blob: d99b0633ed06d6bdf2110c5948f759aaebf95dec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
import 'package:front_end/src/base/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/dependency_walker.dart' as dependencyWalker;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_shadow_ast.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/problems.dart' show unhandled;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_inference_listener.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_inferrer.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart'
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart';
import '../deprecated_problems.dart' show Crash;
import '../messages.dart' show getLocationFromNode;
/// Data structure for tracking dependencies among fields, getters, and setters
/// that require type inference.
/// TODO(paulberry): see if it's possible to make this class more lightweight
/// by changing the API so that the walker is passed to computeDependencies().
/// (This should allow us to drop the _typeInferenceEngine field).
class AccessorNode extends dependencyWalker.Node<AccessorNode> {
final TypeInferenceEngineImpl _typeInferenceEngine;
final ShadowMember member;
bool isImmediatelyEvident = false;
InferenceState state = InferenceState.NotInferredYet;
/// If [state] is [InferenceState.Inferring], and type inference for this
/// accessor is waiting on type inference of some other accessor, the accessor
/// that is being waited on.
/// Otherwise `null`.
AccessorNode currentDependency;
final overrides = <Member>[];
final crossOverrides = <Member>[];
AccessorNode(this._typeInferenceEngine, this.member);
List<Member> get candidateOverrides {
if (isTrivialSetter) {
return const [];
} else if (overrides.isNotEmpty) {
return overrides;
} else {
return crossOverrides;
bool get isEvaluated => state == InferenceState.Inferred;
/// Indicates whether this accessor is a setter for which the only type we
/// have to infer is its return type.
bool get isTrivialSetter {
var member = this.member;
if (member is ShadowProcedure &&
member.isSetter &&
member.function != null) {
var parameters = member.function.positionalParameters;
return parameters.length > 0 &&
return false;
List<AccessorNode> computeDependencies() {
return _typeInferenceEngine.computeAccessorDependencies(this);
String toString() => member.toString();
/// Enum tracking the type inference state of an accessor or method.
enum InferenceState {
/// The accessor or method's type has not been inferred yet.
/// Type inference is in progress for the accessor or method.
/// This means that code is currently on the stack which is attempting to
/// determine the type of the accessor or method.
/// The accessor or method's type has been inferred.
/// Data structure for tracking dependencies among methods that require type
/// inference.
class MethodNode {
final ShadowProcedure procedure;
InferenceState state = InferenceState.NotInferredYet;
final overrides = <Procedure>[];
String toString() => procedure.toString();
/// Keeps track of the global state for the type inference that occurs outside
/// of method bodies and initializers.
/// This class describes the interface for use by clients of type inference
/// (e.g. DietListener). Derived classes should derive from
/// [TypeInferenceEngineImpl].
abstract class TypeInferenceEngine {
ClassHierarchy get classHierarchy;
CoreTypes get coreTypes;
/// Annotates the formal parameters of any methods in [cls] to indicate the
/// circumstances in which they require runtime type checks.
void computeFormalSafety(Class cls);
/// Creates a disabled type inferrer (intended for debugging and profiling
/// only).
TypeInferrer createDisabledTypeInferrer();
/// Creates a type inferrer for use inside of a method body declared in a file
/// with the given [uri].
TypeInferrer createLocalTypeInferrer(
Uri uri, TypeInferenceListener listener, InterfaceType thisType);
/// Creates a [TypeInferrer] object which is ready to perform type inference
/// on the given [field].
TypeInferrer createTopLevelTypeInferrer(TypeInferenceListener listener,
InterfaceType thisType, ShadowMember member);
/// Performs the second phase of top level initializer inference, which is to
/// visit all accessors and top level variables that were passed to
/// [recordAccessor] in topologically-sorted order and assign their types.
void finishTopLevel();
/// Gets ready to do top level type inference for the program having the given
/// [hierarchy], using the given [coreTypes].
void prepareTopLevel(CoreTypes coreTypes, ClassHierarchy hierarchy);
/// Records that the given initializing [formal] will need top level type
/// inference.
void recordInitializingFormal(ShadowVariableDeclaration formal);
/// Records that the given [member] will need top level type inference.
void recordMember(ShadowMember member);
/// Derived class containing generic implementations of
/// [TypeInferenceEngineImpl].
/// This class contains as much of the implementation of type inference as
/// possible without knowing the identity of the type parameter. It defers to
/// abstract methods for everything else.
abstract class TypeInferenceEngineImpl extends TypeInferenceEngine {
/// Enables "expanded top level inference", which allows top level inference
/// to support all expressions, not just those defined as "immediately
/// evident" by
static const bool expandedTopLevelInference = true;
/// Enables "fused top level inference", which fuses dependency collection and
/// type inference of a field into a single step (a dependency is detected at
/// the time type inference attempts to read the depended-upon type, and this
/// triggers a recursive evaluation of the depended-upon type).
/// This avoids some unnecessary dependencies, since we now know for sure
/// whether a dependency will be needed at the time we evaluate it.
/// Requires [expandedTopLevelInference] to be `true`.
static const bool fusedTopLevelInference = true;
/// Enables "full top level inference", which allows a top level or static
/// field's inferred type to depend on the type of an instance field (provided
/// there are no circular dependencies).
/// Requires [fusedTopLevelInference] to be `true`.
static const bool fullTopLevelInference = true;
final Instrumentation instrumentation;
final bool strongMode;
final accessorNodes = <AccessorNode>[];
final methodNodes = <MethodNode>[];
final initializingFormals = <ShadowVariableDeclaration>[];
CoreTypes coreTypes;
ClassHierarchy classHierarchy;
TypeSchemaEnvironment typeSchemaEnvironment;
TypeInferenceEngineImpl(this.instrumentation, this.strongMode);
/// Computes type inference dependencies for the given [accessorNode].
List<AccessorNode> computeAccessorDependencies(AccessorNode accessorNode) {
// If the accessor's type is going to be determined by inheritance, then its
// dependencies are determined by inheritance too.
var candidateOverrides = accessorNode.candidateOverrides;
if (candidateOverrides.isNotEmpty) {
var dependencies = <AccessorNode>[];
for (var override in candidateOverrides) {
var dep = ShadowMember.getAccessorNode(override);
if (dep != null) dependencies.add(dep);
accessorNode.isImmediatelyEvident = true;
return dependencies;
// Otherwise its dependencies are based on the initializer expression.
var member = accessorNode.member;
if (member is ShadowField) {
if (expandedTopLevelInference) {
// In expanded top level inference, we determine the dependencies by
// doing a "dry run" of top level inference and recording which static
// fields were accessed.
var typeInferrer = getMemberTypeInferrer(member);
if (typeInferrer == null) {
// This can happen when there are errors in the field declaration.
return const [];
} else {
typeInferrer.inferFieldTopLevel(member, null, true);
accessorNode.isImmediatelyEvident = true;
return typeInferrer.finishDryRun();
} else {
// In non-expanded top level inference, we determine the dependencies by
// calling `collectDependencies`; as a side effect this flags any
// expressions that are not "immediately evident".
// TODO(paulberry): get rid of this mode once we are sure we no longer
// need it.
var collector = new ShadowDependencyCollector();
accessorNode.isImmediatelyEvident = collector.isImmediatelyEvident;
return collector.dependencies;
} else {
// Member is a getter/setter that doesn't override anything, so we can't
// infer a type for it; therefore it has no dependencies.
return const [];
void computeFormalSafety(Class cls) {
// If any method in the class has a formal parameter whose type depends on
// one of the class's type parameters, then there may be a mismatch between
// the type guarantee made by the caller and the type guarantee expected by
// the callee. For instance, consider the code:
// class A<T> {
// foo(List<T> argument) {}
// }
// void bar(A<num> a, List<num> l) {
// }
// At the call site (in `bar`), the type system guarantees that the
// value passed to `foo` will be an instance of `List<num>`. But since
// the reified type of `a` at runtime might be a subtype of `A<num>`,
// such as `A<int>`, this is not a sufficient guarantee to ensure
// soundness. Therefore the type of the argument will have to be
// checked at runtime (unless the back end can prove the check is
// unnecessary, e.g. through whole program analysis).
// To determine whether the check is necessary, we compute a worst case
// "pessimistic type" for the formal parameter by substituting Bottom
// for all of the class's type parameters--in the example above that
// results in `List<Bottom>`. This represents the type that the formal
// would have if the reified type of the receiver were the narrowest
// possible. If the declared type of the formal is not a subtype of the
// pessimistic type, that means that the type guarantee made by the
// caller may not be sufficient to ensure soundness in the callee, so
// a runtime type check is needed. We mark this by annotating the
// parameter as "semi-safe".
if (cls.typeParameters.isEmpty) return;
var pessimization = Substitution.fromPairs(cls.typeParameters,
new List.filled(cls.typeParameters.length, const BottomType()));
for (var procedure in cls.procedures) {
if (procedure.isStatic) continue;
void compute(VariableDeclaration formal) {
var pessimisticType = pessimization.substituteType(formal.type);
if (!typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(formal.type, pessimisticType)) {
formal.formalSafety = FormalSafety.semiSafe;
instrumentation?.record(Uri.parse(cls.fileUri), formal.fileOffset,
'checkFormal', new InstrumentationValueLiteral('semiSafe'));
instrumentation?.record(Uri.parse(cls.fileUri), formal.fileOffset,
'checkInterface', new InstrumentationValueLiteral('semiTyped'));
/// Creates an [AccessorNode] to track dependencies of the given [member].
AccessorNode createAccessorNode(ShadowMember member);
/// Creates a [MethodNode] to track dependencies of the given [procedure].
MethodNode createMethodNode(ShadowProcedure procedure);
void finishTopLevel() {
for (var methodNode in methodNodes) {
for (var accessorNode in accessorNodes) {
if (fusedTopLevelInference) {
inferAccessorFused(accessorNode, null);
} else {
if (accessorNode.isEvaluated) continue;
new _AccessorWalker().walk(accessorNode);
for (ShadowVariableDeclaration formal in initializingFormals) {
try {
formal.type = _inferInitializingFormalType(formal);
} catch (e, s) {
Location location = getLocationFromNode(formal);
if (location == null) {
} else {
throw new Crash(Uri.parse(location.file), formal.fileOffset, e, s);
/// Retrieve the [TypeInferrer] for the given [member], which was created by
/// a previous call to [createTopLevelTypeInferrer].
TypeInferrerImpl getMemberTypeInferrer(ShadowMember member);
/// Performs type inference on the given [accessorNode].
void inferAccessor(AccessorNode accessorNode) {
assert(accessorNode.state == InferenceState.NotInferredYet);
accessorNode.state = InferenceState.Inferring;
var member = accessorNode.member;
if (strongMode) {
var typeInferrer = getMemberTypeInferrer(member);
if (member is ShadowProcedure && member.isSetter) {
ShadowProcedure.inferSetterReturnType(member, this, typeInferrer.uri);
if (!accessorNode.isTrivialSetter) {
var inferredType = tryInferAccessorByInheritance(accessorNode);
if (inferredType == null) {
if (member is ShadowField) {
typeInferrer.isImmediatelyEvident = true;
inferredType = accessorNode.isImmediatelyEvident
? typeInferrer.inferDeclarationType(
typeInferrer.inferFieldTopLevel(member, null, true))
: const DynamicType();
if (!typeInferrer.isImmediatelyEvident) {
inferredType = const DynamicType();
} else {
inferredType = const DynamicType();
if (accessorNode.state == InferenceState.Inferred) {
// A circularity must have been detected; at the time it was detected,
// inference for this node was completed.
member.setInferredType(this, typeInferrer.uri, inferredType);
accessorNode.state = InferenceState.Inferred;
// TODO(paulberry): if type != null, then check that the type of the
// initializer is assignable to it.
// TODO(paulberry): the following is a hack so that outlines don't contain
// initializers. But it means that we rebuild the initializers when doing
// a full compile. There should be a better way.
if (member is ShadowField) {
member.initializer = null;
/// Makes a note that the given [accessorNode] is part of a circularity, so
/// its type can't be inferred.
void inferAccessorCircular(AccessorNode accessorNode) {
var member = accessorNode.member;
// TODO(paulberry): report the appropriate error.
var uri = getMemberTypeInferrer(member).uri;
accessorNode.state = InferenceState.Inferred;
member.setInferredType(this, uri, const DynamicType());
// TODO(paulberry): the following is a hack so that outlines don't contain
// initializers. But it means that we rebuild the initializers when doing
// a full compile. There should be a better way.
if (member is ShadowField) {
member.initializer = null;
/// Performs fused type inference on the given [accessorNode].
void inferAccessorFused(AccessorNode accessorNode, AccessorNode dependant) {
switch (accessorNode.state) {
case InferenceState.Inferred:
// Already inferred. Nothing to do.
case InferenceState.Inferring:
// An accessor depends on itself (possibly by way of intermediate
// accessors). Mark all accessors involved as circular and infer a type
// of `dynamic` for them.
var node = accessorNode;
while (node != null) {
var nextNode = node.currentDependency;
node.currentDependency = null;
node = nextNode;
case InferenceState.NotInferredYet:
// Mark the "dependant" accessor (if any) as depending on this one, and
// invoke accessor inference for this node.
dependant?.currentDependency = accessorNode;
// All accessors are "immediately evident" when doing fused inference.
accessorNode.isImmediatelyEvident = true;
dependant?.currentDependency = null;
/// Performs type inference on the given [methodNode].
void inferMethodIfNeeded(MethodNode methodNode) {
switch (methodNode.state) {
case InferenceState.Inferred:
// Already inferred. Nothing to do.
case InferenceState.Inferring:
// An method depends on itself (possibly by way of intermediate
// methods). This should never happen, because it would require a
// circular class hierarchy (which Fasta prevents).
dynamic parent = methodNode.procedure.parent;
unhandled("Circular method inference", "inferMethodIfNeeded",
methodNode.procedure.fileOffset, Uri.parse(parent.fileUri));
case InferenceState.NotInferredYet:
methodNode.state = InferenceState.Inferring;
methodNode.state = InferenceState.Inferred;
void prepareTopLevel(CoreTypes coreTypes, ClassHierarchy hierarchy) {
this.coreTypes = coreTypes;
this.classHierarchy = hierarchy;
this.typeSchemaEnvironment =
new TypeSchemaEnvironment(coreTypes, hierarchy, strongMode);
void recordInitializingFormal(ShadowVariableDeclaration formal) {
void recordMember(ShadowMember member) {
if (member is ShadowProcedure && !member.isGetter && !member.isSetter) {
} else {
DartType tryInferAccessorByInheritance(AccessorNode accessorNode) {
DartType inferredType;
for (var override in accessorNode.candidateOverrides) {
var nextInferredType =
_computeOverriddenAccessorType(override, accessorNode);
if (inferredType == null) {
inferredType = nextInferredType;
} else if (inferredType != nextInferredType) {
// Overrides don't have matching types.
// TODO(paulberry): report an error
return const DynamicType();
return inferredType;
List<FunctionType> _computeMethodOverriddenTypes(MethodNode methodNode) {
var overriddenTypes = <FunctionType>[];
for (var override in methodNode.overrides) {
MethodNode overrideNode = ShadowProcedure.getMethodNode(override);
if (overrideNode != null) {
if (override.function == null) {
// This can happen if there are errors. Just skip this override.
var overriddenType = override.function.functionType;
var superclass = override.enclosingClass;
if (!superclass.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
var thisClass = methodNode.procedure.enclosingClass;
var superclassInstantiation = classHierarchy
.getClassAsInstanceOf(thisClass, superclass)
overriddenType = Substitution
var methodTypeParameters = methodNode.procedure.function.typeParameters;
if (overriddenType.typeParameters.length != methodTypeParameters.length) {
// Generic arity mismatch. Don't do any inference for this method.
// TODO(paulberry): report an error.
return <FunctionType>[];
} else if (overriddenType.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
var substitutionMap = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < methodTypeParameters.length; i++) {
substitutionMap[overriddenType.typeParameters[i]] =
new TypeParameterType(methodTypeParameters[i]);
overriddenType = substituteTypeParams(
overriddenType, substitutionMap, methodTypeParameters);
return overriddenTypes;
DartType _computeOverriddenAccessorType(
Member override, AccessorNode accessorNode) {
if (fusedTopLevelInference) {
AccessorNode dependency = ShadowMember.getAccessorNode(override);
if (dependency != null) {
inferAccessorFused(dependency, accessorNode);
DartType overriddenType;
if (override is Field) {
overriddenType = override.type;
} else if (override is Procedure) {
// TODO(paulberry): handle the case where override needs its type
// inferred first.
if (override.isGetter) {
overriddenType = override.getterType;
} else {
overriddenType = override.setterType;
} else {
dynamic parent = override.parent;
return unhandled(
var superclass = override.enclosingClass;
if (superclass.typeParameters.isEmpty) return overriddenType;
var thisClass = accessorNode.member.enclosingClass;
var superclassInstantiation = classHierarchy
.getClassAsInstanceOf(thisClass, superclass)
return Substitution
DartType _inferInitializingFormalType(ShadowVariableDeclaration formal) {
var enclosingClass = formal.parent?.parent?.parent;
if (enclosingClass is Class) {
for (var field in enclosingClass.fields) {
if ( == {
return field.type;
// No matching field, or something else has gone wrong (e.g. initializing
// formal outside of a class declaration). The error should be reported
// elsewhere, so just infer `dynamic`.
return const DynamicType();
void _inferMethod(MethodNode methodNode) {
var typeInferrer = getMemberTypeInferrer(methodNode.procedure);
// First collect types of overridden methods
var overriddenTypes = _computeMethodOverriddenTypes(methodNode);
// Now infer types.
DartType matchTypes(Iterable<DartType> types) {
if (!strongMode) return const DynamicType();
var iterator = types.iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
// No overridden types. Infer `dynamic`.
return const DynamicType();
var inferredType = iterator.current;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
if (inferredType != iterator.current) {
// TODO(paulberry): Types don't match. Report an error.
return const DynamicType();
return inferredType;
if (ShadowProcedure.hasImplicitReturnType(methodNode.procedure)) {
var inferredType =
matchTypes( => type.returnType));
new InstrumentationValueForType(inferredType));
methodNode.procedure.function.returnType = inferredType;
var positionalParameters =
for (int i = 0; i < positionalParameters.length; i++) {
if (ShadowVariableDeclaration
.isImplicitlyTyped(positionalParameters[i])) {
// Note that if the parameter is not present in the overridden method,
// getPositionalParameterType treats it as dynamic. This is consistent
// with the behavior called for in the informal top level type inference
// spec, which says:
// If there is no corresponding parameter position in the overridden
// method to infer from and the signatures are compatible, it is
// treated as dynamic (e.g. overriding a one parameter method with a
// method that takes a second optional parameter). Note: if there
// is no corresponding parameter position in the overriden method to
// infer from and the signatures are incompatible (e.g. overriding a
// one parameter method with a method that takes a second
// non-optional parameter), the inference result is not defined and
// tools are free to either emit an error, or to defer the error to
// override checking.
var inferredType = matchTypes( => getPositionalParameterType(type, i)));
new InstrumentationValueForType(inferredType));
positionalParameters[i].type = inferredType;
var namedParameters = methodNode.procedure.function.namedParameters;
for (int i = 0; i < namedParameters.length; i++) {
if (ShadowVariableDeclaration.isImplicitlyTyped(namedParameters[i])) {
var name = namedParameters[i].name;
var inferredType = matchTypes( => getNamedParameterType(type, name)));
new InstrumentationValueForType(inferredType));
namedParameters[i].type = inferredType;
/// Subtype of [dependencyWalker.DependencyWalker] which is specialized to
/// perform top level type inference.
class _AccessorWalker extends dependencyWalker.DependencyWalker<AccessorNode> {
void evaluate(AccessorNode f) {
void evaluateScc(List<AccessorNode> scc) {
// Mark every accessor as part of a circularity.
for (var f in scc) {