapsTo n X (tp_refs ast) -> type_parameter_validity ast X