blob: 83ffd7b3d1b02f56293f7913b14ef7cd259fdda3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Second dart test program.
// VMOptions=--optimization-counter-threshold=5
import "dart:mirrors";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class BadInherit
extends Null /// 01: compile-time error
implements Null /// 02: compile-time error
extends Object with Null /// 03: compile-time error
class EqualsNotCalled {
int get hashCode => throw "And don't warn!";
bool operator==(Object other) {
class Generic<T> {
bool test(o) => o is T;
T cast(o) => o as T;
Type get type => T;
class Generic2<T, S> {
bool test(o) => new Generic<T>().test(o);
T cast(o) => new Generic<T>().cast(o);
Type get type => new Generic<T>().type;
// Magic incantation to avoid the compiler recognizing the constant values
// at compile time. If the result is computed at compile time, the dynamic code
// will not be tested.
confuse(x) {
try {
if (new == 42) x = 42;
throw [x];
} on dynamic catch (e) { return e[0]; }
return 42;
void main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
void test() {
new BadInherit(); // Make sure class is referenced.
int foo(var obj) {
Expect.equals(null, obj);
bool compareToNull(var value) {
return null == value;
bool compareWithNull(var value) {
return value == null;
var val = 1;
var obj = confuse(null); // Null value that isn't known at compile-time.
Expect.isTrue(identical(obj, null), "identical");
Expect.isTrue(null == null);
Expect.isTrue(null == obj);
Expect.isTrue(obj == null);
Expect.isTrue(obj == obj);
// Using == null or null == will not call any equality method.
Expect.isFalse(new EqualsNotCalled() == null);
Expect.isFalse(null == new EqualsNotCalled());
Expect.isFalse(new EqualsNotCalled() == obj);
Expect.isFalse(obj == new EqualsNotCalled());
Expect.isFalse(null == false);
Expect.isFalse(null == 0);
Expect.isFalse(null == "");
Expect.isFalse(null == []);
Expect.isFalse(null == 0.0);
Expect.isFalse(null == -0.0);
Expect.isFalse(null == double.NAN);
Expect.isFalse(obj == false);
Expect.isFalse(obj == 0);
Expect.isFalse(obj == "");
Expect.isFalse(obj == []);
Expect.isFalse(obj == 0.0);
Expect.isFalse(obj == -0.0);
Expect.isFalse(obj == double.NAN);
// Explicit constant expressions.
const t1 = null == null;
const t2 = null == 0;
const t3 = false == null;
if (obj != null) {
} else {
// Test "is" operator.
Expect.isTrue(null is Null);
Expect.isTrue(obj is Null);
Expect.isTrue(null is Object);
Expect.isTrue(obj is Object);
Expect.isTrue(null is dynamic);
Expect.isTrue(obj is dynamic);
Expect.isFalse(null is String);
Expect.isFalse(obj is String);
Expect.isFalse(0 is Null); // It's only assignable.
Expect.isFalse(null is! Null);
Expect.isFalse(obj is! Null);
Expect.isFalse(null is! Object);
Expect.isFalse(obj is! Object);
Expect.isFalse(null is! dynamic);
Expect.isFalse(obj is! dynamic);
Expect.isTrue(null is! String);
Expect.isTrue(obj is! String);
Expect.isTrue(0 is! Null); // It's only assignable.
// Test "is" operator with generic type variable.
Expect.isTrue(new Generic<Null>().test(null));
Expect.isFalse(new Generic<Null>().test(42));
Expect.isTrue(new Generic2<Null, int>().test(null));
Expect.isFalse(new Generic2<Null, int>().test(42));
// Test cast, "as", operator.
Expect.equals(null, null as Null);
Expect.equals(null, null as Object);
Expect.equals(null, null as int);
Expect.throws(() => 42 as Null, (e) => e is CastError);
Expect.equals(null, new Generic<Null>().cast(null));
Expect.equals(null, new Generic<Object>().cast(null));
Expect.equals(null, new Generic<int>().cast(null));
Expect.equals(null, obj as Null);
Expect.equals(null, obj as Object);
Expect.equals(null, obj as int);
Expect.equals(null, new Generic<Null>().cast(obj));
Expect.equals(null, new Generic<Object>().cast(obj));
Expect.equals(null, new Generic<int>().cast(obj));
Expect.equals("null", null.toString());
Expect.equals("null", "${null}");
Expect.equals("null", obj.toString());
Expect.equals("null", "${obj}");
Expect.equals(Null, null.runtimeType);
Expect.equals(Null, obj.runtimeType);
Expect.equals(Null, new Generic<Null>().type);
Expect.equals(Null, new Generic2<Null, int>().type);
ClassMirror cm = reflectClass(Null);
InstanceMirror im1 = reflect(null);
Expect.equals(cm, im1.type);
Expect.isTrue(im1.invoke(const Symbol("=="), [null]).reflectee);
Expect.isFalse(im1.invoke(const Symbol("=="), [42]).reflectee);
InstanceMirror im2 = reflect(obj);
Expect.equals(cm, im2.type);
Expect.isTrue(im2.invoke(const Symbol("=="), [null]).reflectee);
Expect.isFalse(im2.invoke(const Symbol("=="), [42]).reflectee);
// Method/value extraction. The runtimeType was checked above, and operator==
// cannot be extracted.
// Currently fails in VM.
Expect.equals(null.toString, obj.toString);
Expect.equals(null.noSuchMethod, obj.noSuchMethod);
Expect.equals(null.hashCode, obj.hashCode);
var toString = null.toString;
Expect.equals("null", toString());
Expect.equals("null", Function.apply(toString, []));
Expect.throws(() => obj.notDeclared());
var noSuchMethod = null.noSuchMethod;
// Assing to "var" to prevent warning.
var capture = new CaptureInvocationMirror();
var mirror = capture.notDeclared();
Expect.throws(() => noSuchMethod(mirror));
Expect.throws(() => Function.apply(noSuchMethod, [mirror]));
class CaptureInvocationMirror {
noSuchMethod(mirror) => mirror;