blob: 5c63ca1dfc266914a28c9668bd1db9bb05ab043c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.mirrors_nsm_mistatch;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'mirrors_nsm_test.dart';
topLevelMethod({missing}) {}
class C {
factory C.redirecting({missing}) = C.constructor;
static staticMethod({missing}) {}
instanceMethod({missing}) {}
main() {
var mirrors = currentMirrorSystem();
var libMirror = mirrors.findLibrary(#test.mirrors_nsm_mistatch);
expectMatchingErrors(() => libMirror.invoke(#topLevelMethod, [], {#extra: 1}),
() => topLevelMethod(extra: 1));
expectMatchingErrors(() => libMirror.invoke(#topLevelMethod, ['positional']),
() => topLevelMethod('positional'));
var classMirror = reflectClass(C);
expectMatchingErrors(() => classMirror.newInstance(#constructor, [],
{#extra: 1}),
() => new C.constructor(extra: 1));
expectMatchingErrors(() => classMirror.newInstance(#redirecting, [],
{#extra: 1}),
() => new C.redirecting(extra: 1));
expectMatchingErrors(() => classMirror.invoke(#staticMethod, [],
{#extra: 1}),
() => C.staticMethod(extra: 1));
expectMatchingErrors(() => classMirror.newInstance(#constructor,
() => new C.constructor('positional'));
expectMatchingErrors(() => classMirror.newInstance(#redirecting,
() => new C.redirecting('positional'));
expectMatchingErrors(() => classMirror.invoke(#staticMethod,
() => C.staticMethod('positional'));
var instanceMirror = reflect(new C.constructor());
expectMatchingErrors(() => instanceMirror.invoke(#instanceMethod, [],
{#extra: 1}),
() => instanceMirror.reflectee.instanceMethod(extra: 1));
expectMatchingErrors(() => instanceMirror.invoke(#instanceMethod,
() => instanceMirror.reflectee